Giovanni Sollima (Born 1962)
Alone for Cello |
Cellos, vibrate! |
Folk Tales |
Il mandataro, for cello and chamber ensemble |
Lady Lauren, for violin and cello |
Natural Songbook, suite for solo cello |
Opera `Il libro della giungla` |
Sonata 2050 |
Spasimo, suite for cello and chamber ensemble (1996) |
Terra, suite for cello and chamber ensemble |
The Black Owl , for Guitar and Strung |
The Hunting Sonata for two cello |
The N-Ice Cello Concerto |
Viaggio in Italia, audio album 2018 release |
Wood, for duo violins |
`Fecit Neap. 17..`, concerto per violoncello, archi e continuo |