Peter Gribanov (conductor)
Firtich, Georgy -
Concert-Symphony for voice and orchestra (2005)
Holminov, Alexander -
Concerto for Bayan and orchestra
Krasavin, Yuri -
Khlebnikov-Concerto, 2004
Kruglik, Viacheslav -
Duel of Small Pianists, a piece for two pianos and orchestra, op. 26
Levkovskaya, Sofia -
Murder, She Wrote, for bass clarinet and orchestra
Levkovskaya, Sofia -
Sabretooth Grasshopper, for bass clarinet and orchestra
Podgaits, Efrem -
`VIVA VOCE`, Concerto for accordion and Chamber orchestra No. 2 (2008)
Rezetdinov, Leonid -
Jolly Train, suite for orchestra (2005), op. 62
Shchedrin, Rodion -
Chamber Suite for violin ensemble, harp, accordion and 2 double basses (1961), op. 24
Sojnikov, Alexander -
Via Dolorosa