Jose Maria Xavier

Jose Maria Xavier (1819–1887)
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Adoramus te, Christe, Antífona for chorus and orchestra
Agios o Theos, hymn for chorus
Alleluia, Spiritus Domini for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1869)
Astiterunt reges terræ, Antiphona for chorus and orchestra
Ave Regina Coelorum, Antiphone for Mixed Chorus and Orchestra
Beata Mater, motet for chorus
Burial Procession for Chorus
Canticum Zachariae, Benedictus for chorus and orchestra
Christus factus est in C minor, Antiphona for chorus and orchestra
Christus factus est in E-flat major, Gradual for Chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
Cum complerentur, motet for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1869)
Domine e Veni, motet for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
Domine Jesu, motet forchorus (SATB) and cello
Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes, cantata for Chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
Ecce vidimus, motet for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
Ego ex ore, Responsório for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1873)
Electa mea, Responsório for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
Funeral Responses for the Order of San Francisco for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1876)
Hortus conclusus, motet for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
Immaculatam Conceptionem, motet for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
In monte Oliveti, responsorio for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
In pace in idipsum, Antiphona for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra
Libera me, Domine, Responsório for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1876)
Litany of Our Lady in F Major
Magnificat anima mea, Responsório for chorus and orchestra (1873)
Matinas da Conceição for chorus and orchestra
Matinas do Espírito Santo for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1869)
Missa No.3 for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1874)
Mulieres sedentes, Antiphona for chorus and orchestra
Ne recorderis, Responsório for chorus and orchestra (1876)
Nihil inquinatum, Responsório for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1873)
O Gloriosa Virginum, song for soprano and Orchestra (1874)
Pange lingua for choir
Per unum hominem, Responsório for chorus and orchestra
Popule meus, motet for Chorus (SATB), 2 Euphoniums, Strings.
Posuerunt super caput ejus, Antiphona for chorus and orchestra
Præclara custos Virginum, hymn for tenor and Orchestra (1869)
Procissão de Ramos for Chorus
Repleti sunt, Responsório for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1869)
Sancta Maria, Antifona for chorus and orchestra
Signum magnum, Responsório for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1873)
Subvenite, Responsório for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1876)
Te Deum for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1866)
Te Deum of the Holy Spirit for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1869)
Tractos e Bradados on Good Friday for chorus (SATB) and Orchestra (1872)
Traditor autem, Anthiphona for chorus and orchestra
Transite ad me omnes, Responsório for chorus and orchestra (1873)
Tristis est anima mea, Responsorie for chorus and orchestra
Valsa for strings (1868)
Veni Sancte Spiritus, motet for chorus (SATB) Orchestra (1866)
Venite adoremus, hymn for chorus
Vexilla Regis, hymn for chorus
Zelus domus tuæ, Antiphona for chorus and orchestra

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