Agnus Dei for Choir (2015)  |
Alas and Did My Savior Bleed for mixed chorus (SATB) (2016)  |
Alleluia, King of Kings for mixed chorus (SATB) (2016)  |
And the Glory of the Lord, song for voice, keyboard (2015)  |
Benediction No.1 for chimes, harp, double bass, 2 pianos  |
Cathect for 13 (or more) Trombones  |
Confitemini Domino for chorus (2015)  |
Crucifixus for chorus and organ (2015)  |
Dawn for piano (2007)  |
Dona Nobis Pacem for chorus (2015)  |
Doxology for mixed chorus (SATB) (2015)  |
Etude No.1 for piano (2015)  |
Etude No.2 for piano (2015)  |
Etude No.3 for piano (2015)  |
Etude No.4 for piano (2015)  |
Etude No.5 for piano (2015)  |
Etude No.6 for piano (2015)  |
For to Us a Child is Born, song for voice, keyboard  |
Holy, Holy, Holy O God of Hosts, song for voice, keyboard (2016)  |
Invention for Piano  |
King of All Ages for chorus (2015)  |
Kyrie for chorus (2015)  |
Meletaó for organ (2018)  |
Psalm 16 for mixed chorus (SATB)  |
Psalm 23 for chorus (2015)  |
Psalm 27 for chorus (2015)  |
Psalm 43 for chorus (2015)  |
Psalm 46 for chorus (2016)  |
Psalm 57 for chorus (2016)  |
Psalm 93 for chorus (2015)  |
Psalm 117 for chorus (2015)  |
Psalm 128 for chorus (2015)  |
Psalm 129 for chorus (2015)  |
Psalm 150 for choir (2017)  |
Real Canon at the Octave for 2 recorders  |
Salve! Festa Dies for chorus (2015)  |
Sanctus for chorus (2015)  |
The Great Amen for mixed chorus (2015)  |
Tonal Canon at the Fourth for 2 recorders  |
Tonal Canon at the Sixth for 2 recorders  |
Tonal Canon at the Sixth ¹2 for 2 recorders  |
We Thank Thee Now, O God for chorus (2016)  |