10 Poems from Ellis`s collection Immortelles (1908) The Birth of the Harp Words by T. Moore  |
op. 26/ 1
10 romances (1905): No. 1 `Island`  |
op. 17/ 1
10 Romances (1905): No. 2 `Dreams wither in solitude`  |
op. 17/ 2
10 romances (1905): No. 3 `Let him resound`  |
op. 17/ 3
10 romances (1905): No. 4 `Blissful dreams gone star`  |
op. 17/ 4
10 romances (1905): No. 6 `When, spinning, autumn leaves`  |
op. 17/ 6
10 romances (1905): No. 7 `Nocturne: Fragrant spring night`  |
op. 17/ 7
12 choirs a cappella on the poems of Polonsky (1909)  |
op. 27
16 Choirs For Men`s Voices After Verses by K. Balmont (1911-1914)  |
op. 35
2 a cappella quartets for mixed voices (1907): No. 2 `Adelie` (Pushkin)  |
op. 24/2
2 choirs for male voices a cappella (1881): No. 1 `Night`  |
ST. 58/1
2 choirs for male voices a cappella (1881): ¹2 `Song of King Regner`  |
ST. 58/2
2 comic choirs (fugues) to words by Kozma Prutkov (1880): No. 2 `A specialist is like a flux`  |
ST. 43/2
2 comic choirs to the words of Kozma Prutkov: No. 1 `If you have a fountain`  |
ST. 43/1
2 duets for 2 basses & piano (1879): No. 2 `Fantastic shadows grow, grow`  |
ST. 32/2
2 duets for 2 basses & piano (1886): ¹1 `Night Zephyr`  |
ST. 94
2 duets for 2 voices & piano (1900–05): No. 1 `How you don`t live`  |
op. 18/1
2 duets for 2 voices & piano (1900–05): No. 2 `Bacchic Song`  |
op. 18/2
2 Duets for Soprano, Contralto & Piano (1891): No. 2 `Mountain Peaks`  |
2 tercetes for male voices and piano (1880): No. 1 `What do I mysteriously dream about in the stillness of the night?`  |
ST. 52/1
2 tercetos for male voices and piano (1880): ¹2 `I was waiting for you in the grotto`  |
ST. 52/2
3 choirs for male voices a cappella (1880): No. 3 `Merry Hour`  |
ST. 42/3
3 choirs for male voices a cappella (1880): ¹2 `Nocturne`  |
ST. 42/2
4 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): No. 4 `Winter Way`  |
op. 32/4
4 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): ¹1 `In the hour of loss`  |
op. 32/1
4 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): ¹2 `Angel`  |
op. 32/2
4 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): ¹3 `My mind was depressed by melancholy`  |
op. 32/3
5 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): No. 1 `Night in the mountains of Scotland`  |
op. 33/1
5 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): No. 2 `Light of Rising Stars`  |
op. 33/2
5 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): ¹3 `The Kiss`  |
op. 33/3
5 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): ¹4 `What is she to me?`  |
op. 33/4
5 romances on poems by Y. Polonsky (1911): ¹5 `Prisoner`  |
op. 33/5
7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): No. 3 `Mask`  |
op. 34/3
7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): ¹1 `The last conversation`  |
op. 34/1
7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): ¹2 `Are not my passions?`  |
op. 34/2
7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): ¹4 `Loving ears of corn, soft rustle`  |
op. 34/4
7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): ¹5 `Last breath`  |
op. 34/5
7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): ¹6 `Night in the Crimea`  |
op. 34/6
7 poems by Y. Polonsky (1911–12): ¹7 `My heart is a spring`  |
op. 34/7
Adagio for orchestra in C major (1875?)  |
ST. 13
Andantino semplice for Piano  |
Ballad `Old Knight` for voice and piano (1876?)  |
ST. 19
Cantata `Exegi onumentum` by lirykc A.Pushkin (1880)  |
ST. 44
Cantate After reading the Psalms for 4 soloists, double mixed choir and orchestra (1912–15)  |
op. 36
Cantate `John Damascene` for choir and orchestra (1884)  |
op. 1
Canzone for Clarinet and String Orchestra (1883)  |
ST. 69
Cherubic Hymn for mixed choir (1880)  |
ST. 41
Choir `Evening Song` for male voices a cappella (1881)  |
ST. 59
Choir `Pine` for mixed voices a cappella (1877)  |
ST. 24
Choir `Sunrise` (lyrics by F. Tyutchev) for mixed voices (1897?)  |
op. 8
Chorale Variations for Organ (1894)  |
Chorus (joke) `Toad` for female voices (1880s?)  |
ST. 54
Chorus `Adelie` for 4 basses a cappella (1887)  |
ST. 99
Chorus `Echo` for mixed voices a cappella (1888)  |
Chorus `Serenade` for mixed voices a cappella (1877)  |
ST. 22
Chorus `Venice at night` for mixed voices a cappella (1877)  |
ST. 26
Concert Suite for Violin and Orchestra in g-moll (1908–09)  |
op. 28
Four improvisations for piano (1896)  |
God Be Merciful Unto Us, Psalm 66 (1874-75)  |
ST. 8
Grand Solemn March for piano 4 hands/orchestra (1879)  |
ST. 36
I Will Take the Cup of Salvation  |
ST. 92
Irmos 1 of the Epiphany Canon (1881)  |
ST. 65
Lord, I Cry Unto Thee  |
ST. 88
Lullaby for piano (1881)  |
ST. 62
Lullaby for voice and piano (1896)  |
March in D Minor (1879)  |
ST. 35
Musical joke `Composer`s birthday` for reader and piano 4 hands (1892)  |
Now… Blessed Art Thou… (1890)  |
O Gladsome Light, Variation  |
ST. 90b
O Praise the Lord, Psalm 116 (1874-75)  |
ST. 9
Opera `The Oresteia` (1887-94)  |
Overture in d-moll (1875)  |
ST. 15
Overture on a Russian Theme for orchestra (1882)  |
ST. 67
Piano Concerto in Es-dur (1876)  |
ST. 18
Piano Quartet E-dur (1902–06)  |
op. 20
Piano Quintet in g-moll (1911)  |
op. 30
Piano Sonata in E flat major (unfinished, 1874-75)  |
ST. 7
Piano trio in D-dur (1906-08)  |
op. 22
Praise Ye the Name of the Lord (1883)  |
ST. 72
Prelude and Fugue in Gis-moll for piano (1910)  |
op. 29
Prelude in F-dur for Piano (1894-95)  |
Psalm 103 `Bless the Lord, my soul` for choir (1879)  |
ST. 38
Quadrille in A major for piano (1879)  |
ST. 37
Rejoice in the Lord, O Ye Righteous  |
ST. 89
Repose (Elegy) in E Major for piano (1880)  |
ST. 49
Romance `In a difficult moment of life` for voice and piano (1896)  |
Romance `Summer Night` for voice and piano (1874)  |
ST. 4
Scherzo in C major for piano (1874-75)  |
ST. 12/1
Scherzo in es-moll for Piano (1874–75)  |
ST. 11
Scherzo in F major for piano (1874-75)  |
ST. 12/2
Scherzo in g minor (1875)  |
ST. 12/3
Serenade on the departure of the Marquise de Fiji `No wind from above` for bass and piano (1884)  |
ST. 80
Sonata for Violin and Piano in a-moll  |
Song `From Medieval Life` for voice and piano (1876–80?)  |
ST. 20
Song `Nakhodka (from Goethe)` for voice and piano (1878)  |
ST. 30
String Quartet A-dur (1883)  |
ST. 76
String Quartet C-dur (1883)  |
ST. 75
String Quartet Es-dur (1880)  |
ST. 50
String quartet No.1 b-moll (1890)  |
op. 4
String Quartet No.2 C-dur (1895)  |
op. 5
String Quartet No.3 d-moll (1896)  |
op. 7
String Quartet No.4 a-moll (1898–99)  |
op. 11
String Quartet No.5 A-dur (1902–03)  |
op. 13
String Quartet No.6 in B-dur (1903–05)  |
op. 19
String Quintet C-dur (1903–04)  |
op. 16
String Quintet G-dur (1901)  |
op. 14
String Trio in B Minor, without Op. (1913)  |
Sunday Troparion  |
ST. 91
Symphony No.1 in e-moll (1873–74)  |
ST. 2
Symphony No.2 in B-dur  |
ST. 29
Symphony No.3 in d-moll (1884)  |
ST. 81
Symphony No.4 in c-moll (1896–98)  |
op. 12
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immorteli` No. 4. Music  |
op. 26/ 4
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` No. 10. Among the enemies  |
op. 26/10
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` No. 5. `Dense forests`  |
op. 26/ 5
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` No. 6. Stalactites  |
op. 26/ 6
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` No. 7. Fountains  |
op. 26/ 7
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` No. 9. Minuet  |
op. 26/ 9
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` `And the enemies trembled`  |
op. 26/ 8
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelle` No. 2. Canzone XXXII  |
op. 26/ 2
Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelle` No. 3. Reflections  |
op. 26/ 3
Ten Romances (1905): No. 5 `Not the Wind Blowing from the Heights`  |
op. 17/ 5
Ten Romances: No. 8 `In the Invisible Mist`  |
op. 17/ 8
Ten Romances: No. 9 `The Restless Heart is Beating`  |
op. 17/ 9
Ten Romances: No.10 `The World is Asleep`  |
op. 17/10
Tercet `Once upon a time a worm hit the neck` for basses and piano (1880)  |
ST. 48
The Righteous Shall Be in Everlasting Remembrance  |
ST. 87
Thou Hast Made Salvation (1883)  |
ST. 74a
Thou Hast Made Salvation, Variation (1883)  |
ST. 74b
Three Tercets, Poems by F. Tyutchev (1907)  |
op. 23
Through All the Earth  |
ST. 86
To Thee, the Champion Leader  |
ST. 85
Trio for two Violins and Viola in D-dur (1907)  |
op. 21
Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello in D-dur (1880)  |
ST. 51
Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello in Es-dur (1910-11)  |
op. 31
Two choruses a cappella (1900): ¹ 1 `The Stars`  |
op. 15/1
Two choruses a cappella (1900): ¹ 2 `The Alps`  |
op. 15/2
Two romances (1896–97)  |
op. 9
Variations for Piano in c-moll (1874)  |
ST. 5
Vocal quartet `Lie in bed` (1880)  |
ST. 45
Who Maketh His Angels Spirits (1883)  |
ST. 73a
Who Maketh His Angels Spirits, Variation  |
ST. 73b
`From Border to Border` - double choir for mixed voices (1898-99)  |
op. 10
`Quiet light, version 1`, Znamenny chant for choir (1870-80s)  |
ST. 90a
`The Oresteia`, overture (1889)  |
op. 6