Shandor Kallosh

Shandor Kallosh (lute, conductor)
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Anonymous, - 16th Century
Besard, Jean Baptiste - Volta
Caccini, Giulio - The opera `Euridice` (1600)
Carrozo, Mario Fabricio - Heavenly Djil
Carrozo, Mario Fabricio - Her Majesty the Queen
Carrozo, Mario Fabricio - Laura Sweetest
Carrozo, Mario Fabricio - Pavanilla
Dowland, John - Fortune my foe, P. 62
Dowland, John - Pavan, P. 16
Dowland, John - Pavana in C-dur
Dowland, John - Semper Dowland, Semper Dolens, P. 9
Dowland, John - The Earl of Essex, His Galliard `Can She Excuse`, P. 42
Dowland, John - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹17 `Come again sweet love doth now invite`
Dowland, John - The First Booke of Songs or Ayres (1597): ¹21 `Away with these self-loving lads`
Dowland, John - The most hight and mightie Christianus, the fourth King of Denmark, his Gaillard, P. 40
Dowland, John - The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹15 `White as lilies was her face`
Dowland, John - The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 7. `Say, Love, if ever thou didst find`
Falamero, Gabrielle - I am Phoenix
Gagliano, Marco da - Daphne, opera (1608)
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo - Who will Dance Gallard
Moa, Louis de - Le petit Bouquet de Frise Orientale, a collection of works for lute solo, vocal and lute, violin and lute (1631)
Ortiz, Diego - Recercada ottava sobre tenore la folia, 5.8
Ortiz, Diego - Recercada primera sobre tenore el passamezzo antiguo, 5.1
Ortiz, Diego - Recercada quinta sobre tenore el passamezzo antiguo, 5.5
Ortiz, Diego - Recercada sesta sobre tenore la romanesca, 5.6
Sermisy, Claudin de - Until I in the Prime of Life
Susato, Tielman - Rondo for two Violas, Flute and Lute
Tromboncino, Bartolomeo - Ave Maria

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