Andreas Scholl (countertenor)
Albinoni, Tommazo -
Astarto, opera (arias)
Albinoni, Tommazo -
Engelberta,opera (arias)
Anfossi, Pasquale -
Salve Regina, motet for alto and orchestra (1779)
Anonymous, -
17th century Ballad `The Three Ravens` (England)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Bekennen will ich seinen Namen` (1742?), BWV 200
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Er rufet seinen Schafen mit Namen`, BWV 175
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Geist und Seele wird verwirret`, BWV 35
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Geschwinde, geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden Winde`, BWV 201
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Gott soll allein mein Herze haben`, BWV 169
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Ich bin ein guter Hirt`, BWV 85
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Ich habe genug` (1727), BWV 82
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Jesu, nun sei gepreiset`, BWV 41
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen` (1733), BWV 213
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Mache dich, mein Geist bereit`, BWV 115
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Schlage doch, gewünschte Stunde` (ca. 1730?), BWV 53
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele`, BWV 180
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Sie werden euch in den Bann tun`, BWV 183
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust`, BWV 170
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Cantata `Widerstehe doch der Sünde` (1714), BWV 54
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 1 [The Birth], BWV 248 (1)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 2 [The Annunciation to the Shepherds], BWV 248 (2)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 3 [The Adoration of the Shepherds], BWV 248 (3)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 5 [The Journey of the Magi], BWV 248 (5)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Christmas Oratorio: Cantata 6 [The Adoration of the Magi], BWV 248 (6)
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Màss in h-moll, BWV 232
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Oratorio `Johannes-Passion` (1724), BWV 245
Bach, Johann Sebastian -
Oratorio `Matthäus-Passion` (1736), BWV 244
Brahms, Johannes -
12 German Folk Songs for chorus and piabo ad lib. (1857-64), WoO 35
Brahms, Johannes -
49 Deutsche Volkslieder (excerpts)
Buxtehude, Dietrich -
Cantata `Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn`, BuxWV 43
Buxtehude, Dietrich -
Membra Jesu Nostri, cycle of cantatas (1680), BuxWV 75
Caccini, Giulio -
Le nuove musiche: Madrigale `Amarilli, mia bella`
Dowland, John -
The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹ 2 `Flow my tears`
Dowland, Robert -
“A Musicall Banquet” (1610). 5. Song `Go, my flock, go get you hence`
Dowland, Robert -
“A Musicall Banquet” (1610). 6. Song `O dear life, when shall it be`
Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich -
`Harmonische Freude musikalischer Freunde` II ¹ 22: Song `Trocknet euch, ihr heissen Zähren` (1710)
Handel, George Frideric -
Cantata `Amarilli vezzosa or Daliso ed Amarilli or Il duello amoroso`, HWV 82
Handel, George Frideric -
Cantata `Mi palpita il cor`, HWV 132c
Handel, George Frideric -
Cantata `Nel dolce tempo`, HWV 135b
Handel, George Frideric -
Cantata `Vedendo Amor`, HWV 175
Handel, George Frideric -
Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne (Eternal Source of Light Divine), HWV 74
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Flavio` (arias), HWV 16
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Giulio Cesare In Egitto` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Giulio Cesare` (1724), HWV 17
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Rinaldo` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Rodelinda` (arias), HWV 19
Handel, George Frideric -
Opera `Xerxes` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Messiah` (1741), HWV 56
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Saul` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Semele` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric -
Oratorio `Solomon` (1749), HWV 67
Handel, George Frideric -
Psalm `Dixit Dominus` for soloists, choir and orchestra g-moll, HWV 232
Johnson, Robert -
Full fathom five
Lotti, Antonio -
Marcello, Benedetto -
Quando penso agl`affanni, cantata for alto, 2 violins, viola & continuo, SF.276
Monteverdi, Claudio -
L`Orfeo (Orpheus), opera (1607), SV318
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Song `Abendempfindung an Laura` for Voice and Piano (1787), KV523
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus -
Song `Das Veilchen` for voice and piano (1785), KV476
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista -
Salve Regina a-moll, P. 75
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista -
Salve Regina f-moll, P. 78
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista -
Stabat Mater for soprano, alto, choir, strings and organ (1734), P. 77
Porpora, Nicolo -
Purcell, Henry -
Purcell, Henry -
Hymn `Now that the Sun hath veil`d his Light` (1688), Z 193, Z 193
Purcell, Henry -
Incidental Music `Oedipus`, Z 583
Purcell, Henry -
Incidental Music `Pausanias, the Betrayer of his Country` (1695), Z 585
Purcell, Henry -
Ode for St. Cecilia`s Day `Welcome to all the pleasures` (1683), Z 339
Purcell, Henry -
Opera `Dido and Aeneas` (arias)
Purcell, Henry -
Parts of Works
Purcell, Henry -
Song If Music Be the Food of Love, Z 379a
Purcell, Henry -
Song `O dive custos Auriacae domus`, Z 504, Z 504
Purcell, Henry -
Song `O solitude, my sweetest choice` (1687) Z 406, Z 406
Rosseter, Philip -
My love hath vow`d he will foresake me
Rovetta, Giovanni -
Salve mi Jesu, motet
Scarlatti, Alessandro -
Schubert, Franz -
7 Lieder `Das Fräulein vom See`: ¹ 6 - Ellens Song III (`Ave Maria`), op. 52, ¹ 6, D 839
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Abendstern` (”Was weilst du einsam an dem Himmel”), D 806
Schubert, Franz -
Song `An Mignon`, D 161
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Der Jüngling auf dem Hügel` (”Ein Jüngling auf dem Hügel”) (Op.8/1), D 702
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Der Tod und das Mädchen` (”Vorüber, ach vorüber”) (Op.7/3), D 531
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Du bist die Ruh` (Op.59/3), D 776
Schubert, Franz -
Song `Im Haine` (”Sonnenstrahlen durch die Tannen”) (Op.56/3), D 738
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Cantata `Cessate, omai cessate` (1729), RV684
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Motet `Clarae stellae`, RV625
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Motet `Vestro Principi divino`, RV633
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126), for contralto, strings and continuo, RV608
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Salve regina, RV616
Vivaldi, Antonio -
Stabat Mater for contralto, string and continuo in f-moll (1712), RV621
Wolkenstein, Oswald von -
Durch Barbarei, Arabia
Wolkenstein, Oswald von -
Es fugt sich (I-VII)
Wolkenstein, Oswald von -
Herz, mut, leib, sel