Hans Sommer (1837–1922)
Ach neige, du Schmerzenreiche (Goethe), song for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1919-21) |
Ach, was soll der Mensch |
An den Mond (Goethe) for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1919-21) |
Der Fischer (Goethe), song for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
Der Konig von Thule |
Der Türmer singt (Goethe), song for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
Des Harfners Gesang (Goethe) for baritone and piano (1919-21) |
Erinnerung |
Feiger Gedanken |
Frech und froh (Goethe) for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
Freisinn |
König und Floh (Goethe), song for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
Mailied (Goethe) for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
Mignon singt, als Engel angetan (Goethe) for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1919-21) |
Mignons Heimath |
Mignons Sehnen (Goethe) for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1919-21) |
Nachts in der Kajüte |
Odysseus (Felix Dahn) for baritone and orchestra, op. 11,1 (1901) |
Rastlose Liebe |
Rubezal, Opera, Op. 36 (1904) |
Symbolum (Goethe) for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
Wanderers Nachtlied (Goethe) for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
Wonne der Wehmut (Goethe) for baritone and orchestra (1919-21) |
`Sapphos Gesänge` for mezzo-soprano and orchestra (1884-85) |