Claude Debussy

Claude Debussy (1862–1918)
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12 Etudes for Piano (1915) L 136
12 Preludes for Piano, Book I (1910) L 117
12 Preludes for Piano, Book I (separate pieces)
12 Preludes for Piano, Book II (1910-13) L 123
12 Preludes for Piano, Book II (separate pieces)
Aimons-nous et dormons for voice and piano (1881) L 16
Andante cantabile (1880-81) L.deest
Ballade for piano (1890) L 70
Ballet `Jeux` (`Games`, 1912) L 126
Ballet `Khamma` (1911-12) L 125
Ballet `La boite a joujoux` (1913) L 128
Berceuse heroique (1914) L 132
Cantata `Le gladiateur` (Gladiator) for 3 soloists and orchestra (1883) L 41
Cantata `Le printemps` (Spring) for soloists, choir and orchestra (1884) L 56
Caprice: Quand je baise, pâle de fièvre (1880) L 5
Cello Sonata in d-moll (1915) L 135
Chanson triste: On entend un chant sur l`eau dans la brume (1881) L 47
Chansons de Charles d`Orléans for choir of four mixed voices a cappella (1898-1908) L 92
Chinese ballet `The Palace of Silence, or NO-JA-LI` (unfinished, reconstruction by R. Orledge) (1914) L 130
Choir of the Breezes (Choeur des brises) `Wake up, forest trees` for soprano and women`s choir (1883) L 35
Dans le jardin for voice and piano (1891) L 78
Danse bohemienne (1880) L 9
Deux Arabesques for piano (1888) L 66
Deux dances for harp and strings (1904) L 103
Diana, Overture for Piano 4 hands (1881) L.deest
Divertimento for Piano, 4 hands(1884) L 36
D`un cahier d`esquisses for piano (1903) L 99
Elegie (1915) L 138
En sourdine for voice and piano (1882) L 28
Etude retrouvée (1915) L 143a
Fêtes galantes I for voice and piano (1891) L 80
Fêtes galantes II for voice and piano (1904) L 104
Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra (1889-91) L 73
First suite for orchestra (1882-83) L 50b
Fugue for the competition of fugues (pour le concours de fugue) No. 1 for choir (1881) L.deest
Fugue for the competition of fugues (pour le concours de fugue) No. 2 for choir (1882) L.deest
Fugue for the competition of fugues (pour le concours de fugue) No. 3 for choir (1883) L.deest
Fugue for the composition competition `Prix of Rome` (pour le concours d`essai) No. 2 for choir (unfinished, 1883)
Fugue for the essay competition `Rome Prize` (pour le concours d`essai) No. 1 for choir (1882) L.deest
Hommage a Haydn (1909) L 115
Images (pour piano): 1 Series (1905) L 110
Images (pour piano): 2-d Series (1907) L 111
Images pour orchestre (1906-12) L 122
Intermezzo for cello and orchestra L 27
Intermezzo for Piano 4 hands (1882) L 27c
Invocation for tenor, baritone, male chorus and piano (1883) L 40
La Petite Suite (1886) L 65
La Romance d`Arie, for Voice and Piano (1884) L 54
Le Diable dans le Beffroi, Opera (1902-11) L 101
Le petit negre (1909) L 114
Le roi Lear (1904-05) L 107
Les roses: Lorsque le ciel de saphir (1881) L 13
Little Pieces for Clarinet and Piano (1910) L 120
Lullaby (Berceuse) `Once upon a time there was a fairy...` for voice without accompaniment (1899) L 93
L`enfant prodigue for soprano, baritone, tenor and orchestra (1884) L 57
Mélodie `Beau Soir` for Voice and Piano (1880) L 6
Marche écossaise sur un thème populaire for piano 4 hands (1891) L 77
Masques (1903-04) L 105
Mazurka for piano (1890) L 67
Melodie `Fantoches: Scaramouche et Pulcinella` for Voice & Piano (1882) L 21
Melodie `Madrid: Madrid, princesse des Espagnes` for Voice & Piano (1879) L 2
Melodie `Nuits d`étoiles` for Voice and Piano (1880) L 4
Melodie `Triolet à Phillis` (`Zéphyr`) for Voice and Piano (1881) L 12
Melody `Desire` (Souhait: Oh! Quand la mort que rien ne saurait apaiser) (1881) L 11
Melody `Flôts, palmes et sables` (Waves, palm trees and sand) for voice and piano (1882) L 25
Melody `La fille aux cheveux de lin` (Girl with Flaxen Hair) for voice and piano (1882) L 33
Melody `Le lilas` (Lilac) for voice and piano (1882) L 22
Melody `Les baisers` (The Kisses) for voice and piano (1881) L.deest
Melody `Les Elfes` (Elves) for voice and piano (1881) L.deest
Morceau de concours for piano (1904) L 108
Nocturne and Scherzo for Violin and Piano (1882) L 26
Nocturne en re bemol majeur (1892) L 82
Nocturnes for orchestra and Womens Choir (1897-99) L 91
Ode to France for soprano, choir and piano/orchestra (1916-17) L 141
Opera `Diana in the Forest` (unfinished) (1881–86) L 51
Opera `Hymnis` (fragments survive): 1. Hymnis il dort encore (1882) L 37/1
Opera `La Chute de la Maison Ucher` (1908-17) L 112
Opera `Pelleas et Melisande` (1892-1902). L 88
Opera `Rodrigo and Jimena`, 1892 (reconstruction of Edison Denisov) L 72
Parts of compositions
Piano Trio in G-dur (1879) L 3
Poèmes de Beaudelaire for voice and piano (1887-89) L 64
Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé for voice and piano (1913) L 127
Prelude to `The Story of Tristan` for orchestra (unfinished, reconstruction by R. Orledge) (1907) L.deest
Premiere suite d`orchestre (1883) L 50a
Rêverie: Le zéphir à la douce haleine (1880) L 8
Rhapsody for Alto Saxophon and Orchestra (1901-11) L 98
Rhapsody for Clarinet & Piano (1909-10) L 116
Romance `Clair de lune` (1882) L 32
Romance `Non, les baisers d`amour... `
Romances for voice and piano (1891) L 79
Rondeau for voice and piano (1882) L 30
Rondel chinois for voice and piano (1881) L 17
Salut Printemps for soprano, female chorus and piano (1882) L 24
Segidilla, melody for voice and piano (1881) L 14
Serenade `Las Colombine a fermé le volet` (1882) L 34
Six épigraphes antiques for piano, four hands (1914) L 131
Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp (1915) L 137
Song Cycle `Le promenoir de deux amants` for voice and piano (1904–10) L 118
Song `Apparition` for voice and piano L 53
Song `Fleur des blés` for voice and piano (1880) L 7
Song `Jane` for voice and piano (1881) L 19
Song `La belle au bois dormant` for voice and piano (1890) L 74
Song `Les Papillons` (1881) L.deest
Song `Mandoline` for voice and piano (1882) L 29
Song `Noël des enfants qui n`ont plus de maison` for voice and piano (1915) L 139
Song `Pantomime` (1882) L 31
Song `Paysage sentimental` for voice and piano (1883) L 45
Song `Pierrot` (1881) L 15
Song `Voici que le printemps` for voice and piano (1884) L 52
Song ``Les Angelus` (1891) L 76
Spanish song (Chanson espagnole) for 2 voices and piano (1883) L 42
String Quartet in g-moll, op.10 (1893) L 85
Suite Bergamasque (1890-95) L 75
Suite Pour le piano (1894-1901) L 95
Symphony in B moll (1880) L 10
Tarantelle styrienne for piano (1890) L 69
Tragedy, melody (Les petites fleurs nʻont pu vivre) for voice and piano (1881) L 18
Trois Ballades de François Villon for voice and piano (1910) L 119
Trois chansons de Bilitis for voice and piano (1897-98) L 90
Trois Chansons de France (1904) L 102
Valse romantique for piano (1890) L 71
Violin Sonata in g-moll (1916) L 140
Waltz `La plus que lente` (1910) L 121
`Ariettes oubliées` for Voice and Piano (1885-87, rev.1903) L 60
`Chansons de Bilitis` - 12 Music Numbers for Récitant, Deux Flûtes, Deux Harpes & Célesta L 96
`Children`s Corner` - Suite for Piano (1906-08) L 113
`Coquetterie posthume` for Voice and Piano (1883) L 39
`En blanc et noir` - Suite for two Pianos (1915) L 134
`Estampes` for piano (1903) L 100
`Fete galante` äëÿ ãîëîñà è ôîðòåïèàíî (1882) L 23
`Images inedites` for Piano (1894) L 87
`La Damoiselle Elue` poem for two soloists, female choir, and orchestra (1887–1888) L 62
`La mer`, three symphonic sketches (1905) L 109
`Le martyre de Saint Sébastien` for Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra (1911) L 124
`Le triomphe de Bacchus` four hand piano (1882) L 38a
`Les Soirs illumines par l’ardeur du charbon` (1917) L 150
`Lindaraja`, for Piano 4 hands (1901) L 97
`L`archet` for voice and piano (1883) L 46
`L`Isle joyeuse` (1904) L 106
`Mélodies` for Voice & Piano (1891) L 81
`Musique` for Voice and Piano (1883) L 44
`Page d`album` (Piece pour l`oeuvre du `Vetement du blesse`), for piano (1915) L 133
`Pelleas et Melisande`, concert suite (1902) L 88a
`Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun` (`Prélude à l`après-midi d`un faune`), inspired by Mallarme`s poem (1892-94) L 86
`Proses lyriques` for Voice and iano (1892-93) L 84
`Rêverie` for Piano (1890) L 68
`Regret` for voice and piano (1884) L 55
`Romance` (`Silence ineffable`) for Voice and Piano (1883) L 43
`Sleepless nights` (Nuits blanches), 2 melodies for voice and piano (1899-1902) L 94
`Spring` - Symphonic Suite (1887) L 61
`Syrinx` for Flute Solo (1913) L 129

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