Sergei Chaykin

Sergei Chaykin (piano)
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Chabrier, Emmanuel - Rhapsody `Spain` (1883)
Chikhachev, Eugene - Composition for trumpet and piano
Chikhachev, Eugene - Vocal cycle on poems by Vladislav Hodasevich
Chikhachev, Eugene - `... The Ballad of pain ...` verses León de Greiff (transl. into Russian by Sergei Goncharenko) for voice and piano
Dyuzhina, Olga - `Premonition of Separation` for piano
Elper, Eliezer - Minuet and Self Portrait for Piano
Kolpakova, Anna - Trio for violin, cello and piano (2009)
Koshelev, Vladimir - `Bella`, romance on poems by Bella Akhmadulina
Kotylev, Dmitry - Sketches`
Lapitsky, Valery - Two Romances on poems Sergei Yesenin and Nikolay Rubtsov
Lukashevichus, Vyacheslav - «There are Distorting Mirrors Grits...». 10 Two-Part Inventions for Piano
Mihel, Artur - Two Romances on Poems of Velimir Khlebnikov
Mikhalev, Alexander - Romance `Thanksgiving` on poems of Dmitry Merezhkovsky
Mikhalev, Alexander - Three Romances on poems Maxim Tsarikov
Osin, Vladislav - Children`s suite for piano
Osin, Vladislav - Suite for piano (dedicated to Andrey Vl. Popov)
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Crazy Canons, Polyphonic Suite for two pianos
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Five passages from Lermontov, vocal cycle
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Four Poems about Love: a song cycle on poems by Andrew Demenyuk
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Four Salon Waltzes for Piano
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Piano Sonata
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for piano in A-dur
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for Piano in As-dur
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for Piano in B-dur
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for piano in c-moll
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for Piano in d-moll
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for piano in g-moll
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for piano in H-dur
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Prelude for Piano without tone
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Six Pieces for Piano (2018)
Ponomarev, Vladimir - The Withered Flowers, the Vocal Cycle on the Verses of Marina Savvinykh
Ponomarev, Vladimir - Vocal cycle on poems by Anna Akhmatova for soprano and piano
Ponomarev, Vladimir - `Black-White`, vocal cycle based on verses by Roman Solntsev (2017)
Popov, Andrey Vladimirovich - `Postscriptum` for piano
Primak, Vladimir - Scherzo
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): ¹ 7 `Well here`, op.21/ 7
Rachmaninov, Sergei - `Lilac` As-dur (composers arrangement for piano of op. 21 ¹ 5), op.21/ 5a
Rebikov, Vladimir - 3 Pieces for Piano, op. 3
Rebikov, Vladimir - Mélomimiques, 6 pieces for piano, op. 11
Schubert, Franz - Song cycle `Die schöne Müllerin` (after W. Müller), op.25 (1823), D 795
Senegin, Vladimir - Two songs from the music to the play `A Midsummer Night`s Dream`
Shakhov, Timur - `Spring. Raging hollow water`, romance on poems by Ivan Bunin
Shikhovtsov, Alexei - Two Etudes for Piano
Tuev, Konstantin - Fragments. Song cycle for baritone and piano
Veselkov, Feodor - `Leaf fall` for soprano and piano. Words by S. Schipatchev

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