Claudia Caffagni (soprano, lute)
Anonymous, -
Alleluya - Cantabant Sancti (France, 13th century)
Anonymous, -
En mort d`En Joan du Cucanh (Italy, 1272)
Anonymous, -
Imperial sedendo (Italy, 15th century)
Anonymous, -
In omnem terram (Graduale Romanum, 9th century)
Anonymous, -
La nobil scala - madrigal (Venice, 14th century)
Anonymous, -
Lauda No. 3 `Ave, donna santissima`
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil for Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Ave Regina gloriosa
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil for The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Assumpta est Maria
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil for The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Ave Donna sanctissima
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil for The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Ave maris stella
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil for The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Con la madre
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil for The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Ortorum virentium / Virga Yesse
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Ave Maria (Antifona)
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Chi vuol lo mondo
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Diana stella
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Die ti salvi Regina
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Dulcis Jesu memoria / Jesu nostra redemptio
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Onne homo
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Or piangiamo
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Troppo perde`l tempo
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Venite a Laudare
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Verbum Patris hodie
Anonymous, -
Laude Vigil to The Holy Mary in Italy, 14th Century - Voi ch`amate
Anonymous, -
Lo Signore ringraçando (Italy, 13th century)
Anonymous, -
O lylium convallium / Submersus iacet Pharao (10th century, from Aquileia)
Anonymous, -
Pyançe la Bella Yguana (instrumental version by Elisabetta de Mircovich)
Anonymous, -
Qui vult psallere (France, 13th century)
Anonymous, -
Venite a laudare
Anonymous, -
Ysaias cecinit / Tytire, tu patule (France, 13th century)
Aquileia, Paulinus II of -
Versus de Herico duce (799)
Aurelia, Egidius de -
Alma poli religio/Axe poli cum artica, motet
Bologna, Jacopo da -
Lux purpurata / Diligite justitiam
Bologna, Bartolomeo da -
Morir desio, Ballad
Bologna, Jacopo da -
Nel bel giardino che l`Adige (madrigale)
Bologna, Jacopo da -
O in Italia felice Liguria (madrigale)
Brescia, Provost of -
O spirito genti, Ballad
Burgundy, Wipo of -
Sequence for Easter `Victimae paschali laudes`
Chartres, Fulbert de -
Aurea personet lyra, chant
Cividale, Antonio da -
O felix flos Florentia / Gaude felix Dominice, Motet (1414)
Cividale, Antonio da -
Strenua quam duxit / Gaudeat et tanti, motet (1412)
Cluny, Bernard de -
Apollinis eclipsatur / Zodiacum signis / In omnem terram
Cuvelier, Johannes -
Ballad `Se Genevre, Tristan, Yssout, Hellaine` (1380s)
Feltre, Cristoforo da -
Plaude decus mundi, motet
Fenis, Rudolf von -
Gewan ich ze Minnen
Ferraguti, Bertrandus -
Excelsa civitas Vincencia
Firenze, Lorenzo da -
A poste messe, caccia
Firenze, Andrea da -
Ballata `Non piu doglie ebbe Dido`
Firenze, Giovanni da -
Caccia `Nel bosco senca foglie`
Firenze, Giovanni da -
Con brachi assai
Firenze, Donato da -
Lucida pecorella son, campata, madrigal
Firenze, Donato da -
L`aspido sordo, madrigal
Firenze, Giovanni da -
O tu chara sciença
Firenze, Donato da -
Seguendo `l canto d`un uccel
Firenze, Donato da -
S`i` monacordo gentile stormento
Firenze, Donato da -
`I fu` gia bianch`uccel`, madrigal
Forest, -
Qualis est dilectus a 3, motet
Goscalch, -
Or sus vous dormez trop ma dame jolie
Hasprois, Jehan Simon -
Ma douce amour, ballad
Hildegard fon Bingen, -
Laus Trinitati
Landini, Francesco -
Musica son / Ciascun vuol / Gia furon
Landini, Francesco -
Si dolce non sono
Marcabru, -
L`autrier una sebissa
Molins, Pierre des -
Amis tout dous, rondo
Padova, Marchetto da -
Ave Corpus Sanctum
Padova, Bartolino da -
Imperial sedendo, madrigal (14th century)
Piero, Maestro -
Con Dolce Brama, canon
Piero, Maestro -
Segugi a corda
Porta, Johannes de -
Alma poli religio / Axe poli cum artica (motet)
Rimini, Vincenzo da -
Nell`acqua chiara (caccia)
Romanus, Antonius -
Aurea flammigera, motet (1432)
Romanus, Antonius -
Carminibus festos / O requies populi, motet (1423)
Romanus, Antonius -
Credo à 4
Romanus, Antonius -
Ducalis sedes / Stirps Mocenigo, motet (1415)
Romanus, Antonius -
Gloria (1) à 4
Romanus, Antonius -
Gloria (2) à 4
Saint-Circ, Uc de -
Tres enemics e dos mais senhors ai
Sancto Johanne, Matheus de -
Are post libamina / Nunc surgunt in populo (motet)
Tassin, -
Chose tassin
Thorney, Monk of -
Song `Miri it is while sumer ilast` (about 1225)
Vaillant, Jehan -
Par maintes foys
Wolkenstein, Oswald von -
Ain graserin durch kulen tau
Wolkenstein, Oswald von -
Ir alten weib nu frewt ew
Wolkenstein, Oswald von -
Wolauff gesell wer jagen well