Reinbert De Leeuw

Reinbert De Leeuw (conductor)
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Adamek, Ondrej - Dusty Rusty Hush, for orchestra (2006-07)
Andriessen, Louis - De Materie, musical theater in 4 parts, for two soloists, two readers, eight voices and large ensemble (1984-89)
Andriessen, Louis - De Tijd for female chorus, percussion ensemble and orchestra (text by St. Augustine of Hippo) (1980-81)
Andriessen, Louis - La Commedia, opera (2004-08)
Andriessen, Louis - Mausoleum, for two high baritones and orchestra (1979, rev. 81)
Andriessen, Louis - Trilogie van De Laatste Dag. I. (1996-97) for boy-soprano, four male voices and orchestra
Andriessen, Louis - Trilogie van De Laatste Dag. II. TAO (Der Weg), for four female voices, piano (vioce and koto) and small orchestra
Andriessen, Louis - Trilogie van De Laatste Dag. III. Dancing on the Bones (1996-97) for the children`s choir and orchestra
Andriessen, Louis - Writing to Vermeer, opera (1997-99)
Andriessen, Louis - `The Death of a Composer: Rosa - A Horse Drama`, opera (1993-94)
Baaren, Kees van - Symphony (1956)
Bartok, Bela - Three Rural Scene for female choir and chamber ensemble, BB 87b
Berio, Luciano - Eindrucke
Birtwistle, Harrison - Semper Dowland, semper dolens
Birtwistle, Harrison - The Corridor
Dallapiccola, Luigi - Liriche greche (1942–45)
Escher, Rudolf George - Sinfonia per dieci instrumenti (1973-76)
Filanovsky, Boris - `Words and Spaces` for voice and 9 tools
Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj - Symphony No. 4 `Tansman Episodes` (2006), op. 85
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra ¹2 `In Tempus Praesens` (2007)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - Perception, for soprano, baritone and strings (1981, rev. 1983, 86)
Gubaidulina, Sofia - `Now Always Snow` (`Jetzt immer Schnee`) for chamber ensemble and chamber choir based on poems by G. Aiga (in 5 parts) (1993)
Janacek, Leos - 3 Sbory mužské (3 Male Choruses), JW 4/19
Janacek, Leos - Elegie na smrt dcery Olgy, JW 4/30
Janacek, Leos - Hradčanské písničky, JW 4/40
Janacek, Leos - Kantor Halfar for Male Chorus, JW 4/33
Janacek, Leos - Ríkadla (Nursery Rhymes, 1926), JW 5/17
Janacek, Leos - Song `Což ta naše bříza` for Male Chorus (1893), JW 4/22
Janacek, Leos - `Wild duck` for male choir a capella, JW 4/18
Janacek, Leos - `Wolf Track` for female choir, JW 4/39
Kagel, Mauricio - Aus Deutschland, opera (1981)
Kagel, Mauricio - Der mündliche Verrat / La Trahison orale (1983)
Kagel, Mauricio - Die Stücke der Windrose (Südwesten - Norden - Westen) (1993-94)
Kagel, Mauricio - Die Stücke der Windrose - Nordosten (1990)
Kagel, Mauricio - Die Stücke der Windrose - Nordwesten (1991)
Kagel, Mauricio - Die Stücke der Windrose - Osten (1989)
Kagel, Mauricio - Die Stücke der Windrose - Süden (1989)
Kagel, Mauricio - Die Stücke der Windrose - Südosten (1991)
Kagel, Mauricio - Mitternachtsstuk, for four soloists, mixed chorus and ensemble (three text from the diaries of Robert Schumann) (1980)
Kagel, Mauricio - Rrrr..., Four Songs for voice and accompaniment (1982)
Karaev, Faradzh - ...a crumb of music for George Crumb
Karaev, Faradzh - A. Scriabin. Sonata No. 10, edition by F. K.
Karaev, Faradzh - Ist es genug?..
Kourliandski, Dmitri - Counter-relief for ensemble (2005)
Kurtag, György - Brefs messages for nine instruments (2011), op. 47
Kurtag, György - Colindă Baladă for choir and nine instruments (2007), op. 46
Kurtag, György - Four Capriccios for soprano and chamber ensemble (1969-1970), op. 9
Kurtag, György - Four Songs To Poems By János Pilinszky (1973-1975), op. 11
Kurtag, György - Songs to Poems by Anna Achmatova for soprano and ensemble (1997–2008), op. 41
Leeuw, Reinbert de - Im wunderschönen Monat Mai - Dreimal sieben Lieder nach Robert Schumann. 2003
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Chamber Concerto for 13 instruments
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Concerto for Piano and Orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Double Concerto for Flute, Oboe and Orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Hamburg Concerto for solo horn and chamber orchestra (with two basset horns and four obligatory natural horns)
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Melodien for orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Ramifications for string orchestra or 12 solo strings
Ligeti, Gyorgy - `Clocks and clouds` for womens` choir and orchestra
Liszt, Franz - Oratorio `Via Crucis` for mixed chorus, soloists and organ/piano (1876-79), S. 53
Liszt, Franz - Pater noster II for chorus and organ (1860), S. 29
Liszt, Franz - `Salve Regina` for chorus (1885), S. 66
Messiaen, Olivier - Sept Haikai for piano and orchestra (1962)
Messiaen, Olivier - `Hymn to the holy sacrament`, for orchestra (1932)
Messiaen, Olivier - `L`Ascension: Quatre Méditations Symphoniques` for orchestra (1932/33)
Obukhov, Nicolai - Four Balmont Songs
Obukhov, Nicolai - The Third and Final Covenant for Five Voices, Sounding Cross, Organ, Two Pianos and Orchestra (1946)
Raskatov, Alexander - The Last Freedom
Reich, Steve - Tehillim for Voices and Ensemble (1981)
Reich, Steve - The Desert Music for choir and symphony orchestra
Satie, Erik - Cabaret song `Child Martyr` (Enfant-martyre) for voice and piano (text lost) (1903), ES 72
Satie, Erik - Trois autres melodies, ES posth. 7
Satie, Erik - Vexations for piano (1893), ES 33
Schoenberg, Arnold - Suite for piano, clarinet, clarinet-piccolo, bass-clarinet, violin, viola and cello. Op.29, 1925., op. 29
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Pierrot Lunaire` for Voice and Instruments to words by Albert Giraud (1912), op. 21
Stravinsky, Igor - 3 Sacred Songs by Gesualdo for mixed choir (1957-59), K093
Stravinsky, Igor - Anthem `The Dove Descending Breaks the Air` for chorus a capella (1962), K096
Stravinsky, Igor - Ballet `Orpheus` (1947), K076
Stravinsky, Igor - Cantata for for soprano, tenor, female chorus and small instrumental ensemble to the anonymous texts of English poetry XV-XVI centuries (1952), K079
Stravinsky, Igor - Introitus, T.S. Eliot in memoriam (1965), K104
Stravinsky, Igor - Mass for mixed chorus and double wind quintet (1944-48), K077
Szymanski, Pawel - Ceci n`est pas une ouverture, äëÿ îðêåñòðà (2007)
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir - Foucault"s Pendulum for chamber orchestra
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir - Foucault`s Pendulum (2004)
Ustvolskaya, Galina - Composition No. 3 «Benedictus, qui venit» For four flutes, four bassoons and piano (1974—1975)
Ustvolskaya, Galina - Concerto for Piano, String orchestra and Timpani (1946)
Ustvolskaya, Galina - Symphony ¹ 2 `True and Eternal Bliss`
Vermeulen, Matthijs - Cello Sonata No- 2 (1927/1937-38)
Vivier, Claude - Bouchara, for Soprano and Chamber Orchestra (1981)
Vivier, Claude - Kopernikus, opera (1979)
Vivier, Claude - Lonely Child (1980)
Vivier, Claude - Marco Polo (1977-83)
Vivier, Claude - Prologue pour un Marco Polo (1981)
Vivier, Claude - Zipangu (1980)
Voronov, Valery - From a quiet space
Voronov, Valery - Studies of Figure in Movement Ascending
Webern, Anton von - Five Canons for high soprano, clarinet and bass clarinet in the Latin texts (1924), op. 16
Webern, Anton von - Five Sacred Songs for soprano and five instruments (1917-22), op. 15
Webern, Anton von - Sechs Lieder nach Gedichten von Georg Trakl (1917-21), op. 14
Webern, Anton von - Three folk texts for soprano and ensemble (1924), op. 17
Webern, Anton von - Three songs for soprano, clarinet in Es and guitar (1925), op. 18
Webern, Anton von - Two Songs for mixed choir and five instruments (1926), op. 19
Webern, Anton von - Two songs for soprano and ensemble (1910), op. 8
Webern, Anton von - Vier Lieder für Sopran und Kammerorchester (1914-18), op. 13
Webern, Anton von - `Slipping in light canoes` for mixed chorus (1908), op. 2
Wustin, Alexander - `Music for Ten` a piece for 9 instrumentalists and conductor based on a text by Jean-Francois Lagarpe (1991)

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