Alexandr Kastalsky (1856–1926)
By the Rivers of Babylon |
Fraternal Commemoration, Oratorio |
Great Thanksgiving No. 2 |
How many were baptized, Op. 18c |
Lesser Thanksgiving |
Liturgy of St. John Chrisostom |
Lord, I Cry |
Lord, I cry, The voice of the eighth, The znamenny chant |
Mercy on me, O God ... Jesus is risen from the tomb |
Mother of God Today, Op. 7b |
Nyne otpushchaeshi |
Praise the Name of God |
Preide sen. Dogmatic Hymn to the Theotokos, 2nd tone |
Rus/Russia, poem of N. Nekrasov, to the centenary of the birth of V. V. Stasov (1924) |
Songs for the Motherland (lyrics by various authors, 1902-1904) |
The Great Litany |
The mercy of the world, Op. 6 |
The Only Begotten Son |
Two Russian folk songs (1902-1904) |
Verses of Holy Pascha |
Weather, music to the drama of V. Kamensky `Stenka Razin`(1920s) |
Your Bridal Chamber |
`Gentle Light ` (Kiev Chant) |