(J. Strauss) Pizzicato-Polka  |
op. 9, ¹ 2
Bass Nightingale (1922)  |
Concertino for Flute, Viola & Double-Bass  |
Concerto for String Quartet and Winds (1930)  |
Die Wolkenpumpe (1922)  |
Divertimento for String Quartet  |
Divertissement for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1927)  |
Double Concerto for flute and piano  |
Drei Stimmungsbilder  |
Duet for Violin and Piano (1925)  |
Festive Overture for Orchestra (1929)  |
Five Jazz Etudes (1927)  |
WV 81
Five Pieces for String Quartet. 1923  |
Five Pittoresken for piano (1919)  |
Flammen, opera (1927–29)  |
Hot Music - Ten syncopated etudes (1929)  |
WV 92
Hot Sonata for alto saxophone and piano (1930)  |
La Somnambula, Ballet (1925)  |
Partita for Piano  |
Parts of compositions  |
Piano Concerto No.2  |
Piano Sonata ¹ 2  |
WV 82
Piano sonata ¹3  |
Piano Suite No. 3  |
Second Suite for piano, WV 7l (1924)  |
WV 71
Sonata Erotica for female voice (1919)  |
Sonata for Flute and Piano (1927)  |
Sonata for solo violin (1922)  |
WV 83
String Quartet No. 0. 1918  |
String Quartet No. 1. 1924  |
String Quartet No. 2. 1925  |
String Sextet  |
Suite Dansante en Jazz fuer Klavier (1931)  |
WV 98
Suite for Chamber Orchestra  |
Suite for Violin and Piano in (1911)  |
op. 1
Symphony No. 1. 1925  |
Symphony No. 2. 1932  |
Symphony No. 3. 1935  |
Symphony No. 4. 1936-37  |
Symphony ¹ 5 to Romain Rolland (1938-1939)  |
Symphony ¹ 6 Liberty Symphony (1940-1941)  |
Tango  |
Teshinka Folk Songs and Dances: ¹ 3 Pasala volky WV120, ¹ 3  |
Teshinka Folk Songs and Dances: ¹ 4 Sidej na vuz WV120, ¹ 4  |
Teshinka Folk Songs and Dances: ¹15 Kdyz sem byla mamince na kline WV120, ¹15  |
The Communist Manifesto - Cantata for Orchestra, Choir and Soloists (1932)  |
Violin Sonata No. 1 (1913)  |
op. 7
Violin Sonata No.2  |
WV 91
`Humanity` (`Menschheit`), À symphony for alto (voice) and orchestra, op. 28 (1919)  |
WV 48