Ivan Vishnevsky (1960–2018)
A Woman  |
And the Virgin Mary was going. Processing of the Russian folk song  |
Autumn forest (after N.Rubtzov)  |
Do You Remember That Evening, poem by A. Tolstoi  |
Forgive-Farewell  |
Forgotten Music for piano and string orchestra  |
From the Spanish Poetry  |
Glorification of the Holy Heavenly Forces  |
Gogol. Cossacks are coming, for orchestra  |
Hugging Friends, poem by A. Tolstoi  |
I know a Place  |
I weave a wreath for you, poem by S. Esenin  |
In Autumn Forest, romance  |
I`m tired of living in my native land  |
Lamentation  |
Little Stone  |
Love  |
New joy has come, kolyadka for choir  |
NovoRussia, a vocal cycle  |
Overture for flute, guitar and orchestra  |
Quiet Light  |
Song of the Zaporozhie Cossacks  |
String Quartet, first part  |
Sun Burns  |
Tambov Song  |
Train, poem by N. Rubtsov  |
Travel of Lyre Player, the knower of different peoples, how to play a song in praise of God. Oratorio for soloists, mixed choir and ensemble ethnic and symphonic instruments  |
Ukrainian Dance for Piano  |
Why do you bowed your head?  |
Why he loves me, folk song  |
Yaroslavl village. XXI Century. Piece for Piano  |
`Village`, a romance to the words of S. Yesenin (from T. Shevchenko)  |