Andrey Mikita (Born 1959)
Affirm God, for three choirs, soloists, deacon (bass) and bells  |
Autumn butterfly. Haiku for piano  |
Comfort. On the theme of the Sunday troparion of the Russian Orthodox Church  |
Concert on Grieg`s Themes for Piano and Orchestra (based on sketches to Grig`s second unwritten concert)  |
Hanami. Thinking on Blooming Sakura, for Piano  |
Himmel blau, Arietta op.111 reflection  |
Hymn to the Virgin  |
Jesum autem flagellatum, for Choir and Organ  |
Liturgy of beauty. Finale of the cantata of the same name with lyrics by K. Balmont  |
Ludwig van Beethoven: from a letter to `Immortal Beloved`  |
Prince Vladimir, mystery  |
Romeo and Juliet, Concert for Cello and Orchestra (a Reinterpretation of the Overture by P. Tchaikovsky)  |
Sanctified heaven and earth, stichera of the Protection of the Holy Virgin  |
Seven Songs of God, oratorio  |
Siege Bread, a poem by I. Gracinsky  |
Steppe. Medieval paintings for flute, domra and piano  |
Troparion of the Martyr Tatyana  |
Troparion of the Nativity of the Virgin  |