Anton Rovner (Born 1970)
Ante Lucem 1.1.2000 for Flute Solo  |
Ballad  |
Birthday Greetings  |
Contemplation, for Violin and Piano  |
Dance of Turtles, for Orchestra  |
Dawns on the Horizon for Violin Solo  |
Dedication to Richard Strauss. Reminiscence on Electra  |
Duet for Clarinet and Trombone  |
Elegy for five cellos  |
Evening Bowed Branches  |
Fire Landscape  |
Four Romances, poems by Arkady Rovner  |
Gilgamesh  |
Gilgamesh II for flute, clarinet, bassoon, piano, two violins, viola and cello  |
Homage of Arnold Schoenberg  |
Hommage to the Festival and the Anniversary Celebrant  |
I am a lizard (poem by D. Avaliani)  |
Laus Trinitati for Organ  |
Lied, for Clarinet  |
Love`s Secret for the choir to verses by William Blake  |
Metamorphosis for Solo Violin  |
Movement in the Air  |
Music for Orchestra  |
Musica Laconica  |
Musica Laconica for soprano, alto saxophone and piano  |
On the Other Side of Time and Spac,e for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano  |
Orpheus  |
Paysages Trites  |
Piano Sonata  |
Sacred Silence, poem by V. Nikitin  |
Solo for Double Bass  |
Sonata Enigmatica, for Guitar  |
Sonata Seria, for Piano  |
Song of Roland for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano  |
Spellbound  |
Spirals, for piccolo-flute, viola, double bass and piano  |
Spots of Light  |
String Quartet  |
The Left Bank of the River for Countertenor, Guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano and Drums, poems by Eugene Richie  |
The Refrains for Violin Solo  |
The Sunflower, for Choir, poem of W. Blake  |
The Wilderness and the Dry Land shall Rejoice, and the Uninhabited Eearth shall Rejoice  |
Through the Gloomy Calm  |
Why do not give you to sleep at night  |
`Talisman` for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano  |