Hector Salomon (1838–1906)
À Laure, song for tenor and piano |
3 Romances sans paroles for Piano |
Ah! if you knew, song for tenor and piano |
Drops and tears, song for tenor, piano |
Hymne bachique for vocal and piano |
In the flowers, song for soprano and piano |
La pervenche, song for soprano and piano |
Moonlight, song for tenor and piano |
My name Annette, song for voice and piano |
Myrto, song for Voice and Piano |
Old song of the young time for tenor voice, piano |
Prière for vocal and piano |
Rêves, song for tenor and piano |
Scruple, song for tenor, piano |
Sigh, song for vocal and piano |
Song for vocal and piano |
Sonnet for vocal and piano |
The bees, song for tenor and piano |
The castle by the sea, song for baritone and piano |
The chaplain of the regiment, Opéra (1877) |
The favorite sultana, song for vocal and piano |
The ladybug, Mélodie for vocal and piano |
The liar, song for soprano and piano |
The son of the sun, song for baritone and piano |
The storm for male chorus (TTBB), piano (ad lib.) |
The sweets of Suzette, opera (1866) |
To my cousin Angèle, song for Voice and piano |