Vladimir Martynov (Born 1946)
Autumn Song (1978) for harpsichord and phonograms  |
Children of the Otter  |
Christmas Oratorio  |
Correspondence  |
Dances of Kali-Yugi  |
Dancing on the Beach, for Piano (2004)  |
Der Abschied (2006)  |
Games of Angels and Men (2011)  |
Hierarchy of Reasonable Values, for percussion ensemble (1977)  |
Machine of Memories, for Piano (2017)  |
Morning in the Mountains  |
Music from mf `Myshonok Pik (Mouse Peak)` 1978  |
New Book of Dances (2009)  |
Night in Galicia, on poems by V. Khlebnikov (1996)  |
Opus Prenatuum  |
Partita  |
Requiem (1998)  |
Singapore. Geopolitical Utopia (2005)  |
Soundtrack to the film `The Island`, 2006.  |
Spring Etude  |
The Beatitudes  |
The Hero Coming, A Study  |
The opera `Vita Nuova`, in 3 acts. The plot of Dante (2009)  |
The Space of the Hidden Pronunciation  |
Unfinished Schubert Quintet  |
`Afternoon of Bach`, a composition for chamber ensemble (2000)  |
`Autumn Ball of Elves,` a composition for chamber ensemble (1994)  |
`Canticum fratris Solis` on the text by St. Francis of Assisi  |
`Come in!`, a composition for two violins, celesta and string orchestra (1985)  |
`Heavenly Jerusalem` (Fragments of the Apocalypse) for mixed choir (1991)  |
`Isaiah, Rejoice!` (2014)  |
`Magnificat quinti toni`  |
`Opus Posthumum II` äëÿ äâóõ ôîðòåïèàíî è ãîëîñà (1983, 1993)  |
`Passionslieder` on the text by Johann Veyntsera  |
`Wall-message` for piano (2007)  |
«Vocal parallels»: Stage director Rustam Khamdamov (2005) (rus)  |