Dmitriy Khvorostovsky

Dmitriy Khvorostovsky (baritone)
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Abaza, Erast Ageevitch - `Utro tumannoe` (Misty Morning), a romance (I.Turgenev)
Arhangelsky, Alexander - Creed
Babadjanyan, Arno - `Do not hurry`
Baron, BB - Dremlyut plakuchie ivy/Asleep weeping willows
Bizet, Georges - Opera `Carmen` (overtures, arias, fragments), WD 31
Borodin, Alexander - Coast of the Distant Homeland, Romance, AB 34
Borodin, Alexander - Opera `Prince Igor` (arias), AB 25
Bulachov, Pavel - Song `Troyka`
Bulahov, Petr - Not for nothing I was afraid of meeting
Bulahov, Petr - Shine, shine, my star
Bulahov, Petr - Troika mchitsya, troika skachet
Bulahov, Petr - V pole shirokom
Burmagin, Mikhail - Razboinika blagorazumnogo
Caccini, Giulio - Le nuove musiche: Madrigale `Amarilli, mia bella`
Caldara, Antonio - Aria `Come raggio di sol`
Carissimi, Giacomo - Aria `Vittoria, mio core` (Amante sciolto d`amore)
Chesnokov, Pavel - An Evening Victim, op.24¹6
Chesnokov, Pavel - Blessed is The Man, op.11¹2
Chesnokov, Pavel - The eternal council, op.40¹2
Christov, DobrI - Praise the God`s Name
Cui, Cézar - 25 Poems by Pushkin, op. 57
Cui, Cézar - Ballads, songs
Curtis, Ernesto de - Come back to Sorrento
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander - Night Zephyr, poem by A. Pushkin
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander - Romance `A girl and a boy`
Dranitsyn, Nicolay - Blizzard sweeps down the street
Dranitsyn, Nicolay - Evening Bell
Dranitsyn, Nicolay - I can not hear the city noise
Durante, Francesco - Virgin tutto amore, motet
Falvo, Rodolfo - Songs
Fradkin, Mark - Sluchainy vals/Random Waltz
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `Declaration` (1839), CG112
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `Doubt` (1838), CG101
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `I Remember a Wonderful Moment` (1840), CG120
Glinka, Mikhail - Romance `In the blood burning fire of desire`, CG102
Gurilev, Alexander - Monotonous booming bell (I.Makarov)
Gurilev, Alexander - Song of the coachman (A. Guriljev - K. Bahturin)
Gurilev, Alexander - Yamshchik` Song
Gurilev, Alexander - You won"t understand my sadness (A. Guriljev - A. Beshentsev).
Khrennikov, Tikhon - Moscow Windows
Larionov, Ivan P. - Kalinka, a Russian folk song (lyrics by I. Larionov)
Liszt, Franz - Tre sonetti di Petrarca for voice and piano (1838-39, 1861), S.270
Mahler, Gustav - `Kindertotenlieder`, a song cycle (1901-04)
Malashkin, Leonid - Ya vstretil vas (lyrics by F. Tyutchev)
Mascagni, Pietro - Opera `Cavalleria Rusticana` (1890)
Medtner, Nikolay - 3 romances for voice and piano (1903), op. 3
Medtner, Nikolay - Two Poems for voice and piano (1907), op.13
Mokrousov, Boris - Odinokaya garmon
Mussorgsky, Modest - `Songs and Dances of Death`, a song cycle (1875-77), MM 64
Nikolaev-Strumsky, Apostol - Great Doxology (Velikoe slavoslovie)
Orbelyan, Konstantin - The Noise of the Birches
Pahmutova, Alexandra - We were Young
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - Tre giorni son che Nina, aria for voice and continuo, P.106
Prostitov, Oleg - Vocal cycle on poems by Sergei Yesenin for baritone and piano (1978)
Prostitov, Oleg - `Pushkin scenes`, chamber cantata for soprano, baritone and piano trio on poems by A. S. Pushkin (1988)
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹ 2 `Vengeful God has taken everything`, op.26, ¹ 2
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹ 3 `We shall rest`, op.26, ¹ 3
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹ 6 `Christ is risen` (Merezhkovsky), op.26, ¹ 6
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹ 9 `I am alone again`, op.26, ¹ 9
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹12 `The night is mournful`, op.26, ¹12
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹13 `We met yesterday`, op.26, ¹13
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): ¹15 `It takes all`, op.26, ¹15
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Romance `At the gates of the holy cloister@ (U vrat obiteli svjatoj) (1890), TN 50/1
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-1893): ¹ 1 `Oh no, I beg you, do not leave!`, op. 4/1
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-1893): ¹ 4 `Do not sing, my beauty, with me`, op. 4/4
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-93): ¹ 2 `Morning`, op. 4/2
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-93): ¹ 3 `In the silence of the secret night`, op. 4/3
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-93): ¹ 5 `Oh you, my corn field!` (Uzh ty, niva moja!),, op. 4/5
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1893): ¹ 2 `Child, you are lime a flower`, op. 8/2
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1893): ¹ 5 `A dream`, op. 8/5
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): ¹ 1 `I am waiting for you`, op.14, ¹ 1
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): ¹ 4 `I came to her` (Ya bil u ney), op.14, ¹ 4
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): ¹ 7 `Do not believe me`, op.14, ¹ 7
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): ¹ 9 `She is Beautiful as the Noonday`, op.14, ¹ 9
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): ¹10 `Within my heart`, op.14, ¹10
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): ¹11 `Spring waters`, op.14, ¹11
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): ¹12 `It is time!`, op.14, ¹12
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): ¹ 4 `They answered`, op.21/ 4
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): ¹ 6 `Àn excerpt from Musset`, op.21/ 6
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): ¹ 7 `Well here`, op.21/ 7
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): ¹12 `How my heart aches`, op.21/12
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Five Songs (1897-99), op. 45
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Four Romances, op. 3
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Four Romances (1897), op. 42
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `The Tsar`s Bride` (1898), op.deest 42
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `Sadko` (arias), op.deest 39
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `The Tsar`s Bride` (overtures, arias, fragments), op.deest 42
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - `By the Sea`, five Romances (1897), op. 46
Rubinstein, Anton - Arias from operas
Rubinstein, Anton - Opera `Demon` (1871)
Shatrov, Ilya - On the Hills of Manchuria, waltz-song
Shishkin, Mikhail - In the Fateful Hour
Shishkin, Nikolay - Noch svetla/The Night is Bright
Shostakovich, Dmitriy - Suite on words by Michelangelo Buonarroti for bass and piano (1974), op.145
Stradella, Alessandro - Aria "Pieta, Signore"
Taneyev, Sergey - Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` No. 6. Stalactites, op. 26/ 6
Taneyev, Sergey - Ten poems from the collection: Ellis `Immortelles` No. 9. Minuet, op. 26/ 9
Taneyev, Sergey - Ten Romances (1905): No. 5 `Not the Wind Blowing from the Heights`, op. 17/ 5
Taneyev, Sergey - Ten Romances: No. 9 `The Restless Heart is Beating`, op. 17/ 9
Taneyev, Sergey - Ten Romances: No.10 `The World is Asleep`, op. 17/10
Tariverdiev, Mikhael - Two songs to the lyrics of R. Rozhdestvensky (1972)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 2 Romances (1875): ¹ 1 `I would like a single word`, TH 100/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1884): ¹ 2 `On the Golden Cornfields`, Op. 57/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1887): ¹ 2 `I Opened the Window`, Op. 63/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): ¹ 5 `I Bless You, Forests`, Op. 47/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): ¹ 6 `Does the Day Reign?`, Op. 47/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Eugene Onegin` (1877-78), Op. 24
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Eugene Onegin` (arias, fragments), Op. 24
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Iolanta` (1891), Op. 69
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Iolanta` (arias), Op. 69
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Queen of Spades` (1890), Op. 68
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Opera `Queen of Spades` (arias, fragments), Op. 68
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Romance `My Genius, My Angel, My Friend` (Afanasy Fet) (ca. 1857-58), TH 89
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.2 `Not a Word, o my Friend` (Aleksey Pleshcheyev), Op. 6/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.4 `A Tear Trembles` (Aleksey Tolstoy), Op. 6/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.6 `None but the Lonely Heart`, Op. 6/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1875): ¹ 1 `Reconciliation` (poem by N. Shcherbina), Op. 25/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1875, îp. 28): ¹ 6 `A Terrible Moment`, Op. 28/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 1 `Serenade of Don Juan` (A.Tolstoy), Op. 38/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 2 `It was in Early Spring` (A.K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 3 `Amid a noisy ball` (A.K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 5 `Dead Man`s Love` (M. Lermontov), Op. 38/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Songs, poems by D. Rathaus (1893): ¹ 1 `We were with you`, Op. 73/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Songs, poems by D. Rathaus (1893): ¹ 2 `The Night`, Op. 73/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - SIx Songs, poems by D. Rathaus (1893): ¹ 3 `In this Moonlit Night`, Op. 73/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Songs, poems by D. Rathaus (1893): ¹ 4 `The Sun has Set`, Op. 73/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Songs, poems by D. Rathaus (1893): ¹ 6 `Again, as Before, Alone`, Op. 73/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Songs, poems by D. Rathhaus (1893): ¹ 5 `Amid Sombre Days`, Op. 73/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Siz Romances (1878): No. 4 `Oh, if You Could` (A. K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Twelve Romances (1886): ¹ 4 Nightingale (A. Pushkin), Op. 60/ 4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Twelve Romances (1886): ¹ 6 Crazy Nights (A. Apukhtin), Op. 60/ 6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Twelve Romances (1886): ¹11 `Exploit` (A. Khomiakov), Op. 60/11
Tolstyakov, Pavel - Priidite ko mne, vse truzhdayushchiesya
Valente, Vincenzo - Passion
Varlamov, Alexander - Chto zatumanilas zorenka yasnaya
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Don Carlos` (1867)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `I masnadieri` (1847)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `I masnadieri` (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Il Trovatore` (arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `La Traviata` (1853)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Otello` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Rigoletto` (1851)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Rigoletto` (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Stifellio` (1850)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Un ballo in maschera` (arias)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera «Nabucco» (arias)
Vivaldi, Antonio - Opera-pasiccio `Titus Manlius` (fragments, arias in act 3) (1720), RV778
Vlasov, Aleksandr - To the Bakhchisaray Palace`s Fountain

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