Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900)
5 Shakespeare Songs for Voice and piano  |
Ave Maria for SATB choir a cappella  |
Birds in the Night, Lullaby for vocal and piano  |
Calm Be Our Rest To-night (For Close of Evening Service) for chorus  |
Cello Concerto  |
Coming Home: Song Voice and Piano (1873)  |
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in D Major  |
Cox and Box, or the Long Lost Brothers, opera  |
Dance overture for orchestra (1870)  |
Duo concertante for cello and piano Op.2  |
Echoes, Four-Part Song with piano  |
Edward Gray, song for Voice and Piano  |
Evening, A Four-Part Song with piano  |
Fair Daffodils, Four-Part Song with piano  |
Festival Te Deum for Solo (S), mixed chorus (SATB) and Orchestrà (1872)  |
Foresters, or Robin Hood and Maid Marian, accompaniment to the play by Alfred Tennyson  |
Golden Days, song for voice and piano  |
Haddon Hall, opera  |
Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices, carol for SATB voices and piano  |
Hearken unto Me, My People, anthem for SATB voices and organ  |
Henry VIII: Incidental Music (1877)  |
Her Majesty`s Ship `Pinafore`, or The Beloved the Sailor, opera  |
I Will Lay Me Down in Peace, anthem for ATTB voices and piano  |
I Will Mention the Loving-Kindnesses, Anthem for SATB Choir and Organ  |
I Will Sing of Thy Power, anthem for tenor, chorus and organ  |
I Would I Were a King, song for voice and piano  |
Imperial March for Orchestra (1893)  |
In Memoriam, Overture for orchestra (1866)  |
Iolanthe, or the Peer and the Peri, opera  |
Ivanhoe, opera  |
Joy to the Victors, A Four-Part Song with piano  |
Jury Trial, opera  |
King Arthur, Incidental music (1895)  |
Let Me Dream Again, song for Voice and Piano  |
Looking Back, song for vocal and piano  |
Lord of Might, Our Land`s Defender, Coronation Hymn for chorus  |
Lost Accord (1877)  |
Macbeth Ouverture  |
Magic Stone of the Beauty, opera  |
Mary Morison, song for voice with piano  |
Micado, or the City of Titipu, opera  |
My Dearest Heart, song for Voice and piano  |
O Hush Thee, My Babie, song for SATB voices with piano  |
O Taste and See How Gracious the Lord Is, anthem for SATB voices with organ  |
Ode on Laying the Foundation Stone of the Imperial Institute for Mixed chorus (SATB) and orchestra (1887)  |
Ode on the opening of the Colonial and Indian Exhibition for Soprano, mixed chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1886)  |
On Shore and Sea, Dramatic Cantata for Soloists (ST), mixed chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1871)  |
Onward, Christian Soldiers, Hymn for Mixed chorus (SATB)  |
Opera `Patience, or the Bride of Bantorn`  |
Overture di Ballo (1879)  |
Parting Gleams, A Four-Part Song with piano  |
Patience, opera (1881)  |
Pineapple Poll, ballet  |
Pirates of Penzance, or Slave of Duty, opera  |
Princess Ida, or Castle the Adamant, opera  |
Prodigal Son, oratorio  |
Raddigor or Witch`s Curse, opera  |
Rose of Persia, or Storyteller and Slave, opera  |
Smuggler, or the Law of robbers, opera  |
Sorcerer, opera  |
St. Agnes` Eve, song for Voice and Piano  |
Symphony in E major (1863-66)  |
Symphony in E Minor Irish  |
Te Deum (1872)  |
Te Deum laudamus for mixed chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1900)  |
The Absent-Minded Beggar, song for Voice and Piano  |
The Beleaguered, A Four-Part Song with piano  |
The Chieftain, opera (1894)  |
The Emerald Isle, opera (1901)  |
The Foresters, or Robin Hood and Maid Marian, Incidental music (1891)  |
The Golden Legend, Cantata for Soloists, mixed chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1886)  |
The Gondoliers, Operetta (1889)  |
The Grand Duke, or the Law Duel, opera  |
The Last Night of the Year, Part-Song for Four Voices with piano  |
The Light of the World, oratorio (1872-73)  |
The Long Day Closes, A Four-Part Song with piano  |
The Martyr of Antioch, cantata for Soloists, mixed chorus and Orchestra (1880)  |
The Martyr of Antioch, suite for orchestra (1898)  |
The Masque at Kenilworth for voices, chorus, orchestra (1864)  |
The Merchant of Venice, Incidental music (1871)  |
The Miller and His Man, Incidental music for Voices and Piano (1873)  |
The Mother`s Dream, song for voice with piano  |
The Princess of Wales` March for Full orchestra or military band (1863)  |
The Rainy Day, song for SATB voices with piano  |
The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn, Hymn for chorus  |
The Strain Upraise of Joy and Praise, hymn for SATB voices with organ  |
The Tempest, Op. 1  |
The Yeomen of the Guard, operetta (1887-88)  |
Thespis, opera (1871)  |
Turn Thy Face from My Sins, anthem for SATB voices with organ  |
Utopia, Ltd, or the fruits of progress, opera  |
Vesper Hymn for chorus  |
Victoria and merry England, operetta  |
We Are But Strangers Here, Funeral hymn for chorus  |
Who is Like unto Thee, anthem for mixed chorus and organ  |
Will He Come?, song for voice and piano  |
Zoological Garden, opera  |