For Queen Elizabeth

Behold a wonder here
Love hath receivd his sight
which manie hundred yeares
hath not beheld the light.

Such beames infused be
By Cinthia in his eyes
As first have made him see
And then have made him wise.

Love now no more will weepe
For them that laugh the while
Nor wake for them that sleepe
Nor sigh for them that smile.

So powrefull is the beautie
That Love doth now behold
As love is turnd to dutie
Thats neither blind nor bold.

This Beautie shewes her might
To be of double kind
In giving love his sight
And striking folly blind.

The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 3. `Behold a wonder here`,  (Dowland)
Year of release of the disc: 1992.

The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires (1603): ¹ 3. `Behold a wonder here`,  (Dowland)
April 2004, Sweden.

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