Olga Cerná (mezzo-soprano)
Martinu, Bohuslav -
2 Ballads to Folk Texts for Contralto and Piano (1932), H.228
Martinu, Bohuslav -
2 Songs for Contralto and Piano, H.213bis
Martinu, Bohuslav -
3 Christmas Songs for Voice and Piano, H.184 bis
Martinu, Bohuslav -
3 Songs to Poems by G. Apollinaire for Voice and Piano, H.197
Martinu, Bohuslav -
4 Children’s Songs and Nursery Rhymes for Voice and Piano, H.225
Martinu, Bohuslav -
Ctyri písne na texty moravské lidové poezie (Songs for a Friend of My Country) for Voice and Piano (1940), H.282 bis
Martinu, Bohuslav -
Song Congratulation to Mama for voice and piano, H.279 bis
Martinu, Bohuslav -
Song Cycle `Nový Špalíček`, H.288
Martinu, Bohuslav -
Song `Koleda milostná` (`A Love Carol`) for Voice and Piano (1937), H.259
Martinu, Bohuslav -
Vocalise-étude for Medium Voice and Piano, H.188