Zara Doloukhanova

Zara Doloukhanova (mezzo-soprano)
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Anonymous, - Russian Folk Music
Anonymous, - Ukrainian folk song
Arensky, Anton - Children`s Songs, op. 59
Arensky, Anton - Raphael, opera (1894), op. 37
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Cantata `Gott soll allein mein Herze haben`, BWV 169
Bach, Johann Sebastian - Oratorio `Matthäus-Passion` (arias & fragments), BWV 244
Beethoven, Ludwig van - 8 songs (1804-05), op. 52
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Symphony No. 9 in d-moll for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra `Ode an die Freude` (1822-24), op.125
Borodin, Alexander - The Sleeping Princess, Romance, AB 19
Brahms, Johannes - 4 duos for alto, baritone and piano (1860–62), Op. 28
Caldara, Antonio - Aria `Come raggio di sol`
Carissimi, Giacomo - Aria `Vittoria, mio core` (Amante sciolto d`amore)
Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo - Arias
Cui, Cézar - 5 Mélodies (1890-95?), op. 54
Cui, Cézar - Ballads, songs
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander - Ballads, songs
Gavrilin, Valeriy - Evening, vocal cycle (1963-65)
Gavrilin, Valeriy - The Russian Notebook, vocal cycle (1965)
Giordani, Tommaso - Arietta `Caro mio ben`
Glinka, Mikhail - Adel, lyrics by A. Pushkin (1849), CG138
Glinka, Mikhail - Song `If I had known this before`, CG149
Gounod, Charles - Opera `Faust` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Grieg, Edvard - 4 Melodies of the Heart (poetry H.C.Andersen) (1864-65), op. 5
Grieg, Edvard - 6 Poems (1876), op.25
Grieg, Edvard - Parts of compositions
Grieg, Edvard - Song `Tears` (1865), EG 128
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Admeto, Re di Tessaglia` (arias), HWV 22
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Amadigi di Gaula` (arias)
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Arianna in Creta` (arias), HWV 32
Handel, George Frideric - Opera `Flavio` (arias), HWV 16
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Michail - Four Poems by R. Tagor (1935), op. 68
Kabalevsky, Dmitriy - Seven funny songs (lyrics by S. Marshak, 1945), op. 41
Klimovsky, Semen - The Cossack Rode beyond the Danube, song (1720s?)
Kochurov, Yuri - Mary, romance
Kossenko, Viktor - Romances, op. 7
Levina, Zara - Old Buffet
Liszt, Franz - Song `Der Glückliche` for voice and piano, S.334
Liszt, Franz - Song `Die Loreley` for voice and piano (1854-56), S.273
Liszt, Franz - Song `Ihr Glocken von Marling` for voice and piano, S.328
Liszt, Franz - Song `Oh! Quand je dors` for voice and piano, S.282
Marcello, Benedetto - Arias
Martini, Jean Paul Egide - Romance `Plaisir d’Amour` (1784)
Massenet, Jules - Opera `Werther` (arias)
Medtner, Nikolay - `Five poems by F. Tyutcheva and A. Feta` for voice and piano (1918-1919), op.37
Medtner, Nikolay - `Six Poems by A.Pushkin` for voice and piano (1918-1919), op.36
Meyerbeer, Giacomo - Opera «The Huguenots» (arias, fragments)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Aria `Ridente la calma` for voice and piano (1775), KV152 (210a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Motet `Exsulate, jubilate` for soprano and orchestra (1773), KV165 (158a)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `Cosi Fan Tutte` (overtures, arias, fragments), KV588
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Opera `Le Nozze di Figaro` (overtures, arias, fragments), KV492
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte` for voice and piano (1787), KV520
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `An Chloe` for Voice and Piano (1787), KV524
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `Komm, liebe Zither, komm` for voice and mandolin (1780-81), KV351 (367b)
Mussorgsky, Modest - Opera `Khovanshchina` (arias, fragments), MM 57
Niedermeyer, Louis - Pieta, Signore, aria
Offenbach, Jacques - Opera `Les contes d`Hoffmann` (arias)
Prokofiev, Sergey - Five Songs without Words for voice and piano (1920), op. 35
Prokofiev, Sergey - Parts of works
Prokofiev, Sergey - Three children`s Songs for Voice and Piano (1936-1939), op. 68
Prokofiev, Sergey - Three Romances for Voice and Piano on the words by Pushkin (1936), op. 73
Prokofiev, Sergey - `The Ugly Duckling` (Andersen`s Fairy Tales) for voice and piano (1914), op. 18
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 14 Romances (1910-15): № 1 `The muse`, op.34, № 1
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 15 Romances (1906): №12 `The night is mournful`, op.26, №12
Rachmaninov, Sergei - 6 Songs (1916): № 5 `Sleep`, op.38, № 5
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1889-93): № 2 `Morning`, op. 4/2
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1893): № 1 `The waterlily`, op. 8/1
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Six Romances (1893): № 6 `A prayer`, op. 8/6
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): № 5 `These summer nights`, op.14, № 5
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1896): № 8 `Oh, don`t be sad`, op.14, № 8
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): № 4 `They answered`, op.21/ 4
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): № 5 `Lilac`, op.21/ 5
Rachmaninov, Sergei - Twelve Romances (1900-1902): № 8 `On the death of a linnet`, op.21/ 8
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Four Romances, op. 55
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Four Romances (1897), op. 40
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `Kashchei the Immortal` (arias, fragments), op.deest 49
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `Sadko` (arias), op.deest 39
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Six Romances, op. 8
Rossini, Gioachino - Les Soirees Musicales, GR IV.26
Rossini, Gioachino - Les Soirees Musicales (1830-35): № 8 `La danza`, GR IV.26. 8
Rossini, Gioachino - Opera `Il Barbiere di Siviglia` (overtures, arias, fragments), EC 17
Rossini, Gioachino - Opera `La Cenerentola` (arias), EC 20
Rossini, Gioachino - Opera `L`Italiana in Algeri` (arias, fragments), EC 11
Rossini, Gioachino - Opera `Semiramide` (overtures, arias, fragments), EC 34
Rossini, Gioachino - Venice Regatta, three canzonets, QR 8
Rubinstein, Anton - Romances, songs
Saint-Saens, Camille - Bolero `El Desdichado` for 2 Voices & Orchestra/Piano (1871), R.deest
Saint-Saens, Camille - Opera `Samson et Dalila` (arias), op. 47
Scarlatti, Alessandro - Pyrrhos and Demetrius, opera arias
Schubert, Franz - 7 Lieder `Das Fräulein vom See`: № 6 - Ellens Song III (`Ave Maria`), op. 52, № 6, D 839
Schubert, Franz - Song `Die Forelle` (”In einem Bächlein helle”) (Op.32), D 550
Schubert, Franz - Song `Erlkönig`, op. 1, by Goethe, D 328
Schumann, Robert - Song Cycle `Frauenliebe und Leben` for Voice and Piano (1840), Op. 42
Scriabin, Alexander - Romance for Voice and Piano `I`d like a beautiful dream,` the text`s (1891), WoO 2
Shchedrin, Rodion - Three sol-fa for voice and piano (1965), op. 32
Shostakovich, Dmitriy - From Jewish Folk Poetry (1948), op. 79
Shostakovich, Dmitriy - Symphony No.14 for soprano, bass, strings and percussion (1969), op.135
Stradella, Alessandro - Aria "Pieta, Signore"
Strauss, Richard - Five Songs, op. 32
Strauss, Richard - Four Songs, op. 27
Strauss, Richard - Songs, op. 36
Strauss, Richard - Three Songs, op. 29
Taneyev, Sergey - 10 romances (1905): No. 3 `Let him resound`, op. 17/ 3
Taneyev, Sergey - 2 duets for 2 voices & piano (1900–05): No. 1 `How you don`t live`, op. 18/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 2 Romances (1873): № 1 `Take my heart`, TH 96/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 Duets (1880): № 4 `In the Garden, by the Ford`, op. 46/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1884): № 1 `Tell me, in the shadow of the branches`, Op. 57/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1884): № 3 `Do Not Ask`, Op. 57/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1887): № 4 `The First Meeting`, Op. 63/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1887): № 5 `The Fires in the Rooms Were Already Out`, Op. 63/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1887): № 6 `Serenade: O Child! Beneath Your Window`, Op. 63/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): № 3 `Dusk Fell on the Earth`, Op. 47/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): № 4 `Sleep, Poor Friend`, Op. 47/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): № 6 `Does the Day Reign?`, Op. 47/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Romance :Zemfira`s Song` (Aleksandr Pushkin) (ca. 1860-64), TH 90
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.2 `Not a Word, o my Friend` (Aleksey Pleshcheyev), Op. 6/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.3 `Bitterly and Sweetly` (Yevdokiya Rostopchina), Op. 6/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 2 `It was in Early Spring` (A.K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances and Songs (1875): № 2 `Look, there`s a Cloud` (M. Grekov), Op. 27/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances and Songs (1875): № 3 `Do Not Leave Me`, Op. 27/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - `The Snow Maiden`, the music for the spring tale Ostrovsky (1873), Op. 12
Tchouhadjian, Dikran - Opera `Karine` (`The Pea Seller`) (1875)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Ave Maria (1880)
Verdi, Giuseppe - Opera `Don Carlos` (arias, fragments)
Wolf, Hugo - Songs

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