`Son of the Stars` Le fils des etoiles - musical score written in December 1891 to accompany the three-act poetic drama of the same name by Joseph Péladan. The music was apparently intended for flutes and harps and was designed to last approx. 75 minutes but at the premiere in Paris on March 22 1892. Only three preludes to the acts of the drama were performed.
Satie subsequently arranged the preludes for solo piano and published them in 1896.
1. Prélude du 1er Acte - La vocation Thème décoratif La nuit de Kaldée
2. Prélude du 2e Acte - L`initiation Thème décoratif La salle basse du Grand Temple
3. Prélude du 3e Acte - L`incantation Thème décoratif La terrasse du palais du patesi Goudéa