Vasiliy Solovyov-Sedoy

Vasiliy Solovyov`Sedoy (1907–1979)
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"It is very unpleasant thing" , a song from the musical "The Most Cherished Thing" (lyrics by V. Mass and M. Chervinsky)
"The Versts", a song (L.Oshanin)
"We were not home for a long time", a song (lyrics by A. Fatianov)
A bayan sings across Vologda-city (lyrics by A. Fatianov) 1945
Azovskaya partizanskaya
Ballada o soldate/Ballad of a Soldier
Davno my doma ne byli/Long ago, we were not at home. 1945
Dear Odessa disappeared in the fog
dewy grasses are good in meadows
Druzia-odnopolchane/Where are you now, my friends, fellow soldiers?
Evening on the sea (lyrics by A. Churkin)
Gde zh ty, moi sad. 1945
Gitara/Guitar. 1950
In a boat, a song (lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach)
it was in Krasnodon
Kak za Kamoi, za rekoi. 1943
Kogda pesnyu poesh. 1943
Long ago, we were not at home
Nakhimov`s Marine College Song (1946)
Natasha (lyrics by M. Isakovsky) 1950
Nichego ne govorila/She has told nothing. 1943
Our City
Play, my bayan (lyrics by L. Davidovich)
Pososhok na dorozhku
Razgovor/A dialogue. 1944
Romance by Kovalev from the operetta "A faithful friend"
S dobrym utrom, dorogaya/Good morning, honey. 1955
Samovary, 1954
Shestoi vagon, vtoroe mesto/The sixth car, second place. 1950
Sluzhili tri pilota. 1940
Song "Evening Song" ("Listen Leningrad) (Churkin)
Song "If the guys of the whole earth" (Dolmatovski)
Song "Into the Way" (Dudin)
Song "Moscow Nights" ("Podmoskovnye vechera") (Matusovsky)
Song `On the sunny glade`
Spit dorozhenka stepnaya. 1954
The Joyous Train, movie score
The Nightingales (lyrics by A. Fatianov)
The song "My motherland"
the trumpeters sounded the alarm
Toast (lyrics by J. Fogelson) 1946
Tovarishch moryak. 1943
Tri vnuka/Three Grandsons. 1940
Uslysh menya, khoroshaya. 1950
V zhizni tak sluchaetsya. 1960
Vnov k cheremukhe dushistoi. 1955
Vsegda ty khorosha (You are always nice), lyrics by N. Gleizarov. 1955
Zachem idem vdol berezhka. 1950
Zvezdochka/A Little Star. 1945

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