Alexander Nikolsky (1874–1943)
All-Night Vigil, Op. 26  |
As Israel departed Egypt, Op. 19, No. 2  |
Behold now, bless the Lord  |
Cantata 10 to 19 of February (crossed himself) 1911  |
Circassian Song, lyrics by A. Pushkin, Op. 10 No. 3  |
Council Pre-Eternal  |
Four choirs for mixed voices Op. 39  |
From my youth  |
Give rest, o God, to Thy servant  |
Glory to Gogol, lyrics by P. Veinberg (1909)  |
In Memory of Zhukovsky, lyrics by A. Pushkin  |
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31  |
Lord, You Are My Enlightenment  |
Now Lettest Thou  |
Song of Free Russia, the words of S. Gorodetsky, Op. 49-a  |
Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov (lyrics by M. Lermontov) Op. 44 No. 2  |
Spanish Romance, lyrics by A. Pushkin (1905)  |
Three Choirs, lyrics by H. Heine, Op. 25  |
Two choruses on poems by G. Heine op. 18  |
War Pipes Started to Sing, poem of A. Koltsov (1915)  |