Mathias Spahlinger (Born 1944)
128 Fulfilled Moments (1976) (version I) - for soprano, clarinet and cello)  |
128 Fulfilled Moments (1976) (version II)  |
128 Fulfilled Moments (1976) (version III)  |
Adieu m `Amour, dedication Guillaume Dufay for violin and cello (1982-83)  |
Apo Do (`von hier`) for String Quartet (1982) in three movements  |
Aussageverweigerung-Gegendarstellung (1981) for eight instruments  |
El sonido silencioso (1979-80) for seven voices  |
Entlöschend (Non Extinguishing) (1974) - for tomtom  |
Ephémère (Short-lived) (1977) - for percussion, ``true instruments`` and piano  |
Extension  |
Farben der Fruhe (2005)  |
Five Movements for Two Pianos (1969)  |
Four Pieces (1975) - for soprano, clarinet, violin, cello and piano  |
Fugitive Beauté for oboe, alto flute, violin, bass clarinet, alto and cello (2006)  |
Furioso (1991) for ensemble  |
Gegen unendlich, for bass clarinet, trombone, cello and piano (1995)  |
Inter-mezzo concertato non concertabile tra pianoforte e orchestra (1986)  |
Musica Impura (1983) - for voice, guitar and percussion  |
Pablo Picasso: Wie man Wünsche beim Schwanz packt (1980)  |
Passage, Paysage (1988-90)  |
Presentemientos (1992-1993) for string trio  |
RoaiuGHFF (strange?), for jazz soloists and orchestra (1981)  |
Verfluchung (1983-1985) for the three singers and three percussionists  |
`Akt, eine Treppe herabsteigend (Nude descending a staircase)` for trombone, bass clarinet and orchestra (1997-1998)  |
`in dem ganzen ocean von empfindungen eine welle absondern, sie anhalten` for choral groups and playback (1985)  |
`Phonophobie` for wind quintet (1972)  |