Thomas Morley

Thomas Morley (1558–1602)
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About the may-pole new, balletto (a 5)
Aire for 3 Viols
Aria a quattro
Arise, Awake, madrigal (a 5)
Arise, Get up My Deere, Canzonet (a 3)
Blow, Shepherds, Blow, song (a 3)
Cease Myne Eyes, song (a 3)
Clorinda False, madrigal (a 4)
Come sorrow, come
Crewell You Pull Away to Soone, song (a 3)
Dainty Fine Sweet Nymph, balletto (a 5)
Deep Lamenting, Grief Betraying, song (a 3)
Doe You Not Know, song (a 3)
Eheu! Sustulerunt Dominum, motet (a 4)
Fantasia for virginal
Fantasie à 2 `Il Doloroso`
Fantasie à 2 `Il Grillo`
Fantasie à 2 `Il Lamento`
Fantasie à 2 `Il Rondinella`
Fantasie à 2 `La Caccia`
Fantasie à 2 `La Girandola`
Fantasie à 2 `La Sampogna`
Fantasie à 2 `La Sirena`
Fantasie à 2 `La Torello`
Fantasy from `The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book`
Farewell, Disdainfull, song (a 3)
Fire and Lightning from Heaven, song (a 2)
Flora wilt Thou Torment Me?, song (a 2)
Go Ye My Canzonets, song (a 2)
God Morrow, Fayre Ladies, song (a 3)
Hard by a Crystal Fountain, madrigal a 6 (1599)
Hould Out, My Hart, song (a 3)
I am the Resurrection and the Life, anthem for chorus and organ
I Go before My Darling, song a 3 (1595)
I love, alas, I love thee
I saw my lady weeping
I Saw My Lovely Phillis, balletto (a 5)
I Should for Grief and Anguish, song (a 2)
Joy, Joy doth so Arise, song (a 3)
Laboravi in gemitu, motet (a 6)
Ladie, Those Eyes, song (a 3)
Lady, if I through Griefe, song (a 3)
Leave Alas! This Tormenting, balletto (a 5)
Leave now, Mine Eyes, song (a 2)
Lo, here another Love, song (a 2)
Lo, She Flies, balletto (a 5)
Love Learnes by Laughing, song (a 3)
Mi sfidate guerrera, madrigal (a 5)
Mistress mine, well may you fare
My Bonnie Lass
My Bonny Lass She Smileth, balletto (a 5)
No, No, Nigella, madrigal (a 5)
Nolo mortem peccatoris, anthem (a 4)
Now is the Month of Maying
Now is the Month of Maying, balletto (a 5)
Now Must I Dye, song (a 3)
O Flye Not, O Take Some Pittie, song (a 3)
O Sleep, Fond Fancy, song (a 3)
O Thou that art so Cruel, song (a 2)
Out of the Deep, anthem (a 5)
Pavan and Galliard for 5 Viols
Phillis I Fain would Die Now, madrigal (a 7)
Say Deere, Will You Not Have Me, song (a 3)
See, See, Myne Own Sweet Jewell, song (a 3)
Shoot, False Love, I Care Not, madrigal (a 5)
Sing We and Chaunt It, balletto (a 5)
Singing Alone, balletto (a 5)
Springtime Manteleth Every Bough, song (a 3)
The Sacred End Pavin and Galliard
Thirsis and Milla
Thirsis, Let Some Pittie Move Thee, song (a 3)
This Love is but a Wanton Fit, song (a 3)
Thus Saith My Galatea, madrigal (a 5)
Variations on `Nancy`
What Ayles My Darling, song (a 3)
What if my mistress now
What Saith My Daintie Darling?, song (a 3)
Where Art Thou, Wanton, song (a 3)
Whether awaie so Fast, song (a 3)
With my Love my life was nestled
You That Won`t, to My Pipe`s Sound, balletto (a 5)
`Aprill is in my Mistris face` (Madrigal)
`Fyre and lightning` (Madrigal)
`In nets of golden wyers` (Madrigal)
`It was a lover and his lass`
`Miraculous love`s wounding` (Madrigal)
`O Greefe even on the Bud` (Madrigal)
`Sweet nimphe come to thy lover` (Madrigal)
`When loe by breake of morning` (Madrigal)
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No. 1, A Painted Tale
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No. 4, With My Love
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No. 5, I Saw My Lady Weeping
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No. 6, It Was a Lover and His Lasse
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No. 7, Who Is It That This Dark Night
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No. 8, Mistress Mine
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No. 9, Can I Forget
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No.10, Love Winged with My Hopes
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No.12, Come, Sorrow, Come
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No.13, Fair in a Morn
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No.14, Absence Here Thou
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No.17, Will You Buy a Fine Dog
”The First Booke of Ayres” (1600): No.18, Sleep, Slumb`ring Eyes

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