!Renaissance!, 2 Pieces for Harmonium  |
op. 57
10 Characteristic Pieces for organ  |
op. 86
12 Impressions for Harmonium  |
13 little preludes  |
14 Interludes in Different Keys for organ (1911)  |
W 13
2 Piano Pieces  |
op. 22
2 Tone Poems for Harmonium: 1. Eine Jagdnovellette  |
op. 70/1
2 Tone Poems for Harmonium: 2. Totentanz  |
op. 70/2
20 Prae- und Postludien for organ  |
op. 78
3 Chorale Improvisations for Organ  |
W 14
3 Compositions for Organ (1923)  |
3 Pastels for organ  |
op. 92
3 Pieces for Organ  |
3 Sinfonische Kanzonen for organ (1910): No.1 in E-flat minor  |
op. 85/1
3 Sinfonische Kanzonen for organ (1910): No.2 in c-moll  |
op. 85/2
3 Sonatinas for Harmonium (1906): No. 1 in G major  |
op. 14/1
3 Sonatinas for Harmonium (1906): No. 2 in E minor  |
op. 14/2
3 Sonatinas for Harmonium (1906): No. 3 in A minor  |
op. 14/3
3 Sonatinas for Piano  |
op. 67
3 symphonic chorales for organ: 1.`Ach blieb mit diener Gnade`  |
op. 87/1
3 symphonic chorales for organ: 2.`Jesu, meine Freude`  |
op. 87/2
3 Waltzes-caprices for Piano 4 hands  |
op. 16
30 Caprices for Flute Solo  |
33 Portraits for harmonium  |
4 Piano Pieces (1903)  |
op. 23
5 Aquarellen for Harmonium (1905)  |
op. 27
5 Bagatelles for Piano  |
op. 17
5 Miniatures for Harmonium (1908)  |
op. 9
6 Romantic Pieces for Harmonium (1915)  |
6 Sketches for Harmonium  |
op. 10
7 characteristic pieces for piano  |
op. 43
7 Characteristic Pieces for piano (1903)  |
op. 32
7 Idyllen for Harmonium (1914)  |
A Cycle of Eight Short Pieces for Organ  |
Aphorismen, 17 pieces for piano  |
op. 51
Arabeske for piano  |
op. 5
Aus meiner Schwabenheimat, 8 piano pieces  |
op. 38
Basso Ostinato  |
Bolero for Chant and piano (1905)  |
op. 19
Carneval, Waltz scenes for piano  |
op. 45
Cathedral Windows, 6 pieces for organ  |
Chaconne and Fugue Trilogy for organ  |
op. 73
Chorale Improvisations for Organ  |
op. 65/?
Chorale Improvisations Op.65/No.40 Odass ich tausend Zungen hatte  |
op. 65/40
Chorale improvisations: Allein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr  |
op. 65/23
Chorale improvisations: Christe, du Lamm Gottes  |
op. 65/46
Chorale improvisations: Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen  |
op. 65/24
Chorale improvisations: Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott  |
op. 65/47
Chorale improvisations: Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag  |
op. 65/25
Chorale improvisations: Herr, wie du willst, so schick`s mit mir  |
op. 65/36
Chorale improvisations: Herzlich tut mich verlangen  |
op. 65/16
Chorale improvisations: Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen  |
op. 65/17
Chorale improvisations: Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt  |
op. 65/48
Chorale improvisations: Jesu, geh voran  |
op. 65/56
Chorale improvisations: Jesu, hilf siegen, du Fürste des Lebens  |
op. 65/26
Chorale improvisations: Jesu, meine Freude  |
op. 65/38
Chorale improvisations: Jesu, meine Zuversicht  |
op. 65/27
Chorale improvisations: Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier  |
op. 65/57
Chorale improvisations: Lobe den Herren, o meine Seele  |
op. 65/28
Chorale improvisations: Lobet den Íerrn mit Pauken und Zimbeln schon  |
op. 65/58
Chorale improvisations: Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt  |
op. 65/29
Chorale improvisations: Meinen Jesum lass ich nicht  |
op. 65/49
Chorale improvisations: Nach einer Prüfung kurzer Tage  |
op. 65/30
Chorale improvisations: Nun danket alle Gott  |
op. 65/59
Chorale improvisations: Nun lasst uns Gott dem Herren  |
op. 65/31
Chorale improvisations: O du Liebe meiner Liebe  |
op. 65/60
Chorale improvisations: O Gott, du frommer Gott  |
op. 65/50
Chorale improvisations: Ringe recht, wenn Gottes Gnade  |
op. 65/32
Chorale improvisations: Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele  |
op. 65/51
Chorale improvisations: Sollt es gleich bisweilen scheinen  |
op. 65/52
Chorale improvisations: Straf mich nicht in deinem Zorn  |
op. 65/53
Chorale improvisations: Von Himmel Hoch, da komm ich Herr  |
op. 65/?
Chorale improvisations: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme  |
op. 65/33
Chorale improvisations: Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan  |
op. 65/61
Chorale improvisations: Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten  |
op. 65/62
Chorale improvisations: Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten  |
op. 65/63
Chorale improvisations: Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende  |
op. 65/55
Chorale improvisations: Werde munter, mein Gemüte  |
op. 65/54
Chorale improvisations: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern  |
op. 65/64
Chorale improvisations: Wie wohl ist mir, o Freund der Seelen  |
op. 65/65
Chorale improvisations: Wunderbarer König  |
op. 65/66
Chorale improvisations: `Chorale improvisations:`  |
op. 65/45
Compositions for Kunstharmonium  |
op. 26
Consolations, 8 songs for harmonium, voice ad lib. and harmonium  |
op. 47
Dekameron, Suite for piano  |
op. 69
Easy Duets for Harmonium and Piano  |
W 7
Easy Pedal Studies for Organ  |
op. 83
Ein Maientag, song for Voice, harmonium (1909)  |
W 10
Es muss ein Wunderbares sein, song for Voice, harmonium (1893)  |
W 1
Etudes School for Oboe  |
op. 41
Exotische Rhapsodie for piano (1917)  |
From the north, 6 piano pieces (1903)  |
op. 18
Funerale and 3 Chorale Improvisation for organ  |
op. 75
Funerale for Harmonium (1912)  |
Graduale for Harmonium  |
W 7a
Gradus ad Parnassum Book 1: 24 Etudes for Beginners in the Harmonium Game (1913)  |
op. 95/1
Gradus ad Parnassum Book 2: Book 2: 20 Easier Etudes for Harmonium Etudes for the Advanced (1913)  |
op. 95/2
Gradus ad Parnassum Book 3: The First Studies in the Polyphonic Game for Harmonium (1913)  |
op. 95/3
Gradus ad Parnassum Book 4: 25 Etudes to prepare for the high school for Harmonium (1913)  |
op. 95/4
Gradus ad Parnassum Book 5: 38 studies on higher education in harmonium (1913)  |
op. 95/5
Gradus ad Parnassum Book 6: 38 studies on higher education in harmonium (1913)  |
op. 95/6
Harmonium Sonata No.1  |
op. 36
Harmonium Sonata No.2 (1909-11)  |
op. 46
Heathland Pictures, suite for piano (1921)  |
Hexameron, 6 piano pieces (1920): 1.Erotikon  |
op. 97/1
Hexameron, 6 piano pieces: 2.Ritornell  |
op. 97/2
Hexameron, 6 piano pieces: 3.Sonett  |
op. 97/3
Hexameron, 6 piano pieces: 4.Legende  |
op. 97/4
Hexameron, 6 piano pieces: 5.Ghasel  |
op. 97/5
Hexameron, 6 piano pieces: 6.Ballade  |
op. 97/6
Homage to Händel, 54 Studies in Variation Form for Organ (1922)  |
op. 75/2
Impressions and Poems for voice, piano (1907-08)  |
op. 63
Impressions exotiques for Flute and piano  |
Improvisation for Harmonium  |
op. 34
Improvisation on `Nearer, My God, to Thee` for organ  |
W 17
Inner Voices, 8 pieces for Harmonium (1918-19)  |
op. 58
Intarsien, 15 pieces for Harmonium  |
op. 76
I`m standing by your crib here, song for chant and instruments (1905)  |
op. 66/3
Kaleidoscope (1930)  |
Monologe, 5 Pieces for Harmonium  |
op. 33
Music for Organ (1931)  |
Music of the spheres. song for Chant, violin and organ (1905)  |
op. 66/2
Nearer, My God, to Thee, hymn for SAB voices, mixed chorus, flute (or violin), orchestra  |
op. 81
Organ Sonatina (1909)  |
op. 74
Organ Symphony fis-moll  |
Partita for Harmonium  |
op. 37
Partita for organ  |
Partita for piano  |
Partita No.1 for Solo Violin  |
op. 89
Partita retrospettiva III for organ  |
Passacaglia and Fugue on BACH for Organ (1932)  |
Passacaglia for Harmonium (1903-05)  |
op. 25
Patina, 10 miniatures for piano in the style of the 18th century  |
op. 64
Phantasie und Fuge for organ (1905)  |
op. 39
Piano Sonata No.1  |
op. 50
Piano Sonata No.3 (1914)  |
Poesien, Suite for Harmonium and Piano (1906-07)  |
op. 35
Poetische Bagatellen, 10 pieces for piano  |
op. 77
Preambulum festivum for organ  |
op. 64(?)
Prelude in C major for Organ  |
W 74
Romanze of Reger for Piano and Harmonium  |
Rondo alla Campanella (1931)  |
Scandinavian Wise, 7 piano pieces (1907)  |
op. 28
Sempre Semplice, 12 pieces for organ  |
Sequenz No.1 for organ (1908)  |
W 8
Sequenz No.2 for organ (1910)  |
Seven Pastels from the Lake of Constance (1923): 1.Soul of the Lake  |
op. 96/1
Seven Pastels from the Lake of Constance: 2.Landscape in Mist  |
op. 96/2
Seven Pastels from the Lake of Constance: 3.Legend of the Mountain  |
op. 96/3
Seven Pastels from the Lake of Constance: 4.Reed-grown Waters  |
op. 96/4
Seven Pastels from the Lake of Constance: 5.Sun`s Evensong  |
op. 96/5
Seven Pastels from the Lake of Constance: 6.Mirrored Moon  |
op. 96/6
Seven Pastels from the Lake of Constance: 7.Hymn to the Stars  |
op. 96/7
Sicilienne for Harmonium  |
W 10
Silhouettes`, suite for piano and harmonium (1906)  |
op. 29
Sonata appassionata for Flute Solo  |
Sonata for Clarinet solo (1925)  |
Sonata for Flute and Piano in B-dur  |
Sonata No.1 for cello and piano  |
op. 71
Sonata No.1 for Solo Violin  |
op. 88
Sonata-Apassionata for Flute solo in fis-moll  |
Suite after Bizet`s `Jeux d`enfants` for Orchestra (1902)  |
op. 21
Suite Pointillistique for Flute & Piano (1919)  |
Symphonic Canzona for Flute and Piano (1917)  |
Three Impressions  |
op. 72
Transcribed for Piano and Harmonium J.Sibelius` suite `Pelleas and Melisande` op.46  |
Travel Pictures, Suite for piano  |
op. 7
Trio for Oboe, Clarinet and English Horn  |
op. 49/1
Triptych for organ  |
Völlige Hingabe, song for Chant and organ (1905)  |
op. 66/1
Wind Quintet  |
op. 30
`Abendgefühl`, for Harmonium  |
W 28
`Jugend` for Flute, Clarinet, Horn and Piano (1919)  |