Beat Furrer

Beat Furrer (Born 1954)
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a un moment de terre perdue, for ensemble (1990)
Aer, for Piano, Clarinet and Cello (1991)
Apon for Reader and Orchestra (2009)
Aria for soprano and six instruments (1999)
Begehren (2001)
Concert for piano and orchestra (2007)
Drei Klavierstucke for piano (2003)
Enigma for chorus a cappella (2012)
Face du la Chaleur (1991) for large ensemble
FAMA VI, for voice and contrabass flute (2005)
FAMA, Opera for narrator, eight voices and instrumental ensemble (2005)
Gaspra, for ensemble (1988)
Invocation VI, for soprano and bass flute (2003)
Ira-Arca, for bass flute and double bass (2012)
Lied for violin and orchestra (1993)
Linea dell’orizzonte, for ensemble (2012)
Lotofagos I for soprano and contrabass (2006)
Melodia tellurica for winds (2011)
Melodie-fallend, for piano (2003)
Narcissus, opera (1994)
nero su nero (2018)
Nuun, concerto for two pianos and orchestra (1995-1996)
Opera `Die Blinden` for chamber orchestra (based on the play by Maurice Maeterlinck) (1989)
PHAOS, for orchestra (2006)
Phasma for solo piano (2002)
Presto con fuoco for flute and piano (1998)
Retour an dich, for violin, cello and piano (1984)
Solo, for violoncello (2000)
Spur for piano and string quartet (1998)
Still, for the ensemble of soloists (1997)
Stimmen-Quartett, for choir and percussion quartet (1995-99)
String Quartet No. 1 (1984)
String Quartet No. 3 (2004)
Time Out, for flute, harp and strings (1995)
Trio for flute, saxophone (oboe) and clarinet (1985)
Und irgendwo fern, sehr fern for two pianos (1984)
Voicelessness. The snow has no voice for piano (1986)
Wüstenbuch, musical theatre (2010)
Zwei Studien, for chamber orchestra (2015)

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