Franz Liszt

Franz Liszt (1811–1886)
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Élégie for Cello and Piano No. 2 (1877) S.131i
Élégie for Cello and Piano No. 1 (1874) S.130
Élégie for piano No. 2 (1877) S.197
Élégie for Violin and Piano No. 1 (1874) S.130iii
Élégie for Violin and Piano No. 2 (1877) S.131ii
Étude de perfectionnement for piano, 1st version (`Morceau de salon`) (1840) S.142
Étude de perfectionnement for piano, 2nd version (`Ab irato`) (1852) S.143
Évocation à la chapelle Sixtine for organ (1862-65) S.658
Évocation à la Chapelle Sixtine for piano (1862) S.461ii
Évocation à la Chapelle Sixtine for piano (1862) S.461i
(Ábrányi) `Virag Dál` (Chant des Fleurs) for piano (1880) S.383a
(Alabieff) Piano transcription of Romance `Le rossignol`, 1st version (1842) S.249d
(Alabieff) Piano transcription of Romance `Le rossignol`, 2nd version (1842) S.250/1
(Auber) Grande fantaisie sur la tyrolienne de l`opéra `La fiancée`, 1st version (1829) S.385i
(Auber) Tarantelle di bravura dàprès la Tarantelle de `La Muette de Portici`, 1st version (1846) S.386i
(Auber) Tarantelle di bravura d’après la tarantelle de La muette de Portici, 2nd version (1869) S.386ii
(Auber) Tyrolean Melody for piano (1826?) S.233c
(Aubert) 3 Klavierstücke aus der Oper `La muette de Portici` (1846?) S.387/1
(Aubert) Klavierstück über ein fremdes Thema (1847) S.387/2
(Aubert) Souvenir de `La fiancée` - Grande fantaisie sur la tyrolienne, 3rd version (1842) S.385iii
(Bülow) Piano transcription of Dante`s Sonett `Tanto gentile e tanto onesta` (1874) S.479
(Bach) Andante from Cantata `Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu Dir` BWV 38 for organ (1856-60?) S.660/2
(Bach) Einleitung und Fuge from the cantata `Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis` BWV 21 for organ (1861-66) S.660/1
(Bach) Piano transcription of Orgel Fantasie und Fuge BWV 542 (1868), 2nd version (1868) S.463ii
(Bach) Piano transcription of Orgel Fantasie und Fuge G minor BWV 542, 1st version (1861?) S.463i
(Bach) Prelude on a theme from Cantata `Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen` BWV12 for piano (1859) S.179
(Bach) Six Preludes and Fugues (1842-1850) S462 S.462
(Bach) Variationen über ein Motiv aus der Kantate `Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen` for organ (1862-63) S.673
(Bach) Variations on a theme from Bach`s cantata `Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen` for piano (1862) S.180
(Beethoven) Cadenza to the first movement of Piano Concerto ¹ 3 (1878-79) S.389a
(Beethoven) Capriccio on the Turkish-style of the theme of Beethoven (The Ruins of Athens) (1846) S.388
(Beethoven) Fantasia on themes of `The Ruins of Athens` for piano and orchestra (1848-52) S.122ii
(Beethoven) Fantasie über Themen aus `Ruinen von Athen` for piano (1837) S.388b
(Beethoven) Fantasie über Themen aus `Ruinen von Athen` for piano (1852) S.389
(Beethoven) Marche turque des `Ruines d`Athènes` for piano (1846) S.388a
(Beethoven) Pastorale - Schnitterchor aus dem `Entfesselten Prometheus` , for piano, 1st version (1850) S.507a
(Beethoven) Pastorale - Schnitterchor aus dem `Entfesselten Prometheus` , for piano, 2nd version (1861) S.508
(Beethoven) Piano Arrangement of Grand Septet, Op. 20 (1840) S.465
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of 5th movement from Symphonie No.6 (1837) S.463c
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony No.1 (1863–64) S.464/1
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony No.2 (1863–64) S.464/2
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 3 (1863–64) S.464/3
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 4 (1863–64) S.464/4
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 5, 1st version (1837) S.463a
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 5, 2nd version (1863–64) S.464/5
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 6, 1st version (1837) S.463b
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 6, 3rd version (1863–64) S.464/6
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 8 (1863–64) S.464/8
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹ 9 (1863–64) S.464/9
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹7, 1st version (1837) S.463d
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony ¹7, 2nd version (1863–64) S.464/7
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of the Funeral March from Symphony ¹ 3 (1841) S.463e
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of the song cycle `An die ferne Geliebte` (1849) S.469
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of the song `Adelaide`, 1st version (1839) S.466i
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of the song `Adelaide`, 2nd version (1841) S.466ii
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of the song `Adelaide`, 3rd version (1847) S.466iii
(Beethoven) Piano transcription of `6 geistliche Lieder`, op. 48 (1840) S.467
(Beethoven) Piano transcriptions of the songs on the words of Goethe (1849) S.468
(Beethoven) Trancription of Symphony No. 9 for Two Pianos (1851) S.657
(Bellini) Fantasia on favorite motifs from the opera `La Sonnambula`, 1st version (1839) S.393i
(Bellini) Fantasia on favorite motifs from the opera `La Sonnambula`, 2nd version (1839) S.393ii
(Bellini) Fantasia on favorite motifs from the opera `La Sonnambula`, 3rd version (1874) S.393iii
(Bellini) Introduction and Polonaise from `I Puritani` for piano(1840) S.391
(Bellini) Réminiscences de `Norma` for Piano (1841) S.394
(Bellini) Réminiscences des `Puritains` for piano, 1st version (1836) S.390i
(Bellini) Réminiscences des `Puritains` for piano, 2nd version (1837) S.390ii
(Bellini) `Hexaméron` - Grandes variations de bravoure sur la marche des `Puritains` for piano (1837-38) S.392
(Bellini) `Hexaméron` - Grandes variations de bravoure sur la marche des `Puritains` for piano and orchestra (1839) S.365b
(Berlioz) Danse des sylphes de La damnation de Faust de Hector Berlioz, piano transcription S.474a
(Berlioz) Grand Symphonic Fantasia on themes from `Lélio` for piano and orchestra (1834) S.120
(Berlioz) Marche des pèlerins de la symphonie `Harold en Italie`, 1st version (1836-37) S.473i
(Berlioz) Marsh of Pilgrims from the symphony `Harold in Italy`, 2nd version (1862) S.473ii
(Berlioz) Piano transcription of Fantastique Symphonie (1833) S.470
(Berlioz) Piano transcription of the overture `Secret Judges` (1833) S.471
(Berlioz) Piano transcription of the Symphony `Harold in Italy` (1836) S.472
(Berlioz) Piano transcription of `Danse des Silphes` from `La Damnation de Faust`(1860?) S.475
(Berlioz) Piano transcription of `Ouverture du `Roi Lear` by Berlioz (1833) S.474
(Berlioz) `Bénédiction et serment` (Deux motifs de `Benvenuto Cellini` for piano 1852-53) S.396
(Berlioz) `L`idée fixe` (Andante amoroso) for piano, 1st version (1846) S.395
(Berlioz) `L`idée fixe` (Andante amoroso) for piano, 2nd version (1865) S.470a/1
(Berlioz) `Marche au supplice` de la `Symphonie fantastique`, for piano (1865) S.470a/2
(Borodine) Prélude á la Polka for piano (1880) S.207a
(Boulakhov) Russischer Galop, 1st version (1843-44) S.478i
(Boulakhov) Russischer Galop, 2nd version (1844) S.478ii
(Boulakhov) Transcription of Chanson bohémienne (1842) S.250/2
(Chopin) Piano transcriptions of six polish songs by F. Chopin (1857-60) S.480
(Chopin) Prelude îð. 28, ¹ 4 - transcription for Organ (1862-63) S.662/1
(Chopin) Prelude îð. 28, ¹ 9 - transcription for Organ (1862-63) S.662/2
(Clara Schumann) Piano transcriptions of songs (1872) S.569
(Conradi) Zigeuner-Polka, for piano (1848) S.481
(Cui) Tarentelle, for piano (1885) S.482
(Dargomyzhsky) Transcription of Tarantella slave, for piano (1879) S.483
(David) Piano transcriptions of the collection `Bunte Reihe` (1850) S.484
(Delibes) `La mandragore` - Piano transcription of Ballade from the opera `Jean de Nivelle` (1881) S.698
(Dessauer) Piano transcriptions of 3 songs (1846-47) S.485
(Donizetti ) Grande paraphrase de la Marche pour le Sultan Abdul-Medjid Khan, 1st version (1847) S.403
(Donizetti ) Grande paraphrase de la Marche pour le Sultan Abdul-Medjid Khan, 2-ÿ ðåäàêöèÿ (1848) S.403a
(Donizetti) Fantaisie sur des motifs de l`opéra `Lucrezia Borgia` for piano (1840) S.399a
(Donizetti) Piano transcription of Marsh and Cavatina from `Lucia di Lammermoor` (1835-36) S.398
(Donizetti) Piano transcription of the Funeral March from the opera `Don Sebastian` (1844) S.402
(Donizetti) Piano transcription of `Spirto gentil` from the opera `La Favorite` (1847) S.400b
(Donizetti) Piano transcriptions of 3 songs from `Nuits d`ete a Pausilippe` (1838) S.399
(Donizetti) Réminiscences de `Lucia di Lammermoor` (1835-36) S.397
(Donizetti) Réminiscences de `Lucrezia Borgia` - Grande fantaisie sur des motifs favoris de l`opéra for piano (1848) S.400
(Donizetti) Valse a capriccio sur deux motifs de `Lucia` et `Parisina` for piano (1842) S.401
(Erkel) `Schwanengesang` und Marsch aus `Hunyadi Laszo` for piano (1847) S.405
(Ernst II) Piano transcription of the song `Die Gräberinsel` (1842) S.485b
(Ernst II) `Halloh!` (Jagdchor und Steirer aus der Oper `Tony, oder die Vergeltung) for piano (1849) S.404
(F. Liszt - S. Menter) `Ungarische Zigeunerweisen` - Concerto in the Hungarian Style for piano and orchestra (1880) S.714
(Festetics) Spanisches Ständchen for piano (Melodie von Graf Leó Festetics) (1844) S.487
(Festetics) `Pásztor Lakodalmus` (Magyar nóták) for piano (1858) S.405a
(Franz) Piano transcription of `Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen` (1848) S.488
(Franz) Piano transcriptions of 12 songs (1848) S.489
(Glinka) Marche des Tcherkesses de l`opera `Rußlan und Ludmilla`, 1st version (1843) S.406i
(Glinka) Tscherkessenmarsch aus der Oper `Rußlan und Ludmilla`, 2nd version (1875) S.406ii
(Goldschmidt) Piano transcription of love scene and `Wheel of Fortune` from the oratorio `The Seven Deadly Sins` for piano (1880) S.490
(Gounod) Piano transcription of Hymne a Sainte Cecile (1866) S.491
(Gounod) Piano transcription of Waltz from `Faust` (1861) S.407
(Gounod) `Les Adieux` - Fantaisie on a theme from `Romeo and Juliet` for piano (1867) S.409
(Gounod) `Les Sabiennes` - Piano transcription of Berceuse from `Queen of Sheba` (1865) S.408
(Halevy) Memories of the Opera `Yid `(`Daughter of Cardinal`) for piano (1834-35) S.409a
(Handel) Piano transcription of Sarabande and Chaconne from the opera `Almira` (1879) S.181
(Herbeck) Tanzmomente (1869) S.492
(Hummel) Piano transcription of Septet (1848) S.493
(Lassen) Piano transcription of music for `Nibelungs` by Hebbel and `Faust` by Goethe (1878-79) S.496
(Lassen) Piano transcription of the orchestral intermezzo to `Über allen Zauber Liebe` (1883) S.497
(Lassen) Piano transcription of the song `Ich weil in tiefer Einsamkeit` (1872) S.495
(Lassen) Piano transcription of the song `Löse, Himmel, meine Seele`, 1st version (1861) S.494i
(Lassen) Piano transcription of the song `Löse, Himmel, meine Seele`, 2nd version (1872) S.494ii
(Lasso) Arrangement of the motet `Regina coeli laetare` for organ (1865) S.663
(Lessmann) Piano transcription of `Drei Lieder aus Jul. Wolffs `Tannheuser` (1882 S.498
(Massenet) `Marche hongroise de Szabadi` for piano (1879) S.572
(Mendelssohn) Aria `Jerusalem, die du toetest den Propheten` for Voice and Organ S.deest
(Mendelssohn) Concert paraphrase on `Wedding March` and `Dance of the Fairies` from the music to `A Midsummer Night`s Dream` (1849-50) S.410
(Mendelssohn) Piano transcriptions of songs (1840) S.547
(Mendelssohn) Piano transcriptions of the songs `Wasserfahrt` und `Der Jager Abschied` (1848) S.548
(Mendelssohn) Transcription of Songs without Words by Mendelssohn (Op. 30, ¹ 1) for violin and organ S.deest
(Mercadante) `Reminiscences de La Scala` - Fantasie über italienische Opernmelodien for piano (1838-39) S.458
(Mercadante) `Soirees italiennes` - Six entertainments for Piano on motifs by Mercadante (1838-39) S.411
(Meyerbeer) Piano transcription of the song `Le Moine` (1841) S.416
(Meyerbeer) Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale `Ad nos, ad salutarem undam` for piano 4 hands (1850) S.624
(Meyerbeer) Festmarsch zu Schillers 100 jahriger Geburtsfeier for piano (1860) S.549
(Meyerbeer) Illustrations du `Prophète` for Piano (1849-50) S.414
(Meyerbeer) Illustrations for the opera `L`Africaine`, for piano (1865) S.415
(Meyerbeer) Memories of the opera Les Huguenots - Grande fantaisie dramatique sur des thèmes de l`opéra, 1st version (1836) S.412i
(Meyerbeer) Memories of the opera Les Huguenots - Grande fantaisie dramatique sur des thèmes de l`opéra, 2nd version (1838?) S.412ii
(Meyerbeer) Memories of the opera Les Huguenots - Grande fantaisie dramatique sur des thèmes de l`opéra, 3rd version (1842) S.412iii
(Meyerbeer) Réminiscences de `Robert le Diable` - Valse infernale (1841) S.413
(Mosonyi) Fantasia on themes from the opera `Szép Ilonka` for piano (1865-67) S.417
(Mozart) 2 piano transcriptions from `Requiem` (1865) S.550
(Mozart) Adagio von `Die Zauberflöte`, transcription for piano 4 hands (1875-81) S.634a
(Mozart) Arrangement of motet `Ave verum corpus` for Organ (1886) S.674d
(Mozart) Arrangement of motet `Ave verum corpus` for Piano (1867) S.461a
(Mozart) Fantasie über Themen aus `Figaro` und `Don Giovanni` for piano (1842) S.697
(Mozart) Reminiscences de `Don Juan` - Grande fantaisie pour piano (1841) S.418
(Nicolai) Sacred Fest-Overture on the Chorale `Ein` Feste Burg Ist Unser Gott` for organ (1852) S.675
(Pacini) Grand Fantasia on the motifs of `Niobe` (1835-36) S.419
(Paganini) 6 Études d`exécution transcendante d`après Paganini. 1st version (1838) S.140
(Paganini) Grande fantaisie de bravoure sur `La clochette` for piano (1832) S.420
(Paganini) Grandes Études de Paganini (excerpts - ¹ 3 `La Campanella`)
(Paganini) Grandes Études de Paganini. 2nd version (1851) S.141
(Paganini) Large etudes after Paganini (separate pieces -¹ 2 (Es-dur (Andante capriccioso) – after the 17th caprice)
(Raff) Piano transcriptions of 2 fragments from the opera `King Alfred` (1853) S.421
(Raff) Tanz-Caprice No.1 (Einleitung und Coda zu Raffs Walzer) (1854) S.551a
(Rossini ) Fantaisie sur des thèmes de `Maometto II` et `Mose in Egitto` (1839-41) S.421b
(Rossini) 2 piano transcriptions after Rossini (1847) S.553
(Rossini) Fantaisie sur des motifs des `Soirées musicales`, for piano (1835-36) S.423
(Rossini) Grande fantaisie sur des motifs des `Soirées musicales`, 1st version (1835-36) S.422i
(Rossini) Grande fantaisie sur des motifs des `Soirées musicales`, 2nd version (1840) S.422ii
(Rossini) Impromptu brilliant on themes By Rossini & Spontini (1824) S.150
(Rossini) Introduction et variations sur une marche du `Siège de Corinthe` (1830) S.421a
(Rossini) Piano transcription of songs from `Soirees musicales` (1837) S.424
(Rossini) Piano transcription of Overture to `William Tell` (1838) S.552
(Rossini) Piano transcription of the Air from `Stabat Mater` (1847) S.552c
(Rossini) `Caritas` for piano, 1st version (1847) S.552a
(Rossini) `La caritá` for piano, 3rd version (1847) S.552b
(Rossini) `La Charite` for piano (1847) S.701j
(Rubinstein) Einleitung und Coda zu `Étude sur des notes fausses` (1880) S.554a
(Rubinstein) Piano transcription of song `Asra` (1880) S.554/2
(Rubinstein) Piano transcription of song `Oh, if ever it was` (1880) S.554/1
(Saint-Saëns) Piano transcription of `Danse macabre` (1876) S.555
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions (1838) S.558
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 1 `Sey mir gegrüsst` S.558/1
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 2 `Auf dem Wasser zu singen` S.558/2
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 3 `Du bist die Ruh’` S.558/3
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 4 `Erlkoenig` S.558/4
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 5 `Meeresstille` S.558/5
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 6 `Die junge Nonne` S.558/6
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 7 `Fruehlingsglaube` S.558/7
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 8 `Gretchen am Spinnrade` S.558/8
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 9 `Ständchen von Shakespeare` S.558/9
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 10 `Rastlose Liebe` S.558/10
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 11 `Der Wanderer` S.558/11
(Schubert) 12 Lieder. Piano transcriptions. ¹ 12 `Ave Maria` (Ellens dritter Gesang) S.558/12
(Schubert) 2 Impromptus (1868) S.565b
(Schubert) Drei Märsche (1846) S.426
(Schubert) Fantasia C-Dur `Wanderer`. Transcription for piano and orchestra (1851) S.366
(Schubert) Fantasie C-Dur `Wanderer`. Piano transcription (1868) S.565a
(Schubert) Four melodies. Piano transcriptions (1840) S.562
(Schubert) Hungarian Melodies. 1st version (1838-39) S.425
(Schubert) Marche militaire (Grande Paraphrase de Concert) (1870?) S.426a
(Schubert) Six tunes. Piano transcriptions of songs (1844) S.563/1-5
(Schubert) Six tunes. ¹ 6 `Die Forelle` S.563/6
(Schubert) Song `Ave Maria`. Piano transcription. 1st version. (1837) S.557d
(Schubert) Song `Die Forelle`. Piano transcription. 3rd version. (1846) S.564
(Schubert) Song `Die Rose`. Piano transcription (1833, 1837) S.556
(Schubert) Song `Erlkönig`. Piano transcription. 1st version (1837) S.557a
(Schubert) Song `Frühlingsglaube`. Piano transcription. 1st version (1838) S.557c
(Schubert) Song `Gondelfahrer`. Piano transcription. (1883) S.559
(Schubert) Song `Meeresstille`, 1st version (1837) S.557/b/1
(Schubert) `Die schoene Mullerin`. Piano transcriptions of 6 Lieder. (1846) S.565
(Schubert) `Die schoene Mullerin`. ¹ 1 `Das Wandern` S.565/1
(Schubert) `Die schoene Mullerin`. ¹ 2 `Der Mueller und der Bach` S.565/2
(Schubert) `Die schoene Mullerin`. ¹ 3 `Der Jaeger` S.565/3
(Schubert) `Die schoene Mullerin`. ¹ 4 `Die boese Farbe` S.565/4
(Schubert) `Die schoene Mullerin`. ¹ 5 `Wohin?` S.565/5
(Schubert) `Die schoene Mullerin`. ¹ 6 `Ungeduld` S.565/6
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`. Piano transcriptions of 14 Lieder (1838-39) S.560
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 1 `Die Stadt ` S.560/ 1
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 2 `Das Fischermaedchen` S.560/ 2
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 3 `Aufenthalt` S.560/ 3
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 4 `Am Meer ` S.560/ 4
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 5 `Abschied` S.560/ 5
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 6 `In der Ferne` S.560/ 6
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 7 `Staendchen` S.560/ 7
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 8 `Ihr Bild` S.560/ 8
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹ 9 `Fruehlingssehnsucht` S.560/ 9
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹10 `Liebesbotschaft` S.560/10
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹11 `Der Atlas` S.560/11
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹12 `Der Doppelgaenger` S.560/12
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹13 `Die Taubenpost` S.560/13
(Schubert) `Schwanengesang`: ¹14 `Kriegers Ahnung` S.560/14
(Schubert) `Soirees de Vienne`. Valses caprices d`apras Schubert (1852) S.427
(Schubert) `Ständchen` from the song cycle `Schwanengesang`. 1st version. (1837) S.559a/1
(Schubert) `Winterreise`. Piano transcriptions of 12 Lieder (1839) S.561
(Schumann) Piano transcription of `Fruhlingsnacht` (1872) S.568
(Schumann) Piano transcription of `Provencal song` (1881) S.570
(Schumann) Piano transcription of `Widmung`(1848) S.566
(Schumann) Piano transcriptions of 2 songs (1861) S.567
(Schumann) `Widmung` (Short draft) (1850-59?) S.566a
(Smetana) Polka de salon F sharp major for piano (1885) S.570a
(Soriano) Élégie `Feuille morte` for piano (1845) S.428
(Spor) Transcription of Song `Die Rose` (1876) S.571
(Széchényi) Einleitung und Ungarischer Marsch (1872) S.573
(Tausig) Valse-Caprice No.3 (1880) S.571a
(Tchaikovsky) Piano transcription of Polonaise from `Eugene Onegin` (1879) S.429
(Tirindelli) Seconda Mazurka di Tirindelli (1880) S.573a
(Végh) Valse de concert for piano (1882-83) S.430
(Verdi) Deuxième Paraphrase de Concert sur `Ernani` (1859) S.432
(Verdi) Paraphrase de concert on a Theme from the opera `Rigoletto` for piano (1855-59?) S.434
(Verdi) Paraphrase de concert on the `Miserere` from the opera `Il Trovatore` for piano (1859) S.433
(Verdi) Piano transcription of Finale de `Don Carlos` (1867-68) S.435
(Verdi) Piano transcription of the Holy dance and the final duet from the opera `Aida` (1876?) S.436
(Verdi) Piano transcription of `Salve Maria de Jérusalem` from the opera `Lombardi alla prima crociata` (1848) S.431i
(Verdi) Première paraphrase de concert sur `Ernani`, for piano (1847) S.431a
(Verdi) Réminiscences de Boccanegra for piano (1882) S.438
(Verdi) Transcription of `Agnus Dei` from `Requiem` for organ (1877-78) S.675ñ/i
(Verdi) Transcription of `Agnus Dei` from `Requiem` for piano (1877) S.437i
(Vielgorsky) Mazurka pour Piano, arr. composée par un amateur de St. Pétersbourg (1868?) S.384
(Vielhorsky) Piano transcription of the romance `Lyubila ya` (`I Loved!`), 2nd version (1842) S.577i
(Vielhorsky) Piano transcription of the romance `Lyubila ya` (`I Loved!`), 3rd version (1843?) S.577i/bis
(Vielhorsky) Romance `Lyubila ya` (`I Loved!`), 1st version (1842) S.576b
(Wager) Piano transcription of Ballad of the `Flying Dutchman` (1872) S.441
(Wagner) 2 piano transcriptions from `Tannhäuser` and `Lohengrin` (1852) S.445
(Wagner) 3 fragments from `Lohengrin` for piano (1854) S.446
(Wagner) Chor der jüngeren Pilger from `Tannhaeuser`, for organ (1860) S.676i
(Wagner) Fantasy on themes from `Rienzi` for piano (1859) S.439
(Wagner) Piano transcription of Valhalla. Excerpt from trilogy of Der Ring des Nibelungen by Wagner (1875) S.449
(Wagner) Piano transcription of the overture from `Tannhäuser` S.442
(Wagner) Piano transcription of the Solemn march to the Holy Grail from `Parsifal` (1882) S.450
(Wagner) Piano Transcription of the Walter`s song from `Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg` (1871) S.448
(Wagner) Piano transcription of the `Spinnerlied` from `The Flying Dutchman` (1860) S.440
(Wagner) Piano transcription of `Isolda`s Liebestod` from `Tristan and Isolda` (1867) S.447
(Wagner) Piano transcription of `Î, du mein holder Abendstern` from `Tannhauser` (1849) S.444
(Wagner) Pilgrim`s Chorus from the opera `Tannhauser`, for piano (1885?) S.443ii
(Wagner) `O, du mein holder Abendstern` from `Tannhaeuser` - transcription for Cello & Piano (1852) S.380
(Weber) Konzertstück for piano and orchestra, op. 79. Piano transcription (1968-70) S.576à
(Weber) Konzertstueck for piano and orchestra in F minor, op. 79 (1872) S.367a
(Weber) Piano transcription of Preciosa`s song from the incidental music to `Preciosa` (1848) S.453
(Weber) Piano transcription of the overture to the opera `Der Freischutz` (1846) S.575
(Weber) Piano transcription of the overture to the opera `Oberon` (1846) S.574
(Weber) Piano transcription of `Jubelovertüre` (1846) S.576
(Weber) Piano transcription of `Schlummerlied mit Arabesken` (1848) S.454
(Weber) Polonaise brillante, op.72. Piano transcription (1851) S.455
(Weber) Polonaise Brilliant, Op. 72. Transcription for piano and orchestra (1848-52) S.367
(Weber) `Freischütz-Fantasie` for piano (1840) S.451
(Weber) `Leyer und Schwert` - Heroide nach Carl Maria von Weber for piano (1846) S.452
(Zichy) `Valse d`Adèle` - Transcription brillante for piano (1877) S.456
12 Choere fuer Maennergesang (1857–61) S. 90
12 Etudes S.136
12 etudes d`execution transcendente (1851) S.139
12 Etudes d`execution transcendente (exerpts)
12 Grandes Études (1837) S.137
2 Concert Studies (1862) S.145
2 Csárdáses for piano (1884) S.225
2 Episoden aus Lenau`s Faust for orchestra (1859-1861) S.110
2 Episoden aus Lenau`s Faust for orchestra. ¹ 1 `Der nächtliche Zug` S.110/1
2 Episoden aus Lenau`s Faust for orchestra. ¹ 2 `Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke` (`Mephisto-Walzer`) S.110/2
2 Kirchenhymnen for organ (1877) S.669
2 Légendes for piano (1863) S.175
2 Legendes No. 1 `St. Francois d`Assisi: la prédication aux oiseaux`, version orchestrale (1863) S.113a/1
2 Orchestersätze aus dem Oratorium `Christus` for piano (1871) S.498b
2 piano pieces S.189
2 Polonaises for piano (1850-51) S.223
2 Stuecke aus dem Oratorium `Christus` for piano (1871) S.498c
2 Vortragsstücke for organ (1884) S.268
2 waltzes for violin and piano (1823) S.126b
3 Études de Concert S.144
3 Caprices-Valses for piano: No. 1 - Valse de bravoure B flat major (1850-52) S.214/1
3 Caprices-Valses for piano: No. 2 - Valse mélancolique (1850) S.214/2
3 Caprices-Valses for piano: No. 3 - Valse de concert on themes from `Lucia di Lammermoor` and `Parisina` by G. Donizetti (1850-52) S.214/3
3 Morceaux suisses for piano, 2nd version (1876) S.156a
3 Nocturnes (`Dreams of Love` / `Liebesträume`) for Piano (1850): ¹ 1 S.541, ¹ 1
3 nocturnes (`Dreams of Love` / `Liebesträume`) for piano (1850): ¹ 3 S.541, ¹ 3
3 Sonetti di Petrarca for piano (1843-46) S.158
3 songs from Schiller`s `Wilhelm Tell` for voice and piano (1845, rev. 1859) S.292
3 songs from Schiller`s `Wilhelm Tell` for voice and piano (rev. 1859), II version S.292, ¹ 2
3 Songs from `Wilhelm Tell` Schiller for voice and orchestra (1855) S.372
3 Stuecke aus der `Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth`, version for piano (1857-62) S.498a
3 Ungarische Nationalmelodien (1840) S.243
4 Album-Leaves for Princess Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1847) S.166m
4 vierstimmige Männergesänge (1841-42) S.72
5 Ungarische Volkslieder for piano (1872) S.245
5 Variations on a theme from Mehul`s `Joseph` (1820,) S.747a
8 Variations on an original theme (1824) S.148
A study for piano `Mazeppa` (1840) S.138
Abschied - Russisches Volkslied for piano (1885) S.251
Adagio non troppo (1824?) S.151a
Air cosaque for piano (1879) S.249c
Album Leaf S.167h
Album Leaf (`Agnus Dei`) (1860?) S.167c
Album Leaf ¹ 1 A♭ major (1844) S.165
Album Leaf (Adagio in C major) (1841) S.158d
Album Leaf (Allegro vivace quasi presto) F♯ minor (1828) S.163a/1
Album Leaf (Consolation No.1) (1849-50) S.171b
Album leaf (Dante Sonata, fragment) (1837) S.701e
Album Leaf (Mélodie polonaise) (1833) S.249a
Album Leaf (of the symphonic poem Orpheus) (1860) S.167d
Album Leaf (of the symphonic poem `Ideals`) (1860) S.167e
Album Leaf (Operatic aria – and sketched variation) (1841) S.701h/1
Album Leaf (`Adagio religioso in C major`) (1825) S.164l
Album Leaf (`Agitato in G major`) (1849) S.167l
Album Leaf (`Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman`) (1833) S.163b
Album Leaf (`Allegretto in A major`) (1842) S.167n
Album Leaf (`Andante in E♭ major`) (1850?) S.167r
Album Leaf (`Andante religiosamente in G major`) (1846) S.166j
Album Leaf (`Andante religioso in G major`) (1846) S.166h
Album Leaf (`Andantino in A♭ major`) (1847) S.166p
Album Leaf (`Andantino in E major` - `Valse mélancolique`) (1840) S.163d/ii
Album Leaf (`Aus dem 1. Mephisto-Walzer - Episode aus Lenaus Faust: Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke`) (1859) S.167m
Album Leaf (`Aus dem Purgatorio des Dante Sinfonie`) (1857?) S.166r/2
Album Leaf (`Berlin Preludio`) (1842) S.164g
Album Leaf (`Braunschweig Preludio`) (1844) S.166f
Album Leaf (`Dante Symphony progression`) G major (1860?) S.167f
Album Leaf (`Detmold`) (1841) S.164d
Album Leaf (`Exeter Preludio`) (1840) S.164c
Album Leaf (`Freudvoll und leidvoll`) (1847) S.166n
Album Leaf (`Friska`) (1845–49?) S.166k
Album Leaf (`Fugue chromatique - Allegro in G minor`) (1844) S.167j
Album Leaf (`Glasgow fragment`) (1841?) S.701f
Album Leaf (`Introduction to the Grande Étude de Paganini No 6`) (1884) S.141/6a
Album Leaf (`Langsam in C♯ minor`) (1876) S.166o
Album Leaf (`Larghetto in D♭ major`) (1883) S.167p
Album Leaf (`Leipzig`) E major (1840) S.163d/i
Album Leaf (`Leipzig`) E♭ major (1840) S.164b
Album Leaf (`Lyon Prélude`) (1844) S.166d
Album Leaf (`Lyon`) C major (1839) S.167s
Album Leaf (`Magyar`) (1840) S.164e/1
Album Leaf (`Magyar`) (1841) S.164e/3
Album Leaf (`Magyar`) B♭ minor (1840) S.164e/2
Album Leaf (`Moderato in D♭ major`) (1842) S.164k
Album Leaf (`Portugal`) A♭ major (1845) S.166b
Album Leaf (`Prélude omnitonique`) (1844) S.166e
Album Leaf (`Preludio`) (1842) S.164j
Album Leaf (`Pressburg`) C minor (1839) S.163c
Album Leaf (`Purgatorio`) (1857) S.166r/1
Album Leaf (`Quasi mazurek in C major`) (1843) S.163e
Album Leaf (`Rákóczi-Marsch`) A minor (1841) S.164f
Album Leaf (`Schlusschor des entfesselten Prometheus – Andante solenne in D♭ major`) (1883) S.167q
Album Leaf (`Serenade`) A minor (1840) S.166g
Album Leaf (`Tempo di marcia in E♭ major`) (1845) S.167o
Album Leaf (`Vienna`) E major (1840) S.164a
Album Leaf (`Vivace ma non troppo in D♭ major`) (1835) S.167g
Album Leaf (‘An die Künstler II’) S.166t/2
Album Leaf (‘An die Künstler I’) S.166t/1
Album Leaf (‘Ave Maria’) S.164q
Album Leaf (‘Düsseldorf Preludio’) S.163f/2
Album Leaf (‘Dublin’) S.164r
Album Leaf A major (1870) S.166s
Album Leaf A♭ major (1840?) S.166l/1
Album Leaf A♭ major (1845) S.166c
Album Leaf D major (1840-45?) S.164h
Album Leaf E major (1853) S.167t
Album Leaf E♭ major (1840) S.167k
Album Leaf E-Dur (1843) S.166a
Album Leaf G major (1847) S.166q
Album Leaf G minor (1840?) S.166l/2
Album Leaf ¹ 2 A minor (1849) S.534ii/a
Album of princess Marie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein (1847) S.166
Album-Leaf (Valse infernale) (1840?) S.701h/2
Album-Leaf (‘Aus dem Mephisto-Walzer’) S.167m/2
Albumblatt E-dur (1840) S.164
Allegro di Bravura (1824-25) S.151
Allegro maestoso for piano (1826) S.692c
Am Grabe Richard Wagners S.267
Andante religioso for organ (1861) S.261a
Andante sensibilissimo for piano (1880-86) S.701c
Andantino (`pour Emile et Charlotte Loudon`) E♭ major (1828) S.163a/2
Anfang einer Jugendsonate (1825 - 1880) S.692b
Anima Christi sanctifica me for male choir and organ (1874) S. 46/2
Années de pèlerinage I: Suisse (1836-54) S.160
Années de pèlerinage I: Suisse (separated pieces)
Années de pèlerinage II: Italy S.161
Années de Pèlerinage II: Italy (separate pieces)
Années de pèlerinage II: Venezia e Napoli S.162
Années de Pèlerinage III: Italy S.163
Années de Pèlerinage III: Italy (separate pieces)
Anthem `Crux!` (Hymn of sailors) for male choir (1865) S. 35i
Antiphon `Cantantibus organis` (for the Feast of St. Cecilia) for viola, choir and orchestra (1879) S. 7
Aria from the St Matthew Passion by J. S. Bach S.deest
Aus der Ungarischen Kroenungsmesse (1867) S.501
Aux anges gardiens (Den Schutz Engeln) S.162a/iii
Ave Maria (d`Arcadelt) for organ (1862-63) S.659
Ave Maria d`Arcadelt for piano F major (1862) S.183/2
Ave Maria I (`Gebet`) for organ (1842) S.667b/1
Ave Maria I for chorus and organ, 2nd version (1852) S. 20/2
Ave Maria II for choir and organ (1869) S. 38
Ave Maria II for piano D flat major. 2nd version (1872) S.504/2
Ave Maria II for piano D major. 1st version (1869-70) S.504/1
Ave Maria II for voice and organ (1869 version) S.681
Ave Maria II, for organ (1862-63) S.667c
Ave Maria for the piano school of Lebert and Stark (The Bells of Rome), E-dur S.182
Ave Maria III / Sposalizio (`Betrothal`) for alto, female choir and organ (1883) S. 60
Ave Maria IV for piano (1881) S.545
Ave Maria IV for voice and organ (1881) S.341
Ave maris stella for chorus and organ. 1st version (1865-66) S. 34/1
Ave maris stella for piano (1868) S.506
Ave maris stella in D major for voice and organ (1868) S.680
Ave verum corpus for choir and organ (1871) S. 44
Bülow-Marsch S.230
Bülow-Marsch S.229b
Bagatelle without tonality for piano (1885) S.216a
Ballade No.1 in Des-dur `Le chant du croisé` (1845-48) S.170
Ballade No.2 in h-moll (1 version) (1853) S.170a
Ballade No.2 in h-moll, 2nd version (1853) S.171
Bells of Strasbourg Cathedral, ballad for soloists, choir, organ and orchestra (1874-75) S. 6
Berceuse for piano (1854, 1862) S.174
Cadenza for `Mephisto-Walzer` No.1 (1883-85?) S.695f
Cantata `Hungary 1848` (Ungaria-Kantate) for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1848) S. 83a
Cantico del Sol di Francesco d`Assisi for baritone and organ (first version, 1862) S. 4/i
Cantico del Sol di San Francesco for piano (1881) S.499
Canzone Napolitana (Notturno) for piano, 1st version (1842) S.248i
Canzone Napolitana (Notturno) for piano, 2nd version (1842) S.248ii
Carrousel de Madame Pelet-Narbonne` (1879?) S.214a
Celebre melodie hongroise (1866) S.243a
Choir `Die Seligkeiten` (`Beatitudes`) for baritone, mixed voices and organ ad lib. (1859) S. 25
Choir `Licht, mehr Licht` (Light, more Light!) for male voices and horns (1849/1856) S. 84
Choir `L`Eternel est son nom` (`The Lord is His name`) for mixed voices (1846?) S. 18/2
Choir `Slavimo slavno, Slaveni!` (Celebrating, Slavs!) For male voices and organ (1863) S. 33i
Choräle - 11 alte deutsche geistliche Weisen for piano (1878-79) S.504b
Choral `Der Herr bewahret die Seelen` for choir, brass, timpani and organ (1875) S. 92/2
Choral `Nun danket alle Gott` for choir, brass, timpani and organ (1883) S. 61
Christus, oratorio for soloists, mixed chorus, orchestra and organ (1862-66) S. 3
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1830-56) S.124
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.2 in A-dur (1839, 1848-61) S.125
Concerto for piano and orchestra No.3 in Es-dur (1835-39) S.125a
Concerto for piano and strings E-Minor `Malediction` (after 1833) S.121
Concerto pathetique for 2 pianos S.258
Concerto sans orchestre in A major (1839?) S.524a
Consolations, 2 pieces for cello and piano (c. 1871) S.382a
Dante-Symphonie arranged for 2 pianos S.648
Dante-Symphony (1839-1857) S.109
Das Lied der Begeisterung, for male choir and baritone (1871) S. 91/1
De Profundis (Psaume instrumentale) for piano and orchestra (1834-35) S.121a
Declamation `Der blinde Sänger` for narrator and piano (1875-77) S.350
Declamation `Der traurige Mönch` for narratot and piano (1860) S.348
Declamation `Des toten Dichters Liebe` for narrator and piano (1874) S.349
Declamation `Helges Treue` for narrator and piano (1860) S.686
Declamation `Lenore` (Der Bräutigam) for narrator and piano (1857-58) S.346
Declamation `One Hundred Years Ago` (To the 100th Anniversary of Schiller) for narrator and orchestra (1859) S.347
Dem Andenken Petőfis S.195ii
Den Cypressen der Villa d`Este - first version (1872) S.162b
Den Schutz-Engeln: `Angelus!` (Pri ère á l`ange gardien), 3rd version (1880) S.162a/iv
Den Schutz-Engeln: `Angelus`, first version, first sketch (1877) S.162a/i
Den Zypressen der Villa d’Este [I] first version S.162b/1
Die drei Zigeuner, for Violin and Piano (1864) S.383
Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth for soloists, choir, organ and orchestra (1857-62) S. 2
Die Trauer-Gondel (La lugubre gondola) for piano. 1st early version (1882) S.199a/i
Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth
Dramatique scene `Joan of Arc at the stake` (by Dumas) for voice and orchestra (1858/1875) S.373
Dramatique scene `Joan of Arc at the stake` (by Dumas) for voice and piano (1875) S.293/ii
Drei Bach-Bearbeitungen for organ (1856-66) S.660-661
Duet `Dall`alma Roma` for 2 voices and organ (1867-68) S. 36
Duo for Violin and Piano on Polish themes (1835) S.127
Eine Faust-Symphonie for tenor, men`s chorus and orchestra (1854/1857-1861, 1880) S.108
Einleitung, Fuge und Magnificat from the `Dante-Symphony` for organ (1860) S.672b
Elégie `Die Zelle im Nonnenwerth` for piano, 2nd version (1841) S.534ii
Elegie `Die Zelle im Nonnenwerth` for piano, 1st version (1840) S.534i
Elegie `Die Zelle im Nonnenwerth` forpiano, 3rd version (1849) S.534ii/a
Elegie `Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth` for Cello (or Violin) and Piano (1883) S.382
Elegie `Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth` for piano, 4th version (1881) S.534iii
Elegy for Piano ¹ 1 (1874) S.196
Elegy on the themes of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia for piano, 1st version (1842) S.168i
Elegy on the themes of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia for piano, 2nd version (1851) S.168ii
Entwurf der `Ramann-Elegie` (1877) S.196a
Epithalam zu Eduard Reményis Vermählungsfeier, for piano (1872) S.526
Epithalam zu Eduard Reményis Vermählungsfeier, for violin and piano (1872) S.129
Essai sur l’indifference S.692p/2
Fanfare zur Enthüllung des Carl-Augusts Monuments for piano (1875) S.542b
Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses for piano (1835-36) S.157
Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes for piano and orchestra (1852-55) S.123
Fantasia quasi Sonata `Aprés une lecture du Dante` (1840) S.158c
Fantasia quasi Sonata `Aprés une lecture du Dante` (1849) S.161/7
Fantasie und Fuge über das Thema B-A-C-H for piano (1870) S.529ii
Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale `Ad nos, ad salutarem undam` for organ (1850) S.259
Faust-Symphonie arranged for 2 pianos S.647
Fest-Marsch zur Göthe Jubiläum-Feier for piano, 2nd version (1857) S.521
Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H. z. S.-C.-G for piano (1858-59) S.522
Festmarsch nach Motiven von E.H. z. S.C.-G for orchestra (1858-59) S.116
Festmarsch zur Goethe Jubilaumsfeier for orchestra (1849) S.115
Festmarsch zur Säcularfeier von Goethes Geburtstag for piano, 1st version (1849) S.227
Festpolonaise for piano (1876) S.230a
Festpolonaise for piano 4 hands (1876) S.619a
Festvorspiel (Preludio pomposo) for piano (1856) S.226
Five little piano pieces (Album-Leaves for Olga von Meyendorff) (1865-79) S.192
Flea`s song `Once upon a time there was a king` (Es war einmal ein Konig) for bass / baritone, male choir and piano (1845) S. 73
Fragment from `Die Legende vom heiligen Stanislaus` for piano (1880) S.688a
Fragments from `Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth` for piano (1862) S.693a
French anthem `Vive Henri IV` for piano (1879-80) S.239
Funeral Prelude and March for piano (1885) S.206
Galop de Bal for piano (1840) S.220
Galop for piano A minor (1846) S.218
Gaudeamus igitur (Paraphrase de chanson des étudiants) (1843) S.240a
Gaudeamus igitur (Humoreske) S.509
Grand Duo concertant sur la romance de M. Lafont `Le marin` for violin and piano (1849) S.128ii
Grand Galop chromatique E dur for piano, 2nd version (1840?) S.219a
Grand Galop chromatique Es-dur for piano, 1st version (1838) S.219
Grand Solo de concert for piano and orchestra (1850) S.365
Grand Solo de concert for piano, 1st version (1850) S.175a
Grande Fantaisie sur des thèmes de Paganini for piano (1845) S.700i
Grande paraphrase de concert sur `God Save the Queen` et `Rule Britannia` for piano (1841-42) S.694
Grande valse di bravura `Le bal de Berne` (1836) S.209
Great Concert Fantasia on the Spanish Themes for piano (1845) S.253
Grosses Konzertsolo for piano, 2nd version (1850) S.176
Grosses Konzertstück über Themen aus Mendelssohns `Lieder ohne Worte` for 2 Pianos (1834) S.257
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses for Piano (1833-34) S.154i
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses for Piano, 2nd version (1847-48) S.172a
Harmonies poétiques et religieuses for Piano, 3rd version (1840-52) S.173
Harmonies poetiques et religieuses for Piano, 1st version (1845-46) S.171d
Historical Hungarian Portraits for piano (1870-86) S.205
Historische ungarische Bildnisse, for piano (1885) S.205a
Huldigungsmarsch for piano (1853) S.228i
Huldigungsmarsch for piano (1857) S.228ii
Hungarian Coronation Mass for soloists, choir and orchestra (1866-69) S. 11
Hungarian March for piano in B-dur (1859) S.229a
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 9 in E-flat major for piano trio (1848) S.379
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 1 in cis-moll S.244/1
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 1 in f-moll (orchestra version) (1857-60) S.359/1
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 17 in d-moll S.244/17
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 2 in cis-moll S.244/2
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 2 in cis-moll (1885) S.244/2a
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 2 in d-moll (orchestra version) (1857-60) S.359/2
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 3 in B-dur S.244/3
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 3 in Des-dur (orchestra version) (1857-60) S.359/3
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 4 in d-moll (orchestra version) (1857-60) S.359/4
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 4 in Es-dur S.244/4
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 5 in E Minor (orchestral version) (1857-60) S.359/5
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 5 in e-moll S.244/5
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 6 Des-dur S.244/6
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 6 n D Major (orchestral version) (1857-60) S.359/6
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 7 in d-moll S.244/7
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 8 in fis-moll S.244/8
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹ 9 in Es-dur `Carnaval de Pesth` S.244/9
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹10 in E-dur S.244/10
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹10 in E-dur (1847) S.244/10a
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹11 in a-moll S.244/11
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹12 in cis-moll S.244/12
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹13 in a-moll S.244/13
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹14 in f-moll S.244/14
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹15 in a-moll S.244/15
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹15 in a-moll (1847) S.244/15a
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹16 in A-dur (1882) S.244/16i
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹16 in A-dur S.244/16ii
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹18 in A-dur (1883) S.244/18i
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹18 in A-dur (1883) S.244/18ii
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹18 in A-dur S.244/18iii
Hungarian Rhapsody ¹19 in d-moll S.244/19
Hussitenlied (Aus dem 15. Jahrhundert) S.234
Il penseroso for piano (1839) S.157b
Impromptu in Fis-dur for piano (1872) S.191
In domum Domini ibimus for choir, brass, timpani and organ (1884) S. 57
In domum Domini ibimus for organ (1884) S.671
In domum Domini ibimus for piano (1884) S.505
In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi for piano (1880) S.188
Inno a Maria Vergine for mixed choir and organ (1869) S. 39i
Introduction for Organ from Oratorio `Die Legende von der Heiligen Elisabeth` (1872) S.663a
Kavallerie-Geschwindmarsch for piano (1870?) S.460
Klavierstück aus der `Bonner Beethoven-Kantate` (1846) S.507
Klavierstück Fis-dur S.193
Klavierstück in es-Moll (1849?) S.692n
Klavierstück in F major (1843) S.695
Korrekturblatt (1882) S.701k
Ländler for piano As-dur (1843) S.211
Ländler for piano D major (1879) S.211a
La Lugubre Gondola for piano (1883-85) S.200
La lugubre gondola for piano. 2nd early version (1883) S.199a/ii
La lugubre gondole for cello and piano (1883) S.134
La Marseillaise for piano (1866-72) S.237
Largo en si mineur S.692p/1
Le forgeron, for male choir and piano (1845) R548 S. 81
L`hymne du Pape, piano version (1864) S.530
Magnificat for Piano (1862) S.182a
Magyar Tempo (1840) S.241b
March Hongroise for piano E♭ minor (1844) S.233b
Marche de Prozinsky C flat minor (1846) S.701v
Marche de Rákóczy for piano, 5th version (1851) S.244c
Marche funèbre for piano (1827) S.226a
Marche funèbre `En mémoire de Maximilian I` for piano (1867) S.162d
Marche héroïque dans le genre hongrois A minor (Première marche hongroise) (1840) S.231
Marche héroïque for piano (1847-48) S.510
Marches dans le genre hongrois (1840?) S.693
Marie-Poeme (1837) S.701b
Mazurka brillante for piano (1850) S.221
Mazurka for piano F minor (1840) S.221a
Melodie in Dorischer Tonart (Prose des Morts) (1861) S.701d
Mephisto Polka for piano (1882-83) S.217ii
Mephisto Polka for piano (1882-83) S.217i
Mephisto Waltz ¹ 2 for orchestra (1880-1881) S.111
Mephisto Waltz ¹ 2 for piano (1878-1881) S.515
Mephisto Waltz ¹1 (`Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke` - Die zweite Episode aus Lenaus `Faust`) for piano (1857-62) S.514
Mephisto Waltz ¹3 for piano, 1st version (1883) S.215a
Mephisto Waltz ¹3 for piano, 2nd version (1883) S.216
Mephisto Waltz ¹4 for piano, 1st version (1885) S.216b
Mephisto Waltz ¹4 for piano, 2nd version (1885) S.696
Mignons Lied: `Kennst du das Land` (1842), I version S.275, ¹ 1
Missa choralis, organo concinente, for mixed choir and organ (1859-65) S. 10
Missa pro organo lectarum celebrationi missarum adjumento inserviens (1879) S.264
Missa quattuor vocum ad aequales (Szekszárd Mass) ( 1869) S. 8ii
Missa Solennis zur Einweihung der Basilika in Gran (Graner Mass) (1857–58) S. 9
Nocturne `En Reve` for piano (1885) S.207
Nocturne `Pensées` for piano (1845) S.168b
O Roma nobilis for choir and organ (1879) S. 54
O Roma nobilis for piano (1879) S.506b
O sacrum convivium for organ (1880) S.674a/i
O sacrum convivium for organ (ossia) (1884) S.674a/ii
O salutaris hostia II for choir and organ ad lib. (1870) S. 43
Ode `To the Artists` (An die Kunstler) for male choir and orchestra (1853) S. 70
Offertorium aus der Ungarischen Krönungsmesse (1868?) S.667
Offertory `Mihi autem adhaerere` for male choir and organ (1868) S. 37
Opera `Don Sancho, or Castle of Love` S. 1
Ora pro nobis for organ (1864) S.262
Oratorio `Seven Sacraments` (Septem sacramenta) for soloists, choir and organ (1878-84) S. 52
Oratorio `Via Crucis` for mixed chorus, soloists and organ/piano (1876-79) S. 53
Ossa arida for choir and organ 4 hands (1879) S. 55
Parts of Compositions
Pastorale `Chanson du Béarn` (1844) S.236/2
Pater noster II for chorus and organ (1860) S. 29
Pater noster III for choir and organ / piano (1869) S. 41
Pater noster IV for chorus and organ (1850?) S. 22
Pathetic Concerto for piano and orchestra in E Minor (1885-86) S.365a
Petite valse (`Nachspiel zu den drei vergessenen Walzer`) S.695d
Petite valse - Nachspiel zu den drei vergessenen Walzer (1884) S.695e
Petite valse favorite (Souvenir de St Pétersbourg), 1st version (1842) S.212i
Piano Sonata in h-moll (1852-53) S.178
Piano transcriptions of songs by Schubert
Pio IX - version for Organ (1863-65) S.261
Polonaises de l`oratorio St. Stanislaus, for piano (1875) S.519
Präludium und Fuge über das Motiv B.A.C.H. fpr piano (1855) S.529i
Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H for Organ S.260
Preludio Funebre (1885) S.205b
Preludio per il `Cantico del sol di Francesco d`Assisi` for organ (1880) S.665
Psalm No. 13 for tenor, chorus and orchestra (1859-63) S. 13ii
Psalm No. 18 for male choir and orchestra (1860) S. 14i
Psalm No. 23 for soloist/male chorus, harp and organ (1859-62) S. 15i/a
Psalm No. 125 for choir and organ (1883) S. 63
Psalm No.137 for soprano, female chorus, violin, harp/piano and organ (1859-62) S. 17ii
Psalm ¹ 116 for chorus and orchestra (1866-69) S. 11/6
Psaume No. 129 for alto and piano/organ (1883) S. 16ii
Qui Mariam absolvisti (Sequence) for baritone, choir and organ (1885) S. 65
Rákóczi March for 2 pianos (1870) S.652a
Rákóczi Marsch for piano, 1st version (1839-40) S.242a
Rákóczi-March for 2 pianos 8 hands S.652b
Rákóczi-Marsch (1871) S.244b
Rákóczi-Marsch for orchestra (1863-67) S.117
Rákóczi-Marsch for piano, 6th version (1863) S.244a
R. W.- Venezia. (R. Wagner, 1883) S.201
Rakoczy-march for piano (1839-40) S.692d
Requiem für die Orgel (1883) S.266
Requiem for soloists, male chorus and organ (+ brass instruments and percussion) (1867-71) S. 12
Resignazione (Ergebung), for Organ (or piano) S.263/187a
Responsorien und Antiphonen (1860) S. 30
Rhapsody espagnole for piano (1858) S.254
Romance `O pourquoi donc` E minor for piano (1848) S.169
Romancero espagnol (1845) S.695c
Rondeau fantastique sur un thème espagnol `El Contrabandista` for piano (1836) S.252
Rondo di Bravura for piano (1824) S.152
Roumanian Rhapsody for piano (1846-47) S.242/20
Sancta Dorothea (1877) S.187
Sardanapalo, opera (unfinished, ca. 1845-52) S.687
Scherzo and March for piano (1851) S.177
Scherzo in G minor for piano (1827) S.153
Sept Variations brillantes sur un thème de G. Rossini for piano (1824) S.149
Siegesmarsch (Marche triomphale) for piano (1884) S.233a
Song (ballad) `Le juif errant` (Eternal Jew) for bass and piano (1847) S.300
Song (romance) `Il m`aimait tant` (He loved me so much) for voice and piano (1840-42) S.271
Song of the Minions: `Kennst du das Land` (` You know the land`) for voice and orchestra (1860) S.370
Song `Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh` for voice and piano S.306
Song `Anfangs wollt ich fast verzagen` for voice and piano S.311
Song `Angiolin dal biondo crin` for voice and piano S.269
Song `Bist du!` for voice and piano (1844) S.277
Song `Blume und Duft` for voice and piano S.324
Song `Comment, disaient-ils` for voice and piano S.276
Song `Comment, disaient-ils`, II version (1849–59) S.276, ¹ 2
Song `Der du von dem Himmel bist` for voice and piano S.279
Song `Der Glückliche` for voice and piano S.334
Song `Des Tages laute Stimmen schweigen` for voice and piano S.337
Song `Die drei Zigeuner` (` Three Gypsies`) for voice and orchestra (1871) S.374
Song `Die drei Zigeuner` for voice and piano S.320
Song `Die Fischertochter` S.325
Song `Die Loreley` (1841), I version S.273, ¹ 1
Song `Die Loreley` (` Lorelei`) for voice and orchestra (1860) S.369
Song `Die Loreley` for voice and piano (1854-56) S.273
Song `Die Macht der Musik` (Power of Music) for voice and piano (1848) S.302
Song `Die stille Wasserrose` for voice and piano S.321
Song `Die todte Nachtigall` for voice and piano S.291
Song `Die Vätergruft` for voice and piano (1844) S.281
Song `Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth`, I version (1841) S.274, ¹ 1
Song `Do Not Reproach Me` for voice and piano (1866) S.340a
Song `Du bist wie eine Blume` for voice and piano S.287
Song `Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam` for voice and piano S.309
Song `Einst` (Happened) for voice and piano (1878) S.332
Song `Enfant, si j`étais roi` for voice and piano S.283
Song `Enfant, si j`etais roi`, II version S.283, ¹ 2
Song `Es muss ein Wunderbares sein` for voice and piano S.314
Song `Es rauschen die Winde` for voice and piano S.294
Song `Es war ein König in Thule` for voice and piano (1842) S.278
Song `Freudvoll und leidvoll` for voice and piano (1849) S.280
Song `Gastibelza` (Bolero) for voice and piano (1844) S.286
Song `Gebet` (Prayer, words by Lermontov) for voice and piano (1878) S.331
Song `Gestorben war ich` for voice and piano S.308
Song `Go not, happy day` for voice and piano (1879) S.335
Song `Hohe Liebe` for voice and piano S.307
Song `Ich liebe dich` for voice and piano (1862) S.315
Song `Ich möchte hingehn` for voice and piano S.296
Song `Ihr Auge` for voice and piano (1843-49) S.310
Song `Ihr Glocken von Marling` for voice and piano S.328
Song `Im Rhein, im schönen Strome` for voice and piano S.272
Song `In Liebeslust` for voice and piano S.318
Song `Isten veled` (God is with you) for voice and piano (1847/1879) S.299
Song `Jugendglück` for voice and piano (1860?) S.323
Song `J`ai perdu ma force et ma vie (Tristesse)` for voice and piano S.327
Song `Kling leise, mein Lied` for voice and piano S.301
Song `Kling leise, mein Lied`, II version S.301, ¹ 2
Song `La perla` (Pearl) for voice and piano (1872) S.326
Song `La Tombe et la Rose` for voice and piano S.285
Song `Lasst mich ruhen` for voice and piano S.317
Song `Le Crucifix` (Cross) for voice and harmonium / organ (1879) S.342
Song `Le Vieux Vagabond` for voice and piano S.304
Song `Morgens steh` ich auf und frage` for voice and piano by Heinrich Heine S.290
Song `O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst` for voice and piano S.298
Song `O Meer im Abendstrahl` (Oh Sea in the evening ray) for 2 voices and harmonium / organ (1881?) S.344
Song `Oh! Quand je dors` for voice and piano S.282
Song `Oh! Quand je dors`, II version S.282, ¹ 2
Song `Quand tu chantes bercée` (1842) S.306a
Song `Sancta Caecilia` (Saint Cecilia) for voice and harmonium / organ (c. 1880-85) S.343
Song `Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge` for voice and piano S.305
Song `Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge`, 1 version (1845) S.305, ¹ 1
Song `Sei still` for voice and piano (1877-79?) S.330
Song `S`il est un charmant gazon` for voice and piano S.284
Song `S`il est un charmant gazon`, II version (1849–59) S.284, ¹ 2
Song `Und sprich` for voice and piano S.329
Song `Und wir dachten der Toten` (We Thought of the Dead) for voice and piano (1871?) S.338
Song `Vergiftet sind meine Lieder` for voice and piano S.289
Song `Verlassen` (`Mir ist die Welt so freudenleer`) for voice and piano (1880) S.336
Song `Weimars Toten` (Dithyrambe) for bass and piano (1848) S.303
Song `Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen aß` for voice and piano S.297
Song `Wie singt die Lerche schön` for voice and piano S.312
Song `Wieder möcht` ich dir begegnen` for voice and piano S.322
Song `Wo weilt er?` for voice and piano (1844) S.295
Sposalizio S.157a
Suite `Glanes de Woronince` for Piano (1847) S.249
Sursum Corda! - Nachspiel (1877) S.162e
Symphonic poem No. 1 `Ce qu`on entend sur la montagne`, for 2 pianos (1854-56) S.635
Symphonic poem No. 1 `Ñe qu`în entend sur là montagnå` (1847-57) S. 95
Symphonic poem No. 12 `Die Ideale` for two pianos (1857-58) S.646
Symphonic poem No. 2 `Tasso: Lamento e Trionfo` (1849-54) S. 96
Symphonic poem No. 2 `Tasso: Lamento e Trionfo`, for 2 pianos (1854-56) S.636
Symphonic poem No. 3 `Les Préludes` (1854-55) S. 97
Symphonic Poem No. 3 `Les Préludes` for Piano (1863) S.511a
Symphonic poem No. 3 `Les Préludes` for two pianos (1855) S.637
Symphonic poem No. 4 `Orpheus` (1853-54) S. 98
Symphonic poem No. 4 `Orpheus` for Organ S.672a
Symphonic poem No. 4 `Orpheus` for Piano S.511b
Symphonic poem No. 4 `Orpheus` for two pianos (1855-56) S.638
Symphonic poem No. 5 `Prometheus` (1850-55) S. 99
Symphonic poem No. 6 `Mazeppa` (1851-54) S.100
Symphonic poem No. 6 `Mazeppa` for Piano (1870-79?) S.511c
Symphonic poem No. 6 `Mazeppa` for two pianos (1855) S.640
Symphonic poem No. 7 `Festklänge` (1870-79) S.511d
Symphonic poem No. 7 `Festklänge` for 2 pianos (1853) S.641
Symphonic poem No. 7 `Festklänge`(1854-61) S.101
Symphonic poem No. 8 `Héroïde funèbre` (1854-56) S.102
Symphonic poem No. 8 `Héroïde funèbre` for 2 pianos (1854-56) S.642
Symphonic poem No. 9 `Hungaria` (1854) S.103
Symphonic poem No. 9 `Hungaria` for 2 pianos (1855-56) S.643
Symphonic poem No. 9 `Hungaria` for Piano (1872) S.511e
Symphonic poem No.11 `Hunnenschlacht` (1855-57) S.105
Symphonic poem No.11 `Hunnenschlacht` for 2 pianos (1857-60) S.645
Symphonic poem No.12 `Die Ideale` (1856-57) S.106
Symphonic poem No.13 `From the Cradle to the Grave` (1881-82) S.107
Symphonic poem No.13 `Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe` (1881) S.512
Symphonic Poem No.5 `Prometheus` for 2 pianos(1855-56) S.639
Symphonic poem ¹10 `Hamlet` (1858) S.104
Symphonic poem ¹10 `Hamlet` for 2 pianos (1858-60) S.644
Tantum ergo for female chorus and organ (1869) S. 42/1
Technical Studies (12 books) for piano (1868-71) S.146
The song `Wo weilt er?` (`Where is he?`) for voice and piano (1844)
Toccata for piano C major (1879?) S.197a
Tre sonetti di Petrarca for voice and piano (1838-39, 1861) S.270
Tristia, transcription of `La Vallee d`Obermann` for violin, violoncello and piano (1880) S.378c
Trois Chansons for piano (1852) S.510a
Trois Odes funebre. No. 3 `Le Triomphe funebre du Tasso`, for piano (1866) S.517
Trois Odes funebres. No. 1 `Les Morts`, for piano (1860?) S.516
Trois Odes funebres. No. 2 `La Notte`, for piano (1864) S.516a
Tu es Petrus aus dem Oratorio Christus for organ (1867) S.664ii
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 6 (Lento) in G minor (1839-40) S.242/6
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 7 (Andante cantabile quasi Adagio) in E flat major (1839-40) S.242/7
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 8 (Lento) in F minor (1839-43) S.242/8
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 1 (Lento) in C minor (1839-40) S.242/1
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 10 (Adagio sostenuto a capriccio) in D major (1839-43) S.242/10
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 11 (Andante sostenuto) in B flat major (1839-43) S.242/11
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 13à (`Rakoczi-Marsch`) in A minor (1846) S.242/13a
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 2 (Andantino) in C major (1839-40) S.242/2
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 3 (Sehr langsam) in D flat major (1839-40) S.242/3
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 4 (Animato) in C sharp major (1839-40) S.242/4
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 5 (Tempo giusto) in D flat major (1839-40) S.242/5
Ungarische Nationalmelodien. No. 9 in À minor (1839-40) S.242/9
Ungarische Rapsodie for piano in Es-Dur `Pester Carneval` (1847?) S.242/22
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in a-moll (1846-47) S.242/14
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in a-moll (1846-47) S.242/17
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in a-moll `Rákóczy March` (1846-47) S.242/13
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in C sharp minor (1846-47) S.242/18
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in C sharp minor ‘Rêves et fantaisies’ (1847) S.242/23
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in d-moll (1846-47) S.242/15
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in E minor `Költői csárdás` (1846-47) S.242/21
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in E-dur (1846-47) S.242/16
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in e-moll `Héroïde élégiaque` (1846-47) S.242/12
Ungarische Rhapsodie for piano in F sharp minor (1846-47) S.242/19
Ungarischer Geschwindmarsch (1870-71) S.233
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 1 F minor (1853) S.241a/ 1
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 2 A minor (1853) S.241a/ 2
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 3 A minor S.241a/ 3
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 4 A minor (1853 S.241a/ 4
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 5 D minor S.241a/ 5
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 6 A major S.241a/ 6
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 7 A major (1853) S.241a/ 7
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 8 D minor S.241a/ 8
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹ 9 A major S.241a/ 9
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹10 G minor S.241a/10
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹11 F major S.241a/11
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹12 A major S.241a/12
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹13 F♯ minor S.241a/13
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹14 D major S.241a/14
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹15 C major S.241a/16
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹15 D major S.241a/15
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹17 A major S.241a/17
Ungarischer Romanzero: ¹18 A major S.241a/18
Ungarischer Sturmmarsch (Hungarian Battle March) for piano (1875) S.524
Ungarischer Sturmmarsch for orchestra (1875) S.119
Ungarischer Sturmmarsch for piano (Seconde marche hongroise) (1843) S.232
Unstern (Sinistre) for piano (1881) S.208
Urbi et orbi (Benediction papale) for piano (1864) S.184
Valse de Marie (Mariotte) (1842) S.212a
Valse Impromptu for piano (1850-52) S.213i
Valse Impromptu for piano (1870?) S.213ii
Valse mélancolique E major for piano (1839) S.210
Valse mélancolique E major for piano (1840?) S.210à
Valse-Impromptu for piano (1880) S.213iii
Variations de bravoure sur des thèmes de Paganini for piano (1845) S.700ii
Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli for Piano (1822) S.147
Variations on ``Pretty Girl from Tiszántul` for piano (1846) S.384a
Variations sur le `Carnaval de Venise` de Paganini for piano (1843?) S.700a
Vexilla regis prodeunt (Kreuzes-Hymne) for piano (1864) S.185
Via Crucis (Les 14 stations de la croix) for piano (1878-79) S.504a
Waltz A major for piano (1835?) S.210b
Waltz in A-dur for piano (1835?) S.208a
Waltz in Es-dur for piano (1840) S.209a
Weihnachtsbaum. Arbre de Noel 12 piano pieces (1873-74) S.185a
Weihnachtsbaum. Arbre de Noel 12 piano pieces (1874-76) S.186
Weimars Volkslied for bass and piano (1857) S.313
Weimars Volkslied for Organ (1857-63) S.672i
Weimars Volkslied for piano (1841) S.542
Weinachtslied `Christus ist geboren` for piano (1864) S.502
Wiegenlied (Chant de berceau) for piano (1881) S.198
Wilde Jagd - Scherzo S.176a
Winzerchor aus dem `Entfesselten Prometheus` for piano (1850?) S.692e
Workers` choir `Hurry here, grab the shovel!` (`Herbei, herbei, den Spath`) for baritone, chorus and piano (1843-48?) S. 82
Zigeuner-Epos for piano (1848) S.695b
`Évocation à la chapelle Sixtine`, orchestra version (1862) S.360
`Album d`un voyageur` for Piano (1834-36) S.156
`Alleluja` from `Cantico del Sol di San Francesco d`Assisi` for piano (1862) S.183/1
`Am Grabe Richard Wagners`, for String Quartet and Harp (1883) S.135
`An den heiligen Franziskus von Paula` (Gebet) for soloists, male choir, organ and timpani (1860-74?) S. 28
`Angelus! Prière aux anges gardiens` for Harmonium (from Anneés III/1) S.672c
`Angelus! Priere aux anges gardiens` (Prayer to the Guardian Angels) for string quintet (1882) S.378ii
`Apparitions` for piano (1834) S.155
`At the Grave of Richard Wagner` for piano (1883) S.202
`Au bord d`une source` for piano (1863) S.160/4a
`Bouquet to the Virgin in May`, 2 songs: ¹1 `Das Veilchen` (Violet) (1857) S.316/1
`Bouquet to the Virgin in May`, 2 songs: ¹2` Das Schlüsselblumen` (Primula) (1857) S.316/2
`Buch der Lieder II`: ¹ 1 `Comment, disaient-ils` (1847) S.535
`Buch der Lieder II`: ¹ 2 `Oh, quand je dors` (1847) S.536
`Buch der Lieder II`: ¹ 3 `Enfant, si j`étais roi` (1847) S.537
`Buch der Lieder II`: ¹ 4 `S`il est un charmant gazon` (1847) S.538
`Buch der Lieder II`: ¹ 5 `La tombe et la rose` (1847) S.539
`Buch der Lieder II`: ¹ 6 `Gastibelza` (1847) S.540
`Buch der Lieder I` (1843) S.531
`Cantico del Sol di Francesco d`Assisi` for baritone, male chorus, organ and orchestra (1879-1882) S. 4/ii
`Canzonetta del Salvator Rosa` (1839) S.157c
`Consolations` for organ (1866-79) S.672d
`Consolations` for piano, 1st version (1844-48) S.171a
`Consolations` for piano, 2nd version (1849-50) S.172
`Csárdás macabre` for piano (1881-82) S.224
`Dem Andenken Petöfis` for piano (1877) S.195
`Den Schutz-Engeln`: `Angelus!` (Pri ère á l`ange gardien), fifth version (1880) S.162a/vi
`Den Schutz-Engeln`: `Angelus!` (Pri ère á l`ange gardien`), fourth version (1880) S.162a/v
`Den Schutz-Engeln`: `Angelus!` (Prière à l`ange gardien), 1st version (1877) S.162a/ii
`Der Blinde Saenger` for piano (1878) S.546
`Der nächtliche Zug` (Die erste Episode aus Lenaus `Faust`) for piano (1861-73) S.513a
`Die Loreley` for piano (1861) S.532
`Dumka` for piano (1871) S.249b
`Excelsior!` - Preludio zu den `Glocken des Strassburger Münsters` for organ and chorus ad lib. (1874-75) S.666
`Excelsior!` - Preludio zu den `Glocken des Strassburger Münsters` for piano (1874) S.500
`Faribolo Pasteur` for piano (1844) S.236/1
`From the Hungarian Coronational Mass` (Missa coronationalis), 2 movements of the Mass for violin and piano / organ (1869) S.381
`Gebet` for organ (1879) S.265
`Geharnischte Lieder` (1860) S.511
`Gestorben war ich` for piano (1850?) S.540a
`God Save the Queen` (Paraphrase de concert) (1841) S.235
`Gretchen` from `Faust Symphony` for piano (1867) S.513
`Hosannah` (Alleluja del Cantico del sol) for organ (1862-63) S.677
`Ich liebe dich` for piano (1857-60) S.542a
`Il m`aimait tant!` for piano (1843) S.533
`Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier 1859` for orchestra (1857) S.114
`Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier 1859` for piano (1859-60) S.520ii
`Künstlerfestzug zur Schillerfeier 1859` for piano (1859-60) S.520i
`Kaiser Wilhelm!` for piano (1876) S.197b
`La cloche sonne` for piano (1850?) S.238
`La marquise de Blocqueville` (`Un portrait en musique`) for piano (1869) S.190
`La Notte`, for Violin and Piano (1864-65) S.377a
`La romanesca` (Mélodie du 16ième siècle) for piano, 1st version (1840) S.252a/i
`La romanesca` (Mélodie du 16ième siècle), for piano, 2nd version (1852) S.252a/ii
`Le lac de Wallenstadt` for piano (1835-36) S.156/2à(bis)
`Le triomphe funèbre du Tasso`, Epilogue to the symphonic poem ¹ 2 `Tasso` (1866) S.112/3
`Litanies de Marie` for piano (1846-47) S.171e
`Mariengarten` (Mary`s Garden) for choir and organ (1884?) S. 62
`Mignons Lied`: `Kennst du das Land` for voice and piano (1860) S.275
`Mosonyis Grabgeleit` for pizno (1870) S.194
`Nuages gris` for piano (1881) S.199
`Nun danket alle Gott` for organ (1884) S.674c
`O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!` for piano (1843) S.540b
`Paralipomènes á la `Divina Commedia` (Fantaisie symphonique) for piano (1839) S.158a
`Petite valse favorite` (`Souvenir de St Pétersbourg`) (1843) S.212ii
`Polnisch` - sketch for piano (1876?) S.701g
`Prière d`un enfant á son réveil` for piano (1840) S.171c
`Prolégomènes á la `Divina Commedia` (Fantaisie symphonique) for piano (1840) S.158b
`Prometheus` - cantata for 6 soloists, choir and orchestra (1855-59) S. 69ii
`Puszta-Wehmut` for piano (1871) S.246
`Recueillement` for piano (1877) S.204
`Resignazione` for organ or piano, 1st version (1877) S.187a/i
`Resignazione` for organ or piano, 2nd version (1877) S.187a/ii
`Romance oubliée` for Cello and Piano (1880) S.132ii
`Romance oubliée` for piano, 2nd version (1880) S.527
`Romance oubliée` for viola and piano (1880) S.132i
`Romance oubliée` for violine and piano (1880) S.132iii
`Romance oubliee` for piano, 1st version (1880) S.526a
`Rosario` for organ (1879) S.670
`Salve Polonia` (Interludium aus dem Oratorium `St. Stanislaus`) for piano (1863) S.518
`Salve Regina` for chorus (1885) S. 66
`San Francesco` - Preludio per il `Ñantico del sol` for piano (1880) S.498d
`Sankt Christoph` - Legend for bass, choir and piano (1881) S. 47/2
`Schlaflos: Frage und Antwort` for piano S.203 S.203
`Schlummerlied im Grabe` for piano (1874) S.195a
`Schlummerlied` for piano (1882) S.186/7a
`Slavimo slavno, Slaveni!` for organ (1863) S.668
`Slavimo slavno, Slaveni!` for piano (1863) S.503
`Sposalizio` (Zur Trauung) for Organ S.671a
`St. Cecilia` - Legend for mezzo-soprano, choir and orchestra (1874) S. 5ii
`Sunt lacrymae rerum` (in ungarischer Weise) for piano (1877) S.162c/ii
`Sunt lacrymae rerum` for piano (1872) S.162c/i
`Szózat` und Ungarischer Hymnus` for orchestra (1872) S.353
`Szózat` und Ungarischer Hymnus` for piano (1872) S.486
`The Four Elements` (Les quatre elemens), 4 male choirs with piano (2 and 4 hands) (1845) S. 80
`Titan` for baritone, male choir and piano (1845) S. 79
`Totentanz` - Paraphrase über Dies irae for piano and orchestra, 1st version (1849) S.126i
`Totentanz` - Paraphrase über Dies irae for piano and orchestra, 2nd version (1852-59) S.126ii
`Totentanz` for piano (1865) S.525
`Una stella amica` (Polka mazurka de F. Pezzini) for piano (1874-75) S.551
`Ungarischer Marsch zur Krönungsfeier in Ofen-Pest am 8. Juni 1867` (1870) S.523
`Ungarisches Konigslied` for piano (1883) S.544
`Ungarns Gott` for Organ (1881) S.674
`Ungarns Gott` for Piano (1881) S.543
`Ungarns Gott` for Piano (left hand, 1881) S.543a
`Valses oubliées` for Piano (1881-84) S.215
`Venice and Naples` for piano (1840) S.159
`Vexilla regis prodeunt` (Hymn to the Cross) for orchestra (1864) S.355
`Vom Fels zum Meer!` (Deutscher Siegesmarsch) for piano (1853-56) S.229
`Wartburg-Lieder` for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra (1872) S.345
`Years of Wandering` - II: Venice and Naples (separate plays)
`Zum Andenken` 2 Hungarian Recruiting Dances for piano (1828) S.241
`Î, heilige Nacht` (Weihnachtslied), for tenor, choir and organ (1881) S. 49

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