(Credo), for choir (1977)  |
(Summa), for string orchestra (1991)  |
2 Slawische Psalmen for chorus or soloists (1997)  |
2 sonatinas, op.1, for piano (1958/1959)  |
7 Magnificat-Antiphonen for chorus (1991)  |
Adam`s Lament (for mixed choir and string orchestra) (2009)  |
After the Victory (Dopo la vittoria), for choir (1996)  |
Alleluia-Tropus for mixed vocal ensemble or chamber choir and 8 violoncellos ad lib. (2008)  |
And One of the Pharisees for three voices (1992)  |
Annum per annum for organ (1980)  |
Arbos for brass and percussion (1977/1986)  |
Beatitudes, for mixed choir and organ (1990)  |
Berlin Mass, for choir and organ or string orchestra (1992)  |
Blessed Petronius (Beatus Petronius), for mixed choir and 2 organs (1990)  |
Cantate Domino canticum novum for chorus or soloists and organ (1996)  |
Cantus (in memory of Benjamin Britten), for string orchestra and bell (1977)  |
Cecilia, Virgin of Rome (Cecilia, vergine Romana), for choir and orchestra (1999/2002)  |
Collage on B-A-C-H fuer Streicher, Oboe, Cembalo und Klavier (1964)  |
Credo for piano, choir and orchestra (1968)  |
Da pacem Domine, for mixed choir and a cappella soloists (2004)  |
De profundis for male choir, percussion and organ  |
Drei Hirtenkinder aus Fátima for mixed choir (2014)  |
Für Jan van Eyck for choir and organ (2020)  |
Festina lente for string orchestra and harp (1988)  |
For Alina (Für Alina), for piano (1976)  |
Four Easy Dances for piano, `Music for a Children`s Theatre`: (1956/1957)  |
Fratres for chamber ensemble (1976)  |
Habitare fratres in unum for mixed choir or vocal ensemble (2012)  |
How the Doe willingly aspires (Como cierva sedienta) for soprano, chorus and orchestra (1998)  |
Hymn to a Great City for two pianos (1984)  |
I am the true vine, for a cappella mixed choir (1996)  |
If Bach Raised Bees (German: Wenn Bach Bienen gezüchtet hätte), for piano, wind quintet, string orchestra and percussion (1976)  |
In memory of Lennart (Lennartile / Für Lennart), for string orchestra (2006)  |
In spe äëÿ äóõîâîãî êâèíòåòà è ñòðóííîãî îðêåñòðà (2010)  |
Kanon Pokajanen for chorus (1997)  |
Kleine Litanei for mixed choir (2015)  |
lamentate. Tribute to A. Kapoor and his sculpture Marsyas, for piano and orchestra (2002)  |
Let me… (Darf ich), for violin, bell in Cis (ad lib.) and string orchestra (1995/1999)  |
Litany for Soloists, choir and Orchestra (1994)  |
Little Concerto on B-A-C-H (Concerto piccolo über B-A-C-H), for trumpet, string orchestra, harpsichord and piano (1964)  |
Littlemore Tractus, for mixed choir and organ (2000)  |
Magnificat, for choir (1989)  |
March of Communist Youth (1962-63)  |
Mirror in a Mirror (German: Spiegel im Spiegel), for violin or cello and piano (1978)  |
Miserere (Psalm 50), for soloist, choir and ensemble (1989)  |
Morning Star for mixed choir (2007)  |
Mozart-Adagio, for violin, cello and piano (1992/1997)  |
My Heart is in the Highlands for countertenor and organ (2000)  |
Nekrolog , for orchestra, op.5 (1960)  |
Nunc Dimittis. Now dismiss your servant. (Luke 2, 29-32). 2001  |
Ode VII (Memento) from Kanon Pokajanen, 1994  |
On the Rivers of Babylon (An den Wassern zu Babel), for soloists or choir and organ or ensemble (1976/1984)  |
Orient and Occident, for string orchestra (2000)  |
Our Garden (`Meie aed`), cantata for children`s choir and orchestra, op.3 (1959/2003)  |
Pari intervallo for organ (1980)  |
Partita, op.2 (1958)  |
Passacaglia, for violin and piano (2003)  |
Passio for soloists, vocal ensemble, choir and instrumental ensemble (1982)  |
Peace upon you, Jerusalem, for women`s choir (2002)  |
Peaks and Potholes of My Way (Mein Weg hat Gipfel und Wellentäler), for 14 strings and percussion (1999)  |
Penitential Canon (Kanon pokajanen) for choir (1997)  |
Perpetuum mobile for orchestra op.10 (1963)  |
Pilgrim`s Song (Wallfahrtslied), for tenor or baritone and string orchestra (1984/2000)  |
Pro et contra, concerto for cello and orchestra for (Mstislav Rostropovich) (1966)  |
Psalom for string quartet (1985)  |
Quintettino Op. 13, for wind quintet (1964)  |
Reverend Agathon (L`Abbé Agathon), for soprano and four cellos (2004)  |
Salve Regina, for mixed choir and organ (2001)  |
Sarah was ninety years old, for three soloists, percussion and organ (1977/1990)  |
Sei gelobt, du Baum for baritone, violin, quinterne and double bass (2007)  |
Sequentia for violin, percussion and string orchestra (2014)  |
Silhouette (Hommage à Gustave Eiffel) for orchestra and percussion (2009)  |
Silhouette for String Orchestra and Percussion (2009)  |
Silouan`s Song for string orchestra (1991)  |
Solfeggio for chorus (1964/1996)  |
Solfeggio for string quartet or saxophone quartet (2008)  |
Song of the Spinning Wheel (Es sang vor langen Jahren), for viola (voice), violin and viola (instrument) (1984)  |
Songs of Ascent (Cantiques des degrés), for choir and orchestra (1999/2002)  |
Stabat Mater, for three soloists and string trio (1985)  |
Statuit e Dominus for two mixed choirs and two organs (1990)  |
Swansong (2013)  |
Syllabic Mass (Missa syllabica), for choir and organ (1977)  |
Symphony No. 1 (Polyphonic), op.9 (1963)  |
Symphony No. 2 (1966)  |
Symphony No. 3 (1971)  |
Symphony No.4 `Los Angeles` (2008)  |
Tabula Rasa - for Two Violins, String Orchestra and Prepared Piano (1977)  |
Te Deum for choir, string orchestra and tape recording (1984-5, ed. 1992)  |
The Deer`s Cry for chorus (2008)  |
The Shroud (ital. La Sindone), for orchestra and percussion (2006)  |
The woman with the alabaster box (on Mt 26:6-13), for a cappella mixed choir (1997)  |
Tribute to Caesar, for mixed choir a cappella (1997)  |
Triodion, for choir (1998)  |
Trisagion for string orchestra (1992)  |
Trivium for organ (1976)  |
Two lullabies (Zwei Wiegenlieder), for two female voices and piano (2002)  |
Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka for piano (1977)  |
Vater unser (Our Father) (2011)  |
Virgencita (Ãâàäåëóïñêàÿ Äåâà ) (2012)  |
Who Was the Son of… (Which Was the Son of…) (2000)  |
`Fratres` äëÿ ãèòàðû ñ îðêåñòðîì (2000)  |
`In Principio`, for choir and orchestra (2003)  |
`These Words...`, for string orchestra and percussion (2007-08)  |
`Veni creator` äëÿ ñìåøàííîãî õîðà èëè ñîëèñòîâ SATB è îðãàíà (2006)  |
`Virgin Mother of God ...`, for chorus (1990)  |
`È ÿ óñëûøàë ãîëîñ...` äëÿ ñìåøàííîãî õîðà à êàïåëëà (2018)  |