Stephen Foster

Stephen Foster (1826–1864)
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5 Quadrilles for piano
A Dream of My Mother and My Home, song for Voice, piano
A Penny for Your Thoughts!, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
A Soldier in de Colored Brigade, song for Solo, Chorus and Piano (1863)
A Thousand Miles from Home, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Ah! May The Red Rose Live Alway
Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway!, song for Voice, piano (1850)
Anadolia, Solo for Flute or Violin (1854)
Angelina Baker, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano
Annie My Own Love, song for Voice and Piano
Autumn Waltz for piano (1846)
Away Down Souf, song for Solo Voice, Mixed Chorus (SATB), and Piano (1848)
Beautiful Child, song for Soloist and Piano (1860)
Better Days Are Coming, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano
Bring My Brother Back to Me, song for Soprano, Alto, and Piano (1863)
Bury Me in the Morning, Mother, song for 1 or 2 voices and piano
Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming, Quartette (1855)
Come with Thy Sweet Voice Again, song for Voice and Piano (1854)
Comrades Fill No Glass for Me, song for Voice and Piano (1855)
Cora Dean, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1860)
De Camptown Races, song for Voice, piano (1850)
Dearer Than Life, song for Voice and Piano (1863)
Dolcy Jones, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano
Dolly Day, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano
Don`t Bet Your Money on de Shanghai, song for Soloist and Piano
Down Among the Cane-Brakes, song for Voice, Chorus and Piano
Ellen Bayne, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano
Eulalie, song for Soloist and Piano (1851)
Eva, song for Soloist and Piano (1858)
Fairy-Belle, song for Soloist and Piano (1859)
Farewell Mother Dear, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Farewell My Lilly Dear, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1851)
Farewell Sweet Mother, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Farewell! Old Cottage, song for Voice and Piano (1851)
For the Dear Old Flag I Die, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1863)
For Thee, Love, for Thee, song for Soloist and Piano (1859)
Gentle Annie
Gentle Annie, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1856)
Gentle Lena Clare, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1862)
Give the Stranger Happy Cheer, song for Soloist and Piano (1851)
Give This to Mother, song for Soloist and Piano (1864)
Happy Hours at Home, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano
Holiday Schottische for piano (1853)
I Cannot Sing To-Night, song for Soloist and Piano (1852)
I See Her Still in My Dreams, song for Voice and Piano (1857)
I Will Be True to Thee, song for Voice and Piano
I Would Not Die in Spring Time, song for Soloist and Piano (1850)
I Would Not Die in Summer Time, song for Soloist and Piano (1851)
Irene, Solo for Flute or Violin (1854)
I`d Be a Fairy, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
I`ll Be a Soldier, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
I`ll Be Home To-Morrow, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1862)
I`m Nothing But a Plain Old Soldier, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
Jennie`s Own Scottisch for Flute or Violin and Piano (1854)
Jenny June, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1863)
Jenny`s Coming O`er the Green, song for Soloist and Piano (1860)
Katy Bell, song for voice, chorus, piano (1863)
Kiss Me Dear Mother Ere I Die, song for Soloist and Piano
Kissing in the Dark, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
Larry`s Good Bye, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
Laura Lee, song for Voice, piano (1851)
Leave Me with My Mother, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1863)
Lena Our Loved One Is Gone, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
Lily Ray, song for Voice and Piano (1850)
Linda Has Departed, song for Soloist and Piano (1859)
Linger in Blissful Repose, song for Soloist and Piano (1858)
Little Belle Blair, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1851)
Little Ella, song for Voice and Piano (1853)
Little Ella`s an Angel, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1863)
Little Jenny Dow, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1862)
Lizzie Dies To Night, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Lou`siana Belle, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1847)
Lula Is Gone, song for Soloist and Piano (1858)
Maggie by My Side, song for Soloist and Piano (1852)
Mary Loves the Flowers, song for Voice and Piano (1850)
Massa`s in de Cold Ground, song for voice, male chorus (TTB), piano (1852)
Melinda May, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano
Merry Little Birds Are We, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1862)
Mine Is the Mourning Heart, song for Soprano, Tenor Duet with Piano (1861)
Molly Dear Good Night, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Molly Do You Love Me!, song for Soloist and Piano (1850)
Molly! Do You Love Me
Mother, Thou`rt Faithful to Me, song for Soloist and Piano (1851)
Mr. & Mrs. Brown. song for Soprano, Tenor with Piano (1864)
My Angel Boy, song for Soloist and Piano (1858)
My Boy Is Coming from the War, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
My Brodder Gum, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1849)
My Hopes Have Departed Forever, song for Soloist and Piano (1851)
My old house in Kentucki
My Wife Is A Most Knowing Woman
My Wife Is a Most Knowing Woman, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
Nell and I, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Nelly Bly, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1850)
Nelly Was a Lady, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1861)
No Home, No Home, song for Soloist and Piano (1862)
None Shall Weep a Tear for Me, song for Soloist and Piano
Oh Boys Carry Me Long, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano
Oh! Lemuel!, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1850)
Oh! Susanna, song for voice, mixed chorus, piano (1847)
Oh! Tell Me of My Mother, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Oh! There`s No Such Girl as Mine, song for Voice and Piano (1862)
Oh! Why Am I So Happy?, song for voice, piano (1863)
Old Black Joe, song for voice, mixed chorus, piano (1860)
Old Dog Tray, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1853)
Old Folks at Home with Variations, Solo for Flute or Violin (1854)
Old Folks Quadrilles for Flute and String Quartet (1854)
Old Memories, song for Voice and Piano (1853)
Old Uncle Ned, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano (1848)
Once I Loved Thee Mary Dear, song for Voice and Piano (1851)
Onward and Upward! for Mixed Chorus (1863)
Open Thy Lattice Love, song for Voice and Piano
Our Bright, Bright Summer Days Are Gone, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Our Darling Kate, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano
Our Willie Dear Is Dying, song for Soloist and Piano (1861)
Parthenia to Ingomar, song for Soloist and Piano (1859)
Poor Drooping Maiden, song for Voice, piano (1860)
Praise the Lord!, song for 2 soloists, choir, piano
Ring, Ring de Banjo!, song for Voice and Piano (1861)
Sadly to Mine Heart Appealing, song for Voice, piano (1858)
Santa Anna`s Retreat, Quick-Step for piano
Serenade `Beautiful Dreamer` for Voice and Piano (1862?)
She Was All the World to Me, song for Soloist and Piano (1864)
Sitting by My Own Cabin Door, song for Voice, piano (1864)
Soiree Polka for piano
Some Folks, song for Voice and Piano (1855)
Somebody`s Coming to See Me To Night, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano (1864)
Song `Hard Times Come Again No More`
Song `If You`ve Only Got a Moustache` for Voice and Piano (1864)
Song `Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair`
Song `Old Folks at Home`
Song `Slumber My Darling`
Stand Up for the Flag!, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano
Stay Summer Breath, song for Soloist and Piano (1848)
Suffer Little Children to Come Unto Me for ixed chorus (SATB) (1863)
Summer Longings, song for Soloist and Piano (1849)
Sweet Emerald Isle That I Love So Well, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano
Sweet Little Maid of the Mountain, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano
Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair
Sweetly She Sleeps, My Alice Fair, song for Soloist and Piano (1851)
Tell Me Love of Thy Early Dreams, song for Voice, piano (1864)
That`s What`s The Matter
That`s What`s the Matter, song for Voice and Piano
The Angels Are Singing Unto Me, song for 2 voices and mixed chorus (1863)
The Bright Hills of Glory, song for SATB and Piano (1863)
The Glendy Burk, song for Soloist and Piano (1860)
The Hour for Thee and Me, song for Duet and Piano (1852)
The Little Ballad Girl, song for Soloist and Piano (1860)
The Love I Bear to Thee, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
The Merry, Merry Month of May, song for SATB, Piano (1862)
The Soldier`s Home, song for Voice, choir, piano (1863)
The Song of All Songs, song for Soloist and Piano (1863)
The Spirit of My Song, song for Soloist and Piano (1850)
The Village Bells, piece for piano
The Village Maiden, song for Soloist and Piano
The Voice of By Gone Days, song for Voice and Piano (1850)
The Voice Of Bygone Days
The Voices that are Gone, song for Solo, Chorus, and Piano
The Wife, song for Voice, piano (1860)
There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea, song for Voice, piano (1863)
There Is a Land of Love for chorus (1863)
There Was a Time, song for Voice and Piano (1863)
There`s a Good Time Coming, song for Soloist and Piano (1846)
There`s a Land of Bliss Where the Weary Are at Rest, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1853)
Thou Art the Queen of My Song, song for Soloist and Piano (1859)
Tioga Waltz for piano
Turn Not Away!, song for 2 Voices and Piano (1850)
Under the Willow She`s Sleeping, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano (1860)
Village Festival, Quadrille for Flute and String Quartet (1854)
Virginia Belle, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano (1860)
Was My Brother in the Battle?, song for Soloist and Piano (1862)
Way Down in CA-I-RO, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano (1850)
We Are Coming, Father Abraam, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano (1862)
We Will Keep a Bright Lookout for chorus (1863)
We`ll All Meet Our Saviour for chorus (1863)
We`ve a Million in the Field, song for Soloist, Chorus and Piano
What Does Every Good Child Say? for chorus
What Must a Fairy`s Dream Be?, song for Voice and Piano (1847)
When Dear Friends Are Gone, song for Soloist and Piano (1864)
When Old Friends Were HereSoloist and Piano, song for vocal and piano (1864)
When This Dreadful War Is Ended, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano (1863)
Where Has Lula gone, song for Soloist and Piano (1858)
Where Is Thy Spirit, Mary, song for Soloist and Piano (1847)
While the Bowl Goes Round, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano (1863)
Why Have My Loved Ones Gone?, song for Soloist, Choir and Piano (1861)
Why No One to Love, song for Soloist and Piano (1862)
Willie has Gone to the War, song for Voice, chorus (STB), and piano
Willie My Brave, song for Voice and Piano
Willie, We Have Missed You, song for Voice and Piano
Willie`s Gone to Heaven, song for 2 voices, chorus, piano
Wilt Thou Be Gone, Love,song for Soprano, Tenor Duet with Piano
Wilt Thou Be True?, song for Soloist and Piano (1864)

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