Paul Hindemith

Paul Hindemith (1895–1963)
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2 Lieder nach Texten von Brentano (1936)
2 Lieder nach Texten von Friedrich Nietzsche for Tenor and Piano (1939)
3 Hymns by Walt Whitman for Baritone and Piano (1919) op. 14
4 Lieder nach Texten von Friedrich Rückert (1933)
4 Lieder nach Texten von Matthias Claudius (1933)
4 Lieder nach Texten von Novalis (1933)
5 Pieces for string orchestra (1927) op. 44/4
6 Lieder nach Gedichte von Friedrich Hölderlin for Tenor & Piano (1933-35)
6 songs on the old teksts for mixed choir a cappella (1923-25) op. 33
7 Trio Pieces for 3 trautoniums (1930)
8 Lieder mit Klavier (1920) op. 18
9 English Songs for Voice & Piano (1942-43)
Back and forth, one-act sketch
Berceuse für Klavierpianoforte (1921)
Camber Music for Viola and Ensemble op. 36 ¹4
Cantata `Apparebit repentina dies` for mixed chorus and winds (1947)
Cello Concerto (1940)
Cello Concerto in Es-dur (1916) op. 3
Chamber Music (1927) op. 46 ¹1
Chamber Music for Violin and Orchestra. 1925 op. 36 ¹3
Chamber Music for 12 instruments (1922) op. 24 ¹1
Chamber Music for organ and orchestra (1927) op. 46 ¹2
Chamber Music ``Cello Concerto`` (1925) op. 36 ¹2
Chorus `Der Tod` (1931)
Chorus `Du mußt dir alles geben` (1930)
Chorus `Eine lichte Mitternacht` (1929)
Clarinet Concerto (1947)
Clarinet Quintet (1954 revision) op. 30
Concert Music for Viola and Chamber Orchestra (1930) op. 48
Concerto for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Harp & Orchestra (1949)
Concerto for Horn and Orchestra (1949)
Concerto for Orchestra (1925) op. 38
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1945)
Concerto for Trumpet, Bassoon and Strings (1949-52)
Concerto for Viola and Orchestra `Der Schwanendreher` (1935)
Der Dämon Tanz-Pantomime in 2 scenes by Max Krell (1922) op. 28
Des Todes Tod (The Death of Death), 3 songs on poems by Eduard Reinacher for mezzo-soprano with two violas and two cellos (1922) op. 23a
Die junge Magd (The young Maid), 6 songs by Georg Trakl for contralto, flute, clarinet and string quartet (1922) op. 23
Drei Gesaenge fuer Sopran und grosses Orchester op. 9
Duet fot Viola & Cello (1934)
Eight Pieces for Flute solo (1927)
Everlasting (oratorio, the words of G. Benn)1931
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 1 `Mitwelt`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 2 `Eines Narren, eines Künstlers Leben`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 3 `Tauche deine Furcht`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 4 `Trink aus!`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 5 `An eine Tote`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 6 `Frühling`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 7 `An einen Schmetterling`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 8 `Judaskuß`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹ 9 `Magisches Rezept`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹10 `Es bleibt wohl was gesagt wird`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹11 `Kraft fand zu Form`
Fünfstimmige Madrigale: ¹12 `Du Zweifel an dem Sinn der Welt`
Film music for `In Fight with the Mountain` for small orchestra
Four Temperaments for Piano and Chamber Orchestra
Funeral Music for Viola and Orchestra
Gesang (1939)
Harmony of the World, the opera
Harp Sonata (1939)
Hunter from Kurpfälzische for Strings and Winds op. 45 ¹3
II. Einleitung und Lied
Kammermusik ¹ 2 for Piano and 12 Instruments (1924) op. 36 ¹1
Klavierstück for piano (1929)
Konzertmusik for Piano, 10 Brass and 2 Harps (1930) op. 49
Konzertmusik for Strings and Brass (Boston Symphony) (1930) op. 50
Konzertstück for two saxophones (1933)
Konzertstuck (Concertino) for trautonium and strings (1931)
Leichte Fünftonstücke for piano (1928) op. 45 ¹4
Lied for piano (1921)
Long Christmas Meal, the opera
Ludus minor for Clarinet & Cello (1944)
Ludus Tonalis, kontrapunktische, tonale und klaviertechnische Uebungen (1942)
Lustige Sinfonietta for small orchestra (1916)
Marsch Uber den alten `Schweizerton` (1960)
Mass for mixed chorus a cappella (1963)
Mathis der Maler, opera (1933-34)
Militärminimax, repertoire for military orchestra (1923)
Murderer, Hope of Women, the opera (1919) op. 12
Octet for Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Violin, 2 Violas, Cello & Double Bass (1957-58)
Opera `Nusch - Nuschi` (1920) op. 20
Opera `Sancta Susanna` (1921) op. 21
Orchestral rechitatsiya of Herodias
Organ Concerto (1962)
Ouvertüre zum „Fliegenden Holländer`, wie sie eine schlechte Kurkapelle morgens um 7 am Brunnen vom Blatt spielt
Overture to the ballet `Cupid and Psyche` (1943)
Overture to `Neues vom Tage` (1930)
Parts of Works
Philharmonic Concert (Variations for Orchestra, 1932)
Piano Concerto for left hand op. 29
Piano music (1925-26) op. 37
Piano sonata (Allegro), 1941 ?
Piano Sonata No.1 `In der Main` (1936)
Piano Sonata ¹2 (1936)
Piano Sonata ¹3 (1936)
Piano Sonata, four hands (1938)
Pittsburgh Symphony (1958)
Quartet for Clarinet and Piano Trio (1938)
Ragtime (wohltemperiert) on a theme of J.S.Bach for orchestra (1921)
Requiem For those we love (1946)
Scherzo for Viola and Cello
Sinfonia serena for orchestra (1946)
Six Chansons (1939)
Small Chamber Music for wind quintet (1922) op. 24 ¹2
Small Sonate for Cello & Piano
Sonata for alto horn (or alto saxophone) and piano (1943)
Sonata for Bassoon and Piano (1938)
Sonata for cello and piano (1919-21) op. 11/3
Sonata for Cello and Piano in E-dur (1948)
Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in B (1939)
Sonata for English Horn and Piano (1941)
Sonata for Flute and Piano (1936)
Sonata for Four Horns (1952)
Sonata for Horn in F and Piano (1939)
Sonata for Oboe & Piano (1938)
Sonata for Organ ¹1 (1937)
Sonata for Organ ¹2 (1937)
Sonata for organ ¹3 on old folksongs
Sonata for Solo Cello (1922) op. 25/3
Sonata for Solo Violin ¹1 op. 31/1
Sonata for Solo Violin ¹2 op. 31/2
Sonata for trombone and piano (1941)
Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (1939)
Sonata for tuba and piano (1955)
Sonata for Two Pianos
Sonata for Viola and Piano (1922) op. 25 ¹4
Sonata for Viola and Piano (1939)
Sonata for Viola and Piano in F-dur op. 11/4
Sonata for Viola d`Amur & Piano op. 25/2
Sonata for Viola solo (1919) op. 11 ¹5
Sonata for Viola solo (1922) op. 25/1
Sonata for Viola solo (1937)
Sonata for Viola solo ¹ 4 op. 31
Sonata for Violin and Piano in D-dur op. 11/2
Sonata for Violin and Piano in Es-dur (1918) op. 11/1
Sonata for Violin and Piano ¹3 in E (1935)
Sonata for Violin and Piano ¹4 in C (1939)
Sonate for Double bass & Piano
Song cycle `Das Marienleben` (II Vers. ,1936-48) op. 27
Song `Abendwolke` (1942)
Song `Abenstandchen` (1942)
Song `C`est de la côte d`Adam` (1942)
Song `Das Köhlerweib ist trunken` (1942)
Song `Der Einsiedler` (1939)
Song `Du bist mein` (1941)
Song `Eau qui se presse` (1942)
Song `Ich will Trauern lassen stehn` (1942)
Song `Lampe du soir` (1942)
Song `Le Revenant` (1944)
Song `O Grille, sing` (1942)
Song `On arrange et on compose` (1942)
Song `Ranae ad Solem` (1942)
Song `Sainte` (1944)
Song `Singet Leise` (1936)
Song `Tränenkrüglein` (1942)
Song `Trübes Wetter` (1942)
Song `Wer wußte je das Leben recht su fassen` (1942)
Song `Zum Abschied meiner Tochter` (1942)
Stretta from piano sonata (1920) op. 17
String Quartet No. 1 (1915) op. 2
String Quartet No. 2 in F minor (1918) op. 10
String Quartet No. 3 in C major (1920) op. 16
String Quartet No. 4 op. 22
String Quartet No. 5 (1923) op. 32
String Quartet No. 6 in E flat major (1943)
String Quartet ¹7 in E flat major (1945)
String Trio ¹ 1 (1924) op. 34
String Trio ¹ 2 (1933)
Suite for mechanical organ, based on `Das Triadische Ballet` (1927) op. 42/ 2
Suite of French Dances, arranged for small orchestra (1948)
Suite `1922` for piano (1922) op. 26
Symphonic Dances (1937)
Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by C. M. von Weber (1943)
Symphony „Die Harmonie der Welt“ (1951)
Symphony for Wind Orchestra (1951)
Symphony in Es-dur
Symphony Mathis der Maler (1934)
Tanz der Holzpuppen from Tuttifäntchen (1922)
Tanzstücke for piano (1920) op. 19
There and Back, opera (1927) op. 45a
Three Pieces for cello and piano (1917) op. 8
Today News, opera (1929, 1953)
Trauermusik (Music of Mourning) for Viola (Cello or Violin) and String Orchestra
Trio for Viola, Heckelphone and Piano (1928) op. 47
Two Pieces for organ (1918)
Two Songs (1955)
Variations for piano (1936)
Variations on an Old English Song `A Frog he a-courting` for Cello & Piano (1941)
Vier Lieder nach Texten des Angelus Silesius (1935)
Violin Concerto (1939)
Wir bauen eine Stadt, play for children (1930)
`Cardillac`, opera op. 39
`Die Serenaden`, little cantata for soprano, oboe, viola and cello (1925) op. 35
`Echo` for Flute & Piano (1942)
`In einer Nacht... Träume und Erlebnisse` for piano (1917–19) op. 15
`Kinderlieder` by miscellaneous composers
`Musikalisches Blumengartlein und Leyptziger Allerley` - Parody for clarinet and double bass (or cello) (1927)
`Nobilissima Visione` - Ballet-Suite for Symphonic Orchestra (1938)
`Plöner Musiktag` (1932): I. `Morgenmusik` (`Morning Music`)
`Plöner Musiktag` (1932): II. `Tafelmusik`
`Plöner Musiktag` (1932): III. Kantate `Mahnung an die Jugend, sich der Musik zu befleissigen`
`Plöner Musiktag` (1932): IV. `Abendkonzert`

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