"It is very unpleasant thing" , a song from the musical "The Most Cherished Thing" (lyrics by V. Mass and M. Chervinsky) |
"The Versts", a song (L.Oshanin) |
"We were not home for a long time", a song (lyrics by A. Fatianov) |
A bayan sings across Vologda-city (lyrics by A. Fatianov) 1945 |
Azovskaya partizanskaya |
Ballada o soldate/Ballad of a Soldier |
Davno my doma ne byli/Long ago, we were not at home. 1945 |
Dear Odessa disappeared in the fog |
dewy grasses are good in meadows |
Druzia-odnopolchane/Where are you now, my friends, fellow soldiers? |
Evening on the sea (lyrics by A. Churkin) |
Gde zh ty, moi sad. 1945 |
Gitara/Guitar. 1950 |
In a boat, a song (lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach) |
it was in Krasnodon |
Kak za Kamoi, za rekoi. 1943 |
Kogda pesnyu poesh. 1943 |
Long ago, we were not at home |
Nakhimov`s Marine College Song (1946) |
Natasha (lyrics by M. Isakovsky) 1950 |
Nichego ne govorila/She has told nothing. 1943 |
Our City |
Play, my bayan (lyrics by L. Davidovich) |
Pososhok na dorozhku |
Razgovor/A dialogue. 1944 |
Romance by Kovalev from the operetta "A faithful friend" |
S dobrym utrom, dorogaya/Good morning, honey. 1955 |
Samovary, 1954 |
Shestoi vagon, vtoroe mesto/The sixth car, second place. 1950 |
Sluzhili tri pilota. 1940 |
Song "Evening Song" ("Listen Leningrad) (Churkin) |
Song "If the guys of the whole earth" (Dolmatovski) |
Song "Into the Way" (Dudin) |
Song "Moscow Nights" ("Podmoskovnye vechera") (Matusovsky) |
Song `On the sunny glade` |
Spit dorozhenka stepnaya. 1954 |
The Joyous Train, movie score |
The Nightingales (lyrics by A. Fatianov) |
The song "My motherland" |
the trumpeters sounded the alarm |
Toast (lyrics by J. Fogelson) 1946 |
Tovarishch moryak. 1943 |
trails-paths |
Tri vnuka/Three Grandsons. 1940 |
Uslysh menya, khoroshaya. 1950 |
V zhizni tak sluchaetsya. 1960 |
Vnov k cheremukhe dushistoi. 1955 |
Vsegda ty khorosha (You are always nice), lyrics by N. Gleizarov. 1955 |
Zachem idem vdol berezhka. 1950 |
Zvezdochka/A Little Star. 1945 |