Christopher Tye

Christopher Tye (1505–1573)
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A certayne man who was named, motet (a 4)
A sound of angels, carol (a 4)
Ad te clamamus, motet (a 5)
Alleluia Per te Dei genitrix, motet (a 4)
And in that tyme Herode the Kyng, motet (a 4)
At Antioche there dyd remayne, motet (a 4)
Christus Resurgens for 5 viols
Dum Transisset I for 5 viols
Dum Transisset II for 5 viols
Dum Transisset III for 5 viols
Dum transisset III, motet (a 5)
Dum Transisset IV for 5 viols
Farwell my good forever
From the depth I called on thee, O Lord, anthem (a 4)
Give almes of thy goods, anthem (a 4)
Gloria a 5
Gloria laus, motet (a 4)
Hail, glorious spirits, anthem (a 4)
I lift my heart to thee, anthem (a 5)
I will exalt thee, anthem
If ye be risen again with Christ, anthem (a 4)
In Nomine for 4 viols
In Nomine for 5 viols
In Nomine for 6 viols
In Nomine `Beleve me`
In Nomine `Blamles`
In Nomine `Crye`
In Nomine `Farwell my good I for ever` for 5 viols
In Nomine `Follow me`
In Nomine `Free from all`
In Nomine `Howld fast`
In Nomine `I Come`
In Nomine `My death`
In Nomine `Rachells weepinge`
In Nomine `Re la re`
In Nomine `Reporte`
In Nomine `Rounde` for 5 viols
In Nomine `Saye so`
In Nomine `Seldom sene`
In Nomine `Surrexit non est hicc`
In Nomine `Trust`
In Nomine `Weep no more Rachell`
In pace,motet (a 5)
In the foremer treatyse, motet (a 4)
In those dayes as the nombre playne, motet (a 4)
It chaunced in Iconium, motet (a 4)
Kyrie a 4
Laudate nomen Domini, motet (a 4)
Lawdes Deo for 5 viols
Lord, let thy servant, motet (a 4)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, motet (a 4)
Mass Euge bone (à 6)
Missa Euge bone
My trust O Lord in thee is grounded, anthem (a 5)
O come, ye servants of the Lord, anthem (a 4)
O God of Bethel, anthem (a 4)
O God, be merciful, anthem (a 4)
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace, anthem (a 4)
O Lord, deliver me from mine enemies, anthem (a 5)
O Lord, rebuke me not, anthem (a 4)
O Lux for 5 viols
O splendor gloriae, motet (a 5)
Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus a 5 voci
Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus, motet (a 5)
Peccavimus cum patribus a 7 voci
Peccavimus cum patribus, motet (a 7)
Peter and John they toke their way, motet (a 4)
Praise ye the Lord ye children, anthem (a 4)
Rachell"s Weepinge
Rubum Quem
Saule breathing out threatnyngs abrode, motet (a 4)
Sit Fast for 3 viols
Sub tuam protectionem, motet (a 4)
The apostles and brethren were glad, motet (a 4)
The death of Steven dyd Saule comfort, motet (a 4)
Then sayde the chefe priest Is it so?, motet (a 4)
Then was there one Cornelius, motet (a 4)
When that the fyftye daye was come, motet (a 4)
When that the people taught they had, motet (a 4)
`Quaesumus omnipotens`

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