Augusta Holmes

Augusta Holmes (1847–1903)
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À Lydie, ode for 2 Voices and Piano
5 sérénades for vocal and piano
7 Songs for Voice and Piano
A vision of Saint Therese, cantata for Soprano voice and Orchestra
Allegro feroce for orchestra (1870)
Andromède, Poème symphonique for orchestra (1883?)
Ballad `La guerrière` (Warrior) for voice and piano (1892)
Barcarolle for voice and piano (1900)
Dans un parc abandonné, Melody for voice and piano (c. 1890)
Eternal Serenade (Sérénade de toujours) for voice and piano (1884)
Fairy tales, 10 pieces for voice & piano
Fantaisie for Clarinet (B♭) and Piano (1900)
Heard on Christmas Eve (Ce qu`on entendit dans la nuit de Noël), prelude for piano (1890)
Hours, 4 songs for Voice and Piano
Hymn to Eros for Voice and piano (1886)
Irlande, Poëme Symphonique for orchestra (1882)
Jean Prouvaire`s song for Voice and Piano
La princesse sans coeur, Melody for voice and piano (1889)
Love violin, melodie for voice, violin and piano
Lutèce, Symphonie dramatique for soli, mixed chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
L`éternelle idole, Melody for voice and piano (1892)
Melody `À Trianon` (At Trianon) for voice and piano (1896)
Melody `En chemin` (On my way) for voice and piano (1886)
Melody `L`heure rose` (Rose Time) for voice and piano (c. 1900)
Melody `Ne nous oubliez pas` (Forget us not) for voice and piano (1892)
Melody `Nocturne` for voice and piano (1893)
Melody `Pareil à la mer profonde` (How deep is the sea) for voice and piano (1898)
Molto lento for clarinet and piano (1890s?)
Noel `Trois anges sont venus ce soir` (Three angels descended tonight) for voice and piano (1884)
Overture to the Comedy, symphonic poem for orchestra (c. 1870?)
Persian song (Chanson persane) for voice and piano (1890s)
Revenge!, song for Voice and Piano (1871?)
Roland furieux, symphonic poem by Ariosto for orchestra (1875-76)
Rondel de François Villon for vocal and piano
Serenade-moreska `Charme du jour` (Charm of the day) for voice and piano (1902)
Song Cycle `Contes divins` (1893)
Song Cycle `Les Sept Ivresses` (1882)
Souvenir, Melody for voice and piano (1886)
Spanish serenade `Soir d`hiver` (Winter Evening) for voice and piano (1892)
The black mountain, opera (1895)
The call of spring, melodie for Voice and Piano
The claws of gold, song for Voice and Piano
The vision of the queen, cantata for Female Chorus, Cello, Harp, Piano
The washerwomen, 6 couplets for Voice, piano
Trois petites pièces for flute and piano (1879)
`Gypsy Dreams` (Reverie tzigane), pièce pour piano (1887)
`Ludus pro patria` - Ode symphonie (1888)
`Night and Love` (La Nuit et l`amour), interlude to an ode for orchestra (1888)
`Polonia` (Pologne), symphonic poem for orchestra (1883)

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