3 Poems by Walt Whitman  |
A Song of Thanksgiving (originally Thanksgiving for Victory) for narrator, soprano solo, children`s chorus, mixed chorus, and orchestra (1944)  |
A Vision of Aeroplanes, 1955  |
Alister McAlpine`s Lament (1912)  |
Alleluya, sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol) (W. Chatterton Dix -Prichard harm. RVW)  |
And all in the morning (trad. Eng. harm. RVW)  |
Anthem `O how amiable`  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Newfoundland - The Cuckoo  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Newfoundland - The Maiden`s Lament  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Newfoundland - The Morning Dew  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Voice & violin - Searching for Lambs  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Voice & violin - The Lawyer  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Voice, vlolln & plano - How cold the wind doth blow (or The Unquiet Grave)  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Wessex - Rolling in the Dew  |
Arrangements of folk songs: Wessex - `The Brewer`  |
Ballet suite for flute and piano  |
Ballet `Job: A Masque for Dancing` (1931)  |
Benedicite, for soprano, choir and orchestra (1929)  |
Bucolic Suite (or Pastoral Suite) (1900 rev. 1901)  |
Cantata `Dona Nobis Pacem` (1936)  |
Cantata `In Windsor Forest`  |
Cantata: A Cotswold Romance (1951) (Concert peformance version of Hugh the Drover (1910-14)  |
Charterhouse Suite (for strings)  |
Concerto Accademico for violin and orchestra  |
Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra in a-moll  |
Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra  |
Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra (1946) arr. by Joseph Cooper in collaboration with the composer  |
Concerto Grosso, for three groups of strings, each requiring different levels of technical skill (1950)  |
Epithalamion (Edmund Spenser) for baritone, chorus, piano, solo flute and string orchestra  |
Fantasia (quasi variazione) on the Old 104th Psalm Tune for piano, chorus, and orchestra (1949)  |
Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis (1910, 1913, 1919)  |
Fantasia on Greensleeves  |
Five English Folk Songs (1913)  |
Five English Folk Songs (1913): ¹ 1 `The Dark-Eyed Sailor`  |
Five English Folk Songs (1913): ¹ 2 `The Spring Time of the Year`  |
Five English Folk Songs (1913): ¹ 3 `Just as the Tide was Flowing`  |
Five English Folk Songs (1913): ¹ 4 `The Lover`s Ghost` (Well met, my own true love)  |
Five English Folk Songs (1913): ¹ 5 `Wassail Song`  |
Five Mystical Songs - for baritone, chorus and orchestra (1911)  |
Five variants of `Dives and Lazarus` for Orchestra & Harp (1939)  |
Flourish for Glorious John (Barbirolli) for Orchestra  |
Folksong Arrangements: Carols - `Joseph and Mary`  |
Folksong Arrangements: Carols - `The Saviour`s Love`  |
Folksong Arrangements: Carols - `The Truth Sent from Above`  |
Folksong Arrangements: East Anglia - `As I walked out`  |
Folksong Arrangements: East Anglia - `Bushes and Briars`  |
Folksong Arrangements: East Anglia - `Geordie`  |
Folksong Arrangements: East Anglia - `On Board a Ninety-Eight`  |
Folksong Arrangements: East Anglia - `The Captain`s Apprentice`  |
Folksong Arrangements: France - `Ballade de Jesus Christ`  |
Folksong Arrangements: France - `Chanson de quete`  |
Folksong Arrangements: France - `Reveillez-vous, Piccars`  |
Folksong Arrangements: Newfoundland - `She`s like the swallow`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `An Acre of Land`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `Bushes and Briars`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `Ca` the Yowes`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `Early in the Spring`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `Greensleeves`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `John Dory`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `Loch Lomond`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `The Seeds of Love`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `The Turtle Dove`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `The Unquiet Grave`  |
Folksong Arrangements: `Ward, the Pirate`  |
Folksongs of the Four Seasons, Suite for Choir and Orchestra  |
Four Hymns (1914): (1914) for tenor and piano (or strings) with viola obbligato  |
Four Last Songs (1954-58): ¹ 1 - `Procris`  |
Four Last Songs (1954-58): ¹ 2 - `Tired`  |
Four Last Songs (1954-58): ¹ 4 - `Menelaus`  |
Four Last Songs: (1954-58): ¹ 3 - `Hands, Eyes and Heart`  |
Four Poems by Fredegond Shove  |
Heroic Elegy and Triumphal Epilogue  |
In the Fen Country  |
Joseph and Mary (trad. Eng. arr. RVW)  |
Magnificat (1932)  |
Masque `On Christmas Night` (1926)  |
Mass in g-moll for unaccompanied choir (1922)  |
Motet `Lord, Thou hast been our refuge`  |
Motet `O clap your hands`  |
Motet `O taste and see`  |
Motet `O vos omnes`  |
Motet `Prayer to the Father of Heaven`  |
Nocturne and Scherzo for Violin and Piano  |
Norfolk Rhapsody No. 1 in E minor (1905-06)  |
Norfolk Rhapsody No. 2 in D minor (1906)  |
O little town of Bethlehem (Forest Green)  |
Old King Cole, ballet for orchestra and optional chorus  |
Opera `Hugh the Drover, or Love in the Stocks` (1910–14; revised 1924, 1933, 1956)  |
Opera `Riders to the Sea` (1925-32)  |
Opera `Sir John in Love` (1924–28)  |
Opera `The Poisoned Kiss` (1936)  |
Oratorio `Sancta Civitas` (1923-1925)  |
Oxford Elegy for Narrator, Chorus and Orchestra (1949)  |
Partita for Double String Orchestra  |
Parts of Works  |
Phantasy Quintet (1912)  |
Piano concerto in C  |
Prelude 49th Parallel  |
Prelude and Fugue in C minor  |
Prelude on an Old Carol Tune  |
Quintet for Clarinet, Horn, Violin, Cello and Piano in D-dur  |
Quintet for Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass & Piano in c-moll  |
Romance and Pastorale for Violin and Piano  |
Romance for viola and piano  |
Romance in D flat for harmonica with strings and pianoforte  |
Romanza for Cello and Orchestra (1954)  |
Sea Songs - March  |
Serenade to Music (choir version)  |
Serenade to Music (orchestra version)  |
Sinfonia Antarctica (Symphony No. 7) for full orchestra, soprano soloist, and women`s chorus  |
Six Studies in English Folk Song (1926)  |
Six Studies in English Folk-Song for cello (clarinet/violin/viola) and piano (1926)  |
Sonata for Violin and Piano in A Minor  |
Song Cycle `Along the Field` (1927)  |
Song Cycle `On Wenlock Edge` for tenor, piano and string quartet (1909)  |
Song Cycle `The House of Life` (1904)  |
Song `Come away, death` (1909) (William Shakespeare `Twelfth Night`)  |
Song `Down among the dead men` (1912) (Anon. Traditional)  |
Song `Heart`s Music` (1954) (Thomas Campion)  |
Song `Linden Lea` (1901)  |
Song `Mannin Veen` Manx Melody (Dear Mona - Stranger, if thou seekest ease) (1912)  |
Song `Orpheus With His Lute` (1904)  |
Song `Rest` (Christina Rossetti)  |
Song `The winter is gone` (1912) (Anon. Traditional)  |
Songs of Travel  |
String Quartet in C  |
String Quartet No. 1 in g-moll (1908)  |
String Quartet No. 2 in a-moll (1942-43)  |
Suite for Viola and Orchestra (1931)  |
Suite of Six Short Pieces, for piano (1921)  |
Suite on themes English Folk Songs  |
Suite Portraits of the Tudors for soloists, chorus and orchestra  |
Suite `Flos Campi` for viola, chorus and orchestra (1925)  |
Symphonic Poem `In the Fen Country` (1904)  |
Symphony No.1 `A Sea Symphony` for soprano, baritone, mixed chorus, and orchestra  |
Symphony No.3 A Pastoral for full orchestra with soprano (or tenor) voice (1921)  |
Symphony No.4 f-moll  |
Symphony No.5 D-dur  |
Symphony No.6 e-moll  |
Symphony No.8 in d-moll  |
Symphony No.9 in e-moll  |
Symphony ¹ 2, A London Symphony  |
Te Deum in G-dur (1928)  |
Ten Blake Songs, song cycle for high voice and oboe (1957), written for film The Vision of William Blake  |
The Bridal Day  |
The England of Elizabeth - Film score (1957)  |
The England of Elizabeth: Three Portraits (1955) 1. Explorer (Drake) 2. Poet (Shakespeare) 3. Queen (Elizabeth I)  |
The Strory of a Flemish Farm - Orchestral Suite (1943)  |
Three Choral Hymns (1929)  |
Three Elizabethan Part Songs (1896)  |
Three Impressions for Orchestra (1903-7)  |
Three Poems by W. Whitman for Voice and Piano: ¹ 2 A Clear Midmight (1925)  |
Three Poems by W. Whitman for Voice and Piano: ¹ 3 Joy, shipmate, joy! (1925)  |
Three Preludes for Organ founded on Welsh hymn tunes (1920)  |
Three Shakespeare Songs  |
Treatment of Folk Songs: Wessex - The Ploughman  |
Two English Folk Songs  |
Two Hymn-Preludes for little orchestra  |
Two Organ Preludes founded on Welsh Folk Songs (1956)  |
Valiant-For-Truth  |
Variation on the theme of Christmas carols for baritone, chorus and orchestra  |
Variations for Orchestra  |
Whitsunday Hymn (Three Choral Hymns) (1929)  |
Yorkshire Wassall Song (We`ve been awhile a·wandering)  |
`49th Parallel` - Film Score (1941)  |
`All people that on earth do dwell` (The Old Hundredth)  |
`Bitter Springs` - Film Score (1950)  |
`Coastal Command` Suite from the film (1943)  |
`Come down, 0 Love divine` (Down Ampney) 3.41 (trans. R. F. Littledale -v.4 arr. Williamson)  |
`Dawn Patrol`  |
`For all the saints` (Sine nomine) (William Walsham How)  |
`Hodie` - Christmas cantata for soloists, choir and orchestra (1954)  |
`Merciless Beauty` - three rondels for tenor, two violins and cello (1921)  |
`Scott of the Antarctic` - Film score (1948)  |
`The Death of Tintagiles` (1913) Incidental music to the play by Maurice Maeterlinck  |
`The Dim Little Island` - Film score (1949)  |
`The First Nowell` (1958): nativity play adapted from medieval pageants by Simona Pakenham; score completed by Roy Douglas  |
`The Lark Ascending` - Romance for Violin and Orchestra (1914)  |
`The Loves of Joanna Godden` (1947)  |
`The New Ghost` (Shove)  |
`The People`s Land` (1943)  |
`The Pilgrim`s Progress` (b): opern scene `The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains` (1921)  |
`The Pilgrim`s Progress` (d): `A Bunyan Sequence` for three speakers, treble solo, chorus & orchestra (1942)  |
`The Pilgrim`s Progress` (e): Opera (1951–52)  |
`The Running Set` (1933): Traditional Dance Tunes for orchestra  |
`The Truth from Above` (trad. Eng. harm. RVW)  |
`The Water Mill` (Fredegond Shove)  |
`Toward the Unknown Region`, song for choir and orchestra (1906)  |
`Wasps` - Arlstophanlc Suite (1909)  |