10 Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska Songs for vocal and piano (2015)  |
2 Fantasias on `Christ the Lord is Risen Today` for organ  |
2 Inventions for string trio  |
3 Miniatury surrealistyczne for strings  |
3 Nowe Kolędy for 2 voices, piano (2015)  |
3 songs From the Song of Songs  |
6 Songs on Texts of Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska for mezzo-soprano, harp (2014)  |
8 Hymns for Chorus and Strings  |
8 Kanony wokalne  |
A cóż z tą dzieciną, carol for Choir and strings  |
A tam w Toruniu na błoniu for chorus  |
A w niedziele rano pasterecka słynie for chorus  |
All fields are green for chorus  |
And I will make myself a wild pigeon for chorus  |
Art Nouveau, Valse for strings  |
Ave Maria for Choir  |
Ave Maria for various vocal and instrumental combinations  |
Burleska for String quartet  |
Canon duplex a 10 voci  |
Cantabile for Strings (2002)  |
Capriccio for strings  |
Carol Mosaic for chorus or orchestra  |
Creator alme siderum for chorus  |
Credo for chorus  |
Divertimento giocoso for winds  |
Do mojej miłej for chorus  |
Double Fugue in C major for piano  |
Ecce lignum crucis for chorus  |
Enchanted princess for chorus  |
Fantasia Super aquam for flute, harp  |
Four Songs to Words of Isaiah for voice and orchestra  |
Fuga We wish you a Merry Christmas for string quartet (2017)  |
Fuga `Jesteś szalona` for string quartet (2016)  |
Fuga `Wlazł kotek na płotek` for cembalo or string quartet (2016)  |
Fuga `Zwiedzam świat` for string quartet (2016)  |
Fugue ... and dancing for me for string quartet (2016)  |
Fugue for 3 Voices in F major  |
Fugue for Strings in A minor  |
Fugue for Strings in D minor  |
Fugue for Strings in F minor  |
Fugue for Strings in G minor  |
Gloria in excelsis Deo for chorus  |
God is born alla bolero, carol for Orchestra  |
In Paradise for chorus  |
Jam jest dudka, carol  |
Jesu Deus amor meus for chorus  |
Jezu śliczny kwiecie, carol for chorus  |
Jezus malusieńki, carol for strings  |
Kanony instrumentalne  |
Kondziałecka, carol for chorus  |
Kyrie eleison in F minor for chorus  |
Kyrie for chorus (2008)  |
Libera me for chorus  |
Lulajże Jezuniu, carol  |
Lullaby & Toccata for cembalo  |
Melodies of Europe for 3 voices (2016)  |
Miniatura for Violin and Piano  |
Missa brevissima (2006)  |
Missa do-re-mi (2011)  |
Mizerna, cicha, carol  |
Na cepecek, carol for chorus  |
Na Podolu biały kamień for chorus (2006)  |
Na polu wierzba for chorus  |
Narodził się Jezus Chrystus, carol  |
Niedaleko Warszawy, carol  |
Niepojęte dary dla nas daje, carol for chorus  |
Octave study for piano (2015)  |
Overture for strings  |
Partita for Cello and Piano  |
People are crazy, carol  |
Piece for 3 tromboni  |
Porwijmy instrumenta  |
Prelude and Fugue in C-sharp minor for piano  |
Przypływy-odpływy for strings (2007)  |
Psalm 117 for chorus  |
Psalm 130 for chorus  |
Psalm 23 for chorus  |
Ravelesca for piano  |
Sanctus for chorus  |
Sarabanda for 6 horns  |
Scherzo for 6 horns  |
Sonata for Bassoon and piano  |
Sonatina B.A.C.H. for Wind Quintet  |
String Trio in C major  |
Terzetto Canonico for wind  |
The angel told the shepherds, carol for Mixed chorus, string orchestra  |
Three pieces of sonata for Viola and piano  |
To the light for chorus  |
To the shed, hey, shepherds, Carol for chorus  |
Toccatina and Fugue in A minor for piano  |
Today in betleyem, carol  |
Untitled for Doublebass and Piano  |
When Christ is born, carol for strings  |
When the beautiful Virgo, carol for chorus and strings  |
Wiązanka for string orchestra  |