A-lle-lu-ia for chorus (2015)  |
Agnus Dei for chorus (2015)  |
All Majesty and Glory to Jesus Christ we bring for chorus  |
As I feel Your Presence, Hymn for chorus, piano (2016)  |
Ave Maria No.1 for soprano, alto, tenor, flute, piano (2015)  |
Ave Maria No.2 for boy soprano, chorus, flute (2016)  |
Born on Christmas Day for chorus  |
Bread of the Angels for chorus (2016)  |
Bread of the Angels in F major for chorus (2016)  |
Cast the First Stone for chorus (2015)  |
Christ is Living for chorus (2016)  |
Come, Lord Jesus, Come for chorus (2016)  |
Credo for 5 voices, violin, piano (2016)  |
Deo Gratias for 4 tenors, flute, trumpet (C), piano  |
Ebialenma Tohan Malen for chorus  |
Eyen Erong for chorus (SATB), flute (2015)  |
From Mouths of Babies for 4 or 5 voices, flute (2016)  |
Gloria in G-flat major for chorus, flute, piano (2016)  |
Gloria! Pax! for chorus (2015)  |
Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken for chorus (2016)  |
God`s Love o`er All is Excelling for chorus, piano (2016)  |
Hail, The Redeemer, King Divine for 5 voices  |
Hallelujah in C major for chorus and piano  |
Here in This Place, Gathered Together for female chorus  |
Holy, Holy for chorus (SATB), piano (2015)  |
Hope In Jesus for 2-3 voices (2016)  |
Hosanna in Excelsis for 7 voices (2016)  |
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen for chorus  |
It is Your Presence for chorus (2016)  |
Ite in Pace for 2 voices  |
Kyrie eleison in G major for 4 voices, flute (2015)  |
Kyrie Eleison No.1 in C major for 4 voices (2015)  |
Kyrie Eleison No.2 in C major for 3 voices (2015)  |
Kyrie in C major for chorus  |
Little Baby Jesus for voices (2015)  |
Lord for the Poor for chorus  |
Lord have Mercy in C major for chorus, piano  |
Lord have Mercy in C-sharp major for 4 voices  |
Lord Jesus Answer for chorus and piano  |
Ondu menyi alo for 4 voices, flute (2015)  |
Osanna In Excelsis for chorus, flute, violin  |
Our humble hands have worked the land for chorus  |
Pange Lingua, Gloriosi for chorus  |
Praises, O Praises to God for chorus  |
Protect the Little Ones for chorus (2016)  |
Quotiescumque for soprano, alto, tenor  |
Risen Saviour, Prince of Peace for chorus and piano  |
Sanctus for soprano, chorus, piano  |
Sanctus in B major for chorus, flute, piano  |
Sanctus in C minor for chorus  |
Sanctus in D minor for chorus and piano  |
Small Mass in E-flat major for chorus  |
Sons and Daughters of God for chorus and piano  |
There is a City Far Away for chorus  |
This Poor Man at Christmas for chorus, piano  |
This Temple for chorus  |
Ubangiji, Hear our Prayers for 4 voices  |
Yah Dan Tunkiya No.2 for chorus, piano  |
Yah Ubangiji in C major for chorus, flute (2016)  |
Yah Ubanji, Ka Yi Mana Jin Kai for chorus  |