Allegro in D-Dur for Violin and piano  |
VB 163
Aria `Du i hvars oskuldfulla` for soprano and orchestra (1789)  |
VB 30
Aria `Innocente donzelletta` for Soprano & Orchestra (1784)  |
VB 56
Aria `Parvum quando` for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1776)  |
VB 5
Ballet scenes for the opera Armide by C. Gluck (1787)  |
VB 39
Ballet `Azira` (fragment, 1778)  |
VB 18
Cantata for soprano, bass and orchestra for the appointment of Magnus Eilenberg member of the Swedish Academy (1790)  |
VB 15
Concerto for viola and orchestra in Es-dur  |
VB 153c
Concerto for viola, cello and orchestra in G-dur  |
VB 153a
Concerto for violin and orchestra in C-dur (1783)  |
VB 151
Festive Cantata for the birthday of King Gustav III (1782)  |
VB 41
Five Chorale Preludes for Piano (1791)  |
VB 197
Funeral Music for the burial of Gustav III (1792)  |
VB 42
German Songs - I  |
German Songs - II  |
German Songs - III  |
Intermezzo for Moliere`s comedy `Amfitrion` (1784)  |
VB 27
Kantate «La gelosia» for soprano and strings  |
VB 46
Kantate «La pesca» for soprano and strings  |
VB 44
Kantate «La primavera» for soprano and strings  |
VB 47
Kantate «La scusa» for soprano and strings  |
VB 43
Largetto for Klavier in G-dur (1787)  |
VB 194
Miserere in c-moll (1773)  |
VB 4
Motet `In te speravi Domine` for choir and orchestra (1785)  |
VB 11
Motet `Miserere nostri Domine` for choir and orchestra (1788)  |
VB 13
Olympia (1791)  |
VB 33
Opera «Aeneas in Karthago»  |
VB 23
Opera «Proserpine» (1781)  |
VB 19
Opera «Suleiman II»  |
VB 22
Oratorio `The death of Christ` for soprano, alto, bass, chorus & orchestra (1776)  |
VB 17
Pantomime in D Major (1770)  |
VB 37
Pantomime in G-dur (1770-å)  |
VB 38
Phiscarena, ballet  |
VB 40
Piano trio in D-dur (1787)  |
VB 171
Quintet for Flute and Strings in D-dur  |
VB 188
Requiem in d-moll (1775)  |
VB 1
Rondo for Klavier in F-dur (1779)  |
VB 191
Sinfonia buffa  |
VB 129
Sinfonia `per la chiesa` in D-dur (Riksdagssymfon)  |
VB 146
Sinfonia `per la chiesa` in d-moll (Riksdagssymfon)  |
VB 147
Son `An das Klavier`  |
VB 94
Sonata for Keyboard in E-dur (1787)  |
VB 196
Sonata for Klavier in Es-dur (1785)  |
VB 195
Sonata for Violin and Harpsichord in d-moll (1777)  |
VB 157
Sonata in C-dur for pianoforte and violin (Paris, 1785)  |
VB 162
Sonata in C-dur for pianoforte and violin (Stockholm, 1780-82)  |
VB 160
Sonata in D-dur for pianoforte and violin (Stockholm, 1780-82)  |
VB 159
Sonata in Es-dur for pianoforte and violin (Paris, 1785)  |
VB 161
Song `An - als ihm die - starb`  |
VB 74
Song `An den Wind` I  |
VB 79
Song `An den Wind` II  |
VB 80
Song `An eine Quelle` |
VB 75
Song `An mein Mädchen`  |
VB 87
Song `Anselmuccio`  |
VB 86
Song `Daphne am Bach`  |
VB 83
Song `Das Rosenband`  |
VB 85
Song `Der Mann im Lehnstuhl`  |
VB 91
Song `Der nordische Witwe`  |
VB 89
Song `Ein Lied um Regen`  |
VB 90
Stella coeli in C-dur (1783)  |
VB 10
String Quartet in D-dur op.1 ¹4  |
VB 184
String Quartet in g-moll op.1 ¹3  |
VB 183
Swedish Dance for Klavier in C-dur (1780)  |
VB 192
Symphony in A-dur  |
VB 128
Symphony in C-dur  |
VB 138
Symphony in C-dur  |
VB 139
Symphony in c-moll  |
VB 142
Symphony in c-moll `Funebre`  |
VB 148
Symphony in cis-moll  |
VB 140
Symphony in D-dur  |
VB 143
Symphony in e-moll  |
VB 141
Symphony in Es-dur  |
VB 144
Symphony in F-dur  |
VB 130
Two New Bizarre Minuets for the clavier (1779)  |
VB 190
Variations for Klavier in C-dur (1785)  |
VB 193
`Ch`io mai vi possa` aria for soprano and orchestra (1785)  |
VB 59