(J. S. Bach) Transcription of `Meine Seele`, BWV 648  |
2 Pieces for Piano (1921)  |
2 Pieces for Piano (1929-30)  |
A Downland Suite (1932)  |
A London Overture (1936)  |
Alla Marcia  |
Aubade  |
Bagatelle for Violin and Piano (1911)  |
Ballade (1929)  |
Ballade of London Nights (1930)  |
Benedictus  |
Berceuse for Violin & Piano (1902)  |
Capriccio for Organ in C-dur  |
Cavatina for Violin & Piano (1904)  |
Cello Sonata in g-moll (1923)  |
Communion service in C  |
Elegiac Romance (1903/1958)  |
Epich March (1942)  |
Evening Service in F major  |
Evening Service in С major  |
Ex ore innocentium  |
Fantasy-Sonata for Clarinet & Piano (1943)  |
First Rhapsody for Piano in fis-moll (1906)  |
Five Poems by Thomas Hardy (1926)  |
Five Sixteenth Century Poems (1938)  |
Five Sixteenth Century Poems (1938)  |
Full Fathom Five  |
Hymn `My song is love unknown`  |
Jubilate Deo in C major  |
Leaves from a Child`s Sketchbook (1918)  |
Legend - for Piano and Orchestra (1933)  |
London Pieces (1917-20)  |
Mai-Dun (1921)  |
Meditation on John Keble`s Rogation Hymn for Organ  |
Merry Andrew (1919)  |
Miniature Suite for Organ (1904)  |
Month`s Mind (1935)  |
Motet `Greater Love Hath No Man`  |
My True Love Hath my Heart  |
Overture `Satyricon` (1946)  |
Pastoral (1896)  |
Piano Concerto in E-flat Dur (1930)  |
Piano Sonata in e-moll (1918-20)  |
Piano Sonatina (1926-27)  |
Piano Trio (Phantasie) № 1 in a-moll (1906)  |
Piano Trio № 2 in e-moll (1917)  |
Piano Trio № 3 in E-dur (1936)  |
Prelude for Piano in Es-dur (1924)  |
Preludes for Piano (1913)  |
Rhapsody for Piano in a-moll (1915)  |
Sextet for Clarinet, Horn & String Quartet (1898)  |
Soliloquy (1922)  |
Song cycle `Mother and Child` (1918)  |
Song Cycle `Songs of a Wayfarer` (1912)  |
Song Cycle `Songs Sacred and Profane` (1929-31)  |
Song Cycle `The Land of Lost Content` (1920-21)  |
Song Cycle `We`ll to the woods no more` (1928)  |
Song `Bed in summer`  |
Song `Earth`s Call` (1918)  |
Song `Great things`  |
Song `Hawthorne Time` (1919)  |
Song `Hope the Hornblower` (1912)  |
Song `I Have 12 Oxen` (1918)  |
Song `If There were Dreams to Sell` (1918)  |
Song `If we must part` (1929)  |
Song `Love is a Sickness Full of Woes` (1921)  |
Song `Remember`  |
Song `Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday, Naples)`  |
Song `Sea Fever` (1913)  |
Song `Spring Sorrow` (1917)  |
Song `The East Riding`  |
Song `The journey` (1920)  |
Song `The merry month of May`  |
Song `The Sacred Flame`  |
Song `The Three Ravens` (1920)  |
Song `The Vagabond` (1920)  |
Song `Tutto è Sciolto`  |
Song `What Are You Thinking Of?` (1924)  |
Song `When I Am Dead, My Dearest` (1924)  |
Song `When lights go rolling round the sky`  |
String Quartet № 1 in d-moll (1897)  |
String Quartet № 2 in с-moll (1897)  |
Sursum Corda  |
Te Deum in F major  |
The Cost, songs (1916)  |
The Forgotten Rite (1913)  |
The Heart`s Desire  |
The Holy Boy: A Carol of the Nativity - version for Choir  |
The Holy Boy: A Carol of the Nativity for String Quartet (arr. 1941)  |
The Holy Boy: A Carol of the Nativity transcription for cello and orchestra (by C. Palmer)  |
The Lent Lily  |
The Soldier  |
The Towing Path (1918)  |
There is a Garden in Her Face  |
These Things Shall Be (1937)  |
Three Dances for Piano (1913)  |
Three Pastels (1941)  |
Three Songs (1926)  |
Three Songs (Arthur Symons, 1918–19)  |
Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy (1925)  |
Tritons, Symphonic Prelude  |
Two Pieces for Piano (1925)  |
Two Songs (1920)  |
Two Songs (1928)  |
Two Songs (Rupert Brooke, 1917–18): 2. `Blow Out You Bugles`  |
Two Symphonic Studies (arr. Geoffrey Bush)  |
Variations on folk song `Cadet Rousselle`  |
Villanella  |
Violin Sonata No.1 in d-moll (1908-1909)  |
Violin Sonata No.2 in a-moll (1915-17)  |
`A New Year Carol` for Chorus  |
`A Sea Idyll` (1920)  |
`Adam lay ybounden` for Chorus  |
`Christ the Lord is risen today (Sampford)`  |
`Columbine` (1949)  |
`Decorations` (1912-13)  |
`Equinox` (1922)  |
`Green ways` - Three Lyric Pieces (1937)  |
`In Those Days` (1895)  |
`Island Praise` for Chorus  |
`Marigold` - Impressions for Voice & Piano  |
`New Prince, New Pomp` for Chorus  |
`On a Birthday Morning` (1922)  |
`Sarnia: An Island Sequence` (1940-41)  |
`Spring Will Not Wait` for Piano  |
`Summer Evening` (1920)  |
`The Almond Tree` for Piano (1913)  |
`The Darkened Valley` for Piano (1920)  |