Louise Reichardt (1779–1826)
6 Canzon on words by Metastasio for voice and piano (1811), op. 4: No 5 `Non turbar quand io mi lagno` |
6 Canzon on words by Metastasio for voice and piano (1811), op. 4: No. 3 `Semplicetta tortorella` |
6 Canzon on words by Metastasio for voice and piano (1811), op. 4: No. 4 `Fra un dolce deliro` |
6 Canzon on words by Metastasio for voice and piano (1811), op. 4: No. 6 `Se non piange un infelice` |
6 Canzon on words by Metastasio for voice and piano (1811): No.1 `Ombre amene, amiche piante` |
Aus Novalis `Hymnen an die Nacht` |
Canzon 6 on words by Metastasio for voice and piano (1811), op. 4: No. 2 `Più liete imagine nell`alma aduna` |
Canzona (nocturne) `Già della notte oscura` for voice and piano (c. 1804) |
Canzona `Giusto Amor tu che mi accendi` for voice and piano (c. 1805) |
Canzona `Vanne felice rio` for voice and piano (c. 1804) |
Song `An Maria` (To Maria, from` Spiritual Songs `by Novalis) for voice and piano (1800s?) |
Song `Das Mädchen am Ufer` (Girl on the Shore) for voice and piano (180?) |
Song `Die Blume der Blumen` (Flower of flowers) for voice and piano (c. 1810) |
Song `Durch den Wald` (Through the forest with fast steps) for voice and piano (c. 1805?) |
Song `Durch die bunten Rosen` (Through colored roses) for voice and piano (c. 1803) |
Song `Ein recht Gemüth` for voice and piano (1800s?) |
Song `Frühlingsblumen` (Spring Flowers) for voice and piano (c. 1808) |
Song `Heimweh` (Homesickness) for voice and piano (c. 1810?) |
Song `Ich wollt `ein Sträußlein binden` (I want to collect a bouquet) for voice and piano (c. 1805) |
Song `Ruhe, Süßliebchen, im Schatten` (Rest, my love, in the shade) for voice and piano (c. 1805) |
Song `Sehnsucht nach den Vaterland` (Longing for the Fatherland) for voice and piano (1800s?) |
Song `Unruhiger Schlaf` (Restless Sleep) for voice and piano (1810) |