Ed Spanjaard

Ed Spanjaard (conductor)
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Aa, Michel van der - Spaces of Blank, for mezzo-soprano, orchestra and soundtrack (2007)
Andriessen, Louis - Symphonie voor losse snaren for 12 strings (1978)
Bosmans, Henriette - Concertino for Piano and Orchestra (1928)
Bosmans, Henriette - Poem for Cello and Orchestra (1926)
Busoni, Ferruccio - Berceuse elegiaque (1909), BV252a (op. 42)
Debussy, Claude - Chansons de Charles d`Orléans for choir of four mixed voices a cappella (1898-1908), L 92
Dillon, James - Vernal Showers for violin ahd ensemble (flute, flute piccolo, alto flute, oboe, harp, guitar, mandolin, viola, cello, double bass, harpsichord, percussion) (1992)
Donatoni, Franco - Alfred, Alfred, opera (1995)
Donatoni, Franco - De Pres for female voice and five instruments (1978)
Donatoni, Franco - Etwas ruhiger im Ausdruck, for Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano (1967)
Escher, Rudolf George - Ciel, Air et Vent, poem of P. de Ronsard (1957)
Escher, Rudolf George - I taste a liquor never brewed, poem of E. Dickinson (1955)
Escher, Rudolf George - Le vrai visage de la paix (poem by P. Eluard)
Escher, Rudolf George - Songs of Love and Eternity, poems of Emily Dickinson (1955)
Escher, Rudolf George - Three poems of W. H. Auden (1975)
Florentz, Jean Louis - Asmara, for Tenor solo
Francaix, Jean - Trois Poemes de Paul Valery
Gerhard, Roberto - Libra, per flauto, ottavino, chitarra, percussione, pianoforte e violino (1968)
Guliyev, Javanshir - Bayati , for Atlas Ensemble, Netherlands
Hurel, Philippe - Leçon de choses (Lesson of Things) - for ensemble and electronics (1993)
Hurel, Philippe - Pour l`image (For the image) (1986-87)
Hurel, Philippe - Pour l’image, for chamber ensemble (1986-1987)
Hurel, Philippe - Six miniatures in trompe-l`oeil - for ensemble (1991-1993)
Jolivet, André - Epithalame for choir a capella
Kagel, Mauricio - Kantrimiusik, pastorale for voices and instruments (1973-1975)
Karaev, Faradzh - Babylonturm
Karaev, Faradzh - Xütbə, muğam və surə
Loevendie, Theo - "Back Bay Bicinium" for 7 instruments
Loevendie, Theo - "Six songs from the Turkish folklore" for soprano and ensemble
Loevendie, Theo - "Venus and Adonis" for 5 instruments
Messiaen, Olivier - `O Sacrum Convivium`, motet for Holy Communion (1937)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Ah! spiegarti, oh Dio, vorrei` for soprano and orchestra (1783), KV178 (125i/417e)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Alma grande e nobil core` for soprano and orchestra (1789), KV578
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Basta, vincesti...Ah, non lasciarmi` for soprano and orchestra (1778), KV295a (486a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Cara, se le mie pene` for soprano and orchestra (1769?), KVdeest
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Conservati fedele` for soprano and orchestra (1765-66), KV 23
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl` for soprano and orchestra (1782), KV119 (382h)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Nehmt meinen Dank, ihr holden Gönner` for soprano and orchestra (1782), KV383
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Se ardire e speranza` for soprano and orchestra (1770), KV 82 (73o)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Se tutti i mali miei` for soprano and orchestra (1770), KV 83 (73p)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Voi avette un cor fedele` for soprano and orchestra (1775), KV217
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio` for Soprano and Orchestra (1783), KV418
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Rechitative & Rondo `Chio mi scordi di te - Non temer, amato bene` for soprano, piano and orchestra (1786), KV505
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Recitative and aria `Alcandro, lo confesso - Non so d`onde viene` for soprano and orchestra (1778/1783), KV294
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Recitative and aria `Giunse alfin il momento ... Al desio di t`adora` for soprano and orchestra (1789), KV577
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Recitative and aria `Misero me! - Misero pargoletto` for soprano and orchestra (1770), KV 77 (73e)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Recitative and rondo `A questo seno deh vieni - Or che il cielo a me ti rende` for soprano and orchestra (1781), KV374
Newski, Sergej - Figuren im Gras
Pauset, Brice - Vita Nova (sérénades), for violin and ensemble (2006)
Pijper, Willem - Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra (1936; 1947)
Poulenc, Francis - Opera Les Mamelles de Tirésias, FP125
Ravel, Mauãice - Three songs for mixed chorus a cappella (Trois Chansons pour chour mixte sans accompagnement, words by Maurice Ravel, 1915), M 69
Schreker, Franz - Vorspiel zu einer grossen Oper (Memnon; 1933)
Smit, Leo - Concertino for Cello and Orchestra
Smit, Leo - Concerto pour piano et orchestre d`harmonie (1937)
Smulders, Carl - Rosh Hashanah, Prayer for Cello and Orchestra (1898)
Sorabji, Kaikhosru - Piano Concerto No. 5, KSS27
Stravinsky, Igor - Concertino for 12 instruments (1952), K035b


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