A Pentatonic Kyrie for chorus (1990) |
A simple Kyrie acclamation for chorus (1990) |
Ach, Liebste lass uns eilen, madrigal (a 3) |
Ah, sweetheart let us hurry, madrigal (a 3) |
Aller Augen warten auf Dich, Herre for chorus (1990) |
Angele Dei for voice and continuo (2018) |
Ascendit Deus for choir SATB (2017) |
Ave Maria for two solo voices (alto and tenor) and guitar (1988) |
Ave Verum Corpus for chorus (2012) |
Beati qui lugent for chorus (2017) |
Bei stiller Nacht for chorus (2019) |
Cantate al Signore un cantico nuovo for two solo voices (alto and tenor) and guitar (2008) |
Christe, du bist der helle Tag for chorus (2014) |
Deutsches Magnificat for SAB + bc (1989) |
Fairest Lord Jesus for chorus (2008) |
From all that dwell below the skies for chorus (2008) |
God hear on my crying for (TT oder SS) und Basso Continuo (2010) |
Heilig ist unser Gott for chorus (1992) |
How bright appears the morning star for chorus (2013) |
In hoc cognoscent omnes for chorus (2014) |
Johannespassion for chorus (2014) |
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen all zugleich for chorus (1989) |
Magnificat alternatim trium vocum for SAT or ATB or SSA or TTB (2018) |
Magnificat peregrini toni for SABar or ATB or SSA |
Magnificat Secundi Toni a 2 (2012) |
Magnificat Sexti Toni a 3 (2012) |
Mandatum novum do vobis for chorus (2014) |
Maneant in vobis for chorus (2015) |
Mass in the International Language for AT or SA or TB + organ/guitar/piano |
Messe E-Dur for SAB + organ |
Messe für Jugendchor for SAT + piano/guitar/organ |
Missa Salve Regina for 3 voices |
Missa tribus vocibus for SAB |
No love to love of man and wife for chorus (1990) |
Nun lobet Gott im hohen Thron for chorus (2008) |
O come, O come, Emmanuel for chorus (1989) |
O Dio crea in me un cuor puro for two solo voices (alto and tenor) and guitar (2011) |
O filii et filiae for chorus (2018) |
O Fortuna velut luna, madrigal (a 3) |
O komm, o komm, Emanuel for chorus (1989) |
O Salutaris Hostia for chorus (2010) |
Pai Nosso da América Latina for 2 voices and guitar (2020) |
Panis angelicus for 2 voices and organ or guitar (2011) |
Psalm 2 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 4 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 34 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 63 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 81 for chorus (2017) |
Psalm 100 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 116 for chorus (2008) |
Psalm 120 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 128 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 130 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 132 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 134 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 134 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 138 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 138 for chorus (2016) |
Psalm 36 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 5 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 72 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 9 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 91 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 96 for 2 voices (2009) |
Psalm 98 for 2 voices (2009) |
Regina caeli, laetare for Mixed chorus |
Requiem aeternam for 2 voices (1987) |
Response for the Universal Prayer for chorus (2017) |
Rorate caeli for chorus (2013) |
Salve festa dies for chorus (2012) |
Salve Regina for 2 voices, guitar (1990) |
Schönster Herr Jesu for chorus (2008) |
Seele, dein Heiland ist frei von den Banden for chorus (1989) |
The Aaronic Blessing for chorus (2019) |
The eyes of all wait upon thee for chorus (1990) |
Tollite portas for Choir SATB (2012) |
Trio sonata (chaconne) for 2 recorders and continuo in baroque style (1993) |
Ubi caritas for chorus (2015) |
Veni Emmanuel for chorus (1993) |
Veni redemptor gentium for chorus (2019) |
Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden for chorus (2014) |
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern for chorus (2013) |
Wir gratulieren Dir for chorus (2014) |
Wo sind die Stunden der süßen Zeit?, madrigal (a 3) |