Alexander Varlamov (1801–1848)
A White Sail Gleams (A. Varlamov - M. Lermontov) |
Akh, ty, vremya, vremechko |
Angel, poem by M. Lermontov |
At dawn you do not wake her (A. Varlamov-A. Fet) |
Be silent bird, the canary (A. Varlamov - N. Ciganov) |
Chem tebya ya ogorchila/What I upset you |
Chto mne zhit` i tuzhit` |
Chto zatumanilas zorenka yasnaya |
Chto zatumanilas zorenka yasnaya, Russian folk song |
Disappointment (A. Delvig) |
Hilltops (A. Varlamov - M. Lermontov). |
I`ll harness my steed |
Let others indulge (A. Varlamov - the words by the author) |
Mne zhal tebya/I pity you |
My soul aspires to ..., poem of A. Koltsov |
Napominanie/Reminder, romance |
Ne poi, krasavitsa, pri mne/Do not sing, my beauty, for me |
Oh, do not kiss me (Varlamov - words by Author) |
Oh, No, I Don`t Beleive |
Pesnya rszboinika (A. Veltman) |
Prayer |
Red sundress (Varlamov - Ciganov) |
Snowstorm (Varlamov - N.N.) |
Soon you will forget me, romance |
The Sea |
To Mary (A. Pushkin) |
To ne veter vetku klonit, a Russian folk song, lyrics by S. Stromilov, 1840s |
Volga-river down (lyrics by A. Shakhovsky), the Russian folk song |
What kind of heart (A. Varlamov - N. Ciganov) |
Why do you sit until the midnight |
Why do you too early, grass, (A. Varlamov - N. Ciganov) |
Why, with a smile sad (an old Russian song) |
You do not sing, Nightingale (A. Varlamov - A. Koltsov) |
You`re my darling (Varlamov - AM). |
`Give a deep sigh` (lyrics by G. Golovachev) |