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-Krasikova, Nadezhda - Chase
-Krasikova, Nadezhda - Freight train
-Krasikova, Nadezhda - New Year`s Rhapsody
-Krasikova, Nadezhda - Winter holidays
Aa, Michel van der - Above, for Ensemble and Soundtrack (1999)
Aa, Michel van der - Attach, for ensemble and soundtrack (1999-2000)
Aa, Michel van der - Between, for percussion quartet and soundtrack (1997)
Abelardo, Nicanor - Cavatina for Violin and Piano
Abelardo, Nicanor - Song `Nasaan Ka, Irog?` (1920)
Abeliovich, Lew - Aria for Violin and Orchestra
Abeliovich, Lew - Five Pieces for Piano
Abeliovich, Lew - Frescoes, Book II
Abeliovich, Lew - Steps in the Night, frescoes
Abeliovich, Lew - Symphony ¹3
Ablinger, Peter - Weiss / Weisslich 22 symphonies by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Bruckner, Mahler compressed in 4 minutes (1986-96)
Abrahamsen, Hans - 10 Preludes for String Quartet, Op.15 [String Quartet No.1] (1973)
Abramovich, Anton - Belarus Wedding, Suite (arranged for the ensemble of the Belarusian folk instruments)
Adam, Adolphe Charles - Opera `Violetta`s Doll`
Adamek, Ondrej - Cercle des Rythmes Vitaux, electroacoustic music (2003)
Adamek, Ondrej - Coups d`aile, for eight brass (2008)
Adamek, Ondrej - Fishbones, for six percussionists (2006-07)
Adamek, Ondrej - Jardin Perdu, for three voices and 32 instruments (2006)
Addinsell, Richard - Cornish Rhapsody
Addinsell, Richard - Dream of Olwen
Addinsell, Richard - Rustle of Spring
Addinsell, Richard - Spellbound Concerto
Addinsell, Richard - Variations on a Nursery Song
Adigezalov, Vasif - Children`s Album
Adigezalov, Vasif - Piano Sonata
Adorno, Theodor - Drei Gedichte von Theodor Däubler für vierstimmigen Frauenchor a cappella (1923- 45)
Adorno, Theodor - Two pieces for string quartet (1925/26), op.2
Adorno, Theodor - Zwei Lieder mit Orchester aus dem geplantem Singspiel `Der Schatz des Indianer- Joe` nach Mark Twain (1932/33)
Adorno, Theodor - `Kinderjahr`. Sechs Stücke aus op.68 von Robert Schumann, für kleines Orschester gesetz (1941)
Afanasev, Leonid Viktorovich - Devichii sovety, lyrics by I. Shaferan
Afonichev, Dionis - Three Duets for violin and cello
Afonichev, Dionis - «Vers Libre» (9 parts) for narrator and piano on poems by the author
Aigi, Alex - Country of the Deaf, Soundtrack
Aivazian, Artemy - Georgian Dance
Akimov, Dmitry - St George March
Akutagawa, Yasushi - March for wind orchestra
Akutagawa, Yasushi - Sounds for Organ and Orchestra
Akutagawa, Yasushi - Suite for Small Orchestra
Akutagawa, Yasushi - «Dances» for piano solo
Akutagawa, Yasushi - «Shajin-shū» for voice and piano
Aladov, Nikolay - Fugue on the Belarusian folk theme for Piano
Aladov, Nikolay - Three Preludes for Piano
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Andante con variazioni et Scherzo pour quintette a cordes. 1936
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Andante for Organ. 1934
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Andante, JA 89 bis. 1935
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Aria for Organ, 1938, JA 136
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Aria pour flute et orgue. 1938
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Ave Maria, Vocalise dorienne pour soprano et orgue 1937
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Ballade en mode phrygien, JA 9 for Organ. 1930
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Chanson a bouche fermee. 1933
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Chant donne
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Children`s Corner. 1938
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Choral cistercien pour une Elevation
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Choral phrygien for Organ. 1935
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Climat, JA 79 for organ. 1932
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Complainte a la mode ancienne. 1932, JA38
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Complainte de Jean Renaud for Chorus. 1937
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Dans le reve laisse for Piano. 1931
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Dans le reve laisse par la Ballade des pendus de Franqois Villon for Piano. 1931
Alain, Jehan Ariste - De Jules Lemaitre, JA 62. 1935
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Deux danses a Agni Yavishta. 1932
Alain, Jehan Ariste - D`ou vient qu`en cette nuitee. 1938
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Ecce ancilla Domini for piano, 1929
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Etude de sonorite for Piano. 1929
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Etude sur un theme de 4 notes for Piano. 1929
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Etudes sur les doubles notes for Piano. 1930
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Fantasmagorie. 1935
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Fugue en mode de fa
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Fugue for Strings. 1933
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Il pleuvra toute la journee. 1932
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Intermezzo for Piano and Bassoon . 1934
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Intermezzo. 1935
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Invention for Flute and Organ. 1937
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Lamento (with Bassoon) 1930
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Lamento for Organ
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Le jardin suspendu . 1934
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Lumiere qui tombe d`un vasistas for Piano. 1931
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Messe gregorienne de mariage. 1938
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Messe modale en septuor . 1938
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Monodie for Organ, 1938, JA 133
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Nocturne for Piano. 1935
Alain, Jehan Ariste - O Quam Suavis Est pour mezzo soprano et orgue. 1932
Alain, Jehan Ariste - O Salutaris, for the choir. 1937
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Petite rhapsodie for Piano. 1931
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Post Scriptum 19**
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Postlude pour l`Office de Complies for organ. 1930
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Prelude for Piano. 1936
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Romance. 1932
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Suite facile, 1938
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Suite for Organ. 1936
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Tantum Ergo a 2 voix egales et orgue 1938
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Theme varie for piano. 1930
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Togo for piano. 1929
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Trois danses, 1940
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Tu es Petrus. 1939
Alain, Jehan Ariste - Verset-Choral, JA 6 for Organ. 1931
Albrecht, Georg - Ein Wintermarchen for violin and piano
Albrecht, Georg - Improvisation for cello solo
Albrecht, Georg - Sonata fur v-ne und piano sonata for violin and piano op. 53
Albrecht, Georg - Trio fur clavir_v-ne und cello - Trio for Piano and Cello op. 32
Albrecht, Georg - Trio fur v-ne, cello und clavir. (Trio for Violin Cello and Piano) op. 79
Albrici, Vincenzo - Sinfonia a 6 (1654)
Albrici, Vincenzo - Sonata à 5 for 2 violins, trumpets, sackbut, bass-viol, violone, theorbo, harpsichord, timpani (about 1660)
Albright, William - Grand Sonata in Rag for piano
Aleotti, Raffaella - `Sancta et immaculata`, motet 7 vv (from: `Sacrae cantiones`, Venice 1593)
Alexandrov, Alexandr - Cantata on Stalin
Alkan, Charles-Valentin - Parts of compositions
Allegri, Gregorio - Adoramus te Christe
Allende-Saron, Pedro Humberto - String Quartet
Allende-Saron, Pedro Humberto - Twelve Tonads
Allende-Saron, Pedro Humberto - Voices of the Streets, Symphonic Poem
Almashi, Zoltan - Carpathian Song for two pianos (author`s arrangement by string quartet)
Almashi, Zoltan - Fantasy for orchestra and three voices
Altankhuyag, Gaadangiin - Concert Piece for Viola and Symphony Orchestra
Alushina, Olga - Steps for chamber ensemble
Amano, Masamichi - Petite Pièce No. 1 for Flute and Piano
Amano, Masamichi - Six anges qui dansent dans le ciel for Flute Sextet
Amano, Masamichi - String Quartet `Twilight of the Heroes`
Amano, Masamichi - Symphonic Poem `Ten Rai Mu Bou`
Amirov, Fikret - Fikret Amirov-Elmira Nazirova - `Suite on the Albanian themes` for two pianos
Andersen, Joachim - 24 Etudes for Flute, op.15
Andersen, Joachim - 24 Etudes for Flute, op.33
Andre, Mark - ..Als... II (2002) for bass-clarinet, cello, piano and live-electronics
Andre, Mark - ..Zu.. (2004)
Andre, Mark - AB II fuer Kontrabassklarinette, Violincello, Cymbalon, Schlagzeug, Klavier und Live-Elektronic
Andre, Mark - Contrapunctus (1998–1999)
Andre, Mark - durch (2004-2005) for Saxophone, Piano and Percussion
Andre, Mark - E (2012)
Andre, Mark - Un fini I (1995-96)
Andreae, Volkmar - Piano Trio ¹ 2, op. 14
Andreae, Volkmar - Quartet for flute and strings (1979), op. 43
Andreae, Volkmar - String Quartet No.1, op. 9
Andreae, Volkmar - String Quartet No.2 in E minor (1921), op. 33
Andreae, Volkmar - String Trio, op. 29
Andreae, Volkmar - Vier Gedichte von Hermann Hesse, für eine Singstimme mit Klavierbegleitung (1913), op. 23
Andreev, Vasiliy - Polonaise No. 2
Andreev, Vasiliy - Polonaise ¹1 (Gala Polonaise)
Andreev, Vasiliy - Waltz, "Dreams"
Andriessen, Louis - Hoketus for ensemble (1975-76)
Andriessen, Louis - Hout for tenor saxophone, electric guitar, piano and marimba (1991)
Andriessen, Louis - Il Duce, for recording (1973)
Andriessen, Louis - Nine Beethoven Symphonies for orchestra, pop group and an ice cream bell (1970)
Andriessen, Louis - Workers Union for any loud-sounding group of instruments (1975)
Andriessen, Louis - Zilver, for chamber ensemble (1994)
Anisimoff, Vladimir - `Electric Symphony`, op. unknown, 2003
Antheil, George - 6 Little Pieces for String Quartet (1931)
Antheil, George - Lithuanian Night for String Quartet, 1922
Antheil, George - Sonata for violin and piano, ¹ 1
Antheil, George - Sonata for violin and piano, ¹ 4
Antheil, George - String Quartet ¹ 1 in one movement (1924, rev. 1925)
Antheil, George - String Quartet ¹ 2 (1927), `For Sylvia Beach, with Love`
Antheil, George - String Quartet ¹ 3 (1948)
Antheil, George - Symphony No. 5 Joyous
Antheil, George - The Brothers, opera
Aperghis, Georges - 280 mesures Pour Clarinette (1979, Rev 1991)
Aperghis, Georges - A bout de bras pour deux clarinettes (1991)
Aperghis, Georges - Faux-mouvement, for string trio (1995)
Aperghis, Georges - Il Gigante Golia (1975) Pour Voix Et Instruments
Aperghis, Georges - Kryptogramma for six percussionists (1970)
Aperghis, Georges - Le Reste du temps pour violoncelle, cymbalum et ensemble (2003)
Aperghis, Georges - Machinations, musical theatre for four women and Electronics (2000)
Aperghis, Georges - Petrrohl, for six voices (2001)
Aperghis, Georges - Sept crimes de l`amour (1979) pour voix, clarinet et percussions
Aperghis, Georges - Simulacre I (1991) pour soprano, clarinette et percussion
Aperghis, Georges - Simulacre II (1993) pour soprano, clarinette basse et marimba
Aperghis, Georges - Simulacre III (1994) pour soprano, deux clarinettes et marimba
Aperghis, Georges - Simulacre IV (1995) pour clarinette basse
Aperghis, Georges - Triangle carre pour quatuor a cordes et trio de percussions (1989)
Aperghis, Georges - Vitriool, for six voices (2006)
Aquinas, Thomas - Adoro te devote
Aquinas, Thomas - O sacrum convivium
Aquinas, Thomas - O Salutaris Hostia
Aquinas, Thomas - Tantum Ergo
Arapov, Boris - Piano Sonata ¹ 4 (1990)
Arensky, Anton - The Flower Garden for mezzo-soprano, female chorus (SSAA), piano (1904), op. 69
Aretinus, Guido - Ut queant laxis, Hymn in honor of St. John the Baptist
Aristakesyan, Emin - Sonata for piano (1971)
Aristakesyan, Emin - The Five Sharakans of Sahak Partev for voice and piano
Arkushiba, Anna - Graininess, for quintet (2012)
Arkushiba, Anna - tramusik (2014) for several performers/instruments/objects
Arnecke, Jörn - Fortschreitende Veranderung (2009/10), for bass clarinet, viola, cello and double bass
Arnold, Malcolm - String Quartet ¹ 1 (1949), op. 23
Arnold, Malcolm - String Quartet ¹ 2, op.118
Arsamikova, Karina - Piano Trio
Arsamikova, Karina - String trio
Arsamikova, Karina - Suite after the pictures by Remedios Varo for Flute, Two Clarinets and Violin
Artemiev, Eduard - Music from the film A Girl and a Dolphin
Artyomov, Viacheslav - Sonata for Clarinet (1966)
Artyomov, Viacheslav - `Archipelagos of Sounds in the Ocean of Time` by V. Artyomov, S. Gubaidulina and V. Suslin (1977)
Artyomov, Viacheslav - `Death Valley` by V. Artyomov and M. Anderson (1988)
Artyomov, Viacheslav - `Dolcissimo` by V. Artyomov, S. Gubaidulina and V. Suslin (1980)
Asola, Giovani Matteo - Kyrie, from Missa pro defunctis 4 vv (1576)
Asola, Giovani Matteo - Veni Creator Spiritus, hymn 4 vv (ca 1580)
Assad, Sergio - Farewell
Assandra, Caterina - `O salutaris hostia`, motet 3 vv. and continuo (1609)
Aurelianensis, Theodulfus - Gloria, laus et honor
Auric, Georges - Piano Sonata
Auric, Georges - Trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon
Ayres, Richard - No. 24 (NONcerto for alto trombone & ensemble) 1995
Ayres, Richard - No. 9 MacGOWAN for celtic harp, violin & bagpipes (1991)
Azzaiolo, Filippo - Al dì, dolce mio ben, villanella a 4 vv
Baaren, Kees van - Concertino for Piano and Orchestra (1934)
Babadjanyan, Arno - Music for the film `Personally known`
Babadjanyan, Arno - The melody of the k/f `Personally known`
Babadjanyan, Arno - `In Moscow at Night`, a piece for a jazz trio
Babadjanyan, Arno - `Song about Yerevan`, a piece for a jazz trio
Bacewicz, Grazyna - Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 3 (1948)
Bacewicz, Grazyna - Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 4 (1950)
Bachorek, Milan - Lidice. Melodramatic picture for two reciters, soloists, mixed choir and orchestra
Badings, Henk - Symphony No. 9 for string orchestra (1960)
Baginski, Zbigniew - A Few Pictures, 2001
Bagley, Edwin Eugene - National Emblem, march for wind band
Bailie, Joanna - Symphony-Street-Souvenir for ensemble (2009/10)
Baiterekov, Sanzhar - In(pulse) for flute, clarinet, violin, viola and cello (2011)
Bajoras, Feliksas - Varpo kelimas, oratorio (1986)
Balassa, Sandor - Divertimento pre dva cimbaly, op. 7
Balassa, Sandor - Hegedűverseny (1964), op. 3
Balassa, Sandor - Nyári éj - himnusz női karra, op. 13
Balassa, Sandor - Október virágai, op. 77
Balassa, Sandor - Opera, Karl and Anna, op. 41
Balassa, Sandor - Pastorale and Rondeau (1998), op. 66
Balassa, Sandor - Prince Csaba, op. 46
Balassa, Sandor - Quartetto per percussioni (1969), op. 18
Balassa, Sandor - Quintetto d`ottoni (1979), op. 31
Balassa, Sandor - Valley of the Huns, op. 69
Balkashin, Yuri - Trenches Overgrown with Grass(1959)
Balsys, Eduardas - Egle, A Queen of snakes, ballet
Banevich, Sergei - `Bless animals and children`, Choir concert, lyrics by Sasha Cherny
Banshchikov, Gennady - Syllogisms for Piano, op.5 (1962)
Banshchikov, Gennady - `Vestris`
Baranovi, Kre - Licitarsko srce, suite from the ballet. 1924
Barbella, Emanuele - Sonata for two mandolins and bass (ca 1760)
Bardanashvili, Josef - Fantasy for piano
Bardanashvili, Josef - Symphony No. 2 The Way to...
Bardanashvili, Josef - Symphony ¹ 3 `Bameh Madlikin`
Barkauskas, Vytautas - Allegro brilliante for Two Pianos. 1996, op.107
Barkauskas, Vytautas - Trio for Violin, Clarinet and Piano (1990-91), op. 92
Barrett, Richard - abglanzebeladen auseinandergeschrieben (1992-96)
Barrett, Richard - Air (1993)
Barrett, Richard - Another heavenly day (trio, 1989-90)
Barrett, Richard - Basalt (1990-91)
Barrett, Richard - EARTH (trombone & percussion, 1987-88)
Barrett, Richard - Interference (1996-2000)
Barrett, Richard - Knospend-gespaltener (1992-93)
Barrett, Richard - Ne songe plus a fuir
Barry, John - Doctor No, soundtrack
Barry, John - From Russia With Love, soundtrack
Barry, John - Goldfinger, soundtrack
Bart, Lionel - Oliver! Musical
Bartels, Artur - Henpecked
Barvinsky, Vasyl - Quintet for Piano, Two Violins, Viola and Cello (1953–1963)
Barykin, Valentin - Three Ural Songs for Folk Voices and electronics
Basner, Veniamin - "Elegy"
Batagov, Anton - Symphony.ru
Batashov, Konstantin - Chamber Concerto for 9 instruments memory of Igor Stravinsky
Batashov, Konstantin - Symphony ¹1 in c-moll
Batashov, Konstantin - Violin Concerto
Bateson, Thomas - Your shining eyes, madrigal (a 3)
Bauckholt, Carola - Atempause (2001) for orchestra
Bauckholt, Carola - Clarinet Trio
Bauckholt, Carola - Luftwurzeln
Bauckholt, Carola - More or Less
Bauckholt, Carola - nein allein, for five voices (1999/2000)
Bauckholt, Carola - Schraubdichtung
Bauckholt, Carola - Sottovoce
Bauckholt, Carola - Streich-trio
Bauckholt, Carola - Zopf
Bauersachs, Hubert - Deuces Wild Rag for piano
Bauersachs, Hubert - The Melrose Rag for piano
Bazhenov, Dmitriy - `Hey, ule!` (electronic composition)
Bazhenov, Dmitriy - `Zhaleyka` (electronic composition for 7-tone uniform division of the octave)
Bechara, El-Huri - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra op.36
Bechara, El-Huri - Poem for piano and orchestra ¹ 1, op11
Bechara, El-Huri - Poem for piano and orchestra ¹ 2, op22
Beck, Conrad - Symphony No.7, `Aeneas Sylvius` (1957)
Bedrossian, Frank - Charleston (2005/07)
Bedrossian, Frank - Traces d`ombres, for string quartet (2007)
Bedrossian, Frank - Transmission (2002)
Begaliev, Muratbek Aksimovich - Elegy for Cello and Piano
Bellinati, Paulo - Baiao de Gude
Beluntsov, Valeriy - DYING LIGHT for theremin and piano (1986)
Beluntsov, Valeriy - Windy Flying - Electronic romantic sketch
Bembo, Antonia - Ah, que l`absence, aria for soprano and continuo (from `Produzioni armoniche`, ca 1697-1701
Bendinelli, Cesare - Rotta or Sonata for trumpet (from: Tutta l`Arte della trombetta, c. 1614)
Bendinelli, Cesare - Sonata Nr. 336 for five trumpets and timpani (from `Tutta l`Arte della trombetta`, c. 1614)
Bennett, Richard Rodney - A Colloquy with God
Bennett, Richard Rodney - Murder On The Orient Express - Suite
Bentoiu, Pascal - String Quartet ¹ 2 „al consonanțelor” (1973), op.19
Berditchev, Levi Yitzchok of - Kaddish for Yom Kippur
Berezovsky, Maksym - Sonata for Violin and Basso Continuo in C Major
Bergman, Erik - Etwas Rascher, op.108
Bergman, Erik - Piano Trio, op. 2
Berinskiy, Sergej - Concerto for clarinet, 12 strings, prepared piano, and harpsichord, 1989
Berinskiy, Sergej - Concerto for the Voice & Orchestra (1988)
Berinskiy, Sergej - Psalms of David - King of the Jews, for four cellos (1994)
Berinskiy, Sergej - String Quartet No. 3
Berinskiy, Sergej - Two Hymns, for Russian folk instruments
Berinskiy, Sergej - Waltz-Boston
Berio, Luciano - A-Ronne, documentary radio play for five actors (the text Edoardo Sangvinetti) (1974-75)
Berio, Luciano - Chemins III (sur `Chemins II`), for Viola, nine instruments and orchestra (1973)
Berio, Luciano - Cries of London for eight voices
Berio, Luciano - Korot
Berio, Luciano - Opera (1969-70, rev. 1977)
Berio, Luciano - Quintet Opus Number Zoo
Berio, Luciano - Sequence ¹ 3 for soprano (1996)
Berio, Luciano - `Linea` (1973), for two pianos, vibraphone and marimba
Berkovich, Isaak Yakovlevich - Variations on the theme of Paganini (1st version)
Bernardi, Stefano - Exultavit cor meum in Domino, sinfonia à 8
Bernardi, Stefano - Sinfonia III concertata a 8 (ca 1620)
Bernstein, Leonard - The musical `Peter Pan` (1950)
Beshevli, Valery - Sonata-Poem for balalaika and piano, three parts
Bespalova, Anastasia - Xenia - diptych for violin and piano.
Beuger, Antoine - Lieux de passage, for clarinet and ensemble (2008)
Bianchi, Oscar - Ante Litteram, for six voices and bass clarinet, 2011-13
Bibergan, Vadim - Aria
Bibergan, Vadim - Russian Poteshki
Bibik, Valentin - Quartet No. 2 for two violins, viola and Cello (1996), op.116
Biel, Michael von - String Quartet No. 1 (1962)
Biel, Michael von - String Quartet No. 2 (1963)
Biel, Michael von - String Quartet No. 3 (1965) for string quartet and cello
Biezan, Andrzej - Isn`t it? 1983
Billone, Pierluigi - Δίκη Wall, for percussion and six instruments (2012)
Billone, Pierluigi - A. AN, for voices and ensemble (1989)
Billone, Pierluigi - APSU (1990), for voices and ensemble
Billone, Pierluigi - KRAAN KE.AN, for three voices and ten instruments (1991)
Billone, Pierluigi - ME.A.AN (1994) for Voice and Ensemble
Birtwistle, Harrison - An Interrupted Endless Melody (1991) for oboe and orchestra
Birtwistle, Harrison - Bach Measures, for ensemble (or chamber orchestra, 1996)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Chronometer, electronic music (1971-72)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Fields of Sorrow, for two sopranos, chorus and ensemble (1972)
Birtwistle, Harrison - For O, for O, the Hobby-Horse is Forgot, Ceremony for six percussionists (1976)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Hoquetus David, processing of motet by Guillaume de Machaut for sextet (1969)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Panic (1995) for alto saxophone, brass and percussion
Birtwistle, Harrison - Ritual Fragment for chamber orchestra (1990)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Slow frieze (1996) for paino and ensemble
Birtwistle, Harrison - The Last Supper, opera
Birtwistle, Harrison - The Perpetual Song of the Mechanical Arcadia (1977) for 14 instruments
Birtwistle, Harrison - Three Bach Arias, Rrocessing of the three arias by Johann Sebastian Bach for soloists and ensemble (2003-04)
Birtwistle, Harrison - Three Bach Fugues, Processing of the three fugues by Johann Sebastian Bach (`Art of Fugue`) for string quartet (2008)
Biryukov, Yuriy - Cartoon film «Fox, Hare and Rooster», directed by Olga Khodataeva (1942)
Bizet, Georges - Symphony in C-dur (1855), WD 33
Blaha, Ivo - Cyklorama, for Orchestra, 2005
Blanter, Matvey - Football march
Bloch, Augustyn - Anenaiki, 1979
Bloch, Ernest - Three Nocturnes (1924)
Blon, Franz von - Viktoria-Marsch (1914)
Blumenfeld, Felix - A moment of sadness for piano, op.49/2
Blumenfeld, Felix - Ballade in the form of variations for piano, op.34
Blumenfeld, Felix - Chimes, Suite for Piano, op.40
Blumenfeld, Felix - Polish Suite ¹2 for Piano, op.31
Blumenfeld, Felix - String Quartet in F Major, op.26
Boccherini, Luigi - String quartet op. 32 No. 5 in g-moll, G.205
Boccherini, Luigi - String Quintet op. 40 ¹ 3 in D major, G.342
Boccherini, Luigi - Symphony op. 7 in C-dur, G.491
Bochikhina, Olga - Equilibre (2008)
Bochikhina, Olga - Prologue to the theatrical presentation of Nevsky Prospect (2005)
Bodrov, Kuzma Aleksandrovich - Chorale
Bodrov, Kuzma Aleksandrovich - Istanbul, for Violin and Flute
Bodrov, Kuzma Aleksandrovich - Shepherd`s Song
Bodrov, Kuzma Aleksandrovich - Sonata for Cello and Piano
Bodrov, Kuzma Aleksandrovich - String Quartet
Boellmann, Leon - Heures mystiques, op.29
Boellmann, Leon - Twelve Pieces for Organ, op.16
Bogatyrev, Anatoli Vasilievich - Belarusian Partisans, Cantata (words of Yanka Kupala) 1942
Bogatyrev, Anatoli Vasilievich - Belorussian Songs, cantata
Bogatyrev, Anatoli Vasilievich - I Love Our Land
Bogatyrev, Anatoli Vasilievich - In the forests of Polesie, opera
Bogatyrev, Anatoli Vasilievich - Music to the drama of M. Lermontov `Masquerade`
Bogatyrev, Anatoli Vasilievich - Tale of Medvediha, Cantata (words of Pushkin) 1937
Bogatyrev, Anatoli Vasilievich - Under the Blue Sky of My Native Country, poem by A. Pushkin
Boika, Pavel - String Quartet No. 1
Bondarenko, Andrej - All Belarusian saints, canon tropar
Bondarenko, Andrej - Angel, for choir and soloist
Bondarenko, Andrej - Now Lettest Thou (1999), Concerto for soprano solo, bass solo and mixed choir
Bondarenko, Andrej - Of Kind King, for chorus
Bondarenko, Andrej - Praise of Grand Prince Vladimir Svjatoslavovich (1987)
Bondarenko, Andrej - Quiet Light
Bondarenko, Andrej - Spell (the inscription on the Cross of St. Euphrosynia of Polotsk) for soloist and chorus
Bondarenko, Andrej - The Cherubic Hymn for chorus
Bondarenko, Andrej - Troparion and Kontakion in remembrance of the phenomenon in the sky of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem in the year 351. (1998)
Bondarenko, Andrej - `Evening Prayer` for choir and soloists
Bonis, Mel - Adoro te, Motet
Bonis, Mel - Album pour les Tout Petits, op.103
Bonis, Mel - Ave verum
Bonis, Mel - Cantique de Jean Racine
Bonis, Mel - O Salutaris, Motet
Bonis, Mel - Pavane, Saraband and Burre for Piano
Bonis, Mel - Scherzo, op. 40
Bonis, Mel - Suite Orientale, op. 48
Bonis, Mel - Tantum ergo, Motet
Bonneau, Paul - Concerto for saxophone and orchestra
Bonneau, Paul - Suite for Alto Saxophone and Piano
Bonnet, Jozeph - Concert Variations for Organ
Borodin, Alexander - Serenade of Four Knights for One Lady (1870-72), AB 28
Bosareva, Maria - Chess for Piano of four hands
Bosareva, Maria - String Trio
Bose, Hans-Jürgen von - Befragung
Bossi, Marco Enrico - Konzertstuck for Organ and Orchestra, op.130
Bossi, Marco Enrico - Studio in B minor, op.137/5
Boulez, Pierre - Two etudes, musique concrète for tape (1952)
Bourbon, Louis XIII - Ballet de la Merlaison
Bourbon, Louis XIII - Chanson ``Tu Crois O Beau Soleil``
Bourbon, Louis XIII - Diminutions on ``Tu Crois O Beau Soleil``
Bourbon, Louis XIII - Psalm CXXX
Bourbon, Louis XIII - Psalm V
Bourgeois, Derek - Osteoblast - Trombone Octet
Bowen, York - 4 Pieces for Piano Duet, op. 90
Bowen, York - Arabesque in F major for 2 piano (1947), op.119
Bowen, York - Ballade for oboe, horn and piano, op.133
Bowen, York - Ballade in D minor (1910), op. 29
Bowen, York - Miniature Suite in C major (1904), op. 14
Bowen, York - Nocturne for piano, op. 3/1
Bowen, York - Suite for Piano 4-hands, op.111
Bowen, York - Suite No. 2 Piano 4-hands, op. 71
Bowen, York - Twelve Studies for piano, op. 46
Bowie, David - Life On Mars?
Bowie, David - Space Oddity
Bozza, Eugene - 2 esquisse for the flute quartet (1972)
Bozza, Eugene - Children`s overture for brass band (1964)
Bozza, Eugene - Contrast I for flute and bassoon (1977)
Bozza, Eugene - Duettino, for Two Bassoons (1954)
Bozza, Eugene - Fuguette-Siciliana-Rigadon for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1934)
Bozza, Eugene - Improvisation and capris for saxophone solo
Bozza, Eugene - Octanfonia for 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 horns and 2 bassoons (1972)
Bozza, Eugene - Ouverture rythmique for wind band (1963)
Bozza, Eugene - Sonata for Oboe and Piano
Bozza, Eugene - Three Pieces for Trombone Quartet
Braham, David - `Sam Johnson`s Colored`, Cake Walk for Piano (1884)
Brewster, - In Nomine II a 5
Bridge, Frank - Rhapsody Trio (1928), H.176
Brumel, Antoine Brumel - Magnificat secundi toni
Brunetti, Gaetano - Symphony No. 22 in G minor
Brunetti, Gaetano - Symphony No. 26 B flat major
Brunetti, Gaetano - Symphony No. 36 in A major
Bryars, Gavin - Vita Nova
Buch, Brian - `Maze of Infinite Forms`
Buch, Brian - `Poems to Sing at Night`
Buch, Brian - `Shifting Spheres`
Budashkin, Nikolay - Music for the animated film `The Scarlet Flower` (`Alenkiy Tsvetochek`) (1952)
Budashkin, Nikolay - Song of tourists (to words by Antokolsky)
Bujewski, Taras - Step into the Silence
Bujewski, Taras - Via Dolorosa
Bujewski, Taras - À321
Bullard, Frederic Field - Winter song for the choir (1890s?)
Bunch, Kenji - Luminaria
Bunch, Kenji - String Circle, Five Movements
Bunin, Revol - Children`s Album, op. 31
Buonamente, Giovanni Battista - Sonata a 4
Buonamente, Giovanni Battista - Sonata a 6
Burgmuller, Friedrich - 12 Études brillantes et mélodiques (1854), op.105
Burgmuller, Friedrich - 18 Études, op.109
Burgmuller, Friedrich - 25 leichte Etüden, op.100
Burgundy, Wipo of - Sequence for Easter `Victimae paschali laudes`
Bush, Alan - Lascaux symphony
Busoni, Ferruccio - Six Etudes for Piano, BV203
Busser, Henri - Concertino for double bass and piano, op. 80
Busser, Henri - The sun of France
Busser, Henri - `In the Land of Leon and Salamanca` for alto saxophone and piano (1943), op.116
Bussotti, Silvano - Autotono
Bussotti, Silvano - Bird
Bussotti, Silvano - El Carbonero, grotesque for five voices
Bussotti, Silvano - Five Italian fragments
Bussotti, Silvano - Gran duo for Cello and Piano (Beethoven)
Bussotti, Silvano - Lachrimae
Bussotti, Silvano - Phaidra/Heliogabalus, ballet
Bussotti, Silvano - Sette fogli
Butsko, Yuri - Cantata No. 1 Evening. 1962
Butsko, Yuri - Cantata No. 6 `Liturgical chant `(1982)
Butsko, Yuri - Lacrimosa, for string orchestra. 1982
Butsko, Yuri - Song cycle `Solitude` a on poems by V. Khodasevich (1966)
Butsko, Yuri - String Quartet No. 7
Butsko, Yuri - The six scenes from the poem `The Twelve` A.Blok (1953)
Butsko, Yuri - Violin Concerto ¹4 (2005)
Butsko, Yuri - `Trio-Quintet (Es muss sein) `, for piano, two violins, viola and cello (1970)
Buxtehude, Dietrich - Cantata `Salve, Jesu, Patris gnate unigenite`, BuxWV 94
Byrd, William - Christe, qui lux (Es et dies), BK121
Byzov, Andrey - Poems by the Sysert Children, for Choir and Piano
Cage, John - 108, Symphony for large orchestra (1991), JC.312
Cage, John - 4`33`` (1952), JC.113
Cage, John - Cartridge Music (1960), JC.155
Cage, John - Credo in US (1942), JC. 51
Cage, John - Double Music (John Cage, Lou Harrison) (1941), JC. 42
Cage, John - Dream (1948), JC. 95
Cage, John - Europera 5 (1991), JC.298
Cage, John - Four5 (1991), JC.306
Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 1 (1939), JC. 28
Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 2 (March) (1942), JC. 49
Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 3 (1942), JC. 48
Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 4 (March No. 2) (1951), JC.107
Cage, John - Imaginary Landscape No. 5 (1952), JC.114
Cage, John - Inlets (Improvisation II), for four performers with sea shells and the sound of fire (1977), JC.214
Cage, John - Musicircus, (1967), JC.177
Cage, John - Rozart Mix, tape loops (1965), JC.171
Cage, John - Sculptures Musicales (1989), JC.282
Cage, John - Seven2, for bass flute, bass clarinet, bass trombone, two percussionists with unspecified instruments, cello and contrabass (1990), JC.295
Cage, John - The Beatles 1962-1970 (1990), JC.296
Cage, John - Theatre Piece (1960), JC.159
Cage, John - Third Construction for Percussion Quartet (1941), JC. 41
Cage, John - Trio-Suite for three percussion (1936), JC. 20
Cage, John - Williams Mix, for record (1952-53), JC.120
Cage, John - `Fourteen` for instrumental ensemble of 14 performers 1990., JC.289
Calace, Raffaele - Serenata malinconica (mandolin & piano), op.120
Caldara, Antonio - Cantata «Vicino a un rivoletto»
Canova da Milano, Francesco - Las je my plains
Carcassi, Matteo - 2 Ballet Airs from Rossini`s `Mosè in Egitto` for Guitar and piano, op. 28
Carcassi, Matteo - Douze Galops et Six Valses for guitar, op. 39
Carcassi, Matteo - Fantaisie Fra Diavolo for guitar, op. 37
Carcassi, Matteo - Fantasy On Motifs From Opera `Zampa, op. 40
Carcassi, Matteo - Méthode complète for Guitare, op. 59
Carcassi, Matteo - Mosaic on the favorite motifs of the opera `The Black Domino` for guitar, op. 67
Carcassi, Matteo - The God and the Bayadere, op. 38
Carcassi, Matteo - William Tell, op. 36
Cardew, Cornelius - The Great Learning
Cardew, Cornelius - Treatise - CAC Bretigny
Carillo, Julian - Preludio a Colon
Carillo, Julian - Preludio `Impromptu`
Carillo, Julian - String Sextet in G Major (1900)
Carillo, Julian - Symphony ¹1 in D-dur (1901)
Carter, Elliott Cook - Woodwind Quintet (1948)
Casella, Alfredo - Concerto for Piano, Strings, Timpani, and Percussion, op.69
Casella, Alfredo - Concerto for piano, timpani, percussion and string orchestra (1926), op.43
Casella, Alfredo - Concerto Romano for Organ, Brass, Timpani and Strings (1926), op.43
Casella, Alfredo - Deux contrastes for piano (1916-18), op.31
Casella, Alfredo - Five Pieces for String Quartet op. 34 (1920), op.34
Casella, Alfredo - Introduzione, corale e marcia, op.57
Casella, Alfredo - La rosa del sogno (balletto romantico in un atto), op.66
Casella, Alfredo - La sera fiesolana, op.37
Casella, Alfredo - L`orso azzurro for chamber orchestra
Casella, Alfredo - Pagine di guerra, per pianoforte a quattro mani (1915), op.25
Casella, Alfredo - Quattro favole romanesche, op.38
Casella, Alfredo - Sacred Songs for Baritone and Small Orchestra, op.67
Casella, Alfredo - Serenata for clar, bsn, tpt, vln & cello (1927), op.46
Casella, Alfredo - Sicilienne et Burlesque for flute and piano (1914), op.23
Casella, Alfredo - Tre canzoni trecentesche, op.36
Castiglioni, Niccolo - Divertimento, electroacoustic music. 1961
Castiglioni, Niccolo - Filastrocca, for Wind Quintet (1989)
Castiglioni, Niccolo - Romanzetta, for Flute (1990)
Castiglioni, Niccolo - Synchromie, for Orchestra (1963)
Castiglioni, Niccolo - Undici danze per la bella Verena, for Violin and Piano (1996)
Casulana, Maddalena - `Morir non può il mio core`, madrigale 4 vv
Catoire, Georgiy - Piano Quartet in A minor, op.31
Celano, Tommaso da - Dies Irae
Cendo, Raphael - Action painting, for fifteen instruments (2004-05)
Cendo, Raphael - Badlands, for percussion (2014)
Cendo, Raphael - In Vivo, for string quartet (2008-11)
Cendo, Raphael - Masse-Metal, for twenty five instruments (2005)
Cendo, Raphael - Rokh, for ensemble (2011-12)
Cendo, Raphael - Scratch data, for percussion and electronics (2002)
Cendo, Raphael - Shadow, for six voices (2011)
Cendo, Raphael - Substance. 2013
Cerha, Friedrich - Two Scenes for the seven voices (2010-11)
Chalaev, Shirvani - Song about Tatarkhan, 8 pieces for violin and cello based on Karachai songs
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - DELETE
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Miserere (Psaume 50) (1673), H.157
Charpentier, Jacques - Pour Syrinx, for Flute and Piano (1978)
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Repons Eram quasi agnus innocens, H.115
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Repons O Juda, H.119
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Troisieme Leqon de Tenebres du Jeudi Saint (1670), H. 93
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Troisieme Leqon de Tenebres du Mercredi Saint (1670), H. 92
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine - Troisieme Leqon de Tenebres du Vendredi Saint (1671), H. 94
Chausson, Ernest - Hymne vedique(1886), op. 9
Chavez, Carlos - Invention ¹ 2 for Violin, Viola and Cello in 3 parts (1965)
Chavez, Carlos - Madrigal for Cello and Piano
Chavez, Carlos - Sones Mariachi, Mexican folk song arrangement
Chernenko, Vladimir - One Part Piano Sonata
Chernenko, Vladimir - Sobor/Cathedral, opera. Prologue: Adagio
Chernenko, Vladimir - String Quartet
Chernenko, Vladimir - Suite on Ukrainian themes for String Quartet
Chernenko, Vladimir - Ukraina - terra incognito, String Quartet in G moll
Chernyshov, Alexander - Rather Blue
Cherubini, Luigi - Requiem a la memoire de Louis XVI in c-moll (1816)
Chesnokov, Pavel - AppleTree, op.14¹3
Chesnokov, Pavel - Blessed art Thou, O Lord, op.39¹ 3
Chesnokov, Pavel - Choir `Peasant Party` for women / children voices and piano (to lyrics by A. Koltsov), op. 2¹3
Chesnokov, Pavel - Choir `Uncompressed strip` for female / children`s voices and piano (to lyrics by N. Nekrasov), op. 4¹1
Chesnokov, Pavel - Green Noise, op.14¹6
Chin, Unsuk - Gradus ad Infinitum, electronic music (1989)
Chistyakov, Vladlen Pavlovich - Music to the film `The Move of the White Queen` (1971)
Choloniewski, Marek - Like Breathing. 1991
Christou, Jani - Anaparastasis I
Christou, Jani - Anaparastasis III
Christou, Jani - Enantiodromia (1965-1968)
Christou, Jani - Epicycle (1969) for magnetic tape
Christou, Jani - Patterns and Permutations (1960) for orchestra
Christou, Jani - Phoenix Music (1949)
Christou, Jani - Praxis
Christou, Jani - Tongues of Fire (a Pentecost oratorio) (1964) for soloists, mixed chorus and orchestra
Chudova, Tatiana - A Cycle Four Pieces for Piano
Chudova, Tatiana - A Cycle Six Pieces for Piano
Chudova, Tatiana - `From the Russian fairy tales`, Suite for large symphony orchestra
Churkin, Nikolay - Lullaby
Ciconia, Johannes - Ballata `O rosa bella`
Ciconia, Johannes - Ligiadra donna
Clarke, Jeremiah - March of the Prince of Denmark
Clementi, Aldo - Collage II for tape (1960)
Clementi, Aldo - L`Orologio di Arcevia for ensemble (1979)
Clementi, Aldo - Madrigale for ensemble (1979)
Clyne, Anna - Within Her Arms - for string orchestra (2008-2009)
Coates, Gloria - Symphony No.8 `Indian Sounds`, 1991
Coates, Gloria - `Lunar Loops`, 1987
Cohen, Shmuel - Hymn of Israel
Colic, Dragutin - Wind Quintet (1931)
Colla, Alberto - Music for strings (2012)
Comes, Liviu - Choreographic Suite, `Sarmis`, 1980
Copland, Aaron - Dream March and Circus Music
Copland, Aaron - Nocturne for Violin and Piano
Copland, Aaron - Suite from Ballet `Appalachian Spring`
Copland, Aaron - Ukulele Serenade for Violin and Piano
Cosma, Vladimir - Toy, Soundtrack
Cosma, Vladimir - Unlucky, Soundtrack
Cowell, Henri - Ongaku (1957), HC.846
Cowell, Henri - Symphony No.11 `Seven Rituals of Music` (1954), HC.790
Cowell, Henri - The Banshee (1925), HC.405
Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita - Laudate pueri (Psalm 112), 4 vv and 2 violins (about 1645)
Creston, Paul - Ceremonial for percussion ensemble and piano (1972), op.103
Creston, Paul - Concertino for Marimba and orchestra (1940), op. 21
Creston, Paul - Five Dances, Op.1 (1932), op. 1
Creston, Paul - Piano Trio (1979), op.112
Creston, Paul - Rapsodie for saxophone and organ (1976), op.108
Creston, Paul - Suite for alto saxophone or clarinet and piano (1935), op. 6
Creston, Paul - Suite for saxophone quartet (1979), op.111
Creston, Paul - “Fanfare for Paratroopers” a piece for wind instruments
Crispi, Pierre - Saint est le Seigneur
Crispi, Pierre - Schxrzo
Crumb, George - Black Angels
Crumb, George - Lux Aeterna (1971)
Crumb, George - Madrigals, Book II (1965)
Crumb, George - Madrigals, Book IV (1969)
Crumb, George - Vox Balaenae for performers in masks: flute, cello and piano (1971)
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik - Concertino for Bassoon and Orchestra B-dur (1829)
Cui, Cézar - 5 Morceaux (1914), op. 95
Cui, Cézar - Impromptu-caprice (1896)
Cui, Cézar - String Quartet No.1 (1890), op. 45
Cui, Cézar - String Quartet ¹ 2 (1907), op. 68
Cui, Cézar - Tarantella for Orchestra, op. 12
Curran, Alvin - Animal Behavior
Cuss, Max - Waves of Amur, waltz
Cvetkov, Igor - In the city of Pushkin
Czernowin, Chaya - Anea Crystal, for two String Quartets (2008)
Czernowin, Chaya - Die Kreuzung, Trio for accordion, alto saxophone and double bass (1995)
Czernowin, Chaya - Ina (1988) for bass-flute and recording
Czernowin, Chaya - Sahaf, for four instruments (2008)
Czernowin, Chaya - Six Miniatures And A Simultaneous Song (2001)
Czernowin, Chaya - Strange Water, Stolen Water (2002-2006) for five soloists, electronics and percussion
Czernowin, Chaya - String Quartet. 1995
Czerny, Carl - 10 Big Fantasies for 2 pianos, op.797
Czerny, Carl - 100 Progressive Studies for piano, op.139
Czerny, Carl - 110 Progressive Excercises for piano, op.453
Czerny, Carl - 125 Passagenübungen for piano, op.261
Czerny, Carl - 14 Écossaises brillantes for piano, op.174
Czerny, Carl - 2 Studies for the left hand alone, op.735
Czerny, Carl - 24 Études élégantes for piano, op.672
Czerny, Carl - 24 large characteristic studies, op.692
Czerny, Carl - 24 Piano Studies for the Left Hand, op.718
Czerny, Carl - 25 Progressive Exercises for Small Hands, op.748
Czerny, Carl - 32 New daily exercises for piano, op.848
Czerny, Carl - 40 Daily Exercises for piano, op.337
Czerny, Carl - 40 Light Tonstücke for piano, op.803
Czerny, Carl - 48 etudes in the form of preludes and cadenzas, op.161
Czerny, Carl - 50 Exercises for Beginners Pianists, op.481
Czerny, Carl - 50 Major Postgraduate Studies for piano, op.409
Czerny, Carl - 50 Progressive exercises in all major and minor tones for piano, op.840
Czerny, Carl - 6 Études de salon for piano, op.754
Czerny, Carl - 6 Oktavenstudien for piano, op.553
Czerny, Carl - Andante and Polacca for horn and piano
Czerny, Carl - Divertissement Militaire for piano six hands, op.229
Czerny, Carl - Encouragement to study, 24 entertaining practice pieces for the pianoforte, op.684
Czerny, Carl - Fantasia Concertante for Flute, Cello and Piano, op.256
Czerny, Carl - Fantasy and variations on `I puritani` Bellini for Piano 4 hands, op.376
Czerny, Carl - Gran capriccio di bravura ossa studio for piano, op.369
Czerny, Carl - Grand Etude in all major and minor keys, op.152
Czerny, Carl - Grand exercice for piano, op.245
Czerny, Carl - Grand Exercise for piano, op. 82
Czerny, Carl - Grand Exercise of the Thirds for piano, op.380
Czerny, Carl - Grandes études de salon for piano, op.756
Czerny, Carl - Hectameron, op.807
Czerny, Carl - Large Exercise of trills in the shape of a bright roundel for piano, op.151
Czerny, Carl - Le Cornet de Postillon, variations sur le thème de Rossini pour 2 pianos, op.282
Czerny, Carl - Le Gout Moderne for piano 4 hands (From cavatina `So the Magic Power is Born` from Donizetti`s opera Don Pasquale), op.398
Czerny, Carl - Le petit pianiste, 72 easy and progressive pieces from the first beginning, with all major and minor scales, op.823
Czerny, Carl - Melodious and brilliant etudes, 48 original tunes, op.829
Czerny, Carl - New School of Fluency, op.834
Czerny, Carl - New school of the left hand, op.861
Czerny, Carl - Pianoforte-Schule, op.500
Czerny, Carl - Practical Finger Exercises, op.802
Czerny, Carl - Preliminary School for Velocity, Book 1, op.636
Czerny, Carl - Prelude and fugue for pedal organ, op.607
Czerny, Carl - School of the Virtuoso for piano, op.365
Czerny, Carl - Shiny Fantasy on Chinese Tunes for piano, op.724
Czerny, Carl - Small Theoretical Practical Pianoforte School for Beginners, op.584
Czerny, Carl - Souvenir théâtral, pieces for piano, op.247
Czerny, Carl - Studies on the knowledge of all the chords of the thoroughbass on the pianoforte, op.838
Czerny, Carl - Systematic Guide to Fantasia on the Pianoforte, op.200
Czerny, Carl - The Art of Preluding for piano, op.300
Czerny, Carl - The Five Fingers: 24 Studies for Piano, op.777
Czerny, Carl - The Modern Piano Game, op.837
Czerny, Carl - The Perfecting, 25 études caractéristiques pour le piano, op.755
Czerny, Carl - The runner, Exercice brillante for piano, op.560
Czerny, Carl - The School of Embellishments for piano, op.355
Czerny, Carl - The School of Fugue Playing for piano, op.400
Czerny, Carl - The School of Legato and Staccato, op.335
Czerny, Carl - The School of the Left Hand, op.399
Czerny, Carl - The Untiring, Grand Etude for piano, op.779
Czerny, Carl - `Flowers from ornaments`, 50 brilliant and progressive sketches, op.767
Czerny, Carl - `Oberon`, a big brilliant duet for 2 pianos, op.860
Daija, Tish - Dance No. 2 for Symphony Orchestra
Daija, Tish - Dance No. 3 for Symphony Orchestra
Daija, Tish - Fantasia for violin and orchestra
Daija, Tish - Festive Overture
Daija, Tish - Once at a Picnic, Suite for Orchestra
Daija, Tish - Piano Concerto
Daija, Tish - Poem for Flute and Orchestra
Daija, Tish - Rhapsody for flute and orchestra
Dankla, Charles - La Reunion, op.203
Dankla, Charles - The Nice Evening
Dankla, Charles - Variations on a Theme by Bellini, op. 89/3
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander - Tabakerochny Waltz (1845)
Darzins, Emile - Furtively, for voice and piano
Darzins, Emile - Minion
Darzins, Emile - Old Times
Darzins, Emile - `Children of Zion ` for chorus
Darzins, Emile - `If I went to Bethlehem `, for chorus
Darzins, Emile - `Saying goodbye` for voice and piano
Darzins, Emile - `Song of the mermaids` for chorus
Darzins, Emile - `You have gathered the roses? `For voice and piano
Dashkevich, Vladimir - Heart of a Dog, Music for the film
Dauvergne, Antoine - Musette en rondeau - 1er et 2ème rigaudon
Davies, Peter Maxwell Davies - A Calendar of Kings
Davies, Peter Maxwell Davies - Brass Quintet (1981)
Davies, Peter Maxwell Davies - Dark Angels for soprano and guitar (1974)
Davies, Peter Maxwell Davies - Miss Donnithrones Maggot, for soprano and 6 instruments (1984)
Decruck, Fernande - Capriccio for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1933)
Decruck, Fernande - Sonata for Trio No. 2 for oboe, clarinet and bassoon
Decruck, Fernande - Trio classics for oboe, clarinet and bassoon
Decruck, Fernande - Trio for flute, bassoon and harp (194X)
Decruck, Fernande - Variation on the theme of the old marching song `Little Monument` for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1935)
Decruck, Fernande - Variations on the Pyrenean melody for oboe, clarinet and bassoon
Decruck, Fernande - `Splin`, a piece for alto saxophone and piano (1934)
Delden, Lex van - Sonata for Violin and Piano, op. 82
Dello Joio, Norman - Trio for Flute, Piano and Cello
Demantius, Christoph - Polnischer Tanz, Galliarde
Demersseman, Jules Auguste Eduard - Fantaisie for alto saxophone (E♭), piano, op. 32
Demersseman, Jules Auguste Eduard - Fantaisie sur `La Déesse et le Berger` de Duprato for flute, piano, op.130
Demersseman, Jules Auguste Eduard - Sonata No.1 for Flute, piano, op. 22
Dench, Chris - Beyond Status Geometry for percussion quartet (1995)
Denisov, Edison - On the Surface of a Frozen Pond, for 9 instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, French horn, trombone, piano, harp, vibraphone) and tape (1991)
Denisov, Edison - Points and lines for 2 pianos, 8 hands (1988)
Derbenko, Eugene - "Nepman" suite for accordion
Derbenko, Eugene - But I like him
Derbenko, Eugene - Concerto for accordion and orchestra ¹ 3
Derbenko, Eugene - Concerto for bayan and symphony orchestra
Derbenko, Eugene - Elegy
Derbenko, Eugene - Fallen Leaves
Derbenko, Eugene - Fantasy on Spanish themes
Derbenko, Eugene - Golgotha
Derbenko, Eugene - Moscow cabby
Derbenko, Eugene - Russian fingering
Derbenko, Eugene - Sonatina
Derbenko, Eugene - Spanish Fantasy
Derbenko, Eugene - Tango, played by Orel souvenir
Derbenko, Eugene - The accordion plays a twist
Derbenko, Eugene - Venice Carnival
Derbenko, Eugene - When everybody is dancing
Derbenko, Eugene - whether I go, whether I come out...
Deshevov, Vladimir - Etude for Piano op. 1 No. 1 (1st ed. - 1913, 2nd ed. - 1929, 3rd ed. - 1955)
Deshevov, Vladimir - Exotic Suite for oboe, violin, cello and piano (1926)
Deshevov, Vladimir - March for Piano op. 1 No. 2 (1914/1919)
Deshevov, Vladimir - Meditations for piano op. 3 (1920-1922)
Deshevov, Vladimir - Prelude for Piano (1910)
Deshevov, Vladimir - Scherzo for piano op. 6 (1st ed. 1922, 2nd ed. 1954)
Deshevov, Vladimir - Sonata ¹ 2 for Piano (1921), op. 5
Deshevov, Vladimir - Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi (1911)
Deshevov, Vladimir - `Ballerina` for piano (1938)
Deshevov, Vladimir - `Japanese music` for flute, violin, cello and piano
Desyatnikov, Leonid - Music for the film `Touch`
Desyatnikov, Leonid - Music for the movie `Giselle Mania` (1995)
Desyatnikov, Leonid - `Lost Illusions`, ballet in 3 acts (2011)
Diamond, David - Concerto for piano and orchestra
Dillon, James - `Sgothan flauto`
Dillon, James - `À roaring flame` , for soprano and contrabass
Dillon, James - `Ñome live with me` , for soprano and synthesis instrument
Dillon, James - `Ñrossing` for clarinet
Distler, Hugo - Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, motet
Distler, Hugo - Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, motet
Distler, Hugo - Die traurige Krönung for chorus
Distler, Hugo - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen for chorus (1933)
Distler, Hugo - Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, motet
Distler, Hugo - Mörike-Chorliederbuch, op. 19
Distler, Hugo - Partita ‘Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland’ for organ
Distler, Hugo - Partita ‘Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme’ for organ
Distler, Hugo - Selig sind die Toten, motet
Distler, Hugo - Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich, motet
Distler, Hugo - Was mein Gott will, das g`scheh allzeit, motet
Distler, Hugo - Wie der Hirsch schreiet nach frischem Wasser, motet
Dittrich, Paul-Heinz - Vocalblatter 1972
Dlugosz, Magdalena - Zacopane Liryki. 2004
Dmitriev, Georgi - Reverend Savva Iegumen
Dobrowolski, Andrzej - Music for three accordions, harmonica and percussion
Doga, Eugeniy - "In the Murom Road" (motion picture soundtrack)
Doga, Eugeniy - "A rope for a vampire" (motion picture soundtrack)
Doga, Eugeniy - "Frenzy bus" (motion picture soundtrack)
Doga, Eugeniy - "Unbelievable" (motion picture soundtrack)
Doga, Eugeniy - Waltz, Music from the Film
Doga, Eugeniy - `My Sweet and Tender Beast` (motion picture soundtrack)
Donatoni, Franco - Alamari, for Cello, Double bass and Piano (1983)
Donatoni, Franco - Diario 76 for 4 trumpets and 4 trombones (1977)
Donatoni, Franco - Eco for chamber orchestra (1985-86)
Donatoni, Franco - Fili for Flute and Piano (1981)
Donatoni, Franco - Ombra for contrabass clarinet (1984)
Donatoni, Franco - Refrain for 8 instruments (1986)
Donatoni, Franco - Spiri for 10 instruments (1977)
Dorokhin, Vladimir - Piano Concerto (1983)
Dorokhov, Georgy - Exposition-VI (Piano)
Dorokhov, Georgy - Exposition-VIII/La Primavera
Dorokhov, Georgy - Exposure 4
Dorokhov, Georgy - Exposure-2
Dorokhov, Georgy - Graffiti
Dorokhov, Georgy - Inventions
Dorokhov, Georgy - Rondo
Dorokhov, Georgy - String Quartet ¹ 3
Dorokhov, Georgy - Study-II/L`Inverno
Druschetzky, Georg - Variations for Eight Instruments and a Double Bass
Dubansky, Fyodor - With You Every Hour
Dubois, Pierre Max - Chamber Symphony for wind instruments
Dubois, Pierre Max - Circus parade for alto saxophone with percussion
Dubois, Pierre Max - Horn Quartet
Dubois, Pierre Max - Piano Concerto No. 3 (1967)
Dubois, Pierre Max - Saxophone Quartet, Op. 102
Dubois, Pierre Max - Suite for Violin, Clarinet and Piano
Dubois, Pierre Max - Toccata for piano
Dubois, Pierre Max - Trombone Quartet
Dubois, Pierre Max - `The Hare and the Turtle`, a piece for alto saxophone and piano
Dubois, Pierre Max - `The Three Musketeers`, divertimento for oboe, clarinet, alto saxophone and bassoon
Dudley, Anne - Jeeves and Wooster, soundtrack
Dufay, Guillaume - Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys (voice, shawm, gittern, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Adieu m`amour
Dufay, Guillaume - Belle que vous
Dufay, Guillaume - Belle vueillies moy retenir
Dufay, Guillaume - Belle vueillies vostre mercy donner
Dufay, Guillaume - Belle vuellies moy vengier
Dufay, Guillaume - Bien doy servir
Dufay, Guillaume - Bon jour, bon mois
Dufay, Guillaume - Ce jour de l`an
Dufay, Guillaume - Ce jour le doibt
Dufay, Guillaume - Craindre vous vueil
Dufay, Guillaume - C`est bien raison
Dufay, Guillaume - De ma haulte et bonne aventure
Dufay, Guillaume - Despartes vous, male bouche et envie (flute, gittern, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Dieu gard la bone
Dufay, Guillaume - Donna gentile
Dufay, Guillaume - Donnez l`assault
Dufay, Guillaume - Du tout m`estoit
Dufay, Guillaume - Ecclesie militantis
Dufay, Guillaume - En triumphant de Cruel Dueil
Dufay, Guillaume - Entre les plus plaines danoy (harp, gittern, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Entre vous gentils amoureux
Dufay, Guillaume - Estrines moy
Dufay, Guillaume - Franc cuer gentil
Dufay, Guillaume - He compaignons
Dufay, Guillaume - Helas mon duel
Dufay, Guillaume - Helas, ma dame
Dufay, Guillaume - Invidia nimica
Dufay, Guillaume - Je donne a tous
Dufay, Guillaume - Je languis en piteux martire
Dufay, Guillaume - Je me complains
Dufay, Guillaume - Je ne puis plus
Dufay, Guillaume - Je ne suy plus
Dufay, Guillaume - Je ne vis onques la pareille (2 voices, gittern)
Dufay, Guillaume - Je n`ai doubte fors que des envieux (harp, gittern)
Dufay, Guillaume - Je prens congie de vous, amours (voice, gittern, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Je requier a tous amoureux (voice, dulcian, gittern)
Dufay, Guillaume - Je veuil chanter de cuer joyeux (2 voices, lute)
Dufay, Guillaume - Je vous pri, mon tres doulx ami (4 voices)
Dufay, Guillaume - J`atendray tant qu`il vous playra (3 voices)
Dufay, Guillaume - La dolce vista (recorder, gittern, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - La plus mignonne de mon cueur (2 voices, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Lamentatio sanctae matris ecclesiae constantinopolitanae (2 voices, dulcian, gittern)
Dufay, Guillaume - Las, que feray- Ne que je devenray (voice, harp, gittern)
Dufay, Guillaume - Le serviteur hault guerdonne (voice, 2 fiddles)
Dufay, Guillaume - Les douleurs, dont me sens tel somme (2 voices, 2 fiddles)
Dufay, Guillaume - Malheureulx cueur, que vieulx tu faire (voice, 2 fiddles)
Dufay, Guillaume - Mon bien, m`amour et ma maistresse (2 voices, lute)
Dufay, Guillaume - Mon seul plaisir, ma doulce joye (3 voices)
Dufay, Guillaume - Or pleust a dieu
Dufay, Guillaume - Par droit je puis bien complaindre et gemir (2 voices, 2 fiddles)
Dufay, Guillaume - Par le regart de vos beaux yeux (voice, 2 fiddles)
Dufay, Guillaume - Passato e il tempo omaj di quei pensieri (voice, 2 fiddles)
Dufay, Guillaume - Pour ce que veoir je ne puis (2 voices, dulcian, gittern, rebec)
Dufay, Guillaume - Pouray je avoir vostre mercy (voice, lute, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Puisque celle qui me tient en prison (2 shawms, trumpet)
Dufay, Guillaume - Puisque vous estez campieur (2 voices, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Resistera... (recorder, lute, rebec, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Resvellies vous
Dufay, Guillaume - Resvelons nous
Dufay, Guillaume - Se la face ay pale
Dufay, Guillaume - Se la face ay pale (2 voices, shawm)
Dufay, Guillaume - Se madame je puis veir (voice, dulcian, lute)
Dufay, Guillaume - Seigneur Leon, vous soyes bienvenus (recorder, gittern, 2 fiddles)
Dufay, Guillaume - S`il est plaisir que je vous puisse faire (2 voices, fiddle)
Dufay, Guillaume - Trop lonc temps ai esté
Dufay, Guillaume - Va t`en, mon cuer
Dufay, Guillaume - Vo regart et doulche maniere
Dunaevsky, Maxim - Bang-Bang (Cartoon)
Dunayevsky, Isaac - By the wide road
Durey, Louis - Divertissement for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon, op.107
Durey, Louis - Interlude, op.112
Durey, Louis - Sonatine for piano, op. 36
Dusapin, Pascal - Attacca for 2 trumpets and timpani (1991)
Dusapin, Pascal - Inside for viola (1980)
Dzorapor, Sahak of - Be Glad, Holy Church
Dzorapor, Sahak of - Only Begotten of the Father
d`Indy, Vincent - Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano, op. 29
Eben, Petr - Cantica Comeniana I (1970)
Eben, Petr - Cantica Comeniana II (1970)
Eben, Petr - Cantico delle Creature (1987)
Eben, Petr - Salve Regina (1973)
Edwards, Ross - Yarrageh: Nocturne for Solo Percussion and Orchestra (1989)
Efendi, Hammamizade - Bir gonca-femin yaresi var ciqerimde
Efendi, Hammamizade - Bir verd-i rana ettim temasa
Efendi, Hammamizade - Ferahfeza Ayini
Efendi, Hammamizade - Yuzundur Cihani
Eimert, Herbert - Glockenspiel - 1953
Eisler, Hanns - Divertimento for flute, clarinet, horn and bassoon (1923), op. 4
Ekimovsky, Viktor - In the constellation of Canes Venatici, for three flutes
Ekimovsky, Viktor - Polety vozdushnykh zmeev, for four records
Ekimovsky, Viktor - Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Ekimovsky, Viktor - Princess pricked her finger, and the whole kingdom fell asleep
Enescu, George - String Quartet No. 2 in G Major, op.22/2
Enescu, George - String Quartet No.1 Es-dur, op.22/1
Erdenko, Michail - "Do Not Wake Her At Dawn" (Violin)
Erdenko, Michail - And there is no eyes in the world... (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Coachman, do not drive horses (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Do not go, stay with me (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Do not stir up memories (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - I loved you (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - I met you (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - I remember a lovely waltz sound (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Joy (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Listen, if you want (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Night light (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - No, he did not love (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Only once (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Red sundress (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Shine, My Star (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Stars in the sky (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Two Guitars (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Two Roses (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Wicket (violin)
Erdenko, Michail - Withered chrysanthemum (violin)
Esenvalds, Eriks - Come out, Rain, for mixed choir and flute
Esenvalds, Eriks - Grace, for mixed choir
Esenvalds, Eriks - `Te Deum` for mixed choir, organ and brass band
Eshpai, Andrey - Brass quintet for two trumpets, French horn, trombone and tube (1984)
Eskobar, Pedro - Motets
Euripides, Salamis - A piece of music first antistrophe of the tragedy `Orestes» (III c. BC)
Evald, Aav - `Sodalaste koor` from the opera` Vikings`
Evans, Evan - String quartet
Fainer, Vladimir - Fuga a-moll
Fainer, Vladimir - Fuga Accedite ad eum et inluminamini (organ version of choral fugue )
Fainer, Vladimir - Largo a-moll íà òåìó L-I-D-I-A (violin and organ)
Fainer, Vladimir - Largo d-moll (violin and organ)
Fainer, Vladimir - Passacaglia integrata (combination of chromatic lines, one of which is a graph of the integral function of the other)
Fainer, Vladimir - Praeludium super cantus firmus H-E-L-E-N-A (organ)
Fainer, Vladimir - Praeludium super cantus floridus H-E-L-E-N-A (organ)
Fainer, Vladimir - Ricercare
Fainer, Vladimir - Ricercare on theme of B-A-C-H (organ)
Fainer, Vladimir - To Your Cross (Organ Chorale Prelude)
Falabella, Roberto - String quartet (1957)
Falconieri, Andrea - Al dolce mormorar
Falconieri, Andrea - Armilla ingrata
Falconieri, Andrea - Bayle de los dichos diabolos
Falconieri, Andrea - Bella clori
Falconieri, Andrea - Come fugace
Falconieri, Andrea - Corriente dicha la mota
Falconieri, Andrea - Fantasia detta la portia
Falconieri, Andrea - Fantasia echa para el muy reverendo
Falconieri, Andrea - Filli cara
Falconieri, Andrea - Gioiosa fantasia
Falconieri, Andrea - Hoggi la dea del cielo
Falconieri, Andrea - Il rosso brando
Falconieri, Andrea - La suave melodia y su corrente
Falconieri, Andrea - L`eronca
Falconieri, Andrea - O mia vita
Falconieri, Andrea - Sinfonia la buon`hora
Falconieri, Andrea - Sinfonia quarta
Falconieri, Andrea - Virtu de lumi
Falconieri, Andrea - Vita del l`alma
Falik, Yuriy - Composition for Cello
Falvo, Rodolfo - Songs
Fantini, Girolamo - Prima Entrata Imperiale per suonare in concerto (1638)
Fantini, Girolamo - Seconda Entrata imperiale per suonare in concerto (1638) for trumpets and timpani
Farhat, Hormoz - String Quartets No. 1 (1953)
Farhat, Hormoz - String Quartets No. 2
Farhat, Hormoz - String Quartets No. 3
Farina, Carlo - Balletto a 3
Farina, Carlo - Canzon detta `La Marina` a 2
Farina, Carlo - Passamezzo a 3
Farina, Carlo - Pavana III a 4
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Capirola a 3 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Cingara a 3 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Farina a 2 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Fiama a 2 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Franzosina a 2 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Greca a 3 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Moretta a 3 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Polaca a 3 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta la Semplisa a 3 voce
Farina, Carlo - Sonata detta `La Farina` a 2
Faure, Gabriel - Motet `Maria Mater Gratiae` for two sporano and organ (piano), op. 47/2
Fedele, Ivan - Donax, for flute solo (1992)
Feiler, Dror - Fünf Schwierigkeiten beim Schreiben der Wahrheiton: Müll (2008)
Feldman, Morton - Ixion - Summerspace, ballet pour ensemble de chambre ou deux pianos (1958)
Feldman, Morton - Madame Press died last week at ninety, for ensemble (1970)
Feldman, Morton - Neither, opera (1977)
Feldman, Morton - The Rothko Chapel pour soprano, contralto, double choeur et trois instruments (1971)
Feldman, Morton - Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano (1980)
Feo, Ser - Gia molte volte amore, ballata a 2
Feoktistova, Anastasia - Legend ¹1
Ferneyhough, Brian - An Inscription for Flute (1981)
Ferneyhough, Brian - Cassandra`s Dream Song (1970) for flute solo
Ferneyhough, Brian - Chronos-aion
Ferneyhough, Brian - Flurries, for piccolo, clarinet, French horn, violin, cello, piano (1997–98)
Ferneyhough, Brian - Four miniatures for solo flute (1965)
Ferneyhough, Brian - In Nomine a 3 (2001) for flute- piccolo, oboe, clarinet
Ferneyhough, Brian - Incipits (1996).
Ferneyhough, Brian - Intermezzo-chaconne for violin solo
Ferneyhough, Brian - La Chute for bass-clarinet and little ensemble
Ferneyhough, Brian - Mnemosyne for bass-flute and recorder
Ferneyhough, Brian - String Trio
Ferneyhough, Brian - Time and Motion Study I (1977) for bass clarinet
Ferneyhough, Brian - Time and Motion Study II (1976) for amplified cello and electronics
Ferneyhough, Brian - Transcendental studies for fluie, oboe, soprano, harpsichord, and cello
Ferneyhough, Brian - Unity capsule (1976) for flute solo (three parts)
Ferrari, Giorgio - Concerto for orchestra (1981)
Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredo - Sonata for piano, violin and cello, op. 25/1
Feshenko, Anton - Piano Sonata in F Minor
Filanovsky, Boris - Seemphony (2010)
Filanovsky, Boris - We Cannot Play That, for five instruments (2006)
Filippenko, Vitaliy - To You
Filippow, Illia - Reflections, for solo violin
Filippow, Illia - `identification dans l` espace `for flute, clarinet, violin and button accordion (2012)
Finnendahl, Orm - Falschung (2002/2003)
Finnissy, Michael - `Ulpirra` for Bass Flute (1982-83)
Firenze, Donato da - Je porta my ablement
Fleisher, Igor - Concerto No. 2 `Bylinnyy` (`Epic`) for Viola and Orchestra
Fliarkovsky, Alexander - A cheerful overture for orchestra
Fliarkovsky, Alexander - Concerto for alto saxophone and orchestra
Fliarkovsky, Alexander - Humoresque for trumpet and piano
Fliarkovsky, Alexander - Pieces for Children (Unforgotten Pages) for piano
Fliarkovsky, Alexander - Prelude for trumpet and piano
Fliarkovsky, Alexander - Vocal cycle `About love for you` for high voice and piano based on poems by S. Kaputinyak
Flothuis, Marius - String Quartet No. 1 Op. 44 (1952)
Foerster, Josef Bohuslav - Violin Concerto No.1 in c-moll (1911), op. 88
Fogliano, Giacomo - Io vorrei, dio d`amore, madrigal
Fontaine, Pierre - J`ayme bien celui qui s`en va (voice, dulcian, gittern)
Foote, Arthur - Piano Trio ¹ 2 in Â-dur (1908), op. 65
Forestier, Joseph - March for the quartet of pipes (Verdi)
Foss, Lukas - Behold! I build an house, for chorus & organ-gregg smith singers 1950
Foss, Lukas - Capriccio for Cello & Piano (1948)
Foss, Lukas - Exuent for orchestra - 1982
Foss, Lukas - Ode for Orchestra (1944, rev. 1958)
Foss, Lukas - The Gift of the Magi Suite (a.k.a. Pantomime) 1945
Fotek, Jan - Partita. 1968
Fradkin, Mark - Pesnya o Dnepre/Song about the Dnieper
Frajt, Ludmila - Asteroids, electronic music (1967)
Francaix, Jean - Aubade fur 12 Violoncelli solo
Francaix, Jean - Concerto for Bassoon and 11 instruments
Francaix, Jean - Oktett fur Klarinette, Horn, Fagott, 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und Kontraba
Francaix, Jean - Quintet No. 2 for Winds
Francaix, Jean - Rhapsody for viola and small orchestra, 1946
Francaix, Jean - Suite for volin and orchestra, 1934
Francaix, Jean - Violin Concerto No. 1. 1968
Francesconi, Luca - Herzstuck, for voice ensemble (2012)
Franciscus, Magister - Phiton, phiton, beste tres venimeuse, ballad
Frenkel, Yan - Music for radio shows `The Adventures of Dunno `and` Dunno the Traveler `(together with I. Shakhov). 1961
Frenkel, Yan - Swan geese. From the movie `Women`. Words by M. Tanich.
Frey, Jurg - Ohne Titel
Friedrich II, - Sonata for Flute & Basso Continuo in c-moll `Pour Potsdam`, SpiF 190
Friedrich II, - Sonata for Flute and Harpsichord in E major
Fripp, Robert - Midnight blue (1995)
Fripp, Robert - Miserere mei (2002)
Fripp, Robert - Requiescat with new music choir (2002)
Froese, Edgar Wilmar - `Guernica`, dir. by Emir Kusturica, short movie (1978)
Frolov, Igor - Concert Fantasy on themes from the opera, J. Gershwin`s `Porgy and Bess`
Frolov, Markian - Piano Sonata Op. 20
Frolyak, Bohdana - Clarinet Concerto
Frolyak, Bohdana - Jak Modlitwa
Frolyak, Bohdana - Kyrie Eleison
Frolyak, Bohdana - Lamento
Frolyak, Bohdana - Partita Meditation
Frolyak, Bohdana - Ptakh
Frolyak, Bohdana - Symphony II
Frolyak, Bohdana - U Vozduchach
Frolyak, Bohdana - Vestigia
Frontiere, Dominic - The Stunt Man, soundtrack. 1980
Fucik, Julius - Attila, march, (1907), op.211
Fucik, Julius - Der alte Brummbar, polka (1907 ), op.210
Fucik, Julius - Fanfarenklange, (1914), op.278
Fucik, Julius - Florentiner Marsch, 1907, op.214
Fucik, Julius - Leitmeritzer Schutzenmarsch, 1913, op.261
Fucik, Julius - Marinarella, overture (1907), op.215
Fucik, Julius - Marsch `Einzug der Gladiatoren` (1899), op. 68
Fucik, Julius - Marsch `Herzegowina èëè Hercegovac` (1908), op.235
Fucik, Julius - Zimne boure, waltz (1907), op.184
Fujikura, Dai - Glacier, for Bass Flute (2010)
Fujikura, Dai - Okeanos Breeze, for chamber ensemble (2001)
Fujikura, Dai - Perla, for bass recorder (2003/2008)
Fujikura, Dai - SAKANA, for tenor saxophone/clarinet in B (2007)
Fujikura, Dai - Wave Embraced, for French Horn and chamber ensemble (2006)
Fujikura, Dai - `es` (2008) for double bass
Fumet, Dynam-Victor - Doux printemps pour choeur mixte a cappella
Fumet, Dynam-Victor - Messe des oiseaux pour choeur de femmes
Fumet, Dynam-Victor - Messe mariale pour choeur mixte et orgue
Furrer, Beat - a un moment de terre perdue, for ensemble (1990)
Furrer, Beat - Aria for soprano and six instruments (1999)
Furrer, Beat - Melodia tellurica for winds (2011)
Furrer, Beat - Stimmen-Quartett, for choir and percussion quartet (1995-99)
Furrer, Beat - String Quartet No. 1 (1984)
Furrer, Beat - Time Out, for flute, harp and strings (1995)
Furrer, Beat - Und irgendwo fern, sehr fern for two pianos (1984)
Gabrieli, Giovanni - Toccata secundi toni
Gabunia, Nodar - Music from the film `Supplication ` (directed by Tengiz Abuladze)
Gadenstaetter, Clemens - Semantical Investigations I, for Violin and Ensemble (2008)
Gadenstaetter, Clemens - Semantical Investigations II, for Ensemble (2008)
Gadenstaetter, Clemens - WEN, madrigal for six vioces (2007)
Gaffurio, Franchino - Stabat Mater, sequentia 4 vv (ca 1485/1490)
Gagnidze, Ìerab - Symphony ¹29 `In Memory of my Sister`
Galynin, German - Oratorio `Girl and Death`, 1950
Gardner, John - 5 Dances, op.179
Gardner, John - Theme and Variations for Brass Quartet, op. 7
Garelava, Galina - Concerto for Guitar, Chamber Orchestra and Bells
Garelava, Galina - Praise to the Poor, song cycle
Gaussin, Allain - Arcane, for piano (1988)
Gavrilin, Valeriy - 2 pieces for violin and piano (1960)
Gavrilin, Valeriy - Ballet `The Marriage of Balzaminov`
Gavrilin, Valeriy - Waltz “In Memory of K. Batiushkov” (Batiushkov`s Waltz) for piano (1981)
Gavrilin, Valeriy - `Children`s Suite`, a cycle of pieces for piano
Gavrilin, Valeriy - `Dance suite`, a cycle of pieces for piano
Gavrilin, Valeriy - `Don Capitan`, a comic rondo for unaccompanied mixed choir
Gavrilin, Valeriy - `Fairy Tales`, a cycle of pieces for piano
Gavrilin, Valeriy - `Four moods`, a cycle of pieces for piano
Gavrilin, Valeriy - `The Marriage of Balzaminov`, suite from ballet for orchestra
Genin, Paul-Agricole - 6 pieces for alto saxophone and piano, op. 15
Genin, Vladimir - Confessions of St. Augustine, for mixed choir, baritone and dramatic actor
Gertsman, Michael - Sonatina-gallop for piano
Gervaise, Claude - Branle
Gesualdo, Carlo - Madrigali a cinque voci, Libro VI (1611)
Getadardz, Peter - Sharakan `Lord have mercy`
Getselev, Boris - Burlesque for String Orchestra
Getselev, Boris - Concerto-scherzo for string orchestra and brass quintet
Getselev, Boris - Fantasies on an Old English Theme for Piano
Getselev, Boris - Four Poems by Osip Mandelstam for Baritone and Piano
Getselev, Boris - Quintet for flute, oboe, violin, cello and piano/harpsichord
Getselev, Boris - Sonata for Flute and Piano (1973)
Getselev, Boris - Symphony No. 4 for symphony orchestra
Getselev, Boris - Three Children`s Poems by Yunna Moritz for Voice and Piano
Getselev, Boris - Three Choirs for Children`s Choir Accompanied by Piano to the Poems of O. Driz
Getselev, Boris - Three humoresques for soprano and piano on verses by L. Helsing, trans. T. Beck
Getselev, Boris - Three songs on the verses of French poets for baritone and piano
Getselev, Boris - Trio for clarinet and two cellos
Getselev, Boris - `Bitter Stanzas`, vocal cycle for baritone and piano based on the poems of A. Pushkin
Getselev, Boris - `Dramatic Collisions` for soprano and piano
Getselev, Boris - `Favorite Stanzas`, a vocal cycle for voice and piano
Getselev, Boris - `Fresco` for symphony orchestra
Getselev, Boris - `Frivolous Stanzas`, a vocal cycle for tenor and piano based on the poems of A. Pushkin
Getselev, Boris - `Harmful Advice`, a cantata for children`s choir and symphony orchestra based on the poems of G. Oster
Getselev, Boris - `In a Half Voice`, four songs for soprano and piano
Getselev, Boris - `Neighbors` for female voice and piano to verses by R. Mukha
Getselev, Boris - `Notes of a Naturalist` for voice and piano to verses by A. Usachev
Getselev, Boris - `On the Edge`, Symphony No. 3 for symphony orchestra
Getselev, Boris - `Phantasmagorias`, Symphony No. 2 for symphony orchestra
Getselev, Boris - `Remembrance of a Sarabande` for piano
Getselev, Boris - `River of Time`, a triptych for mixed choir a cappella based on poems by Russian poets
Getselev, Boris - `The Cart of Life`, cantata for mixed choir a cappella to the verses of A. Pushkin
Getselev, Boris - `The Edges of Being`, a vocal cycle for male voice and piano
Getselev, Boris - `Winter Capriccio` for soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion
Ghedini, Giorgio Federico - Il pianto della Madonna presso la croce, cantata spirituale, text by Jacopone da Todi; original reduction for soprano, baritono and piano (1921)
Giacchino, Michael - Medal of Honor, play soundtrack
Giacchino, Michael - Star Trek, Soundtrack
Giacchino, Michael - The Incredibles, soundtrack
Gibalin, Boris - `Springs`, cantata for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra (1970)
Ginastera, Alberto - Milena, Cantata for female voice and symphony orchestra, op.37
Ginastera, Alberto - Psalm No. 150 for chorus and orchestra (1938), op. 5
Ginastera, Alberto - String Quartet No.3 for soprano & string quartet, op.40
Giuliani, Mauro - 6 Irish national Airs with variations for guitar, op.125
Glass, Philip - `Music in Similar Motion`, for ensemble (1969)
Glebov, Eugeny - Gold Autumn
Glebov, Eugeny - Invitation to the country of childhood
Glebov, Eugeny - Musketeers, Choreographic Story
Gliere, Reinhold - Fugue on a theme of Russian Christmas song for Organ or Harmonium
Gliere, Reinhold - Octet for strings D-dur, op. 5
Gliere, Reinhold - Sextet for strings C-dur (1905), op. 11
Gliere, Reinhold - String Quartet No. 1 A-dur, op. 2
Gliere, Reinhold - String Quartet No. 2 in g-moll, op. 20
Glinkowski, Aleksander - Koncert wenecki, for Oboe and Orchestra
Godar, Vladimír - Sonata for cello and piano (in memory of Victor Shklovsky) (1985)
Goedicke, Alexander - (Tchaikovsky) “Seasons of the Year” for piano trio, op. 37b
Goedicke, Alexander - 12 Pieces of medium difficulty, op. 84
Goedicke, Alexander - 12 Pieces of medium difficulty, op. 85
Goedicke, Alexander - 25 Easy Pieces for piano, op. 58
Goedicke, Alexander - 25 Piano Pieces, op. 59
Goedicke, Alexander - 3 Pieces for Piano, op. 65
Goedicke, Alexander - 4 Études en octaves for piano, op. 22
Goedicke, Alexander - 4 Pieces for Piano, op. 1
Goedicke, Alexander - 40 Melodic Etudes for Beginners for piano, op. 32
Goedicke, Alexander - 50 Easy Piano Pieces, op. 46
Goedicke, Alexander - Ballade for piano, op. 13
Goeyvaerts, Karel - Composition No. 5, 1953
Goeyvaerts, Karel - Composition No. 7, 1953
Goldmark, Karl - Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt, op. 16
Goldsmith, Jerry - Forever Young (1992, Soundtrack)
Goldstein, David - Double Concerto
Goldstein, David - Piano Concerto #1
Golijov, Osvaldo - Yiddishbbuk, for String Quartet (1992)
Golinelli, Stefano - Dance of the Vampires, Scherzo (1870), op. 52
Golinelli, Stefano - Love and sadness, Nocturne for piano (1865), op. 51
Golovanov, Nikolai - Cherubic Hymn
Golovanov, Nikolai - In the Prayers of the Virgin
Golovanov, Nikolai - Troparion of Christmas
Golovin, Andrei - String Quartet
Goltz, Boris - Mest baltiitsev (Revenge of the Balts), lyrics by B. Volzhenin (1942)
Goltz, Boris - Our youth (from movie Shakhtery - Miners - 1937)
Goltz, Boris - Song of the 55 th Army, lyrics by A. Gitovich, V. Lifshitz (1942)
Goossens, Eugene - Romance for violin and piano, op. 57
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj - Genesis II, canti strumentali per 15 esecutori (1962), op. 19
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj - Kleines Requiem für eine Polka, for mixed ensemble (1993), op. 66
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj - Kyrie for Choir, Percussion, Piano and String Orchestra (2005), op. 83
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj - Lerchenmusik, Recitativa i ariosa for Clarinet, Cello and Piano (1985), op. 53
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj - `For Jasiunia`, Three Little Pieces for Violin and Piano (2003), op. 79
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj - `Niech nam zyja i spiewaja` for vocal group (2000), op. 77
Gorlinski, Vladimir - Die Wolfin, for ensemble (2013)
Gorlinski, Vladimir - «Gravitation-Space» for chamber ensemble (2007)
Gorlinski, Vladimir - «S`Ìorzando» for ensemble (2005)
Gorlinski, Vladimir - «Widerhall» for flute, clarinet, drums, violin, cello and marimba or ksilorimba (2006)
Gossec, François Joseph - Symphony in B Flat Major op.6, ¹ 6 (1762)
Gossec, François Joseph - Symphony in B-dur
Gould, Glenn - Sonata for bassoon and piano
Graener, Paul - String Quartet (1920), op. 54
Grazioli, Giovanni Battista - Sonata IV in F-dur for harpsichord and violin (circa 1785), op. 3
Grazioli, Giovanni Battista - Sonata V in C-dur for organ and violin (circa 1785)
Greenberg, Robert - Funny Like a Monkey, for Piano Quartet (2001)
Greenberg, Robert - Lemurs are Afraid of Fossas, for cello and piano (2011)
Gregson-Williams, Harry - Only The Begining Of Adventure
Gregson-Williams, Harry - The End
Grinblat, Romuald - Piano Sonata (1971)
Grisey, Gérard - Accords perdus (1989) five miniatures for two horns
Grisey, Gérard - Anubis, Nout (1983) for double-bass and clarinet in B
Grisey, Gérard - Charme (1969) for Clarinet
Grisey, Gérard - Le Noir de l`Etoile, for six percussions, recording and electronics (1989-90)
Grisey, Gérard - Les chants de l`amour
Grisey, Gérard - Solo pour deux (1981) for Clarinet and Trombone
Grisey, Gérard - Stele
Grisey, Gérard - Tempus ex machina for 6 percussionists (1979)
Griskey, Mark - Force Unleashed II Promo OST - Reunion of Juno and Starkiller
Grozniy, Ivan IY - Stanza in honor of the icon of the Presentation Our Lady of Vladimir
Grudzien, Jacek - Ad Naan, 1961
Gryka, Aleksandra - Interialcell, 2003
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Concerto for Two Orchestras: Symphony and Variety (1976)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Concordanza for chamber ensemble (1971)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Detto I, sonata for organ and percussion (1978)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Mirage. Dancing Sun, for cello octet
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Misterioso for seven percussionists (1977)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Ravvedimento (Remorse) for Cello and Guitar Quartet (2007)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - `Based on Tatar folklore.` Three cycles of 5 pieces for domra (soprano, alto, bass) and piano (1977)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - `In the shade of a tree` a composition for koto, bass koto, Schoen and symphony orchestra
Gubaidulina, Sofia - `On the Edge of Abyss`, Arrangement for seven cellos and two vaterfonov (2002)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - `Rumore e silenzio` (`Noise and Silence`) for harpsichord and percussion instruments
Gubaidulina, Sofia - `Vivente — non vivente` (`Alive — inanimate`) for electronic synthesizer (1970)
Gubarenko, Vitaly - Zeleny svyatki, parts from the ballet, arr. for two pianos and percussion
Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro - Deborah and Sisera, ouverture to the sacred drama (1788)
Gulak-Artemovsky, Semen - Kazachok
Gunning, Christopher - Soundtrack for the series Agatha Christie`s Poirot (1989)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - ... Einklang freier Wesen ... for 10 instruments (1996)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - Anachronism for ensemble (2013)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - La profondeur for 13 performers (2009)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - String Quartet No. 1 (1997)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - String Quartet No. 2 (1998)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - String Quartet No. 3 In iij. Noct (2001)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - String Quartet No. 4 (2003)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - Three August Shtramm Love Poems for Six Voices (2005)
Haas, Georg Friedrich - tria ex uno (2001)
Haba, Alois - 6 Pieces for 6th-tone harmonium or string quartet (1928), op. 37
Haba, Alois - Bassoon Quartet (1951), op. 74
Haba, Alois - Fantasia for Violin and 1/4-tone Piano (1925), op. 21
Haba, Alois - Mother, opera (1927-29), op. 35
Haba, Alois - Nonet ¹3 (1953), op. 82
Haba, Alois - Notes from a Diary, for narrator and string quartet (1970), op.101
Haba, Alois - Overture for Orchestra (1919), op. 5
Haba, Alois - Sonata for quarter-tone piano, op. 62
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹ 11 in the 6-tone system (1957-58), op. 87
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹1 (1919), op. 4
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹10 in 6-tone system (1952), op. 80
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹12 4-tone system (1959-60), op. 90
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹14 in 4-tone system (1963), op. 94
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹2 in 4-tone system (1920), op. 7
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹3 in 4-tone system (1922), op. 12
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹4 in 4-tone system (1922), op. 14
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹5 in 6-tone system (1922), op. 15
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹6 in 4-tone system (1950), op. 70
Haba, Alois - String Quartet ¹9 (1952), op. 79
Haba, Alois - Suite for 1/4-tone piano ¹6 (1957-59), op. 88
Haba, Alois - Suite for 1/4-tone trombone (1950), op. 72
Haba, Alois - Suite for Alto-Saxophone solo, op. 99
Haba, Alois - Suite for Bass-Clarinet and Piano (1927-28), op.100
Haba, Alois - Suite for Cello solo, op. 81b
Haba, Alois - Suite for Cymbals (1960), op. 91
Haba, Alois - Suite for quarter-tone guitar No. 2, op. 63
Haba, Alois - Symphonic Fantasia for piano and orchestra (1920-21), op. 8
Haba, Alois - `String Quartet ¹ 15` (1964), op. 95
Haba, Alois - `String Quartet ¹ 16` (1967), op. 98
Hajibekov, Uzeyir - Anthem of Azerbaijan SSR
Hajibekov, Uzeyir - Overture from the operetta `Arshin Mal Alan` (1913)
Hajibekov, Uzeyir - Overture to `Layla and Majnun` (1908)
Halle, Adam de la - A dieu commant amouretes (Rondeau)
Halmamedov, Nury - Elegy
Halmamedov, Nury - Variations on the theme of the song of the Turkmen `Nar Agadzhy `(Pomegranate)
Hampson, Neal - The Cat and the Mountain
Han, Tian - Baishe zhuan, Beijing Opera
Handel, George Frideric - 62 minuets: No. 23 in F major, HWV 519
Handel, George Frideric - 62 Minuets: No. 25 in G Major, HWV 521
Handel, George Frideric - Aria (hornpipe) for harpsichord in D minor (c. 1717-18), HWV 461, HWV 461
Handel, George Frideric - Aria for harpsichord in C major (c. 1720), HWV 457
Handel, George Frideric - Passpier in A major for harpsichord (c. 1705), HWV 560
Handel, George Frideric - Passpier in C major for harpsichord (c. 1722), HWV 559
Hannigan, James - Harry Potter and the Half - Blood Prince, The soundtrack for the game
Harrison, Lou - Open Road (1947)
Hart, Fritz Bennicke - The Bush, Symphonic Suite, Op. 59
Hartmann, Thomas de - Violin Concerto, 1943
Harutyunyan, Alexander - Music from the movie `The Heart Sings`
Harvey, Jonathan - Death of Light, Light of Death (1998), for chamber ensemble after Grunewald`s Crucifixion in the Issenheim Altarpiece
Harvey, Jonathan - Mortuos plango, vivos voco
Hassler, Hans Leo - 3 Intraden
Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman - Equilibre (1993)
Havrylets, Anna - Beyond the Body and Soul, for two violins
Havrylets, Anna - Bookplates - the second version for violin ensemble
Havrylets, Anna - Sotto voce, version for violin ensemble
Hayasaka, Fumio - Seven Samurai, Music for the film (1954)
Haydn, Joseph - Divertimento for horn, viola and continuo in D major (apocryphal?), Hob IV:D3
Hea-Hong, Sicilia - Pythea for piano
Hedges, Anthony - 5 Aphorisms, op.113
Hedges, Anthony - Explorations, op.145
Hedges, Anthony - Five Preludes (1959)
Hedges, Anthony - Piano Sonata No.1 (1973-74), op. 53
Hedges, Anthony - Scherzetto (1964), op. 14
Heider, Werner - `Gong Game` for 12 Gongs and 4 Players (1990)
Heller, Stephen - 24 Etudes d`Expression et de Rhythme (1868), op.125
Heller, Stephen - 3 Feuillets d`album, op.157
Heller, Stephen - 3 Nocturnes, op. 91
Heller, Stephen - 3 Stücke, op. 73
Heller, Stephen - 4 Mazurkas, op.148
Heller, Stephen - Ballad on the theme of Schubert`s song `The Forest King` for piano, op. 34
Heller, Stephen - Ein Heft Walzer, op.145
Heller, Stephen - Feuillets d`album, op. 83
Heller, Stephen - Grande étude, op. 96
Heller, Stephen - Herbstblätter, op.109
Heller, Stephen - Ländler and Walzer, op. 97
Heller, Stephen - Lieder after Schubert, op. 55
Heller, Stephen - L`art de phraser, op. 16
Heller, Stephen - Morceaux de ballet, op.111
Heller, Stephen - Notenbuch für Klein und Gross, op.138
Heller, Stephen - Petit Album, op.134
Heller, Stephen - Scènes d`Enfants, op.124
Heller, Stephen - Valses-Rêveries, op.122
Henry, Pierre - Astrologie - 1953
Henry, Pierre - `Le microphone bien tempéré` (1952)
Henze, Hans Werner - Carillon, Recitatif, Masque (1974)
Henze, Hans Werner - Drei Tentos
Henze, Hans Werner - Trio for Mandolin, Guitar and Harp
Hermann von Reichenau, - Alma Redemptoris Mater
Hermann von Reichenau, - Salve Regina
Hetu, Jacques - Concerto for Oboe, English Horn and Orchestra, op. 72
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Cum vox sanguinis
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Favus Distillans
Hildegard fon Bingen, - In Matutinis Laudibus
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Laus Trinitati
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Nunc gaudeant materna
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O aeterne Deus
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O cruor sanguinis
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O Dulcissime amator
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O Ecclesia
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O orchis Ecclesia
Hildegard fon Bingen, - O virgo Ecclesia
Hildegard fon Bingen, - Rex nostrum promtus est
Hillborg, Anders - Six Pieces for Wind Quintet
Hindemith, Paul - Suite for mechanical organ, based on `Das Triadische Ballet` (1927), op. 42/ 2
Hirbyu, Grigoryi - Homeland Beloved
Hirbyu, Grigoryi - I believe, for soprano and piano
Hirbyu, Grigoryi - Ukalcha umenche
Hirbyu, Grigoryi - Will, for barotone (or bass) and piano
Hirbyu, Grigoryi - `Cheboksary nights` lyric song for choir and orchestra
Hlavac, Miroslav - Elegikon, Sinfonietta for Piano, Wind Instruments, & Percussion
Hlavac, Miroslav - Symphonic Poem, `Héró a Leandros`
Hoddinott, Alun - Symphony No.4 (1970)
Hodziatsky, Vitaliy - Morning Cry of a Bird
Hofmann, Heinrich - Octet in F-dur, Op. 80
Hofmann, Heinrich - Serenade in D-dur, Op. 65
Hofmann, Heinrich - Sextet in e-moll, Op. 25
Hoger, - Rex Caeli Domine (Musica Enchiriadis, end of IX c.)
Holliger, Heinz - nicht Ichts nicht Nichts, for four voices a cappella (2012)
Holliger, Heinz - String Quartet No. 1 (1979)
Holminov, Alexander - Dedication
Holminov, Alexander - Fugue for Bayan in g-moll
Holt, Simeon ten - Canto ostinato (1976-79)
Holt, Simeon ten - Palimpsest, for string septet (4 violins, viola, cello and contrabass) (1990-1992, 1993 revised)
Holt, Simeon ten - Tripticon, for percussion (1965)
Hosokawa, Toshio - Ave Maria
Hosokawa, Toshio - Vertical Song I (1995)
Hosseini, Mehdi - Peshtpa
Hosseini, Mehdi - Taleshi-Hava
Hovhaness, Alan - And God Created Great Whales (1970), op. 229
Hovhaness, Alan - Celestial Fantasy (1935), op. 44
Hovhaness, Alan - Halleluiah & Fugue for Strings (1940), op. 40b
Hovhaness, Alan - Symphony No. 16 (Kayagym) for 6 Korean instruments, harp, percussion and strings (1962), op. 202
Hrabovsky, Leonid - Bukolichny strofy for organ (1976)
Hrabovsky, Leonid - Constanty for 11 instrumentalists (4 pianos, 6 groups of percussion and violin solo) (1966)
Hrabovsky, Leonid - Homeomorphia 1, for piano
Hrabovsky, Leonid - Symphony `Ivan Kupala Night` (1976) by Gogol
Hrabovsky, Leonid - `Pastels` on poems by Pavlo Tychyna for female voice and four Strings (1964, new version: 1975)
Hrabovsky, Leonid - `The Sea`, a melodrama based on poems by Saint-Jon Pearce `Bitterness` (`Amers`) for narrator, chorus, organ and large orchestra (1970)
Hrabovsky, Leonid - `Vorzel`, Symphonic Elegy (in memory of B. Liatoshynsky) for the three orchestral groups (1992)
Huber, Klaus - Des Dichters Pflug, String Trio in memory of Osip Mandelstam (1989)
Huber, Klaus - In nomine - ricercare il nome..., for ensemble (1999)
Huber, Klaus - Schattenblätter for bass-clarinet, cello and piano (1975)
Hurnik, Ilja - Exercises for flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon (1956)
Hurnik, Ilja - Symphony No.1 in C
Ibert, Jacques - `Morning on the water` for piano
Ibraghimov, Alexander - Red Ribbon, Variations on a Finnish folk song
Imbrie, Andrew - Reminiscence - 1992
Imbrie, Andrew - Short Story for piano - 1986
Imbrie, Andrew - Spring Fever - 1996
Imbrie, Andrew - Symphony ¹ 3 (1970)
Imholz, Martin - 5 pieces for quarter piano (2001)
Innocent, Pope - Ave, verum Corpus, hymn
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Michail - Fanfare for 10 pipes, In Honor of S. N. Vasilenko to mark the 25th anniversary of the glorious composer`s activity, op. deest
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Michail - Sonata for Violin and Piano in A Major (1887), op. 8
Iradier, Sebastin - El arreglito
Ischenko, Yuriy - 24 Preludes for piano
Ischenko, Yuriy - Four idylls for symphonic orchestra
Ischenko, Yuriy - Little Partita for Violin and Harp
Ischenko, Yuriy - Watercolours for violin and piano
Isham, Mark - Blade, Soundtrack
Ismagilov, Timur - 121, tekst by D. Prigov, for male voice and piano (2003)
Ismagilov, Timur - Evening Music for Flute, Violin, Viola and Cello (2010)
Ismagilov, Timur - String Quartet No. 1 (2002-03)
Ismagilov, Timur - The Story of One Picture, based on a story by A. Averchenko for male voice, cello, piano, prepared piano and tape (2001)
Isouard, Nicolas - Turkish Doctor, Opera (1803)
Ivanov, Georgy - Siberian Evenings
Ivanov-Radkevich, Pavel - Bless (Psalm 102) for large choir
Ivanov-Radkevich, Nikolay - Captain Gastello, March
Ivanova-Blinova, Ekaterina - song cycle `Love` on Pushkin`s poems
Ivanoviches, Ion - Waltz `Donauwellen` (1880)
Ives, Charles - Adagio sostenuto (Seaside)
Ives, Charles - Congenital
Ives, Charles - Variations on `America` for Organ (1891), S.140
Jackson, Gabriel - Ite missa est
Janequin, Clement - Au joly jeu
Janequin, Clement - Du beau Tetin
Janequin, Clement - La Bataille
Janequin, Clement - La meusniere de Vernon
Janequin, Clement - L`amour, la mort et la vie
Janequin, Clement - Martin menoit son pourceau
Janequin, Clement - Quand contremont verras
Janequin, Clement - Ung mari se voulant coucher
Janequin, Clement - Voulez ouyr les cris de Paris
Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb - Symphony in B-dur
Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb - Symphony in E-dur
Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb - Symphony in Es-dur
Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb - Symphony in F-dur
Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb - Symphony in G-dur
Janitsch, Johann Gottlieb - Symphony in G-dur (2)
Jaroch, Jiri - Symphony No. 2, 1958-60
Jarre, Maurice - Ancient Suite for Percussion Instruments and Piano (1956)
Jarre, Maurice - Mobiles for Violin and Orchestra (1961)
Jarre, Maurice - Passacaglia to the Memory of Arthur Honegger (1957)
Jarre, Maurice - The Night Watch (1961)
Jarre, Maurice - Three Dances for Ondes Martenot and Percussion (1951)
Jarrell, Michael - ...car le pense et l`etre sont une meme chose..., for six voices (2002)
Jarrell, Michael - Le Père, musical theatre after Heiner Muller (2009-10)
Jeffes, Simon - Music for a Found Harmonium
Jensen, Adolf - 4 Songs from `Voices of the Peoples` for vocal and piano, op. 58
Jensen, Adolf - Abendmusik, pieces for Piano 4 hands, op. 59
Jeremias, Otakar - "Summer Suite" for orchestra.
Johanson, Sven-Eric - Electronic Composition `Tenet III` from the album `Rotas Tenet` (1986)
Johanson, Sven-Eric - Electronic Composition `Tenet I` from the album `Rotas Tenet` (1986)
Johanson, Sven-Eric - String Quartet N. 7
Johanson, Sven-Eric - `Psaltare och lyra` for Choir (1953)
Johnson, Thomas - Study for Player Piano #1
Jones, Trevor - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, soundtrack
Joplin, Scott - Opera `Treemonisha`, in three acts (1911-)
Jueneman, Frederic B - String Quartet (on synthesizer)
Juon, Pavel - `Arabesque`, a trio for clarinet, oboe and bassoon (1940), op. 73
Kabalevsky, Dmitriy - Taras Family, Opera, op. 47
Kaczmarek, Jan - Goodbye
Kaczmarek, Jan - Hachi - Last Trip To The Station
Kaczmarek, Jan - Hachiko - the most loyal friend, the film soundtrack
Kaczmarek, Jan - Japan
Kaczmarek, Jan - Marriage Bath
Kaczmarek, Jan - New Home
Kaczmarek, Jan - Parker"s Dance Played On Piano
Kaczmarek, Jan - The Second Dance
Kagel, Mauricio - Ludvig van (1970)
Kagel, Mauricio - Rrrrrr..., six pieces for two percussions (1982)
Kagel, Mauricio - String Quartet ¹ 4 (1993)
Kahn, Robert - 10 songs for vocal and piano, op. 42
Kahn, Robert - 5 Lieder, op. 38
Kahn, Robert - 6 Lieder, op. 52
Kahn, Robert - 9 Lieder im Volkston, op. 47
Kahn, Robert - String Quartet, op. 8
Kaipainen, Jouni - Far from Home (1981), op. 17
Kaipainen, Jouni - Lacrimosa, op. 36
Kaipainen, Jouni - String Quartet No. 7 `Batsheba`, op. 98
Kalinkovich, Grigory - Concert duet for saxophone and clarinet
Kalinkovich, Grigory - Humoresque for alto saxophone and piano
Kalinkovich, Grigory - March scherzo for brass band
Kalinnikov, Viktor - I go from thy spirit
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - 24 Preludes for piano, op. 88
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - 3 Fleeting Thoughts for piano, op.138
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - 3 Romances sans paroles for Piano, op.189
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - 4 Toccatas for piano, op.182
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Bravura Variations on `God Save the King` for piano, op. 99
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Fantaisie sur `La barcarolle` for piano, op.176
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Fantaisie sur `La Sirène` for piano, op.180
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Fantaisie sur `Les mousquetaires de la Reine` for piano, op.181
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Fantasy for the Piano on the famous air Auld Robin Gray, op.178
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Fuga a tre soggetti for piano or organ, op. 41
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Grande Fantaisie `Effusio Musica` for piano, op. 68
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - La Solitudine, op. 46
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - Souvenirs de `Zanetta` for piano, op.145
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - The Madman, Scène dramatique for piano, op.136
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich - The Sailor`s Wife, Nocturne for piano, op.139
Kaminski, Heinrich - Essmé - Nun lasst uns gehn und treten
Kaminski, Heinrich - String Quintet (1914) arr. for String Orchestra (1928)
Kanengiser, William - Air & Ground
Kangro, Raimo - Display 1. Portrait of Steve Reich
Kangro, Raimo - Display 10. Perpetuum Mobile
Kangro, Raimo - Display 11. Bent Lyre
Kangro, Raimo - Display 12. Balls
Kangro, Raimo - Display 2. Portrait of Mozart
Kangro, Raimo - Display 3. Portrait of Vivaldi
Kangro, Raimo - Display 4. Portrait of an Unknown Musician
Kangro, Raimo - Display 5. Portrait Of An Angel
Kangro, Raimo - Display 6. Portrait of an Alien
Kangro, Raimo - Display 7. Portrait of a Pilgirim
Kangro, Raimo - Display 8. Portrait of Schubert
Kangro, Raimo - Display 9. Trumpets of Jericho
Kanno, Yoshihiro - Music by anime `Tenshi no Tamago` (Angel`s Egg)
Kao, Wan - Hymn of Vietnam
Kapilow, Rob (Robert) - Green Eggs and Ham, children`s opera based on the book Dr. Seuss (1995)
Kapr, Jan - Symphony No. 5, `Olympic`, 1959, 63
Karabits, Ivan - Twenty four Preludes for Piano
Karaindrou, Eleni - Adagio
Karaindrou, Eleni - Music by the film `Eternity and a Day`, (1998)
Karaindrou, Eleni - Music by the film `L`Africana`, (1990)
Karaindrou, Eleni - Music by the film `O Melissokomos`, (1986)
Karaindrou, Eleni - Music by the film `Suspended Step Of The Stork`, (1991)
Karaindrou, Eleni - Music by the film `The Weeping Meadow`, (2004)
Karaindrou, Eleni - Music by the film `Ulysse`s Gaze`, (1995)
Karamanov, Alemdar - Prologue, Idea and Epilogue for Piano
Karamanov, Alemdar - Symphony ¹ 7 "Lunar Sea"
Karatygin, Vyacheslav - Prelude and Fugue in Russian style for Organ
Karavaychuk, Oleg - Music from the film `The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchik`
Karavaychuk, Oleg - Music from the movie The Player
Karavaychuk, Oleg - Music from the movie `Ksenia, Fedor’s Beloved Wife`
Karavaychuk, Oleg - Song from the movie `City of Masters`
Karetnikov, Valery - Forgotten Melody for Two Violins and Piano
Karetnikov, Valery - Nine Easy Pieces for Piano
Karetnikov, Valery - Quintet for Flute and Strings
Karetnikov, Valery - Sonata for Cello and Piano
Karetnikov, Valery - The Four Seasons
Karetnikov, Valery - Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello
Karetnikov, Valery - Two Romances for voice and piano
Karetnikov, Valery - `Sunny Day`, Suite for Two Violins and Piano
Karmanov, Pavel - Music for Answering Machine for chamber orchestra and tape (1999)
Karmanov, Pavel - Music for Spaceflight
Karmanov, Pavel - `Music for the fireworks`
Karpenko, Katerina - Mi-Fa-Lagifobius...
Karpenko, Katerina - Symphogramma The War and Peace
Karpenko, Katerina - Symphony ¹ 1
Karpenko, Katerina - `The patterns on the water`
Kasparov, Yuri - 12 examples of the relationship between the bassoon, 8 double bass and 8 timpani
Kasparov, Yuri - Concerto for Oboe and Orchestra
Kasparov, Yuri - Five photographs of the invisible to 6 performers
Kasparov, Yuri - `Ave Maria` for 12 voices, violin, organ and vibraphone
Kastalsky, Alexandr Dmitriyevich - By the Rivers of Babylon
Kastorsky, Aleksey - Cherubic Hymn ¹17. Everyday melody (E Minor)
Kazenin, Vladyslav - Everything started in Vyatka (film about the composer)
Kazenin, Vladyslav - Two Etudes
Kefalidi, Igor - Feu Le Fol, Eh!, electronic music in two parts
Kellner, Johann Peter - Es bleibet wohl dabei, Cantata
Kellner, Johann Peter - Prelude and Fugue in D-dur
Kellner, Johann Peter - Prelude and Fugue in d-moll
Kellner, Johann Peter - Prelude in B-dur
Kellner, Johann Peter - Prelude in g-moll for organ
Kellogg, Daniel - Divinum Mysterium (2000) for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion
Kengyo, Ikuta - Godan no shirabe
Kerkelov, Peter - Attempt at Screaming. 2011
Kerkelov, Peter - Khoro
Kerkelov, Peter - Two Symphonies and Postumus
Kerle, Jacobus de - Media vita
Kerle, Jacobus de - Preces speciales primum responsorium pro concilio
Kesareva, Margarita - «My Grief», vocal cycle for mezzo-soprano, oboe, bassoon and piano (1969)
Khalaimov, Sergey - School Waltz, four hand piano
Khandoshkin, Ivan - Me and my little brother. Variations on a Russian folk song.
Kharkovsky, Alexander - There was music here
Kharkovsky, Alexander - Time of Day, an electronic digital sonata, 4 parts.
Kharkovsky, Alexander - Zmeya Kamlana, elctronic piece
Khismatov, Sergey - Nach Basho
Khismatov, Sergey - Suprematic Composition no.1
Khrennikov, Tikhon - String Quartet (1988), op.33
Khrennikov, Tikhon - Student Song, from the film The train goes to East (1947)
Khrushcheva, Nastasya - Happiness, madrigal for mixed choir on the texts by Aleksey Fishev
Khrushcheva, Nastasya - I. Other. Such. Country. Musical Fragment for Performance of D. Egorov
Khrust, Nikolay - Fragile! Romance (2008) for mixed choir on poems by Alexander Pushkin
Khubeyev, Alexander - Carmina Urbana (2010)
Kikta, Valeriy - Belgorod concert for oboe and orchestra of Russian folk intsrumentov
Kilar, Wojciech - Agnus Dei
Kilar, Wojciech - Bram Stoker`s Dracula (1992), soundtrack
Kilin, Andrey - String Quartet
Killmayer, Wilhelm - Divertissement (1957) (?)
Kim, Won-gyun - Hymn of North Korea
Kim, Won-gyun - Sea of Blood, opera
Kim Il sung, - Revolutionary opera `Flower Girl`
King, Rob - Heroes of Might and Magic IV, the play soundtrack
Kinsella, John - Cúchulainn and Ferdia - Duel at the Ford
Kinsella, John - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
Kinsella, John - Prelude and Toccata for String Orchestra
Kinsella, John - Sinfoietta - Pictures from The Odyssey
Kinsella, John - String Quartet No.3
Kisielewski, Stefan - Danse vive,1939
Kjerulf, Halfdan - 8 Norske viser, op. 6
Klebanov, Dmitriy - An Exploit of a Secret Agent, soundtrack (1947)
Klepacki, Frank - Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, the play soundtrack (2000)
Klepacki, Frank - Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3, the play soundtrack
Kliuzner, Boris - `How long have bloomed green dale`, romance on poems of Robert Burns
Klusak, Jan - Music of Singing Fountains for Wind Quintet (1956)
Klusak, Jan - String Quartet No. 1
Klusak, Jan - String Quartet No. 2
Klusak, Jan - String Quartet No. 3
Klusak, Jan - String Quartet No. 4
Klusak, Jan - String Quartet No. 5
Knapik, Eugeniusz - Corale, interludio e aria, 1978
Knittel, Krzysztof - The Conqueror Worm. 1976
Koechlin, Charles - Sept chansons pour Gladys, for Soprano and Piano, op.151
Koechlin, Charles - Sonata for Violin and Piano
Kollontay, Mikhail - Ten Words of Musorgsky after the Death of Viktor Gartman for piano, violin and cello (1993), op. 32
Kollontay, Mikhail - `Winter` (`from` Diptych for children`s choir on the words of E. Baratynsky) (1974), op. 24 ¹2
Kondo, Jo - Dithyramb
Kondo, Jo - Gardenia
Kondo, Jo - Pergola
Kondo, Jo - Standing
Kondo, Jo - Three songs of the Elderberry Tree
Kondo, Jo - Winsen Dance Step
Kopylov, Alexander - 14 Musical Pictures of Child Life for piano (1905), op. 53
Korndorff, Nikolay - A Letter to Martynov and Pelecis
Korndorff, Nikolay - Are you ready, brother? (1996)
Korndorff, Nikolay - Hymn III `In honor of Gustav Mahler` for a large symphony orchestra and soprano (1990)
Korndorff, Nikolay - Hymn No. 1
Korndorff, Nikolay - In D (1991) for a large symphony orchestra
Korndorff, Nikolay - In honor of Alfred Schnittke for string trio
Korndorff, Nikolay - Lullaby
Korsun, Anna - Nachste Haltestelle
Kortes, Sergej - Heretic, opera
Korvits, Tonu - Concerto semplice, for guitar and strings (1992)
Korvits, Tonu - Passacaglia for orchestra (2009)
Kosma, Joseph - Les feuilles mortes/Autumn Leaves
Kossenko, Viktor - 2 Concert Valses for piano (1931), op. 22
Koszewski, Andrzej - Campana, 1980
Kotonski, Wlodzimierz - AELA . 1970
Kotylev, Dmitry - Fugue e-moll
Kotylev, Dmitry - Solar Rus
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Brocken Memory
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Dissecta - still life (2007)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - emergency survival guide for a car and orchestra (2009)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - happy mill! (2007) for chicken, fries, cola and 4 women (2007)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - History of Music (2001)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Impossible Objects-I (2010)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Impossible Objects-II (2010)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Life and Death of Ivan Ilyich
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Mechanisms of Artificial Life Support (2003)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Resonant mass for percussion (2002)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - still_life for ensemble (2004)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Tuba Space
Kourliandski, Dmitri - «Inside the movement» for percussion, harp, piano and double bass (2004)
Kourliandski, Dmitri - «…pas d`action» for ensemble (2003)
Koyama, Kiyoshige - Symphonic Suite `Noh-men` (Masks for Play) (1959)
Kozarenko, Alexander - Episcopal Liturgy
Kozarenko, Alexander - Flute Quartet
Kozarenko, Alexander - Irmologion
Kozarenko, Alexander - Konzertschtuck
Kozarenko, Alexander - Pero mertvopetlue
Kozarenko, Alexander - Pyat vesilnykh ladkan z Pokuttya
Kozarenko, Alexander - Shanson Triste
Kozarenko, Alexander - Sinfonia estravaganza
Kozarenko, Alexander - Sonata quasi una Fantasia
Kozarenko, Alexander - Ñoncerto Rutheno
Kozhevnikova, Ekaterina - Symphony No.3
Kozlov, Mikhail - Three Songs on poems by Alexei Tolstoy
Kozlov, Mikhail - Trio for Piano, Violin and Cello
Kozlov, Mikhail - Trio for Violin, Clarinet and Piano
Kozlov, Mikhail - `White Steamer`, piece for piano
Krasavin, Yuri - AMADEUS (1986)
Krasavin, Yuri - Chinese Circus (2004)
Krasavin, Yuri - SANGO (2003)
Krasheninnikov, Aleksey - String Quartet No. 2
Krasheninnikov, Aleksey - Tskhinval
Krauze, Zygmunt - Piano Concerto (1976)
Kravchenko, Maxim - String Quartet
Kreidler, Johannes - Charts music
Kreidler, Johannes - In hyper intervals, for violin, clarinet / bass clarinet, percussion, piano and recording (2008)
Kreychi, Stanislav - Bad Apartment
Kreychi, Stanislav - Intermezzo
Kreychi, Stanislav - Ocean (triptych) for electronic sounds
Kreychi, Stanislav - Voices of the West
Kreychi, Stanislav - Yeshua-Pilate
Krieger, Johann Philipp - Sonata for Violin, Viola da Gamba and b. c. ¹2 in d-moll Op. 2
Krieger, Johann Philipp - Sonata Sesta in a-moll for VIolin, Viola da gamba and b.c.
Krivitskiy, David - Dedication to Samantha for violin and cello
Krommer, Franz - Harmony in F Major for Nine Instruments (c. 1810)
Kruglik, Viacheslav - Three Pieces for Piano, op. 8
Kruglov, Valery - Cossack Lullaby
Krutik, Mikhail - Collisions for Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Accordion. 2008
Krutik, Mikhail - hommage a I. X. (2008)
Krutik, Mikhail - Mirage (2010)
Krymsky, Salim - Sonata for Four Flutes
Kulenty, Hanna - Harmonium, 1999
Kuprevicius, Giedrius - Rock opera `Beaters Fire` (`Ugnies Medziokle`) (1975)
Kusyakov, Anatoliy - Concert for balalaika and orchestra
Kusyakov, Anatoliy - Concerto for bayan and orchestra
Kusyakov, Anatoliy - Sonata ¹ 3 for balalaika and piano
Kuzhamyarov, Kuddus - Mashrap, Symphonic Picture. 1972
Kwan, Nai-chung - Eighteen Passages of the Hu Jia, for voice, guqin & xiao: 1st Passage
Kwan, Nai-chung - Eighteen Passages of the Hu Jia, for voice, guqin & xiao: 9th Passage
Kwan, Nai-chung - Taichi Concerto for guqin, piano & ensemble
Kyburz, Hanspeter - Danse aveugle, for five instruments (1997)
Kyianytsia, Vitaliy - Q5 for ensemble
Labicky, Josef - Galop des Corsaires, op.243
Lachenmann, Helmut - Concertini for large ensemble (2005)
Lachenmann, Helmut - Consolation II for 16 voices (1968)
Lachenmann, Helmut - Fassade for large orchestra (1973)
Lachenmann, Helmut - Klangschatten - mein Saitsenspiel for three concert pianos and string ensemble (1972)
Lachenmann, Helmut - Notturno for small orchestra and solo cello (1966/67)
Lachenmann, Helmut - Scenario for tape (1965)
Lacour, Guy - Dedication to Jacques Ibert for alto saxophone and piano (1972)
Lacour, Guy - Divertimento for alto saxophone with percussion
Lambe, Walter - Nesciens mater virgo virum
Lampadarios, Petros - Evlogitariya (Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes, according to Psalm 118)
Lampadarios, Petros - Praise the Name of the Lord, praise the servants of the Lord, the polyeleos of 134 and 135 psalms
Lampadarios, Petros - Small Doxology
Lang, Klaus - capital. interview. for chamber orchestra (2009)
Lang, Klaus - Cetvs Candidvs, for ensemble (1996)
Lang, Klaus - der fette hirte und das weiße kaninchen, for two flutes and percussions (2001)
Lang, Klaus - die hässliche blume. for viola and piano (2012)
Lang, Bernhard - Differenz/Wiederholung 1, for Flute, Cello and Piano (1998)
Lang, Bernhard - Differenz/Wiederholung 5, for fourteen instruments and recording (2000)
Lang, Klaus - geschrieben in wasser. for piano quartet (2007)
Lang, David - How to pray
Lang, Klaus - hungrige sterne. for clarinet, horn, viola, violoncello and contrabass
Lang, Bernhard - Monadologie IV, for three percussions (2008)
Lang, Bernhard - Monadologie XV `Druck`, for saxophone quartet, two pianos and two percussion (2011)
Lang, David - My Very Empty Mouth
Lang, Klaus - offizium paperum, for ensemble (1999)
Lang, Klaus - shirohige no roujin. roppiki no kaeru. for accordion (2008)
Lang, Klaus - siebzehn stufen. for large orchestra (2011)
Lang, Klaus - The Sea Of Despair, funeral music for string quartet (1995)
Lang, Klaus - the ugly horse, for ensemble (2012)
Langlais, Jean - Deux Déplorations pour choeur et orgue, op. 62
Langlais, Jean - Miserere mei, `Déploration`, op. 41
Laniuk, Yuriy - Waiting- Sonata for cello, piano, and the soundtrack (or vocal ensemble)
Lapaev, Gennady - Grace of World
Lapaev, Gennady - Open the doors of repentance to me
Larin, Aleksey - Drifts, for the people`s voice, the words of M. Tsvetaeva
Larin, Aleksey - Oak Leaves, Romance to the words of N. Tryapkin
Larin, Aleksey - Poem of Memory of Nikolai Rubtsov, for the orchestra of folk instruments
Larin, Aleksey - Soldier Songs, Cantata for the Reader, People`s Voices, Academic Choir and Instrumental Ensemble
Larin, Aleksey - The White Ark, a poem for bass, mixed choir and orchestra, the words of D. Andreev
Larin, Aleksey - Transcription of `Songs and Dances of Death` by Mussorgsky for soloists, choir, two pianos and percussion
Laskovsky, Ivan - Scherzo ¹1 (Waltz-scherzo) a-moll
Laskovsky, Ivan - Waltz in f-moll (1825)
Lason, Aleksander - Chamber Music No. 6 Saxophonium (2000)
Lassus, Orlando de - Tutto il di piango
Latenas, Faustas - Pasodoble for Viola and Piano. 1988
Le Bien Aime, Louis XV - Daguet (La 1ere Tete)
Le Bien Aime, Louis XV - La Dauphine (La 3eme Tete)
Le Bien Aime, Louis XV - La Discrete (La 2eme Tete)
Le Bien Aime, Louis XV - Royal Fanfares
Leanenka, Sergey - Count Nulin
Leanenka, Sergey - Der Geist des Waldes
Leanenka, Sergey - Imaginative variations on the theme by Schubert
Leanenka, Sergey - Instrumental Cycle for Clarinet, Bassoon and Cello
Leanenka, Sergey - The Reflection To The J. S. Bach
Lecuona, Ernesto - Malaguena
Ledenyov, Roman - Wreath to Sviridov, for chorus a cappella
Leira_Carnero, Ana - Piano Sonata No.2
Leira_Carnero, Ana - THE MELANCHOLY OF FINITUDE for Solo Piano
Lemmens, Jacques-Nicolas - Fanfare
Leroux, Philippe - AAA for seven instruments (1996)
Leroux, Philippe - PPP for flute and piano (1993)
Leschetizky, Theodor - Les adieux, piece for piano, op. 14
Leschetizky, Theodor - Valse chromatique for piano, op. 22
Levina, Zara - Song `Beautiful Eyes`
Levinas, Michael - Arsis et Thesis (1971)
Levinas, Michael - Clow et Hamm (1973)
Levinas, Michael - String Quartet No.1 (1999)
Levitin, Yuri - Little Suite for Mute Piano, Marimba and Vibraphone, Op. 65 (1967), 65
Levitin, Yuri - Moidodir. Musical cartoon soundtreck. (1954)
Levitin, Yuri - Sonata for Bassoon and Piano, op. 70, 1969
Levitin, Yuri - Sonata for Clarinet and Harp
Levitin, Yuri - Sonatina for Violin and Piano, Op. 61 (1966), 61
Levitin, Yuri - String Quartet No. 9 (1967), op. 66
Levitin, Yuri - String Quartet No.10 (1971), op. 73
Levkovskaya, Sofia - Africa
Levkovskaya, Sofia - Carmen: reload
Levkovskaya, Sofia - Formula of Spring
Levkovskaya, Sofia - Music for the 50th anniversary of the House of Composers of Saint-Petersburg
Levkovskaya, Sofia - Swine
Levkovskaya, Sofia - Thriller for Orchestra
Levkovskaya, Sofia - Vector
Liadi, Shneur Zalman of - Nigun ʻOvinu Malkenu` (You are our Father and King)
Liadi, Shneur Zalman of - Nigun `Keili Atoh` (You are my Gd)
Liadi, Shneur Zalman of - Nigun `Tzomo Lecho Nafshi` (My soul yearns for You)
Liepins, Zigmars - Notre-Dame de Paris
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Glissandi
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Songs for voice and piano
Limenius, - The second hymn of Apollo at Delphi (Limenius; c. 128 BC)
Lindberg, Magnus - Clarinet Quintet in B-dur
Lindberg, Magnus - Corrente.
Lindberg, Magnus - Duo concertante
Lindberg, Magnus - Joy
Lindberg, Magnus - Linea dombra
Lindberg, Magnus - Marea
Lindberg, Magnus - Ritratto
Lindberg, Magnus - UR for 5 players & electronics
Lindberg, Magnus - Zona
Lindberg, Magnus - `Related Rocks` for two pianos, two percussion and electronics
Lion-Heart, Richard - Ja nuns hons pris, canzona (ca. 1193)
Lipkin, Malcolm - Clifford`s Tower
Lipkin, Malcolm - Pastorale
Liudkevych, Stanislav - Treatment of Ukrainian folk song Gagilka
Liudkevych, Stanislav - Ukrainian barcarole
Liudkevych, Stanislav - `Yak nich me pokrye`
Lloyd Webber, Andrew - Jesus Christ - Superstar
Lloyd Webber, Andrew - Joseph and His amazing colored Dreamcoat
Lloyd Webber, Andrew - Musical `Sunset Boulevard`
Lloyd Webber, Andrew - The musical `Evita`
Lloyd Webber, Andrew - `Fantasy` Suite for the musical `The Phantom of the Opera`
Loevendie, Theo - Flexio
Loevendie, Theo - Incarnations for bass-clarinet and orchestra
Loevendie, Theo - Orbits for French horn solo, four French horns and orchestra
Loevendie, Theo - Suite from opera "Naima"
Logunov, Sergey - Gift
Logunov, Sergey - Good Ivan, the Russian folk song
Logunov, Sergey - Mary Stewart
Lombardi, Luca - First Quartet for strings (1991/92)
Lombardi, Luca - Mare (Sea) for orchestra (2012)
Lombardi, Luca - Third Symphony for soprano, baritone, choir and orchestra (1992/93)
Longo, Alessandro - Suite for Bassoon and Piano, op. 69
Longo, Alessandro - Suite for Clarinet and Piano (1910), op. 62
Lopes-Graca, Fernando - Gabriela, Cravo e Canela, op.156
Lopes-Graca, Fernando - O Túmulo de Villa-Lobos (sobre cantos folclóricos brasileiros), LG 83
Lopes-Graca, Fernando - Sete Lembranças para Vieira da Silva, para quinteto de sopros, LG 82, op.171
Lopes-Graca, Fernando - String Quartet No. 1, op.160
Lopes-Graca, Fernando - `... meu país de marinheiros`, op.224
Lopes-Graca, Fernando - `Para uma Criança que vai Nascer`, op.147
Lubchenko, Anton - Die Festlische Chorale-Toccata for four pianos and copper (2014), op. 90
Lucier, Alvin - Chambers (1968)
Lucier, Alvin - Clocker (1978)
Lucier, Alvin - Empty vessels (1997)
Lucier, Alvin - Music for pure waves, bass drums and acoustic pendulums (1980)
Lucier, Alvin - Music on a long thin wire (1977)
Lucier, Alvin - Sferics (1981)
Lucier, Alvin - Vespers (1968)
Luciuk, Juliusz - The Battle, fragment of music for the pantomime Marathon, 1963
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Trio for the Royal Bedchamber (1667), LWV 35
Lunyov, Svyatoslav - Black Trio for Sopr, Cello & Piano (on verses by J. Brodsky)
Lunyov, Svyatoslav - Letargia for large symphonic orchestra. 1997
Lunyov, Svyatoslav - Zehn Stuck
Lunyov, Svyatoslav - `The rehearsal for the orchestra` for the 13 performers (1998)
Luther, Martin - Chorale `Wo soll ich fliehen hin`
Lutoslawski, Witold - String Quartet
Lvov, Aleksei - Wounded My Soul
Lyadov, Anatoliy - Six Children`s Songs, op. 22
Lyashenko, Gennady - Cello Concerto No. 2
Lyashenko, Gennady - Con amore for Viola and Orchestra
Lyashenko, Gennady - Concerto for Harp and Chamber Orchestra
Lyashenko, Gennady - Lamento for Strings
Lyatoshynsky, Borys - Gold Hoop, opera of three acts, op.23
Lyatoshynsky, Borys - Gold Hoop, The Orchestral Suite, op.23
Lyatoshynsky, Borys - String Quartet ¹3, op.21
Lyatoshynsky, Borys - Two Pieces for Viola and Piano, op.65
Lyatoshynsky, Borys - Will, for Chorus and Orchestra, poems by T. Shevchenko
Lysenko, Mykola - Concert Polonaise No. 2 in G major for piano (1875), op. 7
Lysenko, Mykola - Concert Polonaise No.1 in A-flat major for piano (1875), op. 5
Lysenko, Mykola - Gavotte on the theme of Ukrainian folk song (1876), op. 22
Lysenko, Mykola - Impromptu in A minor for piano (1904)
Lysenko, Mykola - Koza-Dereza, Children`s Opera (1888)
Lysenko, Mykola - Nocturne `Farewell` in B-flat major for piano (1869)
Lysenko, Mykola - Pan Kotsky, Children`s Opera (1891)
Lysenko, Mykola - Tarantella for piano
Lysenko, Mykola - Zapirozhski March
Lysenko, Mykola - `Sad Song` in D minor for piano (1909)
Macha, Otmar - Sinfonietta
Machaut, Guillaume de - Virelai V 5 `Comment qu`a moy`
Machavariani, Alexey - Doluri
Maderna, Bruno - Continuo for tape (1958)
Maderna, Bruno - Syntaxis for tape (1957)
Madetoja, Leevi Antti - Alkusoittofantasia (1930), op. 69
Madetoja, Leevi Antti - Prelude for piano, op. 31/2
Madetoja, Leevi Antti - Solo songs with piano accompaniment, op. 2
Magnard, Alberic - A Henriette (1892)
Magnard, Alberic - En Dieu mon esperance for piano (1889)
Magnard, Alberic - Four Poems for Voice and Piano, op. 15
Magnard, Alberic - Opera `Berenice` (1911), op. 19
Magnard, Alberic - Six poems for voice and piano, op. 3
Magnard, Alberic - Three Pieces for Piano, op. 1
Magne, Michel - Angelika, Soundtrack
Magne, Michel - Fantomas, Soundtrack
Mahnkopf, Claus-Steffen - Hommage a Steven Kazuo Takasugi (2005)
Makovsky, Stanislav - Philosophers` Stone
Malec, Ivo - Dahovi , 1961
Malec, Ivo - Vibrafonietta, 2001
Malfatti, Radu - Wechseljahre Einer Hyane
Malipiero, Gian Francesco - Grottesco per piccola orchestra (1917)
Malipiero, Gian Francesco - String Quartet ¹ 1 `Rispetti e strambotti` (1920)
Maliszewski, Witold - String Quartet No.1, op. 2
Maliszewski, Witold - String Quartet No.3, op.15
Mancini, Henry - Breakfast At Tiffany`s, Soundtrack
Mancini, Henry - The Pink Panther, soundtrack
Mannis, Jose Augusto - Cyclone, for tape
Manotskov, Alexander - Boye, opera (from a story by Victor Astafyev)
Manoury, Philippe - Neptune (1991) Pour trois percussions et processeur de signal en temps reel
Mantovani, Bruno - Cantata No. 1 for six voices and ensemble (2006)
Manukian, Irina - Piano Sonata, in 3 movements, 1973, op. 9
Marcinkevich, Kamilla - Polka
Marenco, Romualdo - Grand ballet `Excelsior` (1881)
Markelov, Pavel - Symphony No. 2 `Sisyphus prose`
Martin, Frank - 8 preludes for piano
Martin, Frank - Etudes for 2 pianos
Martin, Frank - Overture and foxtrot for 2-piano
Martin, Frank - Sketch for piano `Etude for reading` (1965)
Martin, George Henry - Soundtrack: The Beatles: Yellow Submarine,
Martin, Frank - String Quartet (1966-1967)
Martin, Frank - `Guitare`
Martinu, Bohuslav - Sinfonietta Giocosa for Piano and Small Orchestra, H.282
Martinu, Bohuslav - Songs for Children`s Chorus, H.373
Martynov, Vladimir - Games of Angels and Men (2011)
Martynov, Vladimir - `Opus Posthumum II` äëÿ äâóõ ôîðòåïèàíî è ãîëîñà (1983, 1993)
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Ad Libitum, for Cello and Orchestra, op.126
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Avaz I for Cello and Orchestra, op.141
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Blind Owl, op. 16
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Chahargah No.2, op.140
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Garden Of the Lord, op.144
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Ophelia I for orchestra, op.104
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Ophelia II for Piano and Orchestra, op.150
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Permanet, op. 38
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Shur, for electronics, op. 15
Mashayekhi, Alireza - Symphony ¹3, op. 76
Mashayekhi, Alireza - This Loneliness for percussion and a narrative, op.145
Mashayekhi, Alireza - `Yaad` for electronics (1970), op. 66
Maslanka, David - ANGEL OF MERCY
Maslanka, David - Arise
Maslanka, David - California
Maslanka, David - Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Wind Ensemble
Maslanka, David - Give Us This Day
Maslanka, David - Hohner
Maslanka, David - Hurtling Through Space...at an unimaginable speed
Maslanka, David - Hymn for World Peace
Maslanka, David - Illumination (2013)
Maslanka, David - Liberation
Maslanka, David - On This Bright Morning
Maslanka, David - Out of this World (2013)
Maslanka, David - Piano Concerto No. 3
Maslanka, David - Quintet for Winds No. 2 (1986)
Maslanka, David - Requiem
Maslanka, David - Sonata for Oboe and Piano (1992)
Maslanka, David - Symphony No. 9
Maslanka, David - Tears
Maslanka, David - Testament
Maslanka, David - The Seeker
Maslanka, David - Traveler, for Wind Band, Piano and Percussions (2003)
Maslanka, David - Variations on Lost Love
Maslik, Georgiy - Hollywood pictures, symphonic picture (abridged)
Maslov, Vitaly - Alien, speak out!
Maslov, Vitaly - Chorale
Maslov, Vitaly - Fugue
Maslov, Vitaly - Improvisation
Maslov, Vitaly - Insect Life
Maslov, Vitaly - Liner
Maslov, Vitaly - Look to the glass
Maslov, Vitaly - Prelude and Polka
Maslov, Vitaly - Prelude ¹ 2
Maslov, Vitaly - Prelude ¹1
Maslov, Vitaly - Quintet
Maslov, Vitaly - Reflections in the Pills
Maslov, Vitaly - Vzglyad v okno/Looking out the window
Maslovskaya, Aleksandra - Pas de lui
Maslovskaya, Aleksandra - Pas d`elle
Maslovskaya, Aleksandra - Three Pieces for String Quartet
Mason, Benedict - n.n., for ensemble (2009)
Mathias, William - Dance Variations (1976), op. 72
Mathias, William - O Sing Unto the Lord for choir and organ, op. 29
Mathias, William - Shakespeare Songs for choir and piano, op. 80
Mathias, William - String Quartet No. 2, op. 84
Mathias, William - String Quartet No. 3, op. 97
Mathias, William - String Quartet No.1, op. 38
Mathias, William - Wind Quintet (1963), op. 22
Matteis, Nicola - La Folia for violin and b.c.
Maurice, Paule - “The Crying Song of the Little Negro”, a piece for piano
Maurus, Rabanus - Veni Creator Spiritus, Hymn
Mayer, Charles - 12 Etudes mélodiques for piano, op.216
Mayer, Charles - 2 Grandes etudes de concert for piano, op. 73
Mayer, Charles - Ecole de la velocité for Piano, op.200
Mayer, Emilie - Klaviertrio e-moll (1861), op. 12
Mayer, Charles - Myrthen, 12 Pieces for piano, op.106
Mayer, Charles - Nocturne for piano, op. 81
Mayuzumi, Toshiro - Mandala, for voice and electronics (1969)
Mayuzumi, Toshiro - `X` (1955) for electronics
Mayuzumi, Toshiro - `Y` (1955) for electronics
Mayuzumi, Toshiro - `Z` (1955) for electronics
Mazas, Jacques Fereol - 3 String Quartets, op. 7
McCann, Michael - Deus Ex Human Revolution, the play soundtrack
Medvedeva, Alina - A Red, Red Rose, Romance for Baritone and Piano. Poem of Robert Burns
Medvedeva, Alina - Chaconne for String Quartet
Medvedeva, Alina - Satireska for Flute, Tuba and Piano
Medvedeva, Alina - Sonata Romantic
Medvedeva, Alina - White Rose, Romance for Baritone and Piano. Poem of V. Briusov
Meerovich, Mikhail - The Heron and the Crane, Waltz
Mejia, Adolfo - Pequeña Suite (para Orquesta)
Mejia, Adolfo - Preludio a la Tercera Salida de Don Quijote
Melartin, Erkki - Berceuse for Cello or Viola, Piano or Piano Trio, op.121/3
Melartin, Erkki - Sursum corda for organ (1925), op.125
Melikjan, Grachik - String Quartet, one part
Melodist, Romanos the - Kontakion on the Christmas (c. 520?)
Mence, Selga - Neba maize pate naca, for choir and percussion
Mendelson, Arnold - Trio for two violins and piano, op. 76
Meyers, Krzysztof - String Qartet ¹ 6 (1981), op. 51
Meyers, Krzysztof - String Quartet ¹ 5 (1977), op. 42
Meyers, Krzysztof - String Quartet ¹ 8 (1985), op. 67
Meytus, Yiliy - Dneprostroi (1930)
Mihaylov, Alexandr Nikolaevich - Waltz
Mihel, Artur - Andante for string quartet
Mihel, Artur - Two Madrigals to poems by Ivan Klinovoy
Milhaud, Darius - La P`tite Lilie, op.107
Milhaud, Darius - Newsreel, op.104
Milhaud, Darius - Sonata for organ, op.112
Milhaud, Darius - Studies on liturgical themes of the Vienna County for string Quartet (1973)
Milhaud, Darius - `In Memory of Igor Stravinsky` for string quartet (1971), op.435
Mironchik, Wladimir - Dark Time
Mironchik, Wladimir - FUGATO
Mironenko, Vladislav - Searching of water
Mirzazade, Khayyam Hadi oglu - Pianto (Lament), for Soprano, four Flutes, Harpsichord, Piano and prep. Piano
Mirzazade, Khayyam Hadi oglu - Theme and Variations for Piano
Mirzazade, Khayyam Hadi oglu - White and Black, 12 Preludes for Organ (1984)
Mitterer, Wolfgang - Konzert fur Klavier Orchester und Electronics (2001)
Mix, Silvio - 2 Preludi for piano (1923)
Miyagi, Michio - The Sea in Springtime
Mokranjac, Stevam - Wreath of Songs No. 3
Molchanov, Kirill - Dawns Here Are Quiet, romance from the opera
Molchanov, Andrey - String Quartet ¹ 2, Variations and Theme
Molchanov, Kirill - Waltz from the film `On Seven Winds`
Molibozhenko, Alexey - Epic March
Monasypov, Almaz - Sonata for Violin and Piano (1954)
Monasypov, Almaz - Symphony ¹1
Monasypov, Almaz - Symphony ¹3
Monasypov, Almaz - Symphony ¹4 `Dastan`
Moniuszko, Stanislaw - Bagatelle for piano g-moll
Moniuszko, Stanislaw - `Svityzianka` ballad for voice and piano
Monte, Philippe de - Io Parto O Mio Fedele
Montemezzi, Italo - L`amore dei tre re, opera
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: ¹19 `Lamento della ninfa`, SV163
Moran, Jason - Cane, for wind quintet
Morandi, Giovanni - Sinfonia pastorale for organ (ca 1810)
Moroi, Sabur - Symphony No.4
Morsin, Andrew - The Wizard of Emerald City, fairytale-musical (1994)
Mortensen, Finn - `Fantasy and fugue`, Op, 13
Moscheles, Ignaz - 3 allegri di bravura for piano (1821), op. 51
Moscheles, Ignaz - 3 Charakterstücke for Piano Duet, op.142
Moscheles, Ignaz - 50 Preludes for piano, op. 73
Moscheles, Ignaz - Impromptu for Piano (1834), op. 89
Moscheles, Ignaz - Les Contrastes, Grand Duo for 2 Pianos, 8 Hands, op.115
Moscheles, Ignaz - Polonaise for Piano, op. 53
Moscheles, Ignaz - The charms of London, Rondeau brillant for piano, op. 74
Mosolov, Alexander - 4 pieces for bassoon and piano
Mosolov, Alexander - 4 Pieces for Oboe and Piano
Mosolov, Alexander - The Villain with the Label/Zlodeika s nakleikoi, The music for the animated film (1954)
Mosso, Carlo - 5 Short Sketches from Apollinaire`s Bestiaire and a Tombeau, for voice and piano
Moszkowski, Moritz - 20 Petites Etudes for piano, op.91
Moszkowski, Moritz - 3 pieces for piano for piano in 4 hands, op.11
Moszkowski, Moritz - 4 piano pieces in 4 hands, op.33
Moszkowski, Moritz - Master and pupil for piano 4 hands, op.96
Moszkowski, Moritz - Procession and Gavotte for piano 4-hands, op.43
Moyzes, Alexander - Music for Women
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - 4 Mirrow canons (duos) for 2 Violins (1777-78?), KV284dd (Anh.10.16)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - 9 country dances (quadrilles) for orchestra (1787?), KV510 (Anh. 293c/C 23.02)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Allegro for Klavier and Violin in A-dur (fragment) (1782), KV385E (480a/Anh. 48)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Allegro for Piano Trio in B-dur (fragment, 1786), KV501a (Anh. 51)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Allegro for String Quartet in G Minor (fragment) (1789), KV587a (Anh. 74)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Allegro for String Quintet in E Flat Major (fragment) (1791), KV613a (Anh. 81)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Allegro for String Quintet in Es-dur (1791), KV613b (Anh. 82)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Allegro for Violin and Piano in G Major (fragment) (1788), KV546a (Anh. 47)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Andante for String Quintet in D Major (fragment) (1790), KV592b (Anh. 83)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Andantino for Cello and Piano in B Flat Major (fragment) (1781-82), KV374g (Anh. 46)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in C Major (lost, reconstruction) (1768), KV 47c
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Fragment for String Quartet in E Major, KVdeest
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Fragment for the trio sonata, KVdeest
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Fugue for String Quartet in C Major (fragment) (1782), KV405a (385m/Anh. 77)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Fugue for String Quartet in C Minor (fragment), KVdeest
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Hymn `Adoramus te` for choir and organ, KV327
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Hymn `Justum dixit Dominus` for choir and organ (1771?), KV326 (93d)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Rondo for Clarinet and String Trio in Es-dur (fragment) (1787), KV516d
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Rondo for String Quartet in B-dur (fragment, 1784), KV458b (Anh. 71)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `Ja! grüß dich Gott` for solo voice (sketch aria?) (1783), KV441a
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - String Quintet after KV 407 in E flat major, KVAnh. 176
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - String Quintet after KV 581 in A major, KVAnh. 175
Mozumanska-Nazar, Krystyna - Rhapsody II, 1980
Mugeln, Heinrich von - Wilt du mentschen art
Mundry, Isabel - Dufay-Bearbeitungen (2003-2004) for chamber ensemble
Mundry, Isabel - Sandschleifen (2003-2006) for string trio, percussion and piano
Murail, Tristan - Allegories for six instruments and electronic sounds (1989)
Murail, Tristan - Attracteurs etranges for cello (1992)
Murail, Tristan - Couleur de Mer for fifteen instruments (1969)
Murail, Tristan - C`est un jardin secret, ma soeur, ma fiancee, une fontaine close, une source scellee for viola solo (1976)
Murail, Tristan - Desintegrations for seventeen instruments and electronic sounds (1982)
Murail, Tristan - Ethers for flute and ensembe (1978)
Murail, Tristan - Gondwana for orchestra (1980)
Murail, Tristan - La Barque mystique for five instruments (1993)
Murail, Tristan - Lachrymae, for alto flute and string quintet (2011)
Murail, Tristan - Legendes Urbaines, for twenty two instruments (2006)
Murail, Tristan - L`attente for seven instrumentalists (1972, rev. 1992)
Murail, Tristan - L`Esprit des dunes for ensemble (1993-94)
Murail, Tristan - Memoire / Erosion for horn and nine instruments (1976)
Murail, Tristan - Seven Lakes Drive, for six instruments (2006)
Murail, Tristan - Tellur for quitar (1977)
Murail, Tristan - Territoires de l`oubli for piano (1977)
Murail, Tristan - Tigres de verre for ondes Martenot and piano (1974)
Murail, Tristan - Time and again for orchestra (1985)
Murail, Tristan - Vues aeriennes for horn, violin, cello and piano (1988)
Murdorj, Luvsanjamts - Symphony No.3, `Festival of the People`
Murov, Askold - Sonata for Viola and Piano (1961?)
Myaskov, Constantine - Fantasy on Transcarpathian themes
Myasnikov, Fedor Vasilyevich - Magnificat
Myasnikov, Fedor Vasilyevich - Small Doxology
Mycielski, Zygmunt - Psalm XII. 1982
Mykhamedzhanov, Sydyk - Kene Turkestanda, Suite
Mykhamedzhanov, Sydyk - Shattyk Otany, Suite
Mykhamedzhanov, Sydyk - Voice of Ages, Oratorio
Myslivecek, Josef - Partita in E Flat Major for Eight Instruments and Double Bass (1770)
Na Yun Kin, Alexandr - A Bluish Dove
Na Yun Kin, Alexandr - Barynia
Na Yun Kin, Alexandr - Fantasy on Two Russian folk themes
Na Yun Kin, Alexandr - From Under the Pebble
Naborshchikov, Ivan - Miniature for Piano (2013)
Naborshchikov, Ivan - Suite for a Prepared Piano (2018)
Nagaev, Alexander - Pictures of Ancient Russia, Suite for orchestra of Russian folk instruments
Nagovitsyn, Vyacheslav - Quartet ¹1 for 2 Violins, Viola and Cello. Op. 8 (1961)
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano ¹ 20
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano ¹ 22
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano ¹ 3
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano ¹ 4
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano ¹ 41
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano ¹ 44
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano ¹ 6
Nancarrow, Conlon - Etudes for mechanical Piano: ¹ 5
Nancarrow, Conlon - Studies for Player Piano Vol. 1
Nancarrow, Conlon - Studies for Player Piano Vol. 2
Nancarrow, Conlon - Studies for Player Piano Vol. 3
Nancarrow, Conlon - Studies for Player Piano Vol. 4
Nancarrow, Conlon - Studies for Player Piano Vol. 5
Napoleau, Artur - Romance for Violin and Piano in E-dur
Narekatsi, Grigor - Havoon
Nazirova, Elmira - Fikret Amirov-Elmira Nazirova - `Suite on the Albanian themes` for two pianos
Nemescu, Octavian - Gradeatia, electronic music (1982)
Nemescu, Octavian - Naturel, electronic music (1973)
Nemescu, Octavian - Sonatu(h)r, electronic music (1987)
Nemescu, Octavian - Trisson, elecronic music (1986)
Nenna, Pomponio - `Ancide sol la morte`, madrigal 4 vv (1613)
Nenna, Pomponio - `Eccomi pronta ai baci`, madrigal 4 vv (1613)
Nenna, Pomponio - `Occhi miei che vedeste`, madrigal 4 vv (1613)
Nenov, Dimitar - Four Sketches for Large orchestra (1924)
Nepelsky, Karol - COURSE 2012 finale (electronic recording)
Neri, Massimiliano - Sonata a 12
Neri, Massimiliano - Sonata a 6
Netti, Giorgio - Avvicinamento, for saxophone quartet
Netti, Giorgio - Place, for prepared the string quartet
Newski, Sergej - Fotografie und Berührung for strings quartet (2000)
Newski, Sergej - Was fliehen Hase und Igel, for six voices. 2004
Niblock, Phill - The Structure of a Work
Nicolai, Otto - Mass in D-dur
Nikitenko, Artyom - Spring Evening, romance (2005)
Nikodijevic, Marko - K-hole/schwarzer horizont.Drone (with song) for Ensemble and Electronics
Nikolaev, Vladimir - From the Life of the Plankton (1993-94)
Nikolaev, Vladimir - My soul is flying
Nikolaev, Aleksey - String Quartet ¹ 2 (1977)
Nikolaev, Aleksey - String Quartet ¹ 3 (1981)
Nikolaev, Aleksey - String Quartet ¹ 4
Nikolaev, Aleksey - `Children`s Album`, 1963
Nilsson, Bo - Letter of Hastie Oswald
Nisle, Johann Martin Friedrich - Octet in D major
Nisle, Johann Martin Friedrich - Quintet in C major
Nisle, Johann Martin Friedrich - Septet in E flat major
Nono, Luigi - Das Atmende Klarsein
Nono, Luigi - Djamila Boupacha for soprano solo (1962)
Nono, Luigi - Due Esspressioni (1953)
Nono, Luigi - liebesliied 1954
Nono, Luigi - Omaggio a György Kurtág
Nono, Luigi - Polifonica-Monodia-Ritmica for ensemble (1951)
Nono, Luigi - Post-Prae-Ludium For Tuba And Electronics
Nono, Luigi - `Omaggio a Vedova` for the magnetic tape. 1960.
Nordgren, Pehr Henrik - In Patches, for accordian
Nordgren, Pehr Henrik - String Quartet No. 10 (2007), op.142
Nordgren, Pehr Henrik - String Quartet ¹ 11 (2008), op.114
Noskowski, Zygmunt - Kołysanka (1880?), op. 11
Noskowski, Zygmunt - Piano Quartet (1880), op. 8
Nyman, Michael - String Quartet ¹ 4 (1994-95)
Nyman, Michael - The man with a Movie Camera, soundtrack for the film by Dziga Vertov (1995)
Nystedt, Knut - Missa Brevis for Mixed Choir a cappella, op.102
Oehring, Helmut - Leuchter (aus: Kurz im Mull gestochert), for oboe, cello and piano (1994)
Oehring, Helmut - Locked - In - , for guitar, violin, viola and cello (1992)
Ogi, Micha - For Kasya, cycle of songs
Olenchik, Ivan F. - 20 caprises for clarinet solo
Oliveros, Pauline - Bye Bye Butterfly
Orda, Napoleon - North Star, Polonaise
Orlov, Yuri - Galapagos
Ornstein, Leo - Piano Concerto. 1923
Ortiz, Gabriela - Five Micro Exercises for the tape recorder (1992)
Osghian, Petar - Meditation for 2 pianos, strings and percussion (1962)
Oswald, Henrique - Sonata for Violin
Pahmutova, Alexandra - Girls, overture from the film
Pahulsky, Genrich - 3 Etudes for Piano, op. 28
Pahulsky, Genrich - 3 Pieces for Piano, op. 29
Pahulsky, Genrich - Suite for Orchestra, op. 13
Pahulsky, Genrich - Toccata for Piano, op. 19
Paiberdin, Oleg - A"la saraband for orchestra
Paiberdin, Oleg - Anthem in memory H.Purcell for 12 violas
Paiberdin, Oleg - Bagatelle for flute and piano
Paiberdin, Oleg - Because I do not expect to return for orchestra
Paiberdin, Oleg - Call for trumpet solo and ensemble
Paiberdin, Oleg - Choral for stirng quartet
Paiberdin, Oleg - GuoHua for chamber ensemble
Paiberdin, Oleg - Halleluja for string quartet
Paiberdin, Oleg - Locus nascendi for flute quartet
Paiberdin, Oleg - Organum À-nn-À
Paiberdin, Oleg - Oskrivik for chamber ensemble
Paiberdin, Oleg - Point of the Sky for string orchestra
Paiberdin, Oleg - Push-Keen for chamber ensemble
Paiberdin, Oleg - Sob Out for clarinet quartet
Paiberdin, Oleg - Symphonic Movement for symphony orchestra
Paiberdin, Oleg - Tango, the light electronic muzik (2006)
Paine, John Knowles - 2 Preludes (in D, in B minor) for Organ (1864), op.19
Palazol, Berenguier de - Tant m`abelis
Palester, Roman - Adagio 1954
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - Motet `O bone Jesu, exaudi me`
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - Motet `Stabat mater dolorosa`, for 12 voices (1876)
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - O Crux Ave
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da - Rorate caeli
Palmgren, Selim - 5 Choruses, op.107
Panufnik, Andrzej - Ach, pardon. Foxtrot (1931)
Panufnik, Andrzej - Dreamscapes for mezzo-soprano and piano (1976)
Panufnik, Andrzej - Invocation for Peace for choir a capella (1972)
Panufnik, Andrzej - String Quartet No. 2 `Messages` (1980)
Papalexandri-Alexandri, Marianthi - Still life, for recorder quartet (2004)
Parmerud, Ake - Grains of Voices, for readers and voices (1994-95)
Parra, Hector - Impromptu for piano
Parra, Hector - L`Aube assaillie
Parra, Hector - Piano trio No. 1 for violin, violincello and piano `Wortschatten`
Partskhaladze, Merab - Lake
Pasquini, Bernardo - Cuckoo, toccata
Pauset, Brice - Adagio dialettico, for saxophone, percussion and piano (2000)
Pauset, Brice - Arbeiten - Musik mit Hebewerk, for ensemble (2013)
Pauset, Brice - Concerto II `Exils`, for percussion and two ensembles (2005)
Pauset, Brice - Les Voix humaines, for Clarinet, Piano and String Trio (2006)
Pauset, Brice - Perspectivae Sintagma II, canons for piano, two voices, ensemble and electronics (2001)
Pauset, Brice - String Quartet No. 3 (...écrit-récit) (2001)
Pauset, Brice - Subito Sempre (Langsamer Satz) for sextet (2014)
Pauset, Brice - Symphonie VI `Erstarrte Schatten`, for large orchestra, six voices and electronics (2009)
Pauset, Brice - Vanités, for two voices and ensemble (2002)
Pavlorek, Ale - Hommages for oboe, English horn, clarinet and bass clarinet
Pavlorek, Ale - Mala Suita for Clarinet Quartet
Peeters, Flor - 35 Miniatures for Organ (1945), op. 55
Peeters, Flor - Abdijvrede, op. 16b
Peeters, Flor - Chorale Fantasie on `Lasst uns erfreuen, op. 81/2
Peeters, Flor - Hypomixolydian Hymn, op. 90
Peeters, Flor - Suite for 4 Trombones, op. 82
Peeters, Flor - `Four Improvisations on Gregorian Melodies`: Chorale `Ave Maria`, organ, op. 6
Peiko, Nikolay - String Quartet No. 1 (1962)
Peiko, Nikolay - String Quartet No. 2 (1965)
Peiko, Nikolay - String Quartet No. 3 (1976)
Penderecki, Krzysztof - String Quartet ¹ 2 (1968)
Penherski, Zbigniew - Music of the End of the Century, 1999
Pennario, Leonard - Midnight on the Cliffs (1942)
Pennisi, Francesco - Acanthis for flute and piano (1981)
Pennisi, Francesco - La Muse endormie, for cello and prepared piano (1985)
Peragallo, Mario - Perclopus, chamber concerto for clarinet, woodwind quintet, string quintet and tape (1982)
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra ¹ 1 in G major, P. 33
Perosi, Lorenzo - Missa Pontificalis, for choir and organ (1897)
Perosi, Lorenzo - Missa Secunda Pontificalis, for choir and organ (1906)
Perosi, Lorenzo - Quartet No. 1 for two violins, viola and cello in A-moll
Perosi, Lorenzo - Quartet No. 2 for two violins, viola and cello in B-Dur
Perosi, Lorenzo - Quartet No. 3 for two violins, viola and cello in G-Dur
Perosi, Lorenzo - «Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ upon the Cross»: Meditations for soloists, organ and string orchestra, horns, trumpet, harp, celesta
Pesson, Gerard - Gigue pour 4 percussionnistes (2001)
Pesson, Gerard - Mes beautitudes (1995)
Pesson, Gerard - Non sapremo mai di questo mi pour flute, violon et piano (1991)
Pesson, Gerard - String Quartet No. 1 `Respirez ne respirez plus` (1993)
Petrov, Evgeny - MUSIC FOR FOUR FRENCH HORNS, 1998
Petrov, Andrey - The orchestra has a new violinist
Pettersson, Allan - Symphony No. 1
Pettersson, Allan - Symphony No. 8
Peuerl, Paul - Canzona 1 for 5 Instruments
Phalesius the Elder, Petrus - Gallard `Si pour t`aymer` (a 4)
Philidor, Francois-Andre - Tom Jones, opera
Piazzolla, Astor - 2 short pieces for viola and piano (1949)
Piazzolla, Astor - 3 short pieces for cello and piano (1944), op. 4
Pijper, Willem - Sonata for violin ¹ 2
Pilutikov, Sergey - Sonata for Cello and Piano. 2001
Pintos, Roberto - Atacama in the night of Peru, Electronic Prelude
Pintos, Roberto - Baroque Concerto for Bassoon, Basso Continuo and Strings
Pintos, Roberto - Concert for Clarinet and Orchestra
Pintos, Roberto - Concerto for Horn and Eensemble
Pintos, Roberto - Fugue Swing on Jingle Bells for flute, oboe, oboe dʻamour, bassoon and harpsichord
Pintos, Roberto - Mananas Indias, Concerto for Flute and Orchestra
Pintos, Roberto - Mozamerican Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra
Pintos, Roberto - Organ Prelude and Fugue in C Sharp Major
Pintscher, Matthias - L`Espace dernier, opera (2002-03)
Pintscher, Matthias - Thomas Chatterton, opera (1994-98)
Pipkov, Panayot - Hymn of Cyril and Methodius, lyrics by Stoyan Mihaylovski (1901)
Platon, Georgios - Greek Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra (1979-80)
Platonov, Nikolay - Sonata for Oboe and Piano (1948)
Pletnev, Mikhail - The cycle of children"s songs on verses of Sefa
Plummer, John - Missa sine nomine for three voices (tenor, baritone & bass)
Podgaits, Efrem - `EX ANIMO` for accordion and string quartet (2002)
Poledouris, Basil - Conan The Destroyer, soundtrack (1984)
Poledouris, Basil - Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man, Soundtrack
Poleva, Victoria - Sugrevushka
Pollini, Cesare - Scherzo in F major for orchestra (1880)
Polonsky, Vsevolod - String Quartet
Polovinkin, Leonid - Telescope 2 (Suite for Orchestra)
Polovinkin, Leonid - `Let`s go to Paraguay`, satirical couplets from the movie `The puppets`, 1933
Polovinkin, Leonid - `Native country - big country `, song from the movie` Intriguing` (1935)
Polovinkin, Leonid - `Seeing the pilot`, song from the movie `Intriguing `(1935)
Pomozov, Viktor - Village Musicians, Joke Suite
Pomozov, Viktor - `Batleyka`, Suite for Orchestra of Folk Instruments (1983)
Ponchielli, Amilcare - Capriccio for Oboe and Piano (1889), op. 80
Popov, Alexander - Allegro for Flute, Clarinet, Cello and Piano
Popov, Andrey - Quartet ¹ 2 in memory of Valeri Beluntsov
Popov, Gavriil - Two Pieces for Piano (1925), op. 1
Popov, Alexander - `Angel` - thirds for flute, clarinet, cello and piano
Popov, Nikolay - `kraMP` for electronic and percussion sounds
Popov, Andrey - `Perpetuum mobile` for computer and elektrofortepiano
Poppe, Enno - Abend, for four male voices and four trombones (2007)
Poppe, Enno - Herz (2002) for Cello
Poppe, Enno - Speicher IV, for grand ensemble (2010)
Poppe, Enno - Wald (2010) for four string quartets
Porotskiy, Vladimir - Romance `Oh autumn, fall...` the words of Victor Astaf`ev
Pospisil, Juraj - Meditation électronique, electronic music (1970), op.28
Pospisil, Juraj - Suita ad modum tympanorumá electronic music (1983), op.55
Poteyenko, Yuri - Game `Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales` OST
Poulenc, Francis - Four little prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, for male choir a cappella, FP142
Poulenc, Francis - Sonata for Horn, Trumpet and Trombone, FP 33a
Poulenc, Francis - Song `Les Chemins de l’amour` - version for voice and instruments, FP106-Ib
Povolotsky, Yuri - Three Pieces for Saxophone Quartet (1995), op.21
Povolotsky, Yuri - `Animation` for Flute, Clarinet & Bassoon in five parts (1996), op.24
Prag, Muelich von - Got, dine wunder manigfalt
Praszczalek, Tomasz - Mother Nature. 2003
Preisner, Zbigniew - Les Marionnettes
Primak, Vladimir - Wind Quintet
Prins, Stephan - Fremdkerper #3 (mit Michael Jackson) (2010)
Prins, Stephan - Fremdkorper #2 (2010)
Prins, Stephan - No habra una sola cosa que no sea una nube, for ensemble (2003)
Prins, Stephan - Ventriloquium (2006)
Procaccini, Teresa - Adagio and Allegro for solo clarinet in B-flat (2003), op.175
Procaccini, Teresa - Andante elegiaco for organ (1971), op. 52
Procaccini, Teresa - Antologia Rodari per coro di voci bianche e orchestra, op.202
Procaccini, Teresa - Chanson, op.150
Procaccini, Teresa - Divertissement for brass quintet (1980), op. 90
Procaccini, Teresa - Due Melologhi, Op. 134 (Novilunio per coro femminile, voce rec. e orchestra), op.134
Procaccini, Teresa - Eagle for solo flute (1983), op.103
Procaccini, Teresa - Fo (U) R Flutes, op.239
Procaccini, Teresa - Guitargames, for 4 guitars (1999), op.154
Procaccini, Teresa - Homenaje (B.A.C.H.) for organ (1985), op.111
Procaccini, Teresa - Improvisation and Toccata for organ (1968), op. 33
Procaccini, Teresa - Improvisation for violin, viola and cello (1968), op. 40
Procaccini, Teresa - Jokes, melologue for 3 guitars and reciting voice (2003), op.174
Procaccini, Teresa - Meeting for saxophone quartet (1988), op.115
Procaccini, Teresa - Memory, vocalise for soprano and piano (1979), op. 86
Procaccini, Teresa - Missa brevis, for children`s choir and string orchestra (2008), op.208
Procaccini, Teresa - Moonlight, for 3 guitars (1997), op.142
Procaccini, Teresa - Piazza della Musica n°1 for 15 instruments and reciting voice (1971–72), op. 62
Procaccini, Teresa - Promenade, for 4 guitars (1999), op.155
Procaccini, Teresa - Quintet for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn and piano (1992), op.130
Procaccini, Teresa - Sonata for clarinet in B-flat and piano (1988), op.117
Procaccini, Teresa - Sonatina for marimba and piano (1995), op.136
Procaccini, Teresa - Suggestions for clarinet (or bass clarinet) and piano (1987), op.113
Prokofiev, Gabriel - Concerto for Bass Drum & Orchestra
Prostitov, Oleg - Cantata `My Voobraziliya` (`My Brazilifancy`) on poems by Boris Zakhoder
Protopopov, Sergei - Piano Sonata No.1 (1920-22), op. 1
Pstrokonska-Nawratil, Grazyna - Bis Joke.1985
Puchinin, Sergey - Little Prelude for piano
Pushkov, Venedikt - Romance by Nina (from the music to the film `Masquerade` based on the drama by Lermontov)
Quiros, Manuel Jose de - Jesus y lo que sube
Quiros, Manuel Jose de - Light, Fragrant Rose
Rack-Mikhailovsky, Simon - Venus Star, romance
Radesca, Enrico - Canzonette et arie per cantare & sonare, 2 vv and chitarrone
Radulescu, Horatiu - Byzantine Prayer, for forty flutists with seventy-two flutes (1988), op. 74
Radulescu, Horatiu - Clepsydra for 16 players (1983), op. 47
Radulescu, Horatiu - String quartet no. 1 (1966-1967), op. 4
Radulescu, Horatiu - String Quartet No. 2, `Vies pour Les Cieux Interrompus`, op. 6
Radulescu, Horatiu - String quartet no. 3 (1972), op. 19
Radulescu, Horatiu - String Quartet No. 5 `Before the Universe was born` (1990-95), op. 98
Radziwill, Antoni Henryk - Four Romances on Poems by Unknown German Poets
Raimondi, Pietro - Parts of compositions
Rakhmadyev, Erkegali - Elegy
Rakov, Nikolay - 5 Concert Etudes for Piano (1965)
Rakov, Nikolay - Sonata for Clarinet and Piano No. 1
Rakov, Nikolay - Sonata for Flute and Piano
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Opera-ballet `Les Indes galantes` (arias)
Ramirez, Ariel - Los Reyes Magos
Ramirez, Ariel - Misa Criolla (1968)
Ramirez, Ariel - Misa Flamenca (1966)
Ramirez, Ariel - Sanctus
Rampazzi, Teresa - Atmen noch (1980), for tape
Rampazzi, Teresa - Papille di F. e altro (Papillae of F. and other) for tape (from Musica endoscopica, 1972)
Ran, Shulamit - Vessels of Courage and Hope
Raselius, Andreas - Choral `Wir glauben all an einen Gott`
Raskatov, Alexander - Pro-Kofiev et Contra-Kofiev
Raskatov, Alexander - Ritual II
Rathaus, Karol - Piano Concerto. 1939, 45
Ravel, Mauãice - Fugue in D major for piano (1900), M 23
Ravel, Mauãice - Fugue in F major a 4 for piano (1900), M 24
Rebikov, Vladimir - Valse Mélancolique in B (H) minor
Reger, Max - 12 Waltz Caprices for Piano 4-hands (1892), op. 9
Reger, Max - 3 Songs for female chorus, op.111b
Reger, Max - 4 Songs for Vocal and Piano, op. 88
Reger, Max - 5 Picturesque Pieces for piano 4 hands (1899), op. 34
Reger, Max - 6 Burlesques for piano 4-hands (1901), op. 58
Reger, Max - 8 Marian Songs for chorus, op. 61d
Reger, Max - String Sextet in F-dur (1910), op.118
Reger, Max - String Trio ¹ 1 in a-moll (1904), op. 77b
Regnart, Jacob - Ich hab vermeint
Regnart, Jacob - Litania Deiparae Virginis Mariae
Regnart, Jacob - Stabat Mater dolorosa a 5
Reich, Steve - Come Out
Reich, Steve - Drumming
Reich, Steve - It`s Gonna Rain
Reich, Steve - Music for 18 Musicians
Reich, Steve - Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices and Organ
Reich, Steve - Nagoya marimba
Reich, Steve - Phases for 4 violins
Reich, Steve - Piano Phase/Marimba Phase
Reich, Steve - Six Marimbas
Reich, Steve - Six Pianos
Reimann, Aribert - Concerto for Piano and 19 Instruments
Rejcha, Antonin - Étude de Piano ou 57 Variations sur un même thème, suivies d’un Rondeau for Piano (1804), op.102
Rejcha, Antonin - Commemoration Symphony, for winds (1815)
Rejcha, Antonin - Quartett fur Flote, Violine, Viola und Bass in A-dur, op. 98/?
Rejcha, Antonin - Quartett fur Flote, Violine, Viola und Bass in D-dur, op. 98/3
Rekhin, Igor - Four Poems by F. G. Lorca
Rekhin, Igor - Ode to Peace - Concerto for Organ
Rekhin, Igor - Suite for Organ
Rekhin, Igor - Three Pieces for Flute and Piano
Rekhin, Igor - Two Dramatic Recitatives
Repnikov, Albin - Basso ostinato
Repnikov, Albin - Concerto for Two kantele and Orchestra
Repnikov, Albin - Dialogue and chastushka
Repnikov, Albin - Protyazhnaya and Fire Dance
Repnikov, Albin - Scherzo
Repnikov, Albin - `Souvenirs` - Children`s Suite for bayan
Resinarius, Balthasar - Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, choral (a 4)
Resinarius, Balthasar - Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich, choral (a 4)
Respighi, Ottorino - String Quartet in D Major (1906), P. 61
Respighi, Ottorino - String Quartet No. 3 in D major (1904), P. 53
Retinsky, Alexey - Point of No Return
Revutsky, Levko - Khustina, Cantata for Choir and Symphony Orchestra
Revutsky, Levko - Preludes
Rezetdinov, Leonid - Family Idyll, a quintet ¹ 2 on the drawings by H. Bidstrup, for wood-wind instruments (1992), op. 44
Rezetdinov, Leonid - Initiation into Love, music for film
Rezetdinov, Leonid - Little Worlds-II, brass quintet ¹ 2 on drawings of Kandinsky (2004), op. 59
Rezetdinov, Leonid - Music for the film `Journey to Happy Arabia`
Rezetdinov, Leonid - Taganskoye tango, the music for the documentary film
Rezetdinov, Leonid - The music for the documentary film `Favorite Movie of Stalin`
Rezetdinov, Leonid - Three Tragic Sonnets by William Shakespeare (1994), op. 46
Rezetdinov, Leonid - `Need Old Clown`, Music for the play
Rezetdinov, Leonid - `The Streets of Broken Lamps`. The music for the TV series
Rezetdinov, Leonid - `Women`s dreams of distant lands`. The music for the TV series
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel - Stabat Mater for soli, mixed chorus(SATB) and Orchestra, op. 16
Richter, Josef Karl - Halali Waldhorn Quintett in F
Riddle, Nelson - Batman, soundtrack
Rigel, Henri-Joseph - Symphony No. 4 in c-moll
Rigel, Henri-Joseph - Symphony No. 7 in D-dur
Rigel, Henri-Joseph - Symphony No. 8 in g-moll
Rigel, Henri-Joseph - Symphony No.10 in d-moll
Rigel, Henri-Joseph - Symphony No.14 in F-dur
Rihm, Wolfgang - depart 1988
Rihm, Wolfgang - Oedipus, misical theatre (1987)
Riley, Terry - Cadenza on the Night Plain, for String Quartet (1983)
Riley, Terry - In C (1964)
Riley, Terry - Salome Dances for Peace, for String Quartet (1985-86)
Risset, Jean-Claude Risset - Computer Suite From Little Boy, 1968
Risset, Jean-Claude Risset - Elementa
Risset, Jean-Claude Risset - Songes, 1979
Rivera, Carlos Rafael - Cumba-Quin
Rivier, Jean - Grave et Presto pour quatuor de saxophones (1938)
Rochberg, George - String Quartet No. 1 (1952)
Rochberg, George - Symphony No.4 (1976)
Rodionov, Nikolai - “Poetan”, poem for brass band (in memory of Hero of the Soviet Union F.A.Poletaev)
Rognoni-Taeggio, Francesco - Tota pulchra es, motet 4 vv and instruments
Rombi, Philippe - Waltz
Romitelli, Fausto - Blood on the floor painting (1986)
Romitelli, Fausto - Domeniche alla periferia dell`impero. Prima domenica (1995-96)
Romitelli, Fausto - Domeniche alla periferia dell`impero. Seconda domenica. Hommage a Gerard Grisey for four instruments
Romitelli, Fausto - Simmetrie d`oggetti
Ropartz, Joseph-Guy - Andante et Allegro Trompette et Piano
Rosetti, Antonio - Symphony in B-dur, Murray A49
Rosetti, Antonio - Symphony in Es-dur, Murray A27
Rota, Nino - 8 1/2. Music from the film (1962)
Rota, Nino - Amarcord. music from the film (1973)
Rota, Nino - I due timidi (one-act radio opera) (1950)
Rota, Nino - Le Notti Di Cabiria. Music from the film (1957)
Rota, Nino - Opera `Squirrel in the legs`
Rota, Nino - Rocco and His Brothers, Music from the film (1960)
Rota, Nino - Roma. Music from the film (1972)
Roussel, Albert - La Menace, op. 9
Rovner, Anton - Evening Bowed Branches
Rovner, Anton - Gilgamesh
Rovner, Anton - Movement in the Air
Rovner, Anton - Musica Laconica
Rovner, Anton - Orpheus
Rovner, Anton - Paysages Trites
Rovner, Anton - Spellbound
Rovner, Anton - Spirals, for piccolo-flute, viola, double bass and piano
Rovner, Anton - Spots of Light
Rovner, Anton - Through the Gloomy Calm
Roytman, Evgeny - Albanian Tango (a small concert for 5 performers)
Rubbra, Edmund - Sonata for violin and piano No. 1, op. 11
Rubin, Vladimir - For Whom We Sing a Song, the chorus on folk words
Rubin, Vladimir - Ring-Suffering, for soloist and orchestra of folk instruments, Triptych
Rubin, Vladimir - Soothe My Sorrows, a song cycle based on poems by Anna Akhmatova and canonical texts
Rubin, Vladimir - Ten Poems on the words of Russian poets
Rubinstein, Anton - String Quartet No. 1 in G-dur, op. 17/1
Rubinstein, Anton - String Quartet No.2 in c-moll, op. 17/2
Rubtsov, Andrey - Divertimento Es dur for Flute and Strings. 2002
Rubtsov, Andrey - `Flowers of the Sun `quartet for three flutes and alto flute (2001)
Rudzinski, Zbigniew - Three Songs,1968
Ruggles, Carl - Angels, for six trumpets (1921)
Russolo, Luigi - Arco enarmonico (1925)
Russolo, Luigi - Canzone rumorista
Russolo, Luigi - Chorale (1921)
Russolo, Luigi - Crepitatore (1913)
Russolo, Luigi - Gorgogliatore (1913)
Russolo, Luigi - Gracidatore (1913)
Russolo, Luigi - Macchina tipografica
Russolo, Luigi - Omaggio a Luigi Russolo fur stimme und digitale intonarumori
Russolo, Luigi - Risveglio di una città (1913)
Russolo, Luigi - Serenade (1921)
Russolo, Luigi - Ululatore (1913)
Ruzicka, Peter - Fragment, String Quartet No. 2
Ruzicka, Peter - Tombeau, for flite and string orchestra (2006)
Rzewski, Frederic - 96, Canon for 5 instruments (2003)
Rzewski, Frederic - Natural Things for Ensemble (2007)
Rzewski, Frederic - `Main Drag`, a road story for 9 or more players (any instruments) (1999)
Saariaho, Kaija - ...sah den vogeln for ensemble
Saariaho, Kaija - Dry Mountain Stream
Saariaho, Kaija - Monkey Fingers, Velvet Hand
Saariaho, Kaija - Petals
Saariaho, Kaija - Quatre Instants
Sagvik, Stellan - Symphony No. 2 [Analgetika]
Saint-Saens, Camille - Adagio and Variations for Flute and Piano, R.293a
Saint-Saens, Camille - Scène d`Horace, op. 10
Salmanov, Vadim - 15 Children`s Pieces for Piano
Salviucci, Giovanni - Chamber Symphony for 17 instruments (1933)
Salviucci, Giovanni - Serenata for 9 instruments (1937)
Salzburg, Monk of - Garlys in senfter wys wach libste fraw
Samayoa, Jose Eulalio - Divertissement No. 10
Samimi Mofakham, Idin - Hommage A` Abolhasan Saba
Sammoutis, Evis - Echopraxia for string sextet
Sanchez-Verdu, Jose Maria - DE PROCESSIONE MUNDI, for oboe d`amore, English horn and ensemble (2010-11)
Sanchez-Verdu, Jose Maria - SCRIPTVRA ANTIQVA (Madrigalbuch I), 2010-12
Sandstrom, Jan - `Behold a Rose is springing` for a capella choir
Saradjev, Konstantin - Until/Do - harmonization of the Earth
Sariev, Valery - Piano Trio the Memory of A. G. Schnittke
Sariev, Valery - Poem-Requiem after reading of M. Bulgakov, for symphony orchestra
Sato, Naoki - Eurika 7 - 02 Kouya ni Hitori
Sauguet, Henri - Aspect Sentimental
Sauguet, Henri - Les forains, ballet (1945)
Sauguet, Henri - Oedipus met the Sphinx, ballet (1945-51)
Sauguet, Henri - The Sentimental Aspect, 1957
Saunders, Rebecca - Blue and Gray, for two double basses (2005)
Saunders, Rebecca - Soliloquy, for six voices a cappella (2007)
Saunders, Rebecca - Traces, for chamber orchestra (2006, rev. 2008)
Savelyanov, Egor - Sonata for Piano No. 3 (2020)
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Cello sonata I in D minor
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Concerto Grosso III in F-dur
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Sonata a Quattro No. 4 in d-minor per due Violini, Violetta e Cello, senza Cembalo
Scelsi, Giacinto - Aion
Scelsi, Giacinto - Antifona [sul nome Gesu], for male choir and tenor solo (1970)
Scelsi, Giacinto - Arc-en-Ciel, for two Violins (1973)
Scelsi, Giacinto - Chukrum
Scelsi, Giacinto - Folk song for an ensemble of voices.
Scelsi, Giacinto - Hurqualia
Scelsi, Giacinto - Hymnos
Scelsi, Giacinto - Ko-Tha - three dance of Shiva, for Guitar (1967), or Bass (version 1972) or six-stringed cello (version 1978)
Scelsi, Giacinto - Pfhat
Scelsi, Giacinto - Rites funeral of Achilles, for percussion (4 artist) 1962
Scelsi, Giacinto - Rites: Burial of Charlemagne (814), for cello and percussion (1967)
Scelsi, Giacinto - Trio for vibraphone, marimba and percussion in 2 parts. (1950)
Scelsi, Giacinto - Uaxuctum `The Legend of the Maya City which destroyed itself for religious reasons` for 4 vocal soloists, ondes martenot solo, mixed choir and orchestra (1966)
Scelsi, Giacinto - Yliam, for female choir (1964)
Scelsi, Giacinto - `Aitsi`. Option for the synthesizer
Scelsi, Giacinto - `Alleluia` (1970)
Scelsi, Giacinto - `TKRDG` for votes, sitar and percussion, three parts (1968)
Schaeffer, Boguslaw - Klavier Konzert.
Schaeffer, Boguslaw - Little Symphony Scultura I
Scherbakov, Evgeniy - Elegy for string orchestra, timpani and triangle
Schmitt, Florent - Hasards-Petit Concert En Quatre Parties, For Piano, Violin, Viola & Cello, op. 96
Schmitt, Florent - Saxophone Quartet (1948), op.102
Schmittbaur, Joseph Aloys - Symphony in B Flat Major (1795)
Schmittbaur, Joseph Aloys - Symphony in B Flat Major for Oboe, French Horn and Strings
Schmittbaur, Joseph Aloys - Symphony in D Major (1795)
Schnebel, Dieter - Choralvorspiele 1, pour orgue, instruments accessoires et bande magnetique (1970)
Schnebel, Dieter - Choralvorspiele 2, pour orgue, instruments accessoires et bande magnetique (1970)
Schnebel, Dieter - Concerto for Nine Harley Davidson
Schnebel, Dieter - Sinfonische Stucke fur grosses Orchester
Schneerson, Menachem Mendel - Nigun `Darkecho Elokeinu` (Our G-d) on Yom Kippur (1955?)
Schneerson, Menachem Mendel - Nigun `Ki Onu Amecho` (For we are Your people) on the holiday of Simchat Torah (1956?)
Schneerson, Menachem Mendel - Nigun `Uforatsto` (Joyful Marching Song) (1955)
Schnittke, Alfred - 3 poems by M. I. Tsvetaeva for mezzo-soprano and piano (1965), op. 36
Schnittke, Alfred - Eroffnungsvers zum Ersten Festspielsonntag (Entry to the first Sunday holiday) for a four-voiced mixed chorus and organ (1989), op.207
Schnittke, Alfred - Music for the film `Hot Snow` (1972), op.deest
Schnittke, Alfred - Music for the movie You and Me (1971), op.deest
Schnittke, Alfred - Music to the cartoon `Babochka` (1972), op.deest
Schnittke, Alfred - Quartet for Percussion (1994), op.247
Schnittke, Alfred - Serenade for violin, clarinet, double bass, piano and percussion (1968), op.deest
Schnittke, Alfred - `Flow`, electronic composition (1969), op. 59
Schnittke, Alfred - `Life Description` (Lebenslauf) for four metronomes, three percussion and piano (1982), op.161
Schnittke, Alfred - “Agnus dei” for 2 soprano solos, women`s choir and chamber orchestra (1992), op.226
Schoenberg, Arnold - Serenade for Clarinet, Bass-Clarinet, Mandoline, Guitar, Violin, Viola, Cello & Baritone (1920-23), op. 24
Schollhorn, Johannes - Madrigali a Dio, for six voices (2011)
Schubert, Carl - String Octet in E Major, op.23
Schulhoff, Erwin - Bass Nightingale (1922)
Schulhoff, Erwin - Die Wolkenpumpe (1922)
Schulhoff, Erwin - Sonata for Flute and Piano (1927)
Schulhoff, Erwin - The Communist Manifesto - Cantata for Orchestra, Choir and Soloists (1932), WV100
Schutt, Eduard - 2 Mélodies for Piano (1907), op. 81
Schutt, Eduard - 3 Piano Pieces, op. 38
Schwartz, Jay - Music for 12 cellos, 2002
Schwartz, Jay - Music for five string instruments, 1997
Schwartz, Jay - Music for six voices
Schwartz, Jay - Music for voice and orchestra, 2008
Sciarrino, Salvatore - 3 Canti senza pietre, for six voices (1999)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Adagio di Mozart, arr. of Àäàæèî C-dur K. 356 (617a) by Mozart for six instruments (2010)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Codex purpureus II, for piano quintet (1983)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Esercizi di tre stili, arr. of Six Sonatas by D. Scarlatti for String Quartet (1999-2000)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - L`Alibi della parola, for four voices (1994)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Omaggio a Burri, for flute in G, bass clarinet and violin. 1995
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Quattro intermezzi, opera suite `Luci mie traditrici` for ensemble (1997)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Raffigurar Narciso al fonte for two flutes, two clarinets and piano (1984)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Trio No. 2 for Violin, Cello and Piano (1987)
Sciarrino, Salvatore - Twelve Madrigals for vocal ensemble (2007)
Scott, Jeff - Startin Somethin for wind quintet
Searle, Humphrey - Diary of a Madman
Segerstam, Leif - Symphony No. 21, September, Visions at Korpijärvi (1995)
Segerstam, Leif - Symphony No. 23, Afterthoughts Questioning Questionings (1998)
Seikilos, - Seikilos epitaph (ca. 100-200 AD)
Seleznev, Evgeny - Salut, Francesco! for seven performers
Selim III, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire - Bir Nevcivane, the mugam
Selim III, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire - Bir pur-cefa hos dilberdir, the mugam
Selim III, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire - Ey Gonca-I Nazik, the mugam
Sermisy, Claudin de - Au joly boys
Sermisy, Claudin de - Dont vient cela
Sermisy, Claudin de - Je n`ay point plus d`affection
Sermisy, Claudin de - Joyssance
Sermisy, Claudin de - La, la maistre Pierre
Sermisy, Claudin de - Languir me fais
Sermisy, Claudin de - Secourez moy
Sermisy, Claudin de - Tu disoys que j`en mourroys
Serocki, Kazimierz - Ad libitum
Serocki, Kazimierz - `Continuum` - Sextet for Percussion (1966)
Sgambati, Giovanni - Pezzi di seguito, for piano, op.18
Shahidi, Tolib Shahidi - Dilkharash
Shahidi, Tolib Shahidi - Two Tajik Sentiments
Shalygin, Maxim - Concerto for 9
Shamo, Ihor - "Pictures of Russian artists"
Shamo, Ihor - 12 preludies
Shand, Ernest - Médidation
Shand, Ernest - Warsaw Mazurka
Shande, Ding - Variations on the theme of Chinese folk songs, op. 4
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Anjew melody
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Aria in Old Style
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Circles
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Dances of the Elements, string quartet
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Dancing Water
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Elegy
Shatkovskaya, Anna - From the Forest and the Mountains
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Great Stream
Shatkovskaya, Anna - I`ve heard in a dream
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Marriage in Heaven
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Poetic Games
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Quest
Shatkovskaya, Anna - Via del barocco
Shchedrin, Rodion - A diptych based on poems by A. Voznesensky (2003)
Shchedrin, Rodion - Ballet `The Little Humpbacked Horse` (1960), op. 7
Shchedrin, Rodion - Music for the movie `Height`
Shchedrin, Rodion - Three Shepherds for flute, oboe and clarinet (1990)
Shchedrin, Rodion - Vivat! 2008, op.135
Shcherbachev, Vladimir - Baltitsy (1937)
Shcherbachev, Vladimir - Distant Village (1939)
Shcherbachev, Vladimir - Invention for Piano, Op. 15
Shcherbachev, Vladimir - Nonet for voice, flute, harp, piano, string quartet and a plastic artist dance (1919)
Shcherbachev, Vladimir - Peter The Great (1937-39)
Shcherbachev, Vladimir - Romances on poems of A.Blok for soprano and piano (1924), op. 11
Shcherbachev, Vladimir - Storm (1933)
Shenderev, Georgiy - "Patterns of meadow" Suite for Orchestra
Shenderev, Georgiy - Fantasy on a Theme A. Zhoys` Waltz `Autumn Dream`
Shenderev, Georgiy - O chem ty zadumalas, iva (What are you thinking, willow)
Shestakov, Sergey - `GOOD - this is often a slightly backward BAD`, madrigal in the words of Olga Levskaya
Shikhovtsov, Alexei - `At the Window` to verses by V. Bryusov for mixed choir
Shipulina, Valentina - Association
Shipulina, Valentina - Conversations
Shipulina, Valentina - In My Head (electronic music)
Shipulina, Valentina - Radioactive Seagulls
Shishakov, Yuriy - Four Pieces for the Balalaika Quartet
Shore, Howard Leslie - Lord of the Rings, a symphony for chorus and orchestra
Shore, Howard Leslie - The Lord of the Rings. Return of the King, Soundtrack
Shore, Howard Leslie - The Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring, Soundtrack
Shore, Howard Leslie - The Lord of the Rings. The Two Towers, Soundtrack
Sibelius, Jean - String Quartet in A minor, JS183
Sibelius, Jean - String Quartet in B flat major, op. 4
Sibelius, Jean - String Quartet in E-flat Major, JS184
Sibelius, Jean - `Kallio Church Bells`, for church bells (1912), JS102
Sigle, Andrey - Faust, Music for the film
Sikora, El - Voyage II, 1976
Sikorski, Tomasz - Diario 87 for the record and reader, 1987
Sikorski, Tomasz - For Strings, 1970
Sikorski, Tomasz - Hymns for piano, 1979
Sikorski, Tomasz - Other Voices, for 24 Winds, 4 Gongs, Bells (1975)
Sikorski, Tomasz - Sickness unto Death (1976)
Sikorski, Tomasz - Strings in the Earth (1979-80)
Sikorski, Tomasz - The Solitude of Sounds for recording tape, 1975
Sikorski, Tomasz - Zerstreutes Hinausschauen for piano, 1971-72
Sikorski, Tomasz - Íolzwege (the way to nowhere), 1972
Silvestri, Alan - Back to the Future-2, soundtrack
Silvestri, Alan - Back to the Future-3, soundtrack
Silvestri, Alan - Judge Dredd, soundtrack
Silvestri, Alan - Predator-2, soundtrack
Silvestri, Alan - The First Avenger, soundtrack
Silvestrov, Valentin - Projections on the harpsichord, vibraphone and bells (1965)
Silvestrov, Valentin - Quartet-Piccolo (1961)
Silvestrov, Valentin - The last song of a Wayfarer (2002)
Silvestrov, Valentin - Trio for flute, trumpet and celesta (1961)
Silvestrov, Valentin - Two Psalms of David
Simonyan, Nadezhda - The Adventures of Prince Florizel, Music from the Film
Simonyan, Nadezhda - Twelve Months, Music from the film
Sinigaglia, Leone - Sonata for violin and piano in G Major op.44 (1936)
Sinisalo, Gelmer - Three Miniatures for Flute and Piano, Op. of 1950
Sinopoli, Giuseppe - Chamber Concerto for Piano and 22 instruments (1978)
Sinopoli, Giuseppe - Tombeau d`Armor, III, for Cello and Orchestra (1978)
Sisask, Urmas - Andromeda
Sisask, Urmas - Big Dog
Sisask, Urmas - Dolphin
Sisask, Urmas - Whale
Siumak, Alexei - Cadenza (2003)
Siumak, Alexei - CL.AIR (1999)
Siumak, Alexei - Diploma (2002)
Siumak, Alexei - Illusion of Concert (2006)
Siumak, Alexei - Parovoz structures
Siumak, Alexei - Polka
Skalkottas, Nicos Skalkottas - Bolero for Cello and Piano (1948-49)
Skorulskyi, Myhailo - Song of the Forest, ballet
Skoryk, Myroslav - (Beethoven) Jazz paraphrase on the theme `To Eliza` for piano in 4 hands
Skoryk, Myroslav - 6 preludes and fugues for piano (1986-1989)
Skoryk, Myroslav - A leaf from the album for string quartet
Skoryk, Myroslav - Aria for cello and orchestra (1994)
Skoryk, Myroslav - Concertino for piano, trumpet, harp and string orchestra
Skoryk, Myroslav - Pastoral for violin and piano
Skoryk, Myroslav - Piano Variations (1961)
Skoryk, Myroslav - Psalm No. 50 for Soprano and Choir (1999)
Skoryk, Myroslav - Sonata for violin and piano No.2 (1993)
Skoryk, Myroslav - String Quartet in F Major (1959)
Skoryk, Myroslav - The song `Draw me a night`
Skulte, Adolfs - Symphony No.1, `About Peace` (1954)
Skulte, Adolfs - The Thunderstorm in the Spring, Music to the Ballet (1967)
Skulte, Adolfs - Waves, the Symphonic Poem (1934)
Skvortsov, Evgeny - Piano Quintet
Slavenski, Josip - Brass quintet
Slezinger, Josif - Three marches for 4-string instruments
Slonimsky, Sergey - 2 choruses based on poems by A.V.Vedensky
Slonimsky, Sergey - 2 romances by N. Sorokina
Slonimsky, Sergey - 2 Tales for the Harp (1990)
Slonimsky, Sergey - 4 romances based on poems by A.S. Pushkin (2013)
Slonimsky, Sergey - Chechen Rhapsody for Harp (1996)
Slonimsky, Sergey - Concerto for Orchestra, three electric guitars and solo instruments, 1973
Slonimsky, Sergey - Elegy in Memory of Sibelius for piano (1988)
Slonimsky, Sergey - Piano Quintet (2008)
Slonimsky, Sergey - Piano Trio (2000)
Slonimsky, Sergey - Suite for Viola and Piano (1959)
Slonimsky, Sergey - Symphony No. 28
Slonimsky, Sergey - Symphony ¹33 (2013-14)
Slonimsky, Sergey - `Drip pieces`, a cycle of piano pieces
Slonimsky, Sergey - `Lyric Stanza` for voice and piano
Slonimsky, Sergey - `Suite of Travels`, a cycle of piano pieces
Slonimsky, Sergey - `Summer Child`s Day`, a cycle of piano pieces (2011)
Slonimsky, Sergey - `The Musician King`, a cycle of piano pieces based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm
Slonimsky, Sergey - `The Princess who could not Cry`, a cycle of piano pieces based on a fairy tale by R. Baumbach
Smetak, Walter - Smetak (1974)
Smirnov, Dmitriy Nikolaevich - Symphony No.1, `The Seasons`, op. 30 (1980)
Smirnova, Tatyana - "Dedication to Stevan Mokryants" for mixed choir
Smirnova, Tatyana - "Hymn to the Motherland" for brass band
Smirnova, Tatyana - "Serenade to Spring", a trio for oboe, cello and piano
Smirnova, Tatyana - "Snow White" - a song to a popular text
Smirnova, Tatyana - "Spring dance"- cycle choruses for women"s choir, folk words
Smirnova, Tatyana - Children`s Suite No. 1 for a symphony orchestra in 8 parts (1973), op. 15¹2
Smirnova, Tatyana - Fanfare, Prelude, Fughetta for two trumpets, Op. 18 No. 1
Smirnova, Tatyana - Spanish Sketches
Smirnova, Tatyana - Suite for four trumpets, op.43 # 2
Smirnova, Tatyana - Terzetto for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon, 1984., op. 59 ¹ 4
Smith, Sydney - Brillant Fantasia On Maritana
Smith, Sydney - La Jet D`eau
Smith, Sydney - Lily of the Valley
Smith, Sydney - Tarantelle Brillante
Smolka, Martin - Adelheid for flute (2004)
Smolka, Martin - AMarcORdOSO for 8 instruments (2010)
Smolka, Martin - Eight Pieces for four guitars (1998)
Smolka, Martin - Euphorium for 10 instruments (1996)
Smolka, Martin - For a Buck for string quartet (2004)
Smolka, Martin - Haiku, for haprsichord and electronic recording (2007)
Smolka, Martin - Hats in the Sky (2004)
Smolka, Martin - Mushrooms and Heaven (2000)
Smolka, Martin - Music for Retuned Instruments (1988)
Smolka, Martin - Music Sweet Music (1988)
Smolka, Martin - O formosa (1988)
Smolka, Martin - Oh, my Admired in c-moll (2002)
Smolka, Martin - Rain, a window, roofs, chimneys, pigeons and so... and railway-bridges, too (1992)
Smolka, Martin - Remix, Redream, Reflight (2000)
Smolka, Martin - Rent a Ricercar (1995)
Smolka, Martin - Ringing (1989)
Smolka, Martin - Rinzai and water skaters for guitar, bass-clarinet and string quartet (2009)
Smolka, Martin - Rush (2007)
Smolka, Martin - Salt and Sad (2006)
Smolka, Martin - Solitudo (2003)
Smolka, Martin - Tears (1983)
Smolka, Martin - Walden, the Distiller of Celestial Dews (2000)
Smolka, Martin - `L` Orch pour l `orch` for 2 flutes-piccolo, 5 clarinets, 12 trombones, 4 percussionists, 25 violins, and 5 basses (1990)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Concerto ¹ 2 for cymbals and orchestra (1977)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Songs of Hiroshima, Oratorio Chamber on words by Japanese poets for narrator, 2 soloists and 2 pianos (1967)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Symphony No. 3 for solo piano and symphony orchestra (1985)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Symphony No. 4 for solo violin and symphony orchestra (1986)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Symphony No. 8, poems of I. Brodsky (1992)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Symphony ¹10 for viola solo and orchestra
Smolsky, Dmitry - Symphony ¹6 (1988)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Symphony ¹7 (1990)
Smolsky, Dmitry - Symphony ¹9
Soissons, Jocelin of - Alleluia Vocavit Jhesus
Sokolov, Boris - Night Dreams. Suite for Chamber Orchestra
Sokolov, Nikolay - Polka Friday by A. Lyadov, A. Glazunov
Sokolov, Nikolay - Variations on the Russian Theme (Co-authors: Ya.Vitols, A.Lyadov, A.Glazunov, F.Blyumenfeld, A.Vinkler, N.Rimsky-Korsakov, A.Skryabin)
Solares, Ernique - Children`s Song
Solovyov-Sedoy, Vasiliy - Song "Into the Way" (Dudin)
Soproni, Jozsef - Symphony No.2, «Season» (1977)
Sorabji, Kaikhosru - Cinque Sonetti di Michelagniolo Buonarroti KSS36 (1923), KSS 36
Sorabji, Kaikhosru - Symphony for Piano ¹ 4 (1962-64), KSS 85
Sorabji, Kaikhosru - `4 Frammenti Aforistici` (4 aphoristic fragments) for piano (1977), KSS 96
Soule, Jeremy - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the play soundtrack
Sousa, John Philip - March `Manhattan Beach`
Sousa, John Philip - March `Semper Fidelis`
Sousa, John Philip - March `The Gallant Seventh`
Sousa, John Philip - March `The Liberty Bell`
Sousa, John Philip - March `The Stars and Stripes Forever`
Sousa, John Philip - March `Washington Post`
Sousa, John Philip - With Pleasure (Dance Hilarious)
Spahlinger, Mathias - Aussageverweigerung-Gegendarstellung (1981) for eight instruments
Spahlinger, Mathias - El sonido silencioso (1979-80) for seven voices
Spahlinger, Mathias - Extension
Spahlinger, Mathias - Farben der Fruhe (2005)
Spahlinger, Mathias - Furioso (1991) for ensemble
Spahlinger, Mathias - Pablo Picasso: Wie man Wünsche beim Schwanz packt (1980)
Spahlinger, Mathias - Presentemientos (1992-1993) for string trio
Spahlinger, Mathias - RoaiuGHFF (strange?), for jazz soloists and orchestra (1981)
Spahlinger, Mathias - Verfluchung (1983-1985) for the three singers and three percussionists
Sredanovich, Andrey - Angel
Sredanovich, Andrey - Concerto For Flute and Orchestra in G-dur
Stanek, Pavel - 4 Pastorals
Stanek, Pavel - Czech Dance Suite
Stanek, Pavel - Friedland Suite
Stanek, Pavel - Legend
Stanek, Pavel - Pleasant love
Stanek, Pavel - Russian Waltz
Stankovych, Yevhen - Chamber Symphony No. 3
Stankovych, Yevhen - Symphony ¹ 5 `Pastoral`
Stankovych, Yevhen - The Mountain Legend for viola and strings
Stankovych, Yevhen - `Requiem for the dead from hunger.` For soloists, two mixed choirs, narrator and orchestra. Poem by D. Pavlychko
Statkowski, Roman - 2 Valses for piano, op. 5
Steen-Andersen, Simon - A Bit of Nothing Integrated, for three performers and video
Steen-Andersen, Simon - Besides, for amplified piano, violin, flute and string trio (2003)
Steen-Andersen, Simon - De Profundis, for soprano saxophone and percussion (2000)
Steen-Andersen, Simon - Double up (2010) for the sampler and small orchestra
Steen-Andersen, Simon - Electro Miniature, for recording (2001)
Steen-Andersen, Simon - History of My instrument (2011) for Harp, Video and Electronics
Steen-Andersen, Simon - In-side-out-side-in, for Guitar solo (2001)
Steen-Andersen, Simon - On and Off and To and Fro (2008) for vibraphone, soprano saxophone, bass and 3 musicians with megaphones
Steen-Andersen, Simon - Praesens (2001) for 14 performers
Steen-Andersen, Simon - Rerendered for Piano and Three Performers
Steen-Andersen, Simon - Spin-Off, for soprano saxophone, trumpet, accordion and double bass (2002)
Steen-Andersen, Simon - Split Point, for the snare drum, sandpaper and a single performer (2002)
Steen-Andersen, Simon - String Quartet No. 2
Steen-Andersen, Simon - String Quartet, 1999
Steffey, Daniel - String Quartet ¹1
Stepanian, Haro - Symphony No. 3
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Elegy for Strings and Percussion
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Piano Concerto
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Quartet for Two Violins, Viola and Cello, 3 parts
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Soundtrack from the film `Difficult Starts of Mexico`
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Symphony No.1 (1959, 2001)
Stikhin, Eugeniy - Symphony No.2 (1961)
Stochl, Ondrej - Blue
Stochl, Ondrej - Checkered Light and Shade
Stochl, Ondrej - Sheptet
Stochl, Ondrej - Three Echoes before the Full Moon
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Ave for basset-horn and alto flute (1984-1985), KSC.238
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Cycle Sound. 24 hours of the day `. 7. `Balance`, for flute, English horn and bass clarinet (2007), KSC.362
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Helicopter String Quartet for string quartet and four helicopters (Mittwoch aus Licht) (1992-93), KSC.298
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Herbstmusik (Autumn Music), musical theater for 4 performers (1974), KSC.109
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Menschen, hört (`Mankind, Hear`), for vocal sextet from Michaelion, scene 4 from Mittwoch aus Licht (1997), KSC.303
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - Stimmung for six voices (1968), KSC. 59-60
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - The Originals (Originale), musical theater (1961), KSC. 34
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - `Cycle Sound. 24 hours of the day `. 10. `Shining `, for seven instruments (2007), KSC.365
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - `Cycle Sound. 24 hours of the day `. 8. `Happiness`, for oboe, English horn and bassoon (2007), KSC.363
Stockhausen, Karlheinz - `Cycle Sound. 24 hours of the day `. 9. `Hope`, for string trio (2007), KSC.364
Stojowski, Zygmunt - 2 Mazurkas (1908), op. 28
Stojowski, Zygmunt - 2 Orientales (1894), op. 10
Stojowski, Zygmunt - Euphonies (1911), op. 33
Stojowski, Zygmunt - Fantaisie (1911), op. 38
Strauss, Joseph - Polka-Mazurka `Maiblümchen`, op. 17
Struck, Paul - Concerto Grosso No. 1 for two clarinets, piano and orchestra
Struck, Paul - `Frescos of Crytus island` for flute, clarinet and harp
Strugalsky, Vasiliy - Et expecto for flute, trombone and piano
Sugimoto, Taku - Shiisanputou
Sullivan, Arthur - Lost Accord (1877)
Sumera, Lepo - From 29 to 49
Sumera, Lepo - Quasi improvisata
Susato, Tielman - Pavane ``La Battaille`` - Pavane ``Mille Regretz``
Susato, Tielman - Salve quae roseo, Motet
Suslin, Viktor - Madrigal for two cellos (1998)
Sutermeister, Heinrich - Serenade No. 1 for two clarinets, bassoon and trumpet
Suzuki, Kotoka - `Slipstream` for flute and computer.
Svetlanov, Eugeniy - String Quartet
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon - Hodie Christus natus est, motet, SwWV 163
Sydorenko, Lubawa - Rain, for Electronics and Video
Szabelski, Boleslaw - Concerto for Flute and Orchestra
Szabelski, Boleslaw - Overture for orchestra (1953)
Szereta, Ryszard - Miraculeo. 1988
Szlavnics, Chiyoko - During a Lifetime (Veneration, Spectra) (2015)
Szlavnics, Chiyoko - Freehand Poitras (2008)
Szlavnics, Chiyoko - HC 91 (2010)
Szlavnics, Chiyoko - Reservoir (2006)
Szymanski, Pawel - ...under the plane tree..., for recording (1980)
Szymanski, Pawel - Five Pieces for String Quartet. 1992
Szymanski, Pawel - Four Pieces for String Quartet (2013)
Szymanski, Pawel - Na szczytach panuje cisza (Silence at the top) 2006
Szymanski, Pawel - Persona, music for theatre (2009)
Szymanski, Pawel - Three Pieces for three recorders with accompaniment of the metronome (1993)
Szymanski, Pawel - Through the looking glass... II, for recording (1988)
Szymanski, Pawel - Two Pieces for String Quartet (1982)
Tadi, Miroslav - Walk Dance
Tafreshipour, Amir Mahyar - Broken Times for String Quartet
Tai tsung, - Goshoraku No Kyu, gagaku (c. 627-49)
Tailleferre, Germaine - Arabesque for Clarinet and Piano
Tailleferre, Germaine - Concerto grosso for two harps, soloists, saxophone, and orchestra
Tailleferre, Germaine - Sonata for Flute and Piano
Tailleferre, Germaine - String Quartet (1917-19)
Takemitsu, Toru - Suite from motion picture soundtreck A. Kurosawa"s "Ran"
Tal, Josef - A Garden, Opera
Tal, Josef - Coincidentia Oppositorum, electronic music (1992)
Tal, Josef - Composition No. 2 for Piano
Tal, Josef - Composition No. 3 for Piano
Tal, Josef - Composition No. 4 for Piano
Tal, Josef - Exodus (II), electronic music (1956)
Tal, Josef - Flute Duo
Tal, Josef - Frequencies 440-462, electronic music (1972)
Tal, Josef - Out of My Distress, electronic music (1964)
Tal, Josef - Quartet for tenor saxophone, violin, viola and cello
Tal, Josef - Ranges of Energy (II), electronic music (1990)
Tal, Josef - Saul in ein Dor, Opera Concerto for a Voice, Three Soloists and Orchestra
Tal, Josef - The Tale of the Shadow (H), electronic music (1959)
Tal, Josef - Touch a place, three parts, for soloist and choir
Tal, Josef - Variations, electronic music (1970)
Tal, Josef - `Movement` for tuba and pianoforte
Tallis, Thomas - Mass for 4 voices
Tallis, Thomas - Spem in alium
Talma-Sutt, Michal - Soundscape One, 1969
Tamberg, Eino - Desiderium concordiae, In memory of Shostakovich for chamber orchestra (1997)
Tamberg, Eino - Joanna Tentata, Ballet Suite for orchestra. 1970
Tanaka, Kouhei - Symphonic suite `The 08th MS Team` (1997)
Taneyev, Sergey - Chorus (joke) `Toad` for female voices (1880s?), ST. 54
Taneyev, Sergey - Tercet `Once upon a time a worm hit the neck` for basses and piano (1880), ST. 48
Taneyev, Sergey - Two choruses a cappella (1900): ¹ 2 `The Alps`, op. 15/2
Taneyev, Sergey - `From Border to Border` - double choir for mixed voices (1898-99), op. 10
Tann, Hillary - Contemplation 8.9
Tariverdiev, Mikhael - `Goodbye, weapons`, a vocal cycle based on E. Hemingway (transl. A.Voznesensky)
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir - Amoretto for soprano and ensemble (1997)
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir - Impression-Expression
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir - Mir polon bezumiya (Mad world)
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir - O, part – op art (1992)
Tausig, Karl - Ghost Ship
Tavener, John - Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh
Tavener, John - Lord, Now Lettest Thou
Tavener, John - Svyati, for Cello and Choir (1995)
Tavener, John - The Lamb (1982)
Tavener, John - The Last Sleep of the Virgin
Tavener, John - `Coplas` - Celtic Requiem. In memory of Jenny Jones
Teike, Carl - Graf Zeppelin Marsch (1903)
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Overture (Suite) for two oboes, strings and b. c. in g-moll, TWV 55:g 9
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Viola Concerto in G-dur, TWV 51:G9
Tennant, Scott - Daya`s Spin
Tennant, Scott - The Cat-Cow Reel
Tenney, James - Critical Band for ensemble (1988)
Tenney, James - Form 1, in memoriam Edgar Varese, for ensemble (1993)
Tenney, James - Form 2, in memoriam John Cage, for ensemble (1993)
Tenney, James - Form 3, in memoriam Stefan Wolpe, for ensemble (1993)
Tenney, James - Form 4, in memoriam Morton Feldman, for ensemble (1993)
Terskaya, Lyubov - 2 in 1, for flute, vibraphone and cello
Terskaya, Lyubov - Adel, for flute, guitar and cello
Terterian, Avet - String Quartet No. 1 in C dur, 1964
Terzakis, Dimitri - Echochronos I (1967)
Thibaut, IV - Dame Sire Phelipe
Thibaut, IV - L`autrier per la matinee
Tiersen, Yann - A quai
Tiersen, Yann - Comptine D"un Autre ete - L"apres-midi
Tikhoplav, Anna - Mosaic, for piano
Tikotsky, Evgeny - Alesya (The Girl from Polessye (Woodlands)), opera (1942-1948)
Tikotsky, Evgeny - Symphony No. 4 (1956)
Tishchenko, Boris - Stolen Sun, op. 40
Titov, Vasiliy - Three Psalms
Tobis, Boris - As Well, the Face Glows, cantata, poem by L. Kvitko
Todi, Jacopone da - Stabat Mater
Tolosa, Peire Raimon de - `Pessalmen ai e cossir`
Tomasi, Henri - Complainte du Jeune Indien for Clarinet and Piano (1949)
Tomasi, Henri - Divertimento for Clarinet Quartet (1964)
Tomasi, Henri - Invocations et danses rituelles, for Flute, Clarinet & Harp (1966)
Tomasi, Henri - Petite Suite, for 4 Horns
Tomasi, Henri - Variations on a Corsican theme for wind quintet (1925)
Tomasi, Henri - `To be or not to be`? (Hamlet`s monologue) for solo bass trombone and 3 trombones (1963)
Tong, Keh-Cheng - Avatamsaka
Tormis, Veljo - How Can I Recognize My Home, for two sopranos and piano (1973-74)
Tormis, Veljo - Ocean, 1961
Tormis, Veljo - The Lost Geese (1973-74) for two sopranos and piano
Tormis, Veljo - The Swan`s Flight, 1965
Tosatti, Vieri - Divertimento for chamber orchestra (1950)
Tosatti, Vieri - Il sistema della dolcezza (The system of sweetness), a paradoxical opera in two scenes aftyer E.A.Poe (1948/49)
Tosatti, Vieri - Piccola sonata for violin and piano (1945)
Toukhmanov, David - On the Wave of My Memory (1976)
Tournier, Marcel - Promenade a l`Automne
Tsalko, Andrey - Academic Squeak, for three performers (2011)
Tso, Chenguan - Triptych for Three Flutes (1986)
Tsontakis, George - Bagatelle
Tsybin, Vladimir - Brilliant fantasy on themes from the opera by M. Glinka `Ruslan and Lyudmila` for flute and piano
Tsybin, Vladimir - Scherzo for piano and wind quintet
Tsytovich, Vladimir - Triptych for Viola and Piano
Tubin, Eduard - Elegy (1946)
Tubin, Eduard - Music for strings (1962-63)
Tulebaev, Mukan - Birjan- Sara, opera
Tulve, Helena - "Via secrute" (2002)
Tuur, Erkki-Sven - Architectonics
Tyagabrahmam, - Pancharatna Krithis
Tye, Christopher - `Quaesumus omnipotens`
Tyzengauz, Konstantin - Greeting Song forTomasz Zan
Uematsu, Nobuo - Dance with the Balamb-Fish
Uliyanich, Victor - Heavenly Sounds of Childhood
Uliyanich, Victor - The Bells of the Soul
Umansky, Kirill - Frustration (2007) for Oboe solo
Umansky, Kirill - `Long and Short Lines` for 2 Cellos (2004)
Umebayashi, Shigeru - Soundtrack of the film `In the Mood for Love`
Uspenskiy, Vladimir - Trio for Viola, Violin and Piano
Ussachevsky, Vladimir - Incantation (1953)
Ussachevsky, Vladimir - Sonic Contours (1952)
Vacchi, Fabio - luoghi immaginari .1
Vaet, Jacobus - O quam gloriosum
Vahi, Peeter - A Chant of Bamboo
Vakhutinsky, Mark - (Treatment of a Russian folk song) `Oh you seni, my seni` for folk orchestra
Vakhutinsky, Mark - An ancient funeral march for a brass band
Vakhutinsky, Mark - Concert variations on the theme of the Russian folk song `Polyanka` for pipe and folk orchestra
Vakhutinsky, Mark - The Heroes of Shipka March for brass band
Vakhutinsky, Mark - `Joyful meeting`, tango for brass band
Valen, Fartein - Symphony No. 1, 30
Valen, Fartein - Symphony No. 4, 43
Vali, Reza - Calligraphy No. 1
Vali, Reza - Calligraphy No. 11
Vali, Reza - Calligraphy No. 12
Vali, Reza - Calligraphy No. 2
Vali, Reza - Calligraphy No. 3
Vali, Reza - Calligraphy No. 6
Vali, Reza - Folk Songs (Set No. 11B)
Vali, Reza - Folk Songs (Set No. 15)
Vali, Reza - String Quartet No. 2
Vali, Reza - String Quartet No. 3
Vaqueiras, Raimbaut de - Kalenda Maia
Varese, Edgard - `Deserts` for brass (14 winds), percussion (5), piano, and tape (1950—1954)
Varese, Edgard - `Integrals` (Integrales) for 11 winds and 4 percussion (1924-25)
Varese, Edgard - `Poème électronique` for electronic tape (1957—58)
Varese, Edgard - `Un Grand Sommeil Noir`, orchestral version
Varese, Edgard - `Un Grand Sommeil Noir`, song to a text by Paul Verlaine for voice and piano (1906)
Vasks, Pēteris - 6 Episodio
Vasks, Pēteris - Ainava ar Putniem
Vasks, Pēteris - Credo
Vasks, Pēteris - Fantasia - Landscapes of a burt out earth II
Vasks, Pēteris - Lauda
Vasks, Pēteris - Musica Dolorosa for String Orchestra
Vasks, Pēteris - Muzika aizgajusajam Draugam
Vasks, Pēteris - Satz for Violin and Piano
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Five English Folk Songs (1913): ¹ 5 `Wassail Song`
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Folksong Arrangements: `Bushes and Briars`
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - Song `Rest` (Christina Rossetti)
Vaughan-Williams, Ralf - `All people that on earth do dwell` (The Old Hundredth)
Ventadorn, Bernart de - Can l`herba fresch`e
Verhola, Vitalii - Beginning of Youth, 1977
Verhola, Vitalii - Overture for Symphojazz Friendship, 1974
Verhola, Vitalii - Symphony for String Orchestra
Veselkov, Feodor - «Meeting of Angara with Yenisei», the words of I. Rozhdestvensky (1966)
Veselov, Vadim - The Heart of a Poet, a Song Cycle the words of E. Mezhelaytis
Veselov, Vadim - Towards the Vernal Bloom, vocal cycle on poems by Alexander Blok
Vesnyak, Yuri - `Carlson`, a piece for piano in 4 hands
Victory, Gerard - Symphony No.1
Victory, Gerard - Symphony No.3, `Refrains`
Vierk, Lois V. - Redshift, for electric guitar, cello, synthesizer and percussion (1989)
Villa-Lobos, Heitor - Fantasia Concertante for Clarinet, Bassoon and Piano, W517
Villa-Lobos, Heitor - Harmonica Concerto, W524
Villa-Lobos, Heitor - Quinteto em forma de chôros, W231
Vinogradov, Anton Davidovich - Egosuite for Piano Op. 7 (2015)
Vinogradov, Anton Davidovich - Piano Sonata ¹ 1 Op. 10 (2015)
Vinokurov, Volodymyr - Andante
Vinokurov, Volodymyr - Lullaby to the tune of the symphony by Tchaikovsky `Manfred`
Vinokurov, Volodymyr - Marching Song
Vinokurov, Volodymyr - Melancholic Waltz in a-moll
Vinokurov, Volodymyr - Presto, h-moll
Vinokurov, Volodymyr - Whisper, for string quartet and percussion
Vishnevsky, Ivan - And the Virgin Mary was going. Processing of the Russian folk song
Viskov, Anton - Pre-Eternal God, for chorus and orchestra, the words of Simeon of Polotsk
Vitols, Jazeps - 3 Pieces for Piano (1897), op. 25
Vitols, Jazeps - La fête Lihgo, Symphonic poem for orchestra (1889), op. 4
Vitols, Jazeps - String Quartet in G major, op. 27
Vivaldi, Antonio - Concerto for violin, strings and basso continuo in A-dur, RV338
Vivaldi, Antonio - Serenate `Union of Peace and Mars` (mostly lost) (1727), RV694
Voitik, Victor - Old Style Suite
Volkmann, Robert - Book of Songs for piano, op. 17
Volkmann, Robert - Slumber Song for viola, cello and piano (1876), op. 76
Volkmann, Robert - Songs of the Grandmother, 13 pieces for piano, op. 27
Volkov, Kirill - Sinfonietta for two bayans and symphony orchestra
Volkov, Kirill - The four sonnets of William Shakespeare for mixed choir (2006-2009)
Voronov, Valery - Lenin in October
Vorontsov, Yuriy - Microcosmos
Vorontsov, Yuriy - Pastorale
Voulfov, Aleksey - Three Junior Plays
Wagner, Heinrich - Concertino for piano and ensemble of Russian folk instruments
Wagner, Heinrich - Symphonic Poem for orchestra and female chorus without words `Live Forever` (1959)
Wagner, Heinrich - Variations on the Belarusian theme (1967)
Wakhevitch, Igor - Etre Dieu, 1974
Wang, Yougui - Story of Spring
Wanhal, Johann Baptist - Symphony in a-moll, Bryan à1
Wanhal, Johann Baptist - Symphony in e-moll, Bryan å1
Weber, Carl Maria von - Romance from `Donna Diana` for 2 guitars (1817), J.220
Weichert, Hannjuern - brass quintet and piano
Weichert, Hannjuern - Ein Walzer
Weichert, Hannjuern - fatum II for orchestra
Weichert, Hannjuern - in aller kürze
Weichert, Hannjuern - klavierstueck eins
Weichert, Hannjuern - maditation for piano
Weichert, Hannjuern - meditation two
Weichert, Hannjuern - modulation for piano
Weichert, Hannjuern - orgelstueck
Weichert, Hannjuern - piano quartet in Bflat minor
Weichert, Hannjuern - redshift
Weichert, Hannjuern - rhapsody
Weichert, Hannjuern - sonate in C
Weichert, Hannjuern - sonatine for piano
Weichert, Hannjuern - string quartet no. 2
Weichert, Hannjuern - Studie 15
Weichert, Hannjuern - symphony in d (Apeiron)
Weigl, Karl - Es war einmal for piano, op. 2
Weigl, Karl - String Quartet No. 8 in D major (1949)
Weinberg, Mieczysław - String Quartet No. 1 (op. 141 - New Edition) (1937 ... 1986), op. 2
Weinberg, Mieczysław - String Quartet No.10 (1964), op. 85
Wen-Yeh, Jiang - The Formosan Dance for two Pianos, op. 1
Wessman, Harri - Four Pieces for Piano Six Hands
White, Robert - `Exaudiat Te Dominus` für 3 Stimmen a cappella
Whitehead, Gillian - Quartet for clarinet, two violins and cello `Serenade of Tom`
Willaert, Adrian - Credidi, Propter Quod Locutus Sum, Psalm 115, Quarti Toni
Willaert, Adrian - Ricercar X
Winbeck, Heinz - String Quartet No.2
Winbeck, Heinz - String Quartet No.3
Winbeck, Heinz - Symphony No.4 «De Profundis»
Winbeck, Heinz - Symphony No.5 (2009-2010)
Wiszniewski, Zbigniew - Db-Hz-Sek . 1962
Wolff, Christian - Electric Spring 2 (1966, rev. 1970)
Wolff, Christian - Stones, for ensemble (1968-71)
Wolkenstein, Oswald von - Froleichen so well wir
Wolkenstein, Oswald von - Ghaetta
Wolkenstein, Oswald von - Quan ye voy le duc tens venir
Wolpe, Stefan - Two Dances for Piano. 1926
Wolpe, Stefan - Two Pieces for Piano. 1941
Wranitzky, Anton - Symphony in c-moll
Wuji, Zhangsun - Keibairaku no Kyu, gagaku
Wustin, Alexander - Anna Karamazoff, director Rustam Khamdamov (1991)
Wustin, Alexander - ROSENDAL 2019. Six-piece program at Rosendal Chamber Music Festival 2019, Norway
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - Arc-en-Ciel, for six pianos in 1/12 tones Op. 37 (1956), op.37
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - Etude sur les mouvements rotatoires Op.45a, op.45a
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - Meditation on the two themes of the `Day of Being` (1958), op. 7
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - Prelude and Fugue for the quarter-tone piano
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - String Quartet in Quarter-tones (1931), op.18
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - `Dialogue`
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - `Dithyrambe`
Wyschnegradsky, Ivan - `Transparence I` for Martenot waves and for two quarter-tone pianos (1953), op.35
Xenakis, Iannis - Analogique (A+B), for string ensemble and recording (1958-59)
Xenakis, Iannis - Bohor, electronic music (1962)
Xenakis, Iannis - Concret PH, electronic music (1958)
Xenakis, Iannis - Diamorphoses, electronic music (1957-58)
Xenakis, Iannis - Embellie for viola solo (1981)
Xenakis, Iannis - Ergma for string quartet (1994)
Xenakis, Iannis - GENDY3 (1991)
Xenakis, Iannis - Hibiki-Hana-Ma, electronic music (1969-70)
Xenakis, Iannis - La deesse Athena, for baritone, percussion and chamber ensemble (1992, Oresteia III)
Xenakis, Iannis - La legende d`Eer (Diatope), electronic music (1977)
Xenakis, Iannis - Mnamas Xapin Witoldowi Lutoslavskiemu for two French horns and two trumpets (1994)
Xenakis, Iannis - Mycenae Alpha (1978)
Xenakis, Iannis - Nyûyô, for shakuhachi, sangen and 2 koto (1985)
Xenakis, Iannis - Oophaa, for Harpsichord and Percussion (1989)
Xenakis, Iannis - Orient-Occident, electronic music (1960)
Xenakis, Iannis - Pleiades for six percussionists (1979)
Xenakis, Iannis - Polla ta dhina, for children`s choir and forty-eight instruments (1962)
Xenakis, Iannis - Polytope de Cluny, (1972)
Xenakis, Iannis - Pour la Paix for SATB chorus, two male speakers, two female speakers and tape (1981)
Xenakis, Iannis - Psappha for percussion (1975)
Xenakis, Iannis - S.709, electronic music (1994)
Xenakis, Iannis - Serment-Orkos for SATB chorus of 32 or more voices (1981)
Xenakis, Iannis - Taurhiphanie, electronic music (1987)
Xenakis, Iannis - Tetora for string quartet (1990)
Xenakis, Iannis - Tetras for string quartet (1983)
Xenakis, Iannis - Theraps, for strings (1975-76)
Xenakis, Iannis - Voyage absolu des Unari vers Andromede (1989)
Xenakis, Iannis - Zyia, for Voice and Piano (1952)
Yahin, Rustem - Dulkynnar
Yahin, Rustem - Kuelemde yaz
Yanevich, Feliks - Variations for piano
Yared, - Detail of the Ethiopian liturgy
Yared, - Hymns in honor of John the Baptist
Yared, - Hymns in honor of St. George
Yared, - Hymns in honor of St. Stephen
Yared, - Hymns in honor of the Holy Trinity
Yared, - Hymns in honor of the Mount of Olives
Yared, - Hymns in honor of the Savior
Yared, - Hymns in honor of the Virgin Mary
Yared, - Le` weldeki. Hetsan
Yared, - Mariam. Le`petros
Yared, - Nei. Regbeye
Yarunskiy, Sergey - "Emerald tablet of Hermes", Chamber Symphony ¹ 2
Yarunskiy, Sergey - Fog in the Valley, poem by T. Shevchenko, 1983
Yarunskiy, Sergey - Semargl
Yarunskiy, Sergey - `Greenhouse of Cactus`, chamber symphony ¹1 for violin, guitar and accordion (1992-94)
Yaskou, Kanstantsin - Ludus mobilis I: diatonic metaepitafiya memory conceptualism for piano, three mobile instruments (at least) and 6 remotes
Yaskou, Kanstantsin - Ludus mobilis II: Dance of Yin and Yang of the deepest void
Yelcheva, Irina - 24 preludes and fugues for piano
Yelcheva, Irina - Folk songs of the Ivanovo region
Yelcheva, Irina - The song of the tankers
Yelcheva, Irina - Vocal cycle `Forest Glades` (folk words)
Yoffe, Boris - Aus dem Quartettbuch, 2024
Yoffe, Boris - Colored Stones for Viola and Guitar
Yoffe, Boris - Herbstabend
Yoffe, Boris - Kerze-Wasser-Rose-Flugel-Prelude.Tombeau
Yoffe, Boris - Madame Lenin
Yoffe, Boris - Unsichtbares
Yoriyoshi, Minamoto - Senshuraku, gagaku (1143)
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - Chikap for Wind Orchestra (1981), op. 14
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - Concerto for Piano Left Hand and Orchestra `Cepheus Note` (2007), op.102
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - Piano Concerto `Memo Flora” (1997), op. 67
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - Pleiades Dances VI for piano (1998), op. 71
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - Random Bird Variations for 2 pianos (1985), op. 23
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - Soh-Gyo-Fu for Shakuhachi and 20-String Koto (1986), op. 26
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - The Children`s Guide to the Orchestra for Narrator and Orchestra (2002), op. 90/2
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - Twitter Birds Blog for Flute Quartet (2007), op.101
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - When a Bird Dreams Moonbeams for Clarinet, Harp, and Cello (1999), op. 77
Yoshimatsu, Takashi - `Sagittarius Ecologue` for bassoon and harp (1991), op. 42
Young, La Monte - Poem for tables, chairs, benches (etc.) (1960)
Young, La Monte - Sarabande
Young, La Monte - Trio for Strings (1958)
Yukechev, Yuriy - Three Pieces for Cello
Yukechev, Yuriy - Trio for Flute, Clarinet and Xilophone Op. 1
Zabegin, Igor - In Memory of O. E.
Zabegin, Igor - Sonata for Trumpet and Piano (1976)
Zaderatsky, Vsevolod - Idyll `Nightingale Garden` for flute and piano (1945)
Zaderatsky, Vsevolod - Lyrical Sinfonietta for string orchestra
Zaderatsky, Vsevolod - Symphonic poster `Horse army` (1935)
Zaderatsky, Vsevolod - `Arctic Symphony` for children`s orchestra and choir (1935)
Zagaykevych, Alla - Motus (Electronic recording)
Zagny, Sergei - Electronic music ¹1 (light music)
Zagny, Sergei - Electronic music ¹2 (brass music)
Zagny, Sergei - Movie about the composer
Zagny, Sergei - New Year`s Music - 1 (2000)
Zaitsev, Grigoriy - Concerto piccolo, for String Quartet (ensemble) of viols d`amour
Zaitsev, Grigoriy - In the cave of Lascaux
Zaitsev, Grigoriy - The Outcome, for quartet (ensemble) of viols d`amour
Zakh, Jahn - Fugue for Organ in A minor
Zanella, Amilcare - Fantasia orientale for six cellos
Zani, Andrea - Concerto in A minor for violin, strings, continuo (1729), op. 2
Zaritsky, Yuri - Music from the movie `Into the Depths of the Living`
Zarlino, Gioseffo - Pater noster 7 vv (1549-1566)
Zawadzka-Golosz, Anna - Girare. 1986
Zazhit, Sergey - Nestor Batiuk (monologue with dance for the reader, drum, violin, mandolin, trombone, occasional baritone and other sounds)
Zazhit, Sergey - That`s it! For piano. 1996
Zeidman, Boris - Second concerto for viola and orchestra
Zeiger, Mikhail - Old Petersburg. Waltz for Guitar
Zeiger, Mikhail - Postscriptum, for Guitar
Zeiger, Mikhail - `Ring`, 4 songs on the text. Alexei Koltsov, for clarinet, tenor, and folk voice
Zelenka, Jan Dismas - Ìass `Sancta Caeciliae`, ZWV 1
Zelenski, Wladyslaw - 2 songs for male choir, op. 34
Zelenski, Wladyslaw - Grand Scherzo de Concert, op. 35
Zelenski, Wladyslaw - Piano Trio, op. 22
Zelenski, Wladyslaw - Prélude pastoral, op. 68
Zelenski, Wladyslaw - Suite de danses polonaises, op. 47
Zemlinsky, Alexander von - String Quartet No. 4 (1936), op.25
Zemlinsky, Alexander von - Two Pieces for String Quintet
Zenamon, Jaime Mirtenbaum - Recuerdo
Zhubanov, Ahmet - Tajik Dance No. 2
Zhubanov, Ahmet - Tajik Dance No. 4
Zhubanov, Ahmet - Tajik Dance No. 5
Zhubanov, Ahmet - Tajik Dance ¹1
Zhukov, Sergey - Sonata-bussanda (1988)
Zhurbin, Alexander - Zong Opera `Orfeo and Evridika`
Ziehrer, Carl - Columbus-Marsch, op.457
Zielinska, Lidia - Expandata . 1977
Zielinska, Lidia - Just Too Many Words for Electronics (2001)
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois - Die Befriesteten, Ode to freedom in the form of a dance of death for jazz quintet, from the music to the radio play `The Numbered` by Elias Canetti (1967)
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois - Ich wandte mich und sah an alles Unrecht, das geschah unter der Sonne (Ekklesiastische Aktion), for two narrators, bass and orchestra (1970)
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois - Tratto, composition of electronic sounds in the form of choreographic study (1966)
Zimmermann, Walter - Ursache und Vorwitz, for five instruments and recording (1993-94)
Zinsstag, Gerard - Stimuli, for String Trio (1984)
Ziv, Mikhail - `General Shubnikov`s corps`, music for the film (1980)
Zohrabyan, Ashot - Narcissus, String Quartet No. 1 (1996)
Zorn, John - 777 (Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted)
Zorn, John - Christabel
Zorn, John - Contes De Fees
Zoufonoun, Omid - Sonata for Cello and Piano (2012)
Zrunek, Georgius - Christmas Mass in F-dur
Zubytski, Wolodymyr - Fatum, Sonata for Three Accordions
Zubytski, Wolodymyr - Sonata ¹ 2
Zubytski, Wolodymyr - Sonatina in 3 parts for bayan
Zubytski, Wolodymyr - The Bulgarian notebook
Zuccari, Carlo - Sonata op.1 n.5 for violin and continuo (ca 1747)
Zvezdina, Darya - Melancholy for string quartet (2012)
Zyatkov, Sergey - Invitation to a Beheading, quintet
Zyatkov, Sergey - String Quartet ¹ 1 - The Wall Around the World


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