A shepherd in a shade
his plaining made
of love and lovers wrong
Unto the fairest lasse
that trode on grasse
and thus began his song.

Restore restore my hart againe
Which love by thy sweet looks hath slaine
Least that inforst by your distaine
I sing fie fie on love
it is a foolish thing

Since love and fortune will
I honour still
your faire and lovely eye
What conquest will it be
Sweet nymph for thee
If I for sorrow dye.

My hart where have you laid
O cruell maide
To kill when you might save
Why have yee cast it forth
as nothing worth
Without a tombe or grave.

O let it bee intombed and lye
In your sweet minde and memorie
Least I resound on every warbling string
Fye fye on love
that is a foolish thing.

The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres (1600): ¹17 `A shephård in a shade`,  (Dowland)


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