Josef Sucher (1843–1908)
An die Entfernte, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
Awakening, song for vocal and piano (1873) |
Dear luck, song for Voice, Piano (1867) |
Die blauen Räthsel, song for Voice and Piano (1869) |
Du Tropfen Thau, song for Voice, Piano (1866) |
Expectation, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
I like the flower, song for Voice, Piano (1868) |
I loved you, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
Ich hör` ein Vöglein locken, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
In the rose bush, song for voice, piano (1867) |
Liebesfrühling, song for Voice, Piano (1868) |
Liebessehnen, song for Voice, Piano (1867) |
Luck, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
O dass doch hier kein Frühling weilet, song for voice, piano (1868) |
On the bright summer morning, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
Schilflied, song for Voice, Piano (1867) |
The lonely one, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
Trost, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |
Wie die jungen Blüten leise träumen, song for Voice, Piano (1868) |
Wolle keiner mich fragen, song for Voice and Piano (1867) |