Nuria Rial

Nuria Rial (soprano)
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Anonymous, - Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Al alva venid, buen amigo, villansico
Arcadelt, Jacobus - O felic’occhi miei (O happy eyes of mine), madrigal, libro I/52
Bononcini, Antonio Maria - Arias
Caldara, Antonio - The Opera Arias
Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo - Arias
Falla, Manuel de - 7 canciones populares espanolas
Granados, Enrique - 12 Tonadillas al estilo antiguo (1910), H 136
Handel, George Frideric - Aria `Das zitternde Glänzen der spielenden Wellen`, HWV 203
Handel, George Frideric - Aria `Süsser Blumen Ambraflocken`, HWV 204
Handel, George Frideric - Aria `Singe, Seele, Gott zum Preise`, HWV 206
Handel, George Frideric - Hymn `Die ihr aus dunkeln Grüften`, HWV 208
Handel, George Frideric - Hymn `Flammende Zierde der Erden`, HWV 210
Handel, George Frideric - Hymn `In den angenehmen Büschen`, HWV 209
Handel, George Frideric - Hymn `Künft`ger Zeiten eitler Kummer`, HWV 202
Handel, George Frideric - Hymn `Meine Seele hört im Sehen`, HWV 207
Handel, George Frideric - Hymn `Süße Stille, sanfte Quelle ruhiger Gelassenheit`, HWV 205
Handel, George Frideric - Oratorio `Alexander Balus` (arias), HWV 65
Handel, George Frideric - Psalm `Dixit Dominus` for soloists, choir and orchestra g-moll, HWV 232
Haydn, Joseph - Aria `Chi vive amante` for soprano and orchestra (1787), Hob XXIVb:13
Haydn, Joseph - Dica pure, chi vuol dire, aria for soprano & orchestra (1778) Hob XXIVb: 8, Hob XXIVb: 8
Haydn, Joseph - D`una sposa meschinella, aria for soprano & orchestra (1777) Hob XXIVb: 2, Hob XXIVb: 2
Haydn, Joseph - La mia pace, oh Dio, aria for soprano and orchestra (1790) Hob XXIVb:19, Hob XXIVb:19
Haydn, Joseph - Quando la rosa, aria for Soprano & Orchestra (1779) Hob XXIVb: 3, Hob XXIVb: 3
Haydn, Joseph - Sono Alcina e sono ancora, aria for soprano & orchestra (1786) Hob XXIVb: 9, Hob XXIVb: 9
Haydn, Joseph - Vada adagio, Signorina, aria for Soprano & Orchestra (1787) Hob XXIVb:12, Hob XXIVb:12
Leone, Gabriele - Cantate à voix seule et symphonie dans le genre Italien
Martinez, Marianna von - Cantata `Berenice, ah che fai?` (1767)
Martinez, Marianna von - Cantata `Il primo amore` (1778)
Monteverdi, Claudio - 7th book of madrigals: ¹23 `Con che soavità`, SV139
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: ¹12 `Vago augelletto che cantando vai`, SV156
Monteverdi, Claudio - 8th book of madrigals: ¹19 `Lamento della ninfa`, SV163
Monteverdi, Claudio - Opera `L` Incoronazione di Poppea` (arias, fragments), SV308
Monteverdi, Claudio - Scherzi musicali cioè arie et madrigali: ¹7 `Zefiro torna e di soavi accenti`, SV251
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `Die Zufriedenheit` for voice and mandolin (1780-81), KV349 (367a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `Komm, liebe Zither, komm` for voice and mandolin (1780-81), KV351 (367b)
Mudarra, Alonso - `Ysabel, perdiste la tu faxa` (villancico IV), Libro III, 73
Paisiello, Giovanni - Opera arias
Palomo, Lorenzo - Madrigal and Five Sephardic Songs
Purcell, Henry - Opera `Dido and Aeneas`, Z 626
Sances, Giovanni Felice - Stabat mater, motet (1636)
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Il giardino di rose, R.503.19
Steffani, Agostino - Laudate pueri
Steffani, Agostino - Stabat Mater
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Opera `Der geduldige Socrates` (1721), TWV 21: 9
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Opera `Der Neumodische Liebhaber Damon oder Die Satyrn in Arkadyen` (1719), TWV 21: 8
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Opera `Der unglückliche Alcmeon oder Jupiter und Semele` (1711), TWV 21: 7
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Opera `Emma und Eginhard, oder Die Last-tragende Liebe` (1728), TWV 21:25
Telemann, Georg Philipp - Opera `Germanicus`, TWV 21: 3b
Vasquez, Juan - Con qué la lavaré, villancico
Vasquez, Juan - De Los Alamos vengo, madre, villancico
Vasquez, Juan - En la fuente del rosel (At the Fountain in the Rose Garden), villancico
Vasquez, Juan - Morenica, dame un beso (Morenica, give me a kiss), villancico

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