Christoph Dalitz

Christoph Dalitz (Born 1967)
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A Pentatonic Kyrie for chorus (1990)
A simple Kyrie acclamation for chorus (1990)
Ach, Liebste lass uns eilen, madrigal (a 3)
Ah, sweetheart let us hurry, madrigal (a 3)
Aller Augen warten auf Dich, Herre for chorus (1990)
Angele Dei for voice and continuo (2018)
Ascendit Deus for choir SATB (2017)
Ave Maria for two solo voices (alto and tenor) and guitar (1988)
Ave Verum Corpus for chorus (2012)
Beati qui lugent for chorus (2017)
Bei stiller Nacht for chorus (2019)
Cantate al Signore un cantico nuovo for two solo voices (alto and tenor) and guitar (2008)
Christe, du bist der helle Tag for chorus (2014)
Deutsches Magnificat for SAB + bc (1989)
Fairest Lord Jesus for chorus (2008)
From all that dwell below the skies for chorus (2008)
God hear on my crying for (TT oder SS) und Basso Continuo (2010)
Heilig ist unser Gott for chorus (1992)
How bright appears the morning star for chorus (2013)
In hoc cognoscent omnes for chorus (2014)
Johannespassion for chorus (2014)
Lobt Gott, ihr Christen all zugleich for chorus (1989)
Magnificat alternatim trium vocum for SAT or ATB or SSA or TTB (2018)
Magnificat peregrini toni for SABar or ATB or SSA
Magnificat Secundi Toni a 2 (2012)
Magnificat Sexti Toni a 3 (2012)
Mandatum novum do vobis for chorus (2014)
Maneant in vobis for chorus (2015)
Mass in the International Language for AT or SA or TB + organ/guitar/piano
Messe E-Dur for SAB + organ
Messe für Jugendchor for SAT + piano/guitar/organ
Missa Salve Regina for 3 voices
Missa tribus vocibus for SAB
No love to love of man and wife for chorus (1990)
Nun lobet Gott im hohen Thron for chorus (2008)
O come, O come, Emmanuel for chorus (1989)
O Dio crea in me un cuor puro for two solo voices (alto and tenor) and guitar (2011)
O filii et filiae for chorus (2018)
O Fortuna velut luna, madrigal (a 3)
O komm, o komm, Emanuel for chorus (1989)
O Salutaris Hostia for chorus (2010)
Pai Nosso da América Latina for 2 voices and guitar (2020)
Panis angelicus for 2 voices and organ or guitar (2011)
Psalm 2 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 4 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 34 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 63 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 81 for chorus (2017)
Psalm 100 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 116 for chorus (2008)
Psalm 120 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 128 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 130 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 132 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 134 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 134 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 138 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 138 for chorus (2016)
Psalm 36 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 5 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 72 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 9 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 91 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 96 for 2 voices (2009)
Psalm 98 for 2 voices (2009)
Regina caeli, laetare for Mixed chorus
Requiem aeternam for 2 voices (1987)
Response for the Universal Prayer for chorus (2017)
Rorate caeli for chorus (2013)
Salve festa dies for chorus (2012)
Salve Regina for 2 voices, guitar (1990)
Schönster Herr Jesu for chorus (2008)
Seele, dein Heiland ist frei von den Banden for chorus (1989)
The Aaronic Blessing for chorus (2019)
The eyes of all wait upon thee for chorus (1990)
Tollite portas for Choir SATB (2012)
Trio sonata (chaconne) for 2 recorders and continuo in baroque style (1993)
Ubi caritas for chorus (2015)
Veni Emmanuel for chorus (1993)
Veni redemptor gentium for chorus (2019)
Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden for chorus (2014)
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern for chorus (2013)
Wir gratulieren Dir for chorus (2014)
Wo sind die Stunden der süßen Zeit?, madrigal (a 3)

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